{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {- | Module : Toml.Codec.BiMap.Conversion Copyright : (c) 2018-2021 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier : MPL-2.0 Maintainer : Kowainik Stability : Stable Portability : Portable Implementations of 'BiMap' for specific Haskell types and TOML values. Usually, you use codecs from the "Toml.Codec.Combinator" module. You may need to use these 'BiMap's instead of codecs in the following situations: 1. When using 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.List.arrayOf' combinator (or similar). 2. When using 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Map.tableMap' combinator (for keys). 3. When implementing custom 'BiMap' for your types. @since -} module Toml.Codec.BiMap.Conversion ( -- * Primitive -- ** Boolean _Bool -- ** Integral , _Int , _Word , _Word8 , _Integer , _Natural -- ** Floating , _Double , _Float -- ** Text , _Text , _LText , _ByteString , _LByteString , _String -- * Time , _ZonedTime , _LocalTime , _Day , _TimeOfDay -- * Arrays , _Array , _NonEmpty , _Set , _HashSet , _IntSet , _ByteStringArray , _LByteStringArray -- * Coerce , _Coerce -- * Custom , _EnumBounded , _Read , _TextBy , _Validate , _Hardcoded -- * 'Key's , _KeyText , _KeyString , _KeyInt -- * General purpose , _Just , _Left , _Right -- * Internal helpers , _LTextText , _NaturalInteger , _NonEmptyList , _StringText , _ReadString , _BoundedInteger , _EnumBoundedText , _ByteStringText , _LByteStringText ) where import Control.Category ((>>>)) import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Data.Bifunctor (bimap, first) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Coerce (Coercible, coerce) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay, ZonedTime) import Data.Word (Word8) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Text.Read (readEither) import Toml.Codec.BiMap (BiMap (..), TomlBiMap, TomlBiMapError (..), iso, mkAnyValueBiMap, prism, tShow, wrongConstructor) import Toml.Parser (TomlParseError (..), parseKey) import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue (..), applyAsToAny, matchBool, matchDay, matchDouble, matchHours, matchInteger, matchLocal, matchText, matchZoned, mkMatchError, toMArray) import Toml.Type.Key (Key (..)) import Toml.Type.Printer (prettyKey) import Toml.Type.Value (TValue (..), Value (..)) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Primitive ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'Prelude.Bool' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.bool' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _Bool :: TomlBiMap Bool AnyValue _Bool = mkAnyValueBiMap matchBool Bool {-# INLINE _Bool #-} {- | 'Prelude.Integer' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.integer' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _Integer :: TomlBiMap Integer AnyValue _Integer = mkAnyValueBiMap matchInteger Integer {-# INLINE _Integer #-} {- | 'Prelude.Double' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.double' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _Double :: TomlBiMap Double AnyValue _Double = mkAnyValueBiMap matchDouble Double {-# INLINE _Double #-} {- | 'Data.Text.Text' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.text' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _Text :: TomlBiMap Text AnyValue _Text = mkAnyValueBiMap matchText Text {-# INLINE _Text #-} {- | Helper bimap for 'Data.Text.Lazy.Text' and 'Data.Text.Text'. @since 1.0.0 -} _LTextText :: BiMap e TL.Text Text _LTextText = iso TL.toStrict TL.fromStrict {-# INLINE _LTextText #-} {- | 'Data.Text.Lazy.Text' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.lazyText' combinator. @since 1.0.0 -} _LText :: TomlBiMap TL.Text AnyValue _LText = _LTextText >>> _Text {-# INLINE _LText #-} {- | 'Data.Time.ZonedTime' bimap for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Time.zonedTime' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _ZonedTime :: TomlBiMap ZonedTime AnyValue _ZonedTime = mkAnyValueBiMap matchZoned Zoned {-# INLINE _ZonedTime #-} {- | 'Data.Time.LocalTime' bimap for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Time.localTime' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _LocalTime :: TomlBiMap LocalTime AnyValue _LocalTime = mkAnyValueBiMap matchLocal Local {-# INLINE _LocalTime #-} {- | 'Data.Time.Day' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Time.day' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Day :: TomlBiMap Day AnyValue _Day = mkAnyValueBiMap matchDay Day {-# INLINE _Day #-} {- | 'Data.Time.TimeOfDay' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Time.timeOfDay' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _TimeOfDay :: TomlBiMap TimeOfDay AnyValue _TimeOfDay = mkAnyValueBiMap matchHours Hours {-# INLINE _TimeOfDay #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'String' and 'Data.Text.Text'. @since 0.4.0 -} _StringText :: BiMap e String Text _StringText = iso T.pack T.unpack {-# INLINE _StringText #-} {- | 'String' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.string' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _String :: TomlBiMap String AnyValue _String = _StringText >>> _Text {-# INLINE _String #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'Natural' and 'Prelude.Integer'. @since 0.5.0 -} _NaturalInteger :: TomlBiMap Natural Integer _NaturalInteger = BiMap (Right . toInteger) eitherInteger where eitherInteger :: Integer -> Either TomlBiMapError Natural eitherInteger n | n < 0 = Left $ ArbitraryError $ "Value is below zero, but expected Natural: " <> tShow n | otherwise = Right (fromIntegral n) {- | 'Natural' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.natural' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Natural :: TomlBiMap Natural AnyValue _Natural = _NaturalInteger >>> _Integer {-# INLINE _Natural #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'Prelude.Integer' and integral, bounded values. @since 0.5.0 -} _BoundedInteger :: (Integral a, Bounded a, Show a) => TomlBiMap a Integer _BoundedInteger = BiMap (Right . toInteger) eitherBounded where eitherBounded :: forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a, Show a) => Integer -> Either TomlBiMapError a eitherBounded n | n < toInteger (minBound @a) = let msg = "Value " <> tShow n <> " is less than minBound: " <> tShow (minBound @a) in Left $ ArbitraryError msg | n > toInteger (maxBound @a) = let msg = "Value " <> tShow n <> " is greater than maxBound: " <> tShow (maxBound @a) in Left $ ArbitraryError msg | otherwise = Right (fromIntegral n) {- | 'Word' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.word' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Word :: TomlBiMap Word AnyValue _Word = _BoundedInteger >>> _Integer {-# INLINE _Word #-} {- | 'Word8' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.word8' combinator. @since -} _Word8 :: TomlBiMap Word8 AnyValue _Word8 = _BoundedInteger >>> _Integer {-# INLINE _Word8 #-} {- | 'Int' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.int' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Int :: TomlBiMap Int AnyValue _Int = _BoundedInteger >>> _Integer {-# INLINE _Int #-} {- | 'Float' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.float' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Float :: TomlBiMap Float AnyValue _Float = iso realToFrac realToFrac >>> _Double {-# INLINE _Float #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'Data.Text.Text' and strict 'ByteString' @since 0.5.0 -} _ByteStringText :: TomlBiMap ByteString Text _ByteStringText = prism T.encodeUtf8 eitherText where eitherText :: ByteString -> Either TomlBiMapError Text eitherText = either (\err -> Left $ ArbitraryError $ tShow err) Right . T.decodeUtf8' {-# INLINE _ByteStringText #-} {- | UTF-8 encoded 'ByteString' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.byteString' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _ByteString :: TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue _ByteString = _ByteStringText >>> _Text {-# INLINE _ByteString #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'Data.Text.Text' and lazy 'BL.ByteString'. @since 0.5.0 -} _LByteStringText :: TomlBiMap BL.ByteString Text _LByteStringText = prism (TL.encodeUtf8 . TL.fromStrict) eitherText where eitherText :: BL.ByteString -> Either TomlBiMapError Text eitherText = bimap (ArbitraryError . tShow) TL.toStrict . TL.decodeUtf8' {-# INLINE _LByteStringText #-} {- | UTF-8 encoded lazy 'BL.ByteString' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.lazyByteString' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _LByteString :: TomlBiMap BL.ByteString AnyValue _LByteString = _LByteStringText >>> _Text {-# INLINE _LByteString #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Array ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'ByteString' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue' encoded as a list of bytes (non-negative integers between 0 and 255). Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.byteStringArray' combinator. @since -} _ByteStringArray :: TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue _ByteStringArray = iso BS.unpack BS.pack >>> _Array _Word8 {-# INLINE _ByteStringArray #-} {- | Lazy 'ByteString' 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue' encoded as a list of bytes (non-negative integers between 0 and 255). Usually used as 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive.lazyByteStringArray' combinator. @since -} _LByteStringArray :: TomlBiMap BL.ByteString AnyValue _LByteStringArray = iso BL.unpack BL.pack >>> _Array _Word8 {-# INLINE _LByteStringArray #-} {- | Takes a 'BiMap' of a value and returns a 'BiMap' for a list of values and 'AnyValue' as an array. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.List.arrayOf' combinator. @since 0.4.0 -} _Array :: forall a . TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap [a] AnyValue _Array elementBimap = BiMap toAnyValue fromAnyValue where toAnyValue :: [a] -> Either TomlBiMapError AnyValue toAnyValue = mapM (forward elementBimap) >=> bimap WrongValue AnyValue . toMArray fromAnyValue :: AnyValue -> Either TomlBiMapError [a] fromAnyValue (AnyValue v) = matchElements (backward elementBimap) v -- can't reuse matchArray here :( matchElements :: (AnyValue -> Either TomlBiMapError a) -> Value t -> Either TomlBiMapError [a] matchElements match (Array a) = mapM (applyAsToAny match) a matchElements _ val = first WrongValue $ mkMatchError TArray val {- | Takes a 'BiMap' of a value and returns a 'BiMap' for a 'NonEmpty' list of values and 'AnyValue' as an array. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.List.arrayNonEmptyOf' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _NonEmpty :: TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap (NE.NonEmpty a) AnyValue _NonEmpty bi = _NonEmptyList >>> _Array bi {-# INLINE _NonEmpty #-} {- | Helper 'BiMap' for lists and 'NE.NonEmpty'. @since -} _NonEmptyList :: TomlBiMap (NE.NonEmpty a) [a] _NonEmptyList = BiMap { forward = Right . NE.toList , backward = maybe (Left $ ArbitraryError "Empty array list, but expected NonEmpty") Right . NE.nonEmpty } {-# INLINE _NonEmptyList #-} {- | Takes a 'BiMap' of a value and returns a 'BiMap' for a 'Set' of values and 'AnyValue' as an array. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Set.arraySetOf' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Set :: (Ord a) => TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap (S.Set a) AnyValue _Set bi = iso S.toList S.fromList >>> _Array bi {-# INLINE _Set #-} {- | Takes a 'BiMap' of a value and returns a 'BiMap' for a 'HashSet' of values and 'AnyValue' as an array. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Set.arrayHashSetOf' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _HashSet :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap (HS.HashSet a) AnyValue _HashSet bi = iso HS.toList HS.fromList >>> _Array bi {-# INLINE _HashSet #-} {- | 'IS.IntSet' bimap for 'AnyValue'. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Set.arrayIntSet' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _IntSet :: TomlBiMap IS.IntSet AnyValue _IntSet = iso IS.toList IS.fromList >>> _Array _Int {-# INLINE _IntSet #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Coerce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'BiMap' for 'Coercible' values. It takes a 'TomlBiMap' for @a@ type and returns a 'TomlBiMap' @b@ if these types are coercible. It is supposed to be used to ease the work with @newtypes@. E.g. @ __newtype__ Foo = Foo { unFoo :: 'Int' } fooBiMap :: 'TomlBiMap' Foo 'AnyValue' fooBiMap = '_Coerce' '_Int' @ @since -} _Coerce :: (Coercible a b) => TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap b AnyValue _Coerce = coerce {-# INLINE _Coerce #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Custom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Helper 'BiMap' for 'String' and types with 'Read' and 'Show' instances. @since 0.5.0 -} _ReadString :: (Show a, Read a) => TomlBiMap a String _ReadString = BiMap (Right . show) (first (ArbitraryError . T.pack) . readEither) {-# INLINE _ReadString #-} {- | 'BiMap' for 'AnyValue' and values with a 'Read' and 'Show' instances. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Custom.read' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _Read :: (Show a, Read a) => TomlBiMap a AnyValue _Read = _ReadString >>> _String {-# INLINE _Read #-} {- | Creates 'BiMap' for 'Data.Text.Text' to 'AnyValue' with custom functions. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Custom.textBy' combinator. @since 0.5.0 -} _TextBy :: forall a . (a -> Text) -- ^ @show@ function for @a@ -> (Text -> Either Text a) -- ^ Parser of @a@ from 'Data.Text.Text' -> TomlBiMap a AnyValue _TextBy toText parseText = BiMap toAnyValue fromAnyValue where toAnyValue :: a -> Either TomlBiMapError AnyValue toAnyValue = Right . AnyValue . Text . toText fromAnyValue :: AnyValue -> Either TomlBiMapError a fromAnyValue (AnyValue v) = first WrongValue (matchText v) >>= first ArbitraryError . parseText {- | By the given 'BiMap' validates it with the given predicate that returns 'Either' the value, if the validation is successful, or the 'Text' of the error that should be returned in case of validation failure. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Custom.validate' or 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Custom.validateIf' combinator. @since -} _Validate :: forall a . (a -> Either Text a) -> TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> TomlBiMap a AnyValue _Validate p BiMap{..} = BiMap forward backwardWithValidation where backwardWithValidation :: AnyValue -> Either TomlBiMapError a backwardWithValidation anyVal = backward anyVal >>= first ArbitraryError . p {- | Helper 'BiMap' for '_EnumBounded' and 'Data.Text.Text'. @since -} _EnumBoundedText :: forall a. (Show a, Enum a, Bounded a) => TomlBiMap a Text _EnumBoundedText = BiMap { forward = Right . tShow , backward = toEnumBounded } where toEnumBounded :: Text -> Either TomlBiMapError a toEnumBounded value = case M.lookup value enumOptions of Just a -> Right a Nothing -> let msg = "Value is '" <> value <> "' but expected one of: " <> T.intercalate ", " options in Left (ArbitraryError msg) where enumOptions :: Map Text a enumOptions = M.fromList $ zip options enums options = fmap tShow enums enums = [minBound @a .. maxBound @a] {- | 'BiMap' for nullary sum data types (enumerations) with 'Show', 'Enum' and 'Bounded' instances. Usually used as the 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Custom.enumBounded' combinator. @since -} _EnumBounded :: (Show a, Enum a, Bounded a) => TomlBiMap a AnyValue _EnumBounded = _EnumBoundedText >>> _Text {-# INLINE _EnumBounded #-} {- | 'BiMap' for hardcoded values. It returns the same value in case of success and 'ArbitraryError' in other case. @since -} _Hardcoded :: forall a . (Show a, Eq a) => a -> TomlBiMap a a _Hardcoded a = BiMap { forward = const (Right a) , backward = checkValue } where checkValue :: a -> Either TomlBiMapError a checkValue v = if v == a then Right v else Left (ArbitraryError msg) where msg :: Text msg = "Value '" <> T.pack (show v) <> "' doesn't align with the hardcoded value '" <> T.pack (show a) <> "'" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Keys ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Bidirectional converter between 'Key' and 'Data.Text.Text'. Usually used as an argument for 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Map.tableMap'. @since -} _KeyText :: TomlBiMap Key Text _KeyText = BiMap { forward = Right . prettyKey , backward = first (ArbitraryError . unTomlParseError) . parseKey } {- | Bidirectional converter between 'Key' and 'String'. Usually used as an argument for 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Map.tableMap'. @since -} _KeyString :: TomlBiMap Key String _KeyString = BiMap { forward = Right . T.unpack . prettyKey , backward = first (ArbitraryError . unTomlParseError) . parseKey . T.pack } {- | Bidirectional converter between 'Key' and 'Int'. Usually used as an argument for 'Toml.Codec.Combinator.Map.tableIntMap'. @since -} _KeyInt :: TomlBiMap Key Int _KeyInt = BiMap { forward = first (ArbitraryError . T.pack) . readEither . T.unpack . prettyKey , backward = first (ArbitraryError . unTomlParseError) . parseKey . tShow } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- General purpose bimaps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | 'BiMap' for 'Either' and its 'Left' part. @since 0.4.0 -} _Left :: (Show l, Show r) => TomlBiMap (Either l r) l _Left = prism Left $ \case Left l -> Right l x -> wrongConstructor "Left" x {- | 'BiMap' for 'Either' and its 'Right' part. @since 0.4.0 -} _Right :: (Show l, Show r) => TomlBiMap (Either l r) r _Right = prism Right $ \case Right r -> Right r x -> wrongConstructor "Right" x {- | 'BiMap' for 'Maybe' and its 'Just' part. @since 0.5.0 -} _Just :: Show r => TomlBiMap (Maybe r) r _Just = prism Just $ \case Just r -> Right r x -> wrongConstructor "Just" x