import Control.Monad import Paths import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} main :: IO () main = do static <- getStaticDir startGUI defaultConfig setup canvasSize = 400 setup :: Window -> UI () setup window = do return window # set title "Canvas - Examples" canvas <- UI.canvas # set UI.height canvasSize # set UI.width canvasSize # set style [("border", "solid black 1px"), ("background", "#eee")] drawRects <- UI.button #+ [string "Add some rectangles."] drawText <- UI.button #+ [string "Add text."] drawImage <- UI.button #+ [string "Add image."] drawPie <- UI.button #+ [string "Must have pie!"] clear <- UI.button #+ [string "Clear the canvas."] getBody window #+ [ column [element canvas] , element drawRects, element drawText, element drawImage , element drawPie , element clear ] on clear $ const $ canvas # UI.clearCanvas -- draw a pie chart on drawPie $ const $ do let center = (fromIntegral canvasSize / 2, fromIntegral (canvasSize+30) / 2) radius = 100 drawSlice start end color = do canvas # set' UI.fillStyle (UI.htmlColor color) canvas # set' UI.strokeStyle "white" canvas # UI.beginPath canvas # UI.arc center radius start end canvas # UI.lineTo center canvas # UI.closePath canvas # UI.fill canvas # UI.stroke radian angle = angle * pi / 180 normalizeAngles xs = map (\(x,y) -> (360 * x/total,y)) xs where total = sum $ map fst xs pieData = normalizeAngles [ (100, "#1f77b4") , (45, "#ff7f0e") , (80, "#2ca02c") , (10, "#d62728") , (105,"#9467bd") , (20, "#8c564b") ] UI.timestamp -- measure drawing performance for fun foldM (\start (delta, col) -> do let end = start+delta drawSlice (radian start) (radian end) col return end) 0 pieData UI.timestamp -- draw some rectangles on drawRects $ const $ do let rects = [ (20 , 130, 15, 120, "teal") , (345, 110, 15, 90, "lightblue") , (220, 360, 95, 15, "teal") ] forM_ rects $ \(x,y,w,h,color) -> do canvas # set' UI.fillStyle (UI.htmlColor color) canvas # UI.fillRect (x,y) w h -- draw some text on drawText $ const $ do return canvas # set UI.textFont "30px sans-serif" # set UI.strokeStyle "gray" # set UI.fillStyle (UI.htmlColor "black") canvas # UI.strokeText "is awesome" (141,61) canvas # UI.fillText "is awesome" (140,60) -- draw the haskell logo url <- UI.loadFile "image/png" "static/haskell-logo.png" img <- UI.img # set UI.src url on drawImage $ const $ do canvas # UI.drawImage img (60,20)