{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Sound.Tidal.Show (show, showAll, draw, drawLine, drawLineSz, stepcount, showStateful) where
Show.hs - Library for visualising Tidal patterns as text
Copyright (C) 2020, Alex McLean and contributors
This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this library. If not, see .
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Data.List (intercalate, sortOn)
import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
instance (Show a) => Show (Pattern a) where
show = showPattern (Arc 0 1)
showStateful :: ControlPattern -> String
showStateful p = intercalate "\n" evStrings
where (_, evs) = resolveState (Map.empty) $ sortOn part $ queryArc (filterOnsets p) (Arc 0 1)
evs' = map showEvent evs
maxPartLength :: Int
maxPartLength = maximum $ map (length . fst) evs'
evString :: (String, String) -> String
evString ev = ((replicate (maxPartLength - (length (fst ev))) ' ')
++ fst ev
++ snd ev
evStrings = map evString evs'
showPattern :: Show a => Arc -> Pattern a -> String
showPattern a p = intercalate "\n" evStrings
where evs = map showEvent $ sortOn part $ queryArc p a
maxPartLength :: Int
maxPartLength = maximum $ map (length . fst) evs
evString :: (String, String) -> String
evString ev = replicate (maxPartLength - length (fst ev)) ' '
++ uncurry (++) ev
evStrings = map evString evs
showEvent :: Show a => Event a -> (String, String)
showEvent (Event _ (Just (Arc ws we)) a@(Arc ps pe) e) =
(h ++ "(" ++ show a ++ ")" ++ t ++ "|", show e)
where h | ws == ps = ""
| otherwise = prettyRat ws ++ "-"
t | we == pe = ""
| otherwise = "-" ++ prettyRat we
showEvent (Event _ Nothing a e) =
("~" ++ show a ++ "~|", show e)
-- Show everything, including event context
showAll :: Show a => Arc -> Pattern a -> String
showAll a p = intercalate "\n" $ map show $ sortOn part $ queryArc p a
instance Show Context where
show (Context cs) = show cs
instance Show Value where
show (VS s) = ('"':s) ++ "\""
show (VI i) = show i
show (VF f) = show f ++ "f"
show (VN n) = show n ++ "n"
show (VR r) = show r ++ "r"
show (VB b) = show b
show (VX xs) = show xs
show (VPattern pat) = "(" ++ show pat ++ ")"
show (VState f) = show $ f Map.empty
show (VList _) = ""
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show ValueMap where
show m = intercalate ", " $ map (\(name, v) -> name ++ ": " ++ show v) $ Map.toList m
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show Arc where
show (Arc s e) = prettyRat s ++ ">" ++ prettyRat e
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show a => Show (Event a) where
show e = show (context e) ++ uncurry (++) (showEvent e)
prettyRat :: Rational -> String
prettyRat r | unit == 0 && frac > 0 = showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
| otherwise = show unit ++ showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
where unit = floor r :: Int
frac = r - toRational unit
showFrac :: Integer -> Integer -> String
showFrac 0 _ = ""
showFrac 1 2 = "½"
showFrac 1 3 = "⅓"
showFrac 2 3 = "⅔"
showFrac 1 4 = "¼"
showFrac 3 4 = "¾"
showFrac 1 5 = "⅕"
showFrac 2 5 = "⅖"
showFrac 3 5 = "⅗"
showFrac 4 5 = "⅘"
showFrac 1 6 = "⅙"
showFrac 5 6 = "⅚"
showFrac 1 7 = "⅐"
showFrac 1 8 = "⅛"
showFrac 3 8 = "⅜"
showFrac 5 8 = "⅝"
showFrac 7 8 = "⅞"
showFrac 1 9 = "⅑"
showFrac 1 10 = "⅒"
showFrac n d = fromMaybe plain $ do n' <- up n
d' <- down d
return $ n' ++ d'
where plain = show n ++ "/" ++ show d
up 1 = Just "¹"
up 2 = Just "²"
up 3 = Just "³"
up 4 = Just "⁴"
up 5 = Just "⁵"
up 6 = Just "⁶"
up 7 = Just "⁷"
up 8 = Just "⁸"
up 9 = Just "⁹"
up 0 = Just "⁰"
up _ = Nothing
down 1 = Just "₁"
down 2 = Just "₂"
down 3 = Just "₃"
down 4 = Just "₄"
down 5 = Just "₅"
down 6 = Just "₆"
down 7 = Just "₇"
down 8 = Just "₈"
down 9 = Just "₉"
down 0 = Just "₀"
down _ = Nothing
stepcount :: Pattern a -> Int
stepcount pat = fromIntegral $ eventSteps $ concatMap ((\ev -> [start ev, stop ev]) . part) (filter eventHasOnset $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1))
where eventSteps xs = foldr (lcm . denominator) 1 xs
data Render = Render Int Int String
instance Show Render where
show (Render cyc i render) | i <= 1024 = "\n[" ++ show cyc ++ (if cyc == 1 then " cycle" else " cycles") ++ "]\n" ++ render
| otherwise = "That pattern is too complex to draw."
drawLine :: Pattern Char -> Render
drawLine = drawLineSz 78
drawLineSz :: Int -> Pattern Char -> Render
drawLineSz sz pat = joinCycles sz $ drawCycles pat
drawCycles :: Pattern Char -> [Render]
drawCycles pat' = draw pat':drawCycles (rotL 1 pat')
joinCycles :: Int -> [Render] -> Render
joinCycles _ [] = Render 0 0 ""
joinCycles n ((Render cyc l s):cs) | l > n = Render 0 0 ""
| otherwise = Render (cyc+cyc') (l + l' + 1) $ intercalate "\n" $ map (uncurry (++)) lineZip
(Render cyc' l' s') = joinCycles (n-l-1) cs
linesN = max (length $ lines s) (length $ lines s')
lineZip = take linesN $
zip (lines s ++ repeat (replicate l ' '))
(lines s' ++ repeat (replicate l' ' '))
-- where maximum (map (length . head . (++ [""]) . lines) cs)
draw :: Pattern Char -> Render
draw pat = Render 1 s (intercalate "\n" $ map (('|' :) .drawLevel) ls)
where ls = levels pat
s = stepcount pat
rs = toRational s
drawLevel :: [Event Char] -> String
drawLevel [] = replicate s '.'
drawLevel (e:es) = map f $ take s $ zip (drawLevel es ++ repeat '.') (drawEvent e ++ repeat '.')
f ('.', x) = x
f (x, _) = x
drawEvent :: Event Char -> String
drawEvent ev = replicate (floor $ rs * evStart) '.'
++ (value ev:replicate (floor (rs * (evStop - evStart)) - 1) '-')
where evStart = start $ wholeOrPart ev
evStop = stop $ wholeOrPart ev
fitsWhole :: Event b -> [Event b] -> Bool
fitsWhole event events =
not $ any (\event' -> isJust $ subArc (wholeOrPart event) (wholeOrPart event')) events
addEventWhole :: Event b -> [[Event b]] -> [[Event b]]
addEventWhole e [] = [[e]]
addEventWhole e (level:ls)
| isAnalog e = level:ls
| fitsWhole e level = (e:level) : ls
| otherwise = level : addEventWhole e ls
arrangeEventsWhole :: [Event b] -> [[Event b]]
arrangeEventsWhole = foldr addEventWhole []
levelsWhole :: Eq a => Pattern a -> [[Event a]]
levelsWhole pat = arrangeEventsWhole $ sortOn' ((\Arc{..} -> 0 - (stop - start)) . wholeOrPart) (defragParts $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1))
sortOn' :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> [b]
sortOn' f = map snd . sortOn fst . map (\x -> let y = f x in y `seq` (y, x))
fits :: Event b -> [Event b] -> Bool
fits (Event _ _ part' _) events = not $ any (\Event{..} -> isJust $ subArc part' part) events
addEvent :: Event b -> [[Event b]] -> [[Event b]]
addEvent e [] = [[e]]
addEvent e (level:ls)
| fits e level = (e:level) : ls
| otherwise = level : addEvent e ls
arrangeEvents :: [Event b] -> [[Event b]]
arrangeEvents = foldr addEvent []
levels :: Eq a => Pattern a -> [[Event a]]
-- levels pat = arrangeEvents $ sortOn' ((\Arc{..} -> stop - start) . part) (defragParts $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1))
levels pat = arrangeEvents $ reverse $ defragParts $ queryArc pat (Arc 0 1)