Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- major :: [Int]
- minor :: [Int]
- major7 :: [Int]
- dom7 :: [Int]
- minor7 :: [Int]
- aug :: [Int]
- dim :: [Int]
- dim7 :: [Int]
- one :: [Int]
- five :: [Int]
- plus :: [Int]
- sharp5 :: [Int]
- msharp5 :: [Int]
- sus2 :: [Int]
- sus4 :: [Int]
- six :: [Int]
- m6 :: [Int]
- sevenSus2 :: [Int]
- sevenSus4 :: [Int]
- sevenFlat5 :: [Int]
- m7flat5 :: [Int]
- sevenSharp5 :: [Int]
- m7sharp5 :: [Int]
- nine :: [Int]
- m9 :: [Int]
- m7sharp9 :: [Int]
- maj9 :: [Int]
- nineSus4 :: [Int]
- sixby9 :: [Int]
- m6by9 :: [Int]
- sevenFlat9 :: [Int]
- m7flat9 :: [Int]
- sevenFlat10 :: [Int]
- nineSharp5 :: [Int]
- m9sharp5 :: [Int]
- sevenSharp5flat9 :: [Int]
- m7sharp5flat9 :: [Int]
- eleven :: [Int]
- m11 :: [Int]
- maj11 :: [Int]
- evelenSharp :: [Int]
- m11sharp :: [Int]
- thirteen :: [Int]
- m13 :: [Int]
- chordate :: Num b => [[b]] -> b -> Int -> [b]
- flatpat :: Pattern [a] -> Pattern a
- enchord :: Num a => [[a]] -> Pattern a -> Pattern Int -> Pattern a
sevenFlat5 :: [Int] Source #
sevenSharp5 :: [Int] Source #
sevenFlat9 :: [Int] Source #
sevenFlat10 :: [Int] Source #
nineSharp5 :: [Int] Source #
sevenSharp5flat9 :: [Int] Source #
m7sharp5flat9 :: [Int] Source #
evelenSharp :: [Int] Source #
chordate :: Num b => [[b]] -> b -> Int -> [b] Source #
chordate cs m n
selects the n
th "chord" (a chord is a list of Ints)
from a list of chords cs
and transposes it by m
flatpat :: Pattern [a] -> Pattern a Source #
takes a Pattern of lists and pulls the list elements as
separate Events
enchord :: Num a => [[a]] -> Pattern a -> Pattern Int -> Pattern a Source #
enchord chords pn pc
turns every note in the note pattern pn
a chord, selecting from the chord lists chords
using the index pattern
. For example, Chords.enchord [Chords.major Chords.minor] "c g" "0 1"
will create a pattern of a C-major chord followed by a G-minor chord.