module Main where import Control.Exception (evaluate) import Control.Monad (unless) import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Debug.TimeStats as TimeStats import qualified Debug.TimeStats.Internal as Internal import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.Exit (exitFailure) fib :: Int -> Int fib n = if n < 2 then 1 else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) main :: IO () main = do testMeasureM testFormatIntWithSeparator testMeasureM :: IO () testMeasureM = do setEnv "DEBUG_TIMESTATS_ENABLE" "1" _ <- TimeStats.measureM "fib" $ evaluate (fib 21) _ <- TimeStats.measureM "fib2" $ evaluate (fib 20) _ <- TimeStats.measureM "fib2" $ evaluate (fib 19) xs <- TimeStats.collect let expected = [ ("fib", TimeStats.TimeStats 0 1) , ("fib2", TimeStats.TimeStats 0 2) ] unless (eqStats xs expected) $ do putStrLn "unexpected timestats:" Text.putStrLn (TimeStats.asText xs) exitFailure where eqStats xs ys = length xs == length ys && and (zipWith eqStat xs ys) eqStat (lbl0, ts0) (lbl1, ts1) = lbl0 == lbl1 && TimeStats.countStat ts0 == TimeStats.countStat ts1 testFormatIntWithSeparator :: IO () testFormatIntWithSeparator = do testCase 123456789 "123_456_789" testCase 23456789 "23_456_789" testCase 3456789 "3_456_789" testCase 456789 "456_789" testCase 56789 "56_789" testCase 6789 "6_789" testCase 789 "789" testCase 89 "89" testCase 9 "9" testCase 0 "0" testCase (-123456789) "-123_456_789" testCase (-23456789) "-23_456_789" testCase (-3456789) "-3_456_789" testCase (-456789) "-456_789" testCase (-56789) "-56_789" testCase (-6789) "-6_789" testCase (-789) "-789" testCase (-89) "-89" testCase (-9) "-9" where testCase i expected = do let actual = Internal.formatIntWithSeparator '_' i "a" unless (actual == expected ++ "a") $ do putStrLn $ "unexpected output of formatIntWithSeparator:" putStrLn $ "expected: " ++ show (expected ++ "a") putStrLn $ " actual: " ++ show actual exitFailure