{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances,
ForeignFunctionInterface, FunctionalDependencies, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module : Data.Text.ICU.Char
-- Copyright : (c) 2010 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Access to the Unicode Character Database, implemented as bindings
-- to the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
-- Unicode assigns each code point (not just assigned character) values for
-- many properties. Most are simple boolean flags, or constants from a
-- small enumerated list. For some, values are relatively more complex
-- types.
-- For more information see \"About the Unicode Character Database\"
-- and the ICU User Guide chapter on
-- Properties .
module Data.Text.ICU.Char
-- * Working with character properties
-- $properties
-- * Property identifier types
, BidiClass_(..)
, Block_(..)
, Bool_(..)
, Decomposition_(..)
, EastAsianWidth_(..)
, GeneralCategory_(..)
, HangulSyllableType_(..)
, JoiningGroup_(..)
, JoiningType_(..)
, NumericType_(..)
-- ** Combining class
, CanonicalCombiningClass_(..)
, LeadCanonicalCombiningClass_(..)
, TrailingCanonicalCombiningClass_(..)
-- ** Normalization checking
, NFCQuickCheck_(..)
, NFDQuickCheck_(..)
, NFKCQuickCheck_(..)
, NFKDQuickCheck_(..)
-- ** Text boundaries
, GraphemeClusterBreak_(..)
, LineBreak_(..)
, SentenceBreak_(..)
, WordBreak_(..)
, BidiPairedBracketType_(..)
-- * Property value types
, BlockCode(..)
, Direction(..)
, Decomposition(..)
, EastAsianWidth(..)
, GeneralCategory(..)
, HangulSyllableType(..)
, JoiningGroup(..)
, JoiningType(..)
, NumericType(..)
-- ** Text boundaries
, GraphemeClusterBreak(..)
, LineBreak(..)
, SentenceBreak(..)
, WordBreak(..)
, BidiPairedBracketType(..)
-- * Functions
, blockCode
, charFullName
, charName
, charFromFullName
, charFromName
, combiningClass
, direction
, property
, isMirrored
, mirror
-- ** Conversion to numbers
, digitToInt
, numericValue
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text.ICU.Error (u_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND)
import Data.Text.ICU.Error.Internal (UErrorCode, handleOverflowError, withError)
import Data.Text.ICU.Internal (UBool, UChar32, asBool)
import Data.Text.ICU.Normalize.Internal (toNCR)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.C.String (CString, peekCStringLen, withCString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..))
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
-- $properties
-- The 'property' function provides the main view onto the Unicode Character
-- Database. Because Unicode character properties have a variety of types,
-- the 'property' function is polymorphic. The type of its first argument
-- dictates the type of its result, by use of the 'Property' typeclass.
-- For instance, @'property' 'Alphabetic'@ returns a 'Bool', while @'property'
-- 'NFCQuickCheck'@ returns a @'Maybe' 'Bool'@.
-- | The language directional property of a character set.
data Direction =
| RightToLeft
| EuropeanNumber
| EuropeanNumberSeparator
| EuropeanNumberTerminator
| ArabicNumber
| CommonNumberSeparator
| BlockSeparator
| SegmentSeparator
| WhiteSpaceNeutral
| OtherNeutral
| LeftToRightEmbedding
| LeftToRightOverride
| RightToLeftArabic
| RightToLeftEmbedding
| RightToLeftOverride
| PopDirectionalFormat
| DirNonSpacingMark
| BoundaryNeutral
| FirstStrongIsolate
| LeftToRightIsolate
| RightToLeftIsolate
| PopDirectionalIsolate
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Direction where
rnf !_ = ()
-- | Descriptions of Unicode blocks.
data BlockCode =
| BasicLatin
| Latin1Supplement
| LatinExtendedA
| LatinExtendedB
| IPAExtensions
| SpacingModifierLetters
| CombiningDiacriticalMarks
| GreekAndCoptic
| Cyrillic
| Armenian
| Hebrew
| Arabic
| Syriac
| Thaana
| Devanagari
| Bengali
| Gurmukhi
| Gujarati
| Oriya
| Tamil
| Telugu
| Kannada
| Malayalam
| Sinhala
| Thai
| Lao
| Tibetan
| Myanmar
| Georgian
| HangulJamo
| Ethiopic
| Cherokee
| UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics
| Ogham
| Runic
| Khmer
| Mongolian
| LatinExtendedAdditional
| GreekExtended
| GeneralPunctuation
| SuperscriptsAndSubscripts
| CurrencySymbols
| CombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols
| LetterlikeSymbols
| NumberForms
| Arrows
| MathematicalOperators
| MiscellaneousTechnical
| ControlPictures
| OpticalCharacterRecognition
| EnclosedAlphanumerics
| BoxDrawing
| BlockElements
| GeometricShapes
| MiscellaneousSymbols
| Dingbats
| BraillePatterns
| CJKRadicalsSupplement
| KangxiRadicals
| IdeographicDescriptionCharacters
| CJKSymbolsAndPunctuation
| Hiragana
| Katakana
| Bopomofo
| HangulCompatibilityJamo
| Kanbun
| BopomofoExtended
| EnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths
| CJKCompatibility
| CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA
| CJKUnifiedIdeographs
| YiSyllables
| YiRadicals
| HangulSyllables
| HighSurrogates
| HighPrivateUseSurrogates
| LowSurrogates
| PrivateUseArea
| CJKCompatibilityIdeographs
| AlphabeticPresentationForms
| ArabicPresentationFormsA
| CombiningHalfMarks
| CJKCompatibilityForms
| SmallFormVariants
| ArabicPresentationFormsB
| Specials
| HalfwidthAndFullwidthForms
| OldItalic
| Gothic
| Deseret
| ByzantineMusicalSymbols
| MusicalSymbols
| MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
| CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB
| CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement
| Tags
| CyrillicSupplement
| Tagalog
| Hanunoo
| Buhid
| Tagbanwa
| MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA
| SupplementalArrowsA
| SupplementalArrowsB
| MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB
| SupplementalMathematicalOperators
| KatakanaPhoneticExtensions
| VariationSelectors
| SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA
| SupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB
| Limbu
| TaiLe
| KhmerSymbols
| PhoneticExtensions
| MiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows
| YijingHexagramSymbols
| LinearBSyllabary
| LinearBIdeograms
| AegeanNumbers
| Ugaritic
| Shavian
| Osmanya
| CypriotSyllabary
| TaiXuanJingSymbols
| VariationSelectorsSupplement
| AncientGreekMusicalNotation
| AncientGreekNumbers
| ArabicSupplement
| Buginese
| CJKStrokes
| CombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement
| Coptic
| EthiopicExtended
| EthiopicSupplement
| GeorgianSupplement
| Glagolitic
| Kharoshthi
| ModifierToneLetters
| NewTaiLue
| OldPersian
| PhoneticExtensionsSupplement
| SupplementalPunctuation
| SylotiNagri
| Tifinagh
| VerticalForms
| N'Ko
| Balinese
| LatinExtendedC
| LatinExtendedD
| PhagsPa
| Phoenician
| Cuneiform
| CuneiformNumbersAndPunctuation
| CountingRodNumerals
| Sundanese
| Lepcha
| OlChiki
| CyrillicExtendedA
| Vai
| CyrillicExtendedB
| Saurashtra
| KayahLi
| Rejang
| Cham
| AncientSymbols
| PhaistosDisc
| Lycian
| Carian
| Lydian
| MahjongTiles
| DominoTiles
| Samaritan
| UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended
| TaiTham
| VedicExtensions
| Lisu
| Bamum
| CommonIndicNumberForms
| DevanagariExtended
| HangulJamoExtendedA
| Javanese
| MyanmarExtendedA
| TaiViet
| MeeteiMayek
| HangulJamoExtendedB
| ImperialAramaic
| OldSouthArabian
| Avestan
| InscriptionalParthian
| InscriptionalPahlavi
| OldTurkic
| RumiNumeralSymbols
| Kaithi
| EgyptianHieroglyphs
| EnclosedAlphanumericSupplement
| EnclosedIdeographicSupplement
| CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionC
| Mandaic
| Batak
| EthiopicExtendedA
| Brahmi
| BamumSupplement
| KanaSupplement
| PlayingCards
| MiscellaneousSymbolsAndPictographs
| Emoticons
| TransportAndMapSymbols
| AlchemicalSymbols
| CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionD
| ArabicExtendedA
| ArabicMathematicalAlphabeticSymbols
| Chakma
| MeeteiMayekExtensions
| MeroiticCursive
| MeroiticHieroglyphs
| Miao
| Sharada
| SoraSompeng
| SundaneseSupplement
| Takri
| BassaVah
| CaucasianAlbanian
| CopticEpactNumbers
| CombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended
| Duployan
| Elbasan
| GeometricShapesExtended
| Grantha
| Khojki
| Khudawadi
| LatinExtendedE
| LinearA
| Mahajani
| Manichaean
| MendeKikakui
| Modi
| Mro
| MyanmarExtendedB
| Nabataean
| OldNorthArabian
| OldPermic
| OrnamentalDingbats
| PahawhHmong
| Palmyrene
| PauCinHau
| PsalterPahlavi
| ShorthandFormatControls
| Siddham
| SinhalaArchaicNumbers
| SupplementalArrowsC
| Tirhuta
| WarangCiti
| Ahom
| AnatolianHieroglyphs
| CherokeeSupplement
| CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionE
| EarlyDynasticCuneiform
| Hatran
| Multani
| OldHungarian
| SupplementalSymbolsAndPictographs
| SuttonSignwriting
-- New blocks in Unicode 9.0 (ICU 58)
| Adlam
| Bhaiksuki
| CyrillicExtendedC
| GlagoliticSupplement
| IdeographicSymbolsAndPunctuation
| Marchen
| MongolianSupplement
| Newa
| Osage
| Tangut
| TangutComponents
-- New blocks in Unicode 10.0 (ICU 60)
| CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionF
| KanaExtendedA
| MasaramGondi
| Nushu
| Soyombo
| SyriacSupplement
| ZanabazarSquare
-- New blocks in Unicode 11.0 (ICU 62)
| ChessSymbols
| Dogra
| GeorgianExtended
| GunjalaGondi
| HanifiRohingya
| IndicSiyaqNumbers
| Makasar
| MayanNumerals
| Medefaidrin
| OldSogdian
| Sogdian
-- New blocks in Unicode 12.0 (ICU 64)
| EgyptianHieroglyphFormatControls
| Elymaic
| Nandinagari
| NyiakengPuachueHmong
| OttomanSiyaqNumbers
| SmallKanaExtension
| SymbolsAndPictographsExtendedA
| TamilSupplement
| Wancho
-- New blocks in Unicode 13.0 (ICU 66)
| Chorasmian
| CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionG
| DivesAkuru
| KhitanSmallScript
| LisuSupplement
| SymbolsForLegacyComputing
| TangutSupplement
| Yezidi
-- New blocks in Unicode 14.0 (ICU 70)
| ArabicExtendedB
| CyproMinoan
| EthiopicExtendedB
| KanaExtendedB
| LatinExtendedF
| LatinExtendedG
| OldUyghur
| Tangsa
| Toto
| UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtendedA
| Vithkuqi
| ZnamennyMusicalNotation
deriving (Eq, Enum, Bounded, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData BlockCode where
rnf !_ = ()
data Bool_ =
| ASCIIHexDigit
-- ^ 0-9, A-F, a-f
| BidiControl
-- ^ Format controls which have specific functions in the Bidi Algorithm.
| BidiMirrored
-- ^ Characters that may change display in RTL text.
| Dash
-- ^ Variations of dashes.
| DefaultIgnorable
-- ^ Ignorable in most processing.
| Deprecated
-- ^ The usage of deprecated characters is strongly discouraged.
| Diacritic
-- ^ Characters that linguistically modify the meaning of another
-- character to which they apply.
| Extender
-- ^ Extend the value or shape of a preceding alphabetic character,
-- e.g. length and iteration marks.
| FullCompositionExclusion
| GraphemeBase
-- ^ For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries.
| GraphemeExtend
-- ^ For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries.
| GraphemeLink
-- ^ For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries.
| HexDigit
-- ^ Characters commonly used for hexadecimal numbers.
| Hyphen
-- ^ Dashes used to mark connections between pieces of words, plus the
-- Katakana middle dot.
| IDContinue
-- ^ Characters that can continue an identifier.
| IDStart
-- ^ Characters that can start an identifier.
| Ideographic
-- ^ CJKV ideographs.
| IDSBinaryOperator
-- ^ For programmatic determination of Ideographic Description Sequences.
| IDSTrinaryOperator
| JoinControl
-- ^ Format controls for cursive joining and ligation.
| LogicalOrderException
-- ^ Characters that do not use logical order and require special handling
-- in most processing.
| Lowercase
| Math
| NonCharacter
-- ^ Code points that are explicitly defined as illegal for the encoding
-- of characters.
| QuotationMark
| Radical
-- ^ For programmatic determination of Ideographic Description Sequences.
| SoftDotted
-- ^ Characters with a "soft dot", like i or j. An accent placed on these
-- characters causes the dot to disappear.
| TerminalPunctuation
-- ^ Punctuation characters that generally mark the end of textual units.
| UnifiedIdeograph
-- ^ For programmatic determination of Ideographic Description Sequences.
| Uppercase
| WhiteSpace
| XidContinue
-- ^ 'IDContinue' modified to allow closure under normalization forms
-- NFKC and NFKD.
| XidStart
-- ^ 'IDStart' modified to allow closure under normalization forms NFKC
-- and NFKD.
| CaseSensitive
-- ^ Either the source of a case mapping or /in/ the target of a case
-- mapping. Not the same as the general category @Cased_Letter@.
| STerm
-- ^ Sentence Terminal. Used in UAX #29: Text Boundaries
-- .
| VariationSelector
-- ^ Indicates all those characters that qualify as Variation
-- Selectors. For details on the behavior of these characters, see
-- and 15.6
-- Variation Selectors.
| NFDInert
-- ^ ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFD, i.e.
-- they do not interact with adjacent characters. Used for example in
-- normalizing transforms in incremental mode to find the boundary of
-- safely normalizable text despite possible text additions.
| NFKDInert
-- ^ ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFKD, i.e.
-- they do not interact with adjacent characters.
| NFCInert
-- ^ ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFC,
-- i.e. they do not interact with adjacent characters.
| NFKCInert
-- ^ ICU-specific property for characters that are inert under NFKC,
-- i.e. they do not interact with adjacent characters.
| SegmentStarter
-- ^ ICU-specific property for characters that are starters in terms of
-- Unicode normalization and combining character sequences.
| PatternSyntax
-- ^ See UAX #31 Identifier and Pattern Syntax
-- .
| PatternWhiteSpace
-- ^ See UAX #31 Identifier and Pattern Syntax
-- .
-- ^ Alphanumeric character class.
| POSIXBlank
-- ^ Blank character class.
| POSIXGraph
-- ^ Graph character class.
| POSIXPrint
-- ^ Printable character class.
-- ^ Hex digit character class.
| Cased
-- ^ Cased character class. For lowercase, uppercase and titlecase characters.
| CaseIgnorable
-- ^ Used in context-sensitive case mappings.
| ChangesWhenLowercased
| ChangesWhenUppercased
| ChangesWhenTitlecased
| ChangesWhenCasefolded
| ChangesWhenCasemapped
| ChangesWhenNFKCCasefolded
| Emoji -- ^ See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties
| EmojiPresentation -- ^ See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties
| EmojiModifier -- ^ See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties
| EmojiModifierBase -- ^ See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties
| EmojiComponent -- ^ See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_Properties
| RegionalIndicator
| PrependedConcatenationMark
| ExtendedPictographic
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Bool_ where
rnf !_ = ()
class Property p v | p -> v where
fromNative :: p -> Int32 -> v
toUProperty :: p -> UProperty
data BidiClass_ = BidiClass deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData BidiClass_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property BidiClass_ Direction where
fromNative _ = toEnum . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_BIDI_CLASS)
data Block_ = Block
instance NFData Block_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property Block_ BlockCode where
fromNative _ = toEnum . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_BLOCK)
data CanonicalCombiningClass_ = CanonicalCombiningClass deriving (Show,Typeable)
instance NFData CanonicalCombiningClass_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property CanonicalCombiningClass_ Int where
fromNative _ = fromIntegral
data Decomposition_ = Decomposition deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Decomposition_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data Decomposition =
| Compat
| Circle
| Final
| Font
| Fraction
| Initial
| Isolated
| Medial
| Narrow
| NoBreak
| Small
| Square
| Sub
| Super
| Vertical
| Wide
| Count
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Decomposition where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property Decomposition_ (Maybe Decomposition) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE)
data EastAsianWidth_ = EastAsianWidth deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData EastAsianWidth_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data EastAsianWidth = EANeutral
| EAAmbiguous
| EAHalf
| EAFull
| EANarrow
| EAWide
| EACount
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData EastAsianWidth where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property EastAsianWidth_ EastAsianWidth where
fromNative _ = toEnum . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH)
instance Property Bool_ Bool where
fromNative _ = (/=0)
toUProperty = fromIntegral . fromEnum
data GeneralCategory_ = GeneralCategory deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData GeneralCategory_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data GeneralCategory =
GeneralOtherType -- ^ U_GENERAL_OTHER_TYPES is the same as U_UNASSIGNED
| UppercaseLetter
| LowercaseLetter
| TitlecaseLetter
| ModifierLetter
| OtherLetter
| NonSpacingMark
| EnclosingMark
| CombiningSpacingMark
| DecimalDigitNumber
| LetterNumber
| OtherNumber
| SpaceSeparator
| LineSeparator
| ParagraphSeparator
| ControlChar
| FormatChar
| PrivateUseChar
| Surrogate
| DashPunctuation
| StartPunctuation
| EndPunctuation
| ConnectorPunctuation
| OtherPunctuation
| MathSymbol
| CurrencySymbol
| ModifierSymbol
| OtherSymbol
| InitialPunctuation
| FinalPunctuation
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData GeneralCategory where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property GeneralCategory_ GeneralCategory where
fromNative _ = toEnum . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY)
data JoiningGroup_ = JoiningGroup deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData JoiningGroup_ where
rnf !_ = ()
maybeEnum :: Enum a => Int32 -> Maybe a
maybeEnum 0 = Nothing
maybeEnum n = Just $! toEnum (fromIntegral n-1)
data JoiningGroup =
| Alaph
| Alef
| Beh
| Beth
| Dal
| DalathRish
| E
| Feh
| FinalSemkath
| Gaf
| Gamal
| Hah
| HamzaOnHehGoal
| He
| Heh
| HehGoal
| Heth
| Kaf
| Kaph
| KnottedHeh
| Lam
| Lamadh
| Meem
| Mim
| Noon
| Nun
| Pe
| Qaf
| Qaph
| Reh
| ReversedPe
| Sad
| Sadhe
| Seen
| Semkath
| Shin
| SwashKaf
| SyriacWaw
| Tah
| Taw
| TehMarbuta
| Teth
| Waw
| Yeh
| YehBarree
| YehWithTail
| Yudh
| YudhHe
| Zain
| Fe
| Khaph
| Zhain
| BurushaskiYehBarree
| FarsiYeh
| Nya
| RohingyaYeh
| ManichaeanAleph
| ManichaeanAyin
| ManichaeanBeth
| ManichaeanDaleth
| ManichaeanDhamedh
| ManichaeanFive
| ManichaeanGimel
| ManichaeanHeth
| ManichaeanHundred
| ManichaeanKaph
| ManichaeanLamedh
| ManichaeanMem
| ManichaeanNun
| ManichaeanOne
| ManichaeanPe
| ManichaeanQoph
| ManichaeanResh
| ManichaeanSadhe
| ManichaeanSamekh
| ManichaeanTaw
| ManichaeanTen
| ManichaeanTeth
| ManichaeanThamedh
| ManichaeanTwenty
| ManichaeanWaw
| ManichaeanYodh
| ManichaeanZayin
| StraightWaw
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData JoiningGroup where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property JoiningGroup_ (Maybe JoiningGroup) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_JOINING_GROUP)
data JoiningType_ = JoiningType deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData JoiningType_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data JoiningType =
| DualJoining
| LeftJoining
| RightJoining
| Transparent
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData JoiningType where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property JoiningType_ (Maybe JoiningType) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_JOINING_TYPE)
data LineBreak_ = LineBreak deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData LineBreak_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data LineBreak =
| LBAlphabetic
| BreakBoth
| BreakAfter
| BreakBefore
| MandatoryBreak
| ContingentBreak
| ClosePunctuation
| CombiningMark
| CarriageReturn
| Exclamation
| Glue
| LBHyphen
| LBIdeographic
| Inseparable
| InfixNumeric
| LineFeed
| Nonstarter
| Numeric
| OpenPunctuation
| PostfixNumeric
| PrefixNumeric
| Quotation
| ComplexContext
| LBSurrogate
| Space
| BreakSymbols
| Zwspace
| NextLine
| WordJoiner
| H2
| H3
| JL
| JT
| JV
| CloseParenthesis
| ConditionalJapaneseStarter
| LBHebrewLetter
| LBRegionalIndicator
| EBase
| EModifier
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData LineBreak where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property LineBreak_ (Maybe LineBreak) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_LINE_BREAK)
data NumericType_ = NumericType deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData NumericType_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data NumericType = NTDecimal | NTDigit | NTNumeric
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData NumericType where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property NumericType_ (Maybe NumericType) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_NUMERIC_TYPE)
data HangulSyllableType_ = HangulSyllableType deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData HangulSyllableType_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data HangulSyllableType =
| VowelJamo
| TrailingJamo
| LVSyllable
| LVTSyllable
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData HangulSyllableType where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property HangulSyllableType_ (Maybe HangulSyllableType) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_HANGUL_SYLLABLE_TYPE)
data NFCQuickCheck_ = NFCQuickCheck deriving (Show, Typeable)
data NFDQuickCheck_ = NFDQuickCheck deriving (Show, Typeable)
data NFKCQuickCheck_ = NFKCQuickCheck deriving (Show, Typeable)
data NFKDQuickCheck_ = NFKDQuickCheck deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData NFCQuickCheck_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance NFData NFDQuickCheck_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance NFData NFKCQuickCheck_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance NFData NFKDQuickCheck_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property NFCQuickCheck_ (Maybe Bool) where
fromNative _ = toNCR . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_NFC_QUICK_CHECK)
instance Property NFDQuickCheck_ (Maybe Bool) where
fromNative _ = toNCR . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_NFD_QUICK_CHECK)
instance Property NFKCQuickCheck_ (Maybe Bool) where
fromNative _ = toNCR . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_NFKC_QUICK_CHECK)
instance Property NFKDQuickCheck_ (Maybe Bool) where
fromNative _ = toNCR . fromIntegral
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_NFKD_QUICK_CHECK)
data LeadCanonicalCombiningClass_ = LeadCanonicalCombiningClass
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData LeadCanonicalCombiningClass_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property LeadCanonicalCombiningClass_ Int where
fromNative _ = fromIntegral
data TrailingCanonicalCombiningClass_ = TrailingCanonicalCombiningClass
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData TrailingCanonicalCombiningClass_ where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property TrailingCanonicalCombiningClass_ Int where
fromNative _ = fromIntegral
data GraphemeClusterBreak_ = GraphemeClusterBreak deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData GraphemeClusterBreak_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data GraphemeClusterBreak =
| GCBExtend
| GCBSpacingMark
| GCBPrepend
| GCBRegionalIndicator
| GCBEBase
| GCBEModifier
| GCBGlueAfterZWJ
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData GraphemeClusterBreak where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property GraphemeClusterBreak_ (Maybe GraphemeClusterBreak) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
data SentenceBreak_ = SentenceBreak deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData SentenceBreak_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data SentenceBreak =
| SBClose
| SBFormat
| SBLower
| SBNumeric
| SBOLetter
| SBSep
| SBSTerm
| SBUpper
| SBExtend
| SBSContinue
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData SentenceBreak where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property SentenceBreak_ (Maybe SentenceBreak) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_SENTENCE_BREAK)
data WordBreak_ = WordBreak deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData WordBreak_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data WordBreak =
| WBFormat
| WBKatakana
| WBMidLetter
| WBMidNum
| WBNumeric
| WBExtendNumLet
| WBExtend
| WBMidNumLet
| WBNewline
| WBRegionalIndicator
| WBHebrewLetter
| WBSingleQuote
| WBDoubleQuote
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData WordBreak where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property WordBreak_ (Maybe WordBreak) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
toUProperty _ = (#const UCHAR_WORD_BREAK)
data BidiPairedBracketType_ = BidiPairedBracketType deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance NFData BidiPairedBracketType_ where
rnf !_ = ()
data BidiPairedBracketType =
| BPTOpen
| BPTClose
deriving (Eq, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData BidiPairedBracketType where
rnf !_ = ()
instance Property BidiPairedBracketType_ (Maybe BidiPairedBracketType) where
fromNative _ = maybeEnum
property :: Property p v => p -> Char -> v
property p c = fromNative p . u_getIntPropertyValue (fromIntegral (ord c)) .
toUProperty $ p
{-# INLINE property #-}
-- | Return the Unicode allocation block that contains the given
-- character.
blockCode :: Char -> BlockCode
blockCode = toEnum . fromIntegral . ublock_getCode . fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE blockCode #-}
-- | Return the bidirectional category value for the code point,
-- which is used in the Unicode bidirectional algorithm (UAX #9
-- ).
direction :: Char -> Direction
direction = toEnum . fromIntegral . u_charDirection . fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE direction #-}
-- | Determine whether the code point has the 'BidiMirrored' property. This
-- property is set for characters that are commonly used in Right-To-Left
-- contexts and need to be displayed with a "mirrored" glyph.
isMirrored :: Char -> Bool
isMirrored = asBool . u_isMirrored . fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE isMirrored #-}
-- Map the specified character to a "mirror-image" character.
-- For characters with the 'BidiMirrored' property, implementations
-- sometimes need a "poor man's" mapping to another Unicode (code point)
-- such that the default glyph may serve as the mirror image of the default
-- glyph of the specified character. This is useful for text conversion to
-- and from codepages with visual order, and for displays without glyph
-- selection capabilities.
-- The return value is another Unicode code point that may serve as a
-- mirror-image substitute, or the original character itself if there
-- is no such mapping or the character lacks the 'BidiMirrored'
-- property.
mirror :: Char -> Char
mirror = chr . fromIntegral . u_charMirror . fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE mirror #-}
combiningClass :: Char -> Int
combiningClass = fromIntegral . u_getCombiningClass . fromIntegral . ord
{-# INLINE combiningClass #-}
-- | Return the decimal digit value of a decimal digit character.
-- Such characters have the general category @Nd@ (decimal digit
-- numbers) and a 'NumericType' of 'NTDecimal'.
-- No digit values are returned for any Han characters, because Han
-- number characters are often used with a special Chinese-style
-- number format (with characters for powers of 10 in between) instead
-- of in decimal-positional notation. Unicode 4 explicitly assigns
-- Han number characters a 'NumericType' of 'NTNumeric' instead of
-- 'NTDecimal'.
digitToInt :: Char -> Maybe Int
digitToInt c
| i == -1 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $! fromIntegral i
where i = u_charDigitValue . fromIntegral . ord $ c
-- | Return the numeric value for a Unicode code point as defined in the
-- Unicode Character Database.
-- A 'Double' return type is necessary because some numeric values are
-- fractions, negative, or too large to fit in a fixed-width integral type.
numericValue :: Char -> Maybe Double
numericValue c
| v == (#const U_NO_NUMERIC_VALUE) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just v
where v = u_getNumericValue . fromIntegral . ord $ c
-- | Return the name of a Unicode character.
-- The names of all unassigned characters are empty.
-- The name contains only "invariant" characters like A-Z, 0-9, space,
-- and \'-\'.
charName :: Char -> String
charName = charName' (#const U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME)
-- | Return the full name of a Unicode character.
-- Compared to 'charName', this function gives each Unicode code point
-- a unique extended name. Extended names are lowercase followed by an
-- uppercase hexadecimal number, within angle brackets.
charFullName :: Char -> String
charFullName = charName' (#const U_EXTENDED_CHAR_NAME)
-- | Find a Unicode character by its full name, and return its code
-- point value.
-- The name is matched exactly and completely.
-- A Unicode 1.0 name is matched only if it differs from the modern
-- name. Unicode names are all uppercase.
charFromName :: String -> Maybe Char
charFromName = charFromName' (#const U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME)
-- | Find a Unicode character by its full or extended name, and return
-- its code point value.
-- The name is matched exactly and completely.
-- A Unicode 1.0 name is matched only if it differs from the modern
-- name.
-- Compared to 'charFromName', this function gives each Unicode code
-- point a unique extended name. Extended names are lowercase followed
-- by an uppercase hexadecimal number, within angle brackets.
charFromFullName :: String -> Maybe Char
charFromFullName = charFromName' (#const U_EXTENDED_CHAR_NAME)
charFromName' :: UCharNameChoice -> String -> Maybe Char
charFromName' choice name = unsafePerformIO . withCString name $ \ptr -> do
(err,r) <- withError $ u_charFromName choice ptr
return $! if err == u_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND || r == 0xffff
then Nothing
else Just $! chr (fromIntegral r)
charName' :: UCharNameChoice -> Char -> String
charName' choice c = fillString $ u_charName (fromIntegral (ord c)) choice
fillString :: (CString -> Int32 -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO Int32) -> String
fillString act = unsafePerformIO $
handleOverflowError 83 act (curry peekCStringLen)
type UBlockCode = CInt
type UCharDirection = CInt
type UCharNameChoice = CInt
type UProperty = CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ublock_getCode" ublock_getCode
:: UChar32 -> UBlockCode
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_charDirection" u_charDirection
:: UChar32 -> UCharDirection
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_isMirrored" u_isMirrored
:: UChar32 -> UBool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_charMirror" u_charMirror
:: UChar32 -> UChar32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_getCombiningClass" u_getCombiningClass
:: UChar32 -> Word8
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_charDigitValue" u_charDigitValue
:: UChar32 -> Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_charName" u_charName
:: UChar32 -> UCharNameChoice -> CString -> Int32 -> Ptr UErrorCode
-> IO Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_charFromName" u_charFromName
:: UCharNameChoice -> CString -> Ptr UErrorCode
-> IO UChar32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_getIntPropertyValue" u_getIntPropertyValue
:: UChar32 -> UProperty -> Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_u_getNumericValue" u_getNumericValue
:: UChar32 -> Double