{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core ( -- * Synopsis -- | Core functionality of the Threepenny GUI library. -- * Server -- $server Config(..), defaultConfig, startGUI, loadFile, loadDirectory, -- * UI monad -- $ui UI, runUI, MonadUI(..), askWindow, liftIOLater, module Control.Monad.IO.Class, module Control.Monad.Fix, -- * Browser Window Window, title, -- * DOM elements -- | Create and manipulate DOM elements. Element, getWindow, mkElement, mkElementNamespace, delete, string, getHead, getBody, (#+), children, text, html, attr, style, value, getElementsByTagName, getElementById, getElementsByClassName, -- * Layout -- | Combinators for quickly creating layouts. -- They can be adjusted with CSS later on. grid, row, column, -- * Events -- | For a list of predefined events, see "Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Events". EventData, domEvent, unsafeFromJSON, disconnect, on, onEvent, onChanges, module Reactive.Threepenny, -- * Attributes -- | For a list of predefined attributes, see "Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Attributes". (#), (#.), Attr, WriteAttr, ReadAttr, ReadWriteAttr(..), set, sink, get, mkReadWriteAttr, mkWriteAttr, mkReadAttr, bimapAttr, fromObjectProperty, -- * Widgets Widget(..), element, widget, -- * JavaScript FFI -- | Direct interface to JavaScript in the browser window. debug, timestamp, ToJS, FFI, JSFunction, ffi, runFunction, callFunction, CallBufferMode(..), setCallBufferMode, flushCallBuffer, ffiExport, -- ** Internals toJSObject, liftJSWindow, -- * Internal and oddball functions fromJQueryProp, ) where import Control.Monad (forM_, forM, void) import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as E import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Foreign.JavaScript as JS import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal as Core import qualified Reactive.Threepenny as Reactive -- exports import Foreign.JavaScript (Config(..), defaultConfig) import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Internal import Reactive.Threepenny hiding (onChange) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {- $server To display the user interface, you have to start a server using 'startGUI'. Then, visit the URL in your browser (assuming that you use the default server configuration 'defaultConfig', or have set the port number to @jsPort=Just 8023@.) The server is multithreaded. FFI calls can be made concurrently, but events are handled sequentially. FFI calls can be __buffered__, so in some circumstances, it may happen that you manipulate the browser window, but the effect is not immediately visible. See 'CallBufferMode' for more information. -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Browser window ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Title of the client window. title :: WriteAttr Window String title = mkWriteAttr $ \s _ -> runFunction $ ffi "document.title = %1;" s {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOM Elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Append DOM elements as children to a given element. (#+) :: UI Element -> [UI Element] -> UI Element (#+) mx mys = do x <- mx ys <- sequence mys mapM_ (Core.appendChild x) ys return x -- | Child elements of a given element. children :: WriteAttr Element [Element] children = mkWriteAttr set where set xs x = do Core.clearChildren x mapM_ (Core.appendChild x) xs -- | Child elements of a given element as a HTML string. html :: WriteAttr Element String html = mkWriteAttr $ \s el -> runFunction $ ffi "$(%1).html(%2)" el s -- | HTML attributes of an element. attr :: String -> WriteAttr Element String attr name = mkWriteAttr $ \s el -> runFunction $ ffi "$(%1).attr(%2,%3)" el name s -- | Set CSS style of an Element style :: WriteAttr Element [(String,String)] style = mkWriteAttr $ \xs el -> forM_ xs $ \(name,val) -> runFunction $ ffi "%1.style[%2] = %3" el name val -- | Value attribute of an element. -- Particularly relevant for control widgets like 'input'. value :: Attr Element String value = mkReadWriteAttr get set where get el = callFunction $ ffi "$(%1).val()" el set v el = runFunction $ ffi "$(%1).val(%2)" el v -- | Text content of an element. text :: WriteAttr Element String text = mkWriteAttr $ \s el -> runFunction $ ffi "$(%1).text(%2)" el s -- | Make a @span@ element with a given text content. string :: String -> UI Element string s = mkElement "span" # set text s -- | Get the head of the page. getHead :: Window -> UI Element getHead _ = fromJSObject =<< callFunction (ffi "document.head") -- | Get the body of the page. getBody :: Window -> UI Element getBody _ = fromJSObject =<< callFunction (ffi "document.body") -- | Get all elements of the given tag name. getElementsByTagName :: Window -- ^ Browser window -> String -- ^ The tag name. -> UI [Element] -- ^ All elements with that tag name. getElementsByTagName _ tag = mapM fromJSObject =<< callFunction (ffi "document.getElementsByTagName(%1)" tag) -- | Get an element by a particular ID. getElementById :: Window -- ^ Browser window -> String -- ^ The ID string. -> UI (Maybe Element) -- ^ Element (if any) with given ID. getElementById _ id = E.handle (\(e :: JS.JavaScriptException) -> return Nothing) $ fmap Just . fromJSObject =<< callFunction (ffi "document.getElementById(%1)" id) -- | Get a list of elements by particular class. getElementsByClassName :: Window -- ^ Browser window -> String -- ^ The class string. -> UI [Element] -- ^ Elements with given class. getElementsByClassName window s = mapM fromJSObject =<< callFunction (ffi "document.getElementsByClassName(%1)" s) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Align given elements in a row. Special case of 'grid'. row :: [UI Element] -> UI Element row xs = grid [xs] -- | Align given elements in a column. Special case of 'grid'. column :: [UI Element] -> UI Element column = grid . map (:[]) -- | Align given elements in a rectangular grid. -- -- Layout is achieved by using the CSS @display:table@ property. -- The following element tree will be generated -- -- >
-- >
-- >
-- >
-- >
-- >
-- > ... -- >
-- > ... -- >
-- -- You can customatize the actual layout by assigning an @id@ to the element -- and changing the @.table@, @.table-row@ and @table-column@ -- classes in a custom CSS file. grid :: [[UI Element]] -> UI Element grid mrows = do rows0 <- mapM (sequence) mrows rows <- forM rows0 $ \row0 -> do row <- forM row0 $ \entry -> wrap "table-cell" [entry] wrap "table-row" row wrap "table" rows where wrap c xs = mkElement "div" # set (attr "class") c #+ map element xs {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Convenience function to register 'Event's for 'Element's. -- -- Example usage. -- -- > on click element $ \_ -> ... on :: (element -> Event a) -> element -> (a -> UI void) -> UI () on f x = void . onEvent (f x) -- | Register an 'UI' action to be executed whenever the 'Event' happens. -- -- FIXME: Should be unified with 'on'? onEvent :: Event a -> (a -> UI void) -> UI (UI ()) onEvent e h = do window <- askWindow let flush = liftJSWindow $ \w -> do mode <- JS.getCallBufferMode w case mode of FlushOften -> JS.flushCallBuffer w _ -> return () unregister <- liftIO $ register e (void . runUI window . (>> flush) . h) return (liftIO unregister) -- | Execute a 'UI' action whenever a 'Behavior' changes. -- Use sparingly, it is recommended that you use 'sink' instead. onChanges :: Behavior a -> (a -> UI void) -> UI () onChanges b f = do window <- askWindow liftIO $ Reactive.onChange b (void . runUI window . f) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} infixl 8 # infixl 8 #+ infixl 8 #. -- | Reverse function application. -- Allows convenient notation for setting properties. -- -- Example usage. -- -- > mkElement "div" -- > # set style [("color","#CCAABB")] -- > # set draggable True -- > # set children otherElements (#) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b (#) = flip ($) -- | Convenient combinator for setting the CSS class on element creation. (#.) :: UI Element -> String -> UI Element (#.) mx s = mx # set (attr "class") s -- | Attributes can be 'set' and 'get'. type Attr x a = ReadWriteAttr x a a -- | Attribute that only supports the 'get' operation. type ReadAttr x o = ReadWriteAttr x () o -- | Attribute that only supports the 'set' operation. type WriteAttr x i = ReadWriteAttr x i () -- | Generalized attribute with different types for getting and setting. data ReadWriteAttr x i o = ReadWriteAttr { get' :: x -> UI o , set' :: i -> x -> UI () } instance Functor (ReadWriteAttr x i) where fmap f = bimapAttr id f -- | Map input and output type of an attribute. bimapAttr :: (i' -> i) -> (o -> o') -> ReadWriteAttr x i o -> ReadWriteAttr x i' o' bimapAttr from to attr = attr { get' = fmap to . get' attr , set' = \i' -> set' attr (from i') } -- | Set value of an attribute in the 'UI' monad. -- Best used in conjunction with '#'. set :: ReadWriteAttr x i o -> i -> UI x -> UI x set attr i mx = do { x <- mx; set' attr i x; return x; } -- | Set the value of an attribute to a 'Behavior', that is a time-varying value. -- -- Note: For reasons of efficiency, the attribute is only -- updated when the value changes. sink :: ReadWriteAttr x i o -> Behavior i -> UI x -> UI x sink attr bi mx = do x <- mx window <- askWindow liftIOLater $ do i <- currentValue bi runUI window $ set' attr i x Reactive.onChange bi $ \i -> runUI window $ set' attr i x return x -- | Get attribute value. get :: ReadWriteAttr x i o -> x -> UI o get attr = get' attr -- | Build an attribute from a getter and a setter. mkReadWriteAttr :: (x -> UI o) -- ^ Getter. -> (i -> x -> UI ()) -- ^ Setter. -> ReadWriteAttr x i o mkReadWriteAttr get set = ReadWriteAttr { get' = get, set' = set } -- | Build attribute from a getter. mkReadAttr :: (x -> UI o) -> ReadAttr x o mkReadAttr get = mkReadWriteAttr get (\_ _ -> return ()) -- | Build attribute from a setter. mkWriteAttr :: (i -> x -> UI ()) -> WriteAttr x i mkWriteAttr set = mkReadWriteAttr (\_ -> return ()) set -- | Turn a jQuery property @.prop()@ into an attribute. fromJQueryProp :: String -> (JSON.Value -> a) -> (a -> JSON.Value) -> Attr Element a fromJQueryProp name from to = mkReadWriteAttr get set where set v el = runFunction $ ffi "$(%1).prop(%2,%3)" el name (to v) get el = fmap from $ callFunction $ ffi "$(%1).prop(%2)" el name -- | Turn a JavaScript object property @.prop = ...@ into an attribute. fromObjectProperty :: (FromJS a, ToJS a) => String -> Attr Element a fromObjectProperty name = mkReadWriteAttr get set where set v el = runFunction $ ffi ("%1." ++ name ++ " = %2") el v get el = callFunction $ ffi ("%1." ++ name) el {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Widget class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Widgets are data types that have a visual representation. class Widget w where getElement :: w -> Element instance Widget Element where getElement = id -- | Convenience synonym for 'return' to make elements work well with 'set'. -- Also works on 'Widget's. -- -- Example usage. -- -- > e <- mkElement "button" -- > element e # set text "Ok" element :: MonadIO m => Widget w => w -> m Element element = return . getElement -- | Convenience synonym for 'return' to make widgets work well with 'set'. widget :: Widget w => w -> UI w widget = return