{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} module Potato.Flow.Deprecated.Controller.EverythingWidgetSpec ( spec ) where import Relude hiding (empty, fromList) import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.Contrib.HUnit (fromHUnitTest) import Test.HUnit import Potato.Flow import Potato.Flow.RenderCache (toIndexSafe) -- test imports import Potato.Flow.Common import Potato.Flow.TestStates import qualified Data.List.Ordered as L import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V hasUnsavedChanges :: Bool -> EverythingPredicate hasUnsavedChanges unsavedchanges = FunctionPredicate $ (\gs -> ("expected " <> show unsavedchanges, goatState_hasUnsavedChanges gs == unsavedchanges)) expectState :: OwlPFState -> EverythingPredicate expectState pfs = FunctionPredicate $ (\pfs' -> ("expected owlpfstate_basic1", owlTree_equivalent (_owlPFState_owlTree pfs) (_owlPFState_owlTree pfs') && _owlPFState_canvas pfs == _owlPFState_canvas pfs')) . goatState_pFState everything_load_test :: Test everything_load_test = constructTest "load" emptyOwlPFState bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Load" , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow owlpfstate_basic1, emptyControllerMeta) , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow owlpfstate_basic1, emptyControllerMeta) , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow owlpfstate_someValidState1, emptyControllerMeta) , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow owlpfstate_basic1, emptyControllerMeta) , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow owlpfstate_someValidState1, emptyControllerMeta) , EWCLoad (owlPFState_to_sPotatoFlow emptyOwlPFState, emptyControllerMeta) ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Load" , expectState owlpfstate_basic1 , expectState owlpfstate_basic1 , expectState owlpfstate_someValidState1 , Combine [ expectState owlpfstate_basic1 -- intersects "b1" "b2" "b3" "b4" in owlpfstate_basic1 , numEltsInLBoxUsingBroadphasePredicate 4 (LBox 0 (V2 15 15)) ] , expectState owlpfstate_someValidState1 , Combine [ expectState emptyOwlPFState , numEltsInLBoxUsingBroadphasePredicate 0 (LBox 0 (V2 1000 1000)) ] ] validateLayersOrderPredicate :: EverythingPredicate validateLayersOrderPredicate = FunctionPredicate fn where fn GoatState {..} = r where lentries = _layersState_entries _goatState_layersState -- TODO report position of superowls in tree msg = "expected LayerEntries in order " <> show (fmap _layerEntry_superOwl lentries) owltree = _owlPFState_owlTree $ _owlPFWorkspace_owlPFState _goatState_workspace sortingfn le1 le2 = owlTree_superOwl_comparePosition owltree (_layerEntry_superOwl le1) (_layerEntry_superOwl le2) == LT r = (msg, L.isSortedBy sortingfn (toList lentries)) checkLayerEntriesNum :: Int -> EverythingPredicate checkLayerEntriesNum n = r where r = FunctionPredicate $ (\lentries -> ("expected " <> show n <> " got " <> show (Seq.length lentries), Seq.length lentries == n)) . _layersState_entries . _goatState_layersState -- TODO what does this even test??? everything_layers_test :: Test everything_layers_test = constructTest "layers" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Initial" , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state , EWCLabel "Create A" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Initial" -- this isn't an especially useful/exciting test... but it's better than nothing , Combine [ validateLayersOrderPredicate , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) ) ] , LabelCheck "Create A" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , Combine [ validateLayersOrderPredicate , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) ] ] -- test specific behaviour on input focus between layers and canvas everything_inputfocusing_test :: Test everything_inputfocusing_test = constructTest "inputfocusing" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Create A" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCNothing , EWCLabel "undo redo" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'z') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'y') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Esc) []) -- deselect so we don't go into renaming mode later -- TODO actually do something in layers , EWCLabel "click on layers" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 0) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 0) True MouseButton_Left [] True) -- expect undo redo to work even though our focus is in layers now , EWCLabel "undo redo" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'z') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'y') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) -- TODO (when it's implemented) add test for renaming in layers and then changing focus back to canvas should cancel rename action ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Create A" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , LabelCheck "undo redo" , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 0) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , AlwaysPass -- TODO test that something in layers got seleceted -- TODO test that last mouse input is in layers , LabelCheck "click on layers" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , LabelCheck "undo redo" , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 0) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) ] everything_canvasSize_test :: Test everything_canvasSize_test = constructTest "canvas resize" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Initial" , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state , EWCLabel "Resize Canvas By" , EWCCanvasResize (V2 100 100) ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Initial" -- TODO test canvas size (expect 50 25) , AlwaysPass , LabelCheck "Resize Canvas By" -- TODO test canvas size (expect 150 125) , AlwaysPass ] everything_keyboard_test :: Test everything_keyboard_test = constructTest "keyboard" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Copy pasta nothing" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'c') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCLabel "Create A with random keyboard inputs in between" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'c') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char '\\') []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state , EWCLabel "Copy pasta A" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'c') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCLabel "Delete A using Delete key" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Delete) []) , EWCLabel "Select everything" , EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-100) (-100)) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 200 200) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 200 200) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "Cut pasta everything" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'x') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'v') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCLabel "Esc deselect everything" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Esc) []) ] -- I can't remember why we're using checkLayerEntriesNum instead of counting number of entries in PFState but it doesn't matter, should be the same expected = [ LabelCheck "Copy pasta nothing" , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) ) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) ) , LabelCheck "Create A with random keyboard inputs in between" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) ) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) ) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , Combine [ validateLayersOrderPredicate , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , LabelCheck "Copy pasta A" , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 1) , Combine [ -- TODO copy not implemented yet so this doesn't work checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 2) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , Combine [ checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 3) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , LabelCheck "Delete A using Delete key" , Combine [ checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 2) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 ] , LabelCheck "Select everything" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select) , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 2) , LabelCheck "Cut pasta everything" , checkLayerEntriesNum 0 , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 2) , checkLayerEntriesNum ((owlPFState_numElts owlpfstate_basic1) + 2) ] , LabelCheck "Esc deselect everything" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 ] -- TODO FINISH everything_newfolder_test :: Test everything_newfolder_test = constructTest "new folder" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "New Folder (no selection)" , EWCNewFolder , EWCLabel "New Folder (with selection)" -- TODO open up some folder, and select some stuff --, EWCNewFolder ] expected = [ LabelCheck "New Folder (no selection)" , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltFolderStart -> True _ -> False) , LabelCheck "New Folder (with selection)" ] moveOffset :: Int moveOffset = 100 everything_lockhiddenselectionvialayers_test :: Test everything_lockhiddenselectionvialayers_test = constructTestWithControllerMeta "lock hidden selection via folders" owlpfstate_basic1 controllermeta_basic1_lockandhidestuff1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Select b1" -- locked , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 0) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 0) True MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCLabel "Select b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 1) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 1) True MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCLabel "Select b3" -- hidden , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 2) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 moveOffset 2) True MouseButton_Left [] True) ] expected = [ -- okay, turns out you can totally select locked/hidden stuff via folders lol -- TODO you might want to consider disallowing selection of locked stuff (directly NOT ok, via parents OK) LabelCheck "Select b1" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "Select b2" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "Select b3" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] everything_lockhiddenselectionviacanvas_test :: Test everything_lockhiddenselectionviacanvas_test = constructTestWithControllerMeta "lock hidden selection via canvas" owlpfstate_basic1 controllermeta_basic1_lockandhidestuff1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Select b1" -- locked , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "Select b2" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "Select b3" -- hidden , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ -- can't select b1 because locked LabelCheck "Select b1" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 -- select b2 OK , LabelCheck "Select b2" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 -- can't select b3 because hidden , LabelCheck "Select b3" , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 ] everything_basic_test :: Test everything_basic_test = constructTest "basic" emptyOwlPFState bs expected where bs = [ -- test basic panning EWCLabel "Pan" , EWCTool Tool_Pan -- drag to (1, 1) and release , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) True MouseButton_Left [] False) -- drag to (10, 15) and cancel without releasing , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-1) (-1)) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 14) False MouseButton_Left [] False) -- cancel and keep tracking and make sure nothing changes , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-20) 31) True MouseButton_Left [] False) -- create elt A , EWCLabel "Create A" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state , EWCLabel "create another elt, but cancel it" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-1) (-1)) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "press escape a bunch of times and make sure nothing breaks" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCLabel "select elt A" , EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 9) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 9 9) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "create elt B" , EWCTool Tool_Text , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 20) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 20 30) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCNothing -- dummy to check state -- unselect , EWCTool Tool_Select , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "single click select elt B" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) True MouseButton_Left [] False) -- now select elts A + B , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "begin selecting nothing and cancel" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 200 200) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 200 200) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "single click shift unselect elt B" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) False MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) True MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) , EWCLabel "unselect" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 100 100) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "single click select elt A" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "manipulate A" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 0 0) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-2) (-2)) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 (-2) (-2)) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "single click shift select elt B" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) False MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 21) True MouseButton_Left [KeyModifier_Shift] False) , EWCLabel "manipulate A+B" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 5 5) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 5) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 5) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "Mainpulate A+B then cancel" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 5) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData KeyboardKey_Esc []) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 7 5) True MouseButton_Left [] False) -- TODO delete the elt -- check in layers and check render ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Pan" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Pan) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 0 0)) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 1 1)) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 1 1)) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 0 0)) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 10 15)) , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 1 1)) , AlwaysPass , (EqPredicate _goatState_pan (V2 1 1)) , LabelCheck "Create A" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box False , Combine [ PFStateFunctionPredicate (checkNumElts 1) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 ] , LabelCheck "create another elt, but cancel it" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , Combine [ PFStateFunctionPredicate (checkNumElts 1) -- make sure no elt was created , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 -- the newly created elt gets selected and after cancelling, the previous selection is lost, womp womp , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_empty False -- handler defaults to empty selection after cancelling :( ] -- same as above , Combine [ PFStateFunctionPredicate (checkNumElts 1) , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_empty False ] , LabelCheck "press escape a bunch of times and make sure nothing breaks" , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_empty False ] , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , LabelCheck "select elt A" , EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "create elt B" , EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Text , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_boxText False , Combine [ PFStateFunctionPredicate (checkNumElts 2) -- make sure second box was created , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_boxText False ] -- unselect , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Select) , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_empty False ] , LabelCheck "single click select elt B" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True -- select+drag case, expect box handler , Combine [ numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box False ] -- now select elts A + B , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 2 , LabelCheck "begin selecting nothing and cancel" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 2 , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 2 , LabelCheck "single click shift unselect elt B" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True -- single click shift unselect case uses select handler , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "unselect" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 0 , LabelCheck "single click select elt A" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 1 , LabelCheck "manipulate A" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True -- check that it got moved to 0 0 , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate Nothing (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == (-2) && y == (-2) _ -> False) , LabelCheck "single click shift select elt B" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_select True -- single click shift unselect case uses select handler , numSelectedEltsEqualPredicate 2 , LabelCheck "manipulate A+B" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True -- check that first elt A got moved over by 2 -- TODO also check elt B , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 0 && y == (-2) _ -> False) , LabelCheck "Mainpulate A+B then cancel" , checkHandlerNameAndState handlerName_box True , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 3 && y == 3 _ -> False) , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 0 && y == (-2) _ -> False) , firstSelectedSuperOwlPredicate (Just "") (\sowl -> case hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl of SEltBox (SBox (LBox (V2 x y) _) _ _ _ _) -> x == 0 && y == (-2) _ -> False) ] -- test specific behaviour on input focus between layers and canvas everything_hasSavedChanges_test :: Test everything_hasSavedChanges_test = constructTest "has saved changes" owlpfstate_basic1 bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Start" , EWCNothing , EWCLabel "Create A" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCLabel "undo redo" , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'z') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'y') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCLabel "save undo redo undo do" , EWCMarkSaved , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'z') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'y') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) , EWCKeyboard (KeyboardData (KeyboardKey_Char 'z') [KeyModifier_Ctrl]) -- TODO , EWCLabel "Create B" , EWCTool Tool_Box , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 1) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) False MouseButton_Left [] False) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 10 10) True MouseButton_Left [] False) ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Start" , hasUnsavedChanges False , LabelCheck "Create A" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , hasUnsavedChanges True , LabelCheck "undo redo" , hasUnsavedChanges False , hasUnsavedChanges True , LabelCheck "save undo redo undo do" , hasUnsavedChanges False , hasUnsavedChanges True , hasUnsavedChanges False , hasUnsavedChanges True , LabelCheck "Create B" , (EqPredicate goatState_selectedTool Tool_Box) , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , hasUnsavedChanges True ] testForChar_internal :: RenderedCanvasRegion -> XY -> Bool testForChar_internal rc pos = case toIndexSafe (_renderedCanvasRegion_box rc) pos of Nothing -> False Just i -> _renderedCanvasRegion_contents rc V.! i /= (-1, ' ') -- bad because this function assumes: -- - element render fills the entire box -- - nothing else is overlapping it -- - element is canonical and non zero badTestVisibility :: Text -> Bool -> EverythingPredicate badTestVisibility name cansee = FunctionPredicate f where f gs = r where pfs = goatState_pFState gs rc = _goatState_renderedCanvas gs lmm = _layersState_meta $ _goatState_layersState gs msowl = hasOwlTree_test_findFirstSuperOwlByName pfs name wasrendered = case msowl of Nothing -> False Just sowl -> case getSEltBox_naive (hasOwlItem_toSElt_hack sowl) of Nothing -> False Just box -> wasrendered' where wasrendered' = testForChar_internal rc (_lBox_tl box) r = (show (_renderedCanvasRegion_box rc) <> show lmm <> " expected " <> show cansee <> " got " <> show wasrendered <> "\n\n" <> renderedCanvasToText rc <> "\n\n", cansee == wasrendered) everything_hideStuff_test :: Test everything_hideStuff_test = constructTestWithControllerMeta "render hide via folders test" owlpfstate_basic2 controllermeta_basic2_expandEverything bs expected where bs = [ EWCLabel "Nothing" , EWCScreenRegion 25 -- must set the screen so we can see stuff , EWCLabel "hide b1" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 3 2) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 3 2) True MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCNothing , EWCNothing , EWCLabel "hide fstart1" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 0) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 0) True MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCLabel "show fstart1" , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 0) False MouseButton_Left [] True) , EWCMouse (LMouseData (V2 1 0) True MouseButton_Left [] True) ] expected = [ LabelCheck "Nothing" , badTestVisibility "b1" True -- test b1 is not hidden , LabelCheck "hide b1" , AlwaysPass , AlwaysPass , badTestVisibility "b1" False -- test b1 is hidden , badTestVisibility "b2" True -- test b2 is not hidden , LabelCheck "hide fstart1" , badTestVisibility "b1" False -- test b1 is hidden , badTestVisibility "b2" False -- test b2 is hidden , LabelCheck "show fstart1" , badTestVisibility "b1" False -- test b1 is hidden , badTestVisibility "b2" True -- test b2 is not hidden ] spec :: Spec spec = do describe "EverythingWidget" $ do fromHUnitTest $ everything_load_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_layers_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_canvasSize_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_keyboard_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_lockhiddenselectionvialayers_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_lockhiddenselectionviacanvas_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_basic_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_inputfocusing_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_hasSavedChanges_test fromHUnitTest $ everything_hideStuff_test --fromHUnitTest $ everything_newfolder_test