Module      : TimeSeries.Window
Copyright   : (C) 2013 Parallel Scientific Labs, LLC
License     : GPL-2
Stability   : experimental
Portability : portable

Window for time series analysis.

Later these shall relate to memory and FPGA internal registers in

module TimeSeries.Window where

import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Prelude hiding (length)
import qualified Prelude

import TimeSeries.PRG64

-- | Newtype for windowd data.
-- Shall relate to memory contents in hardware.
newtype Window = Window (UArray Word64 Double) deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Considering to restrict window size to power of 2, at least for
-- initial phase.
type Size = Word64

-- | Random vector.
data RandomVector = RandomVector
  { -- | Unit random vector.
    unitRV :: Window
    -- | Control random vector, mentioned as /b/ in the paper.
  , controlRV :: Window
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Create window from assoc list.
fromList :: [Double] -> Window
fromList xs = Window $ array (0,sz) $ zip [0..] xs where
  sz = fromIntegral (Prelude.length xs - 1)

toList :: Window -> [Double]
toList (Window xs) = elems xs

-- | Window of given size, filled with zeros.
empty :: Size -> Window
empty sz = Window $ array (0,sz-1) [(i,0)|i <- [0..sz-1]]

-- | Put given 'Double' as first element, shifts all the other
-- element except for the last one, which being removed.
push :: Double -> Window -> Window
push v (Window arr) = Window (arr' // [(0,v)]) where
  arr' = ixmap (bounds arr) f arr
  f idx | idx == 0  = 0 -- temporary dummy value
        | otherwise = idx - 1

-- | Size 1 window containing given value.
singleton :: Double -> Window
singleton v = Window $ array (0,0) [(0,v)]

-- | Norm, by viewing window as vector.
-- >>> let x = fromList [0,3,4]
-- >>> let y = fromList [0,0,0]
-- >>> distance x y
-- 5.0
norm :: Window -> Window -> Double
norm (Window x) (Window y) =
  sqrt $ sum [(xi-yi)^(2::Int)|(xi,yi)<-zip (elems x) (elems y)]

-- | Append two windows, with shifting the contents of second window.
-- Last /n/ elements of second window is removed, where /n/ is number
-- of elements in first window.
append :: Window -> Window -> Window
append w@(Window wina) (Window winb) = Window (winc // assocs wina) where
  winc = ixmap (bounds winb) f winb
  f idx | idx < lengthA = 0
        | otherwise     = idx - lengthA
  lengthA = fromIntegral $ length w

-- | Sums up window elements.
sumWindow :: Window -> Double
sumWindow (Window arr) = sum $ elems arr

-- | Sums up square of window elements.
sumSqWindow :: Window -> Double
sumSqWindow (Window arr) = sum $ [x^(2::Int)|x<-elems arr]

-- | Dot product of given two windows.
dotp :: Window -> Window -> Double
dotp (Window wx) (Window wy) = sum $ zipWith (*) (elems wx) (elems wy)

-- | Dot produt of list of window.
dotps :: [Window] -> Window -> Window
dotps xss ys = fromList [dotp xs ys|xs <- xss]

-- | Copy contents of window to another.
copyContents ::
  Window    -- ^ Destination window.
  -> Window -- ^ Source window.
  -> Window
copyContents (Window to) (Window from) =
  Window $ ixmap (bounds to) id from

-- | Create window for random vectors.
randomVector ::
  Integer    -- ^ Random seed.
  -> Size    -- ^ /bw/, size of basic window.
  -> Size    -- ^ /nb/, size of control vector.
  -> RandomVector
randomVector seed bw nb = RandomVector (fromList r) (fromList b) where
  (r,b) = rnd bw nb (fromIntegral seed)

-- | Create whole random vector from 'RandomVector'.
-- Unit random vector and control vector in given 'RandomVector' is
-- convolved.
wholeRandomVector ::
  -- ^ Random vector used to convolve the contents.
  -> Window
  -- ^ Random vector with size /bw * nb/.
wholeRandomVector (RandomVector (Window u) (Window c)) =
  let bw = rangeSize $ bounds u
      nb = rangeSize $ bounds c
      u' = concat $ replicate (fromIntegral nb) (elems u)
      c' = concatMap (replicate (fromIntegral bw)) (elems c)
  in  fromList $ zipWith (*) u' c'

-- | Show contents of window with 'printf'.
pretty :: Window -> String
pretty (Window w) =
  concat . intersperse ", " $  map (printf "%.12f") (elems w)

-- | Average of window contents.
average :: Window -> Double
average win@(Window w) = sum w' / fromIntegral (length win) where
  w' = elems w

-- | Variance of window contents.
variance :: Window -> Double
variance win@(Window w) = sqrt (mean [sq wi|wi<-w'] - sq (mean w')) where
  w' = elems w
  mean xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length win)
  sq x = x ^ (2::Int)

-- | Length of window.
length :: Window -> Int
length (Window w) = rangeSize $ bounds w