module Text.Printf.TH
, st
, sb
, hp
, p
) where
import Control.Exception (Exception, throw)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Text (pack)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as Pretty hiding ((<$>), (<>), empty, line)
import Text.Trifecta
import Text.Printf.TH.Parser
import Text.Printf.TH.Printer
import Text.Printf.TH.Printer.String ()
import Text.Printf.TH.Types
data ParseError =
deriving (Show)
instance Exception ParseError
s :: QuasiQuoter
s = quoter 'id
st :: QuasiQuoter
st = quoter 'pack
sb :: QuasiQuoter
sb = quoter 'fromString
hp :: QuasiQuoter
hp =
{ quoteExp =
\s -> do
LamE pats body <- parse 'id s
arg <- newName "arg"
ps <- [|liftIO . hPutStr $(varE arg)|]
pure $ LamE ((VarP arg) : pats) $ AppE ps body
, quotePat = error "printf cannot be used in a pattern context"
, quoteType = error "printf cannot be used in a type context"
, quoteDec = error "printf cannot be used in a decl context"
p :: QuasiQuoter
p =
{ quoteExp =
\s -> do
LamE pats body <- parse 'id s
ps <- [|liftIO . putStr|]
pure $ LamE pats $ AppE ps body
, quotePat = error "printf cannot be used in a pattern context"
, quoteType = error "printf cannot be used in a type context"
, quoteDec = error "printf cannot be used in a decl context"
quoter f =
{ quoteExp = parse f
, quotePat = error "printf cannot be used in a pattern context"
, quoteType = error "printf cannot be used in a type context"
, quoteDec = error "printf cannot be used in a decl context"
parse f s =
case parseString parseFmtStr mempty s of
Success fmtStr -> build f ''String fmtStr
Failure xs -> do
runIO $ displayIO stderr $ renderPretty 0.8 80 $ _errDoc xs
throw ParseError
build f outputType fmtStr = do
pairs <- mapM mkExpr fmtStr
let (args, exprs) = unzip pairs
lamE (map varP $ concat args) $
appE (varE f) $
appsE [[|finalize|], [|Proxy :: Proxy $(conT outputType)|], listE exprs]
mkExpr (Str s) = pure ([] :: [Name], [|valOf (literal $(stringE s))|])
mkExpr (Arg (FormatArg flags width precision spec)) = do
(warg, wexp) <- extractArgs width
(parg, pexp) <- extractArgs precision
varg <- newName "arg"
( catMaybes [warg, parg, Just varg]
, appE
{ flagSet = $(lift flags)
, width = $(wexp)
, prec = $(pexp)
, value = $(varE varg)
extractArgs n =
case n of
Just Need -> do
a <- newName "arg"
pure (Just a, [|Just $(varE a)|])
Just (Given n) -> pure (Nothing, [|Just $(litE $ integerL n)|])
Nothing -> pure (Nothing, [|Nothing|])
formatter =
case spec of
| x `elem` "id" -> [|formatDec|]
'u' -> [|formatNat|]
'o' -> [|formatOct|]
'x' -> [|formatHex|]
'X' -> [|formatHexUpper|]
's' -> [|formatStr|]
'f' -> [|formatFloat|]
'F' -> [|formatFloat|]
'a' -> [|formatHexFloat|]
'A' -> [|formatHexFloatUpper|]
'e' -> [|formatSci|]
'E' -> [|formatSciUpper|]
'g' -> [|formatG|]
'G' -> [|formatGUpper|]
'p' -> [|formatPtr|]
'c' -> [|formatChar|]
'?' -> [|formatShowable|]
_ -> error "???"