tidal-1.6.0: Pattern language for improvised music
show :: Show a => a -> String #
A specialised variant of showsPrec, using precedence context zero, and returning an ordinary String.
showAll :: Show a => Arc -> Pattern a -> String Source #
draw :: Pattern Char -> Render Source #
drawLine :: Pattern Char -> Render Source #
drawLineSz :: Int -> Pattern Char -> Render Source #
showsPrec :: Int -> ControlMap -> ShowS #
show :: ControlMap -> String #
showList :: [ControlMap] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Value -> ShowS #
show :: Value -> String #
showList :: [Value] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Context -> ShowS #
show :: Context -> String #
showList :: [Context] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Arc -> ShowS #
show :: Arc -> String #
showList :: [Arc] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Pattern a -> ShowS #
show :: Pattern a -> String #
showList :: [Pattern a] -> ShowS #
showsPrec :: Int -> Event a -> ShowS #
show :: Event a -> String #
showList :: [Event a] -> ShowS #