{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- | Module : Toml.Codec.Generic Copyright : (c) 2018-2021 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier : MPL-2.0 Maintainer : Kowainik Stability : Stable Portability : Portable This module contains implementation of the 'Generic' TOML codec. If your data types are big and nested, and you want to have codecs for them without writing a lot of boilerplate code, you can find this module helpful. Below you can find the detailed explanation on how the 'Generic' codecs work. Consider the following Haskell data types: @ __data__ User = User { age :: Int , address :: Address , socials :: [Social] } __deriving__ ('Generic') __data__ Address = Address { street :: Text , house :: Int } __deriving__ ('Generic') __data__ Social = Social { name :: Text , link :: Text } __deriving__ ('Generic') @ Value of the @User@ type represents the following TOML: @ age = 27 [address] street = "Miami Beach" house = 42 [[socials]] name = \"Twitter\" link = "https://twitter.com/foo" [[socials]] name = \"GitHub\" link = "https://github.com/bar" @ Normally you would write 'TomlCodec' for this data type like this: @ userCodec :: 'TomlCodec' User userCodec = User \<$\> Toml.int "age" .= age \<*\> Toml.table addressCodec "address" .= address \<*\> Toml.list socialCodec "socials" .= socials addressCodec :: 'TomlCodec' Address addressCodec = Address \<$\> Toml.text "street" .= street \<*\> Toml.int "house" .= house socialCodec :: 'TomlCodec' Social socialCodec = Social \<$\> Toml.text "name" .= name \<*\> Toml.text "link" .= link @ However, if you derive 'Generic' instance for your data types (as we do in the example), you can write your codecs in a simpler way. @ userCodec :: 'TomlCodec' User userCodec = 'genericCodec' __instance__ 'HasCodec' Address __where__ hasCodec = Toml.table 'genericCodec' __instance__ 'HasItemCodec' Social __where__ hasItemCodec = Right 'genericCodec' @ Several notes about the interface: 1. Your top-level data types are always implemented as 'genericCodec' (or other generic codecs). 2. If you have a custom data type as a field of another type, you need to implement the instance of the 'HasCodec' typeclass. 3. If the data type appears as an element of a list, you need to implement the instance of the 'HasItemCodec' typeclass. @since -} module Toml.Codec.Generic ( genericCodec , genericCodecWithOptions , stripTypeNameCodec -- * Options , TomlOptions (..) , GenericOptions (..) , stripTypeNameOptions , stripTypeNamePrefix -- * Core generic typeclass , HasCodec (..) , HasItemCodec (..) , GenericCodec (..) -- * 'ByteString' newtypes -- $bytestring , ByteStringAsText (..) , ByteStringAsBytes (..) , LByteStringAsText (..) , LByteStringAsBytes (..) -- * Deriving Via , TomlTable (..) , TomlTableStrip (..) ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Char (isLower, toLower) import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.HashSet (HashSet) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap) import Data.IntSet (IntSet) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.List (stripPrefix) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Monoid (All (..), Any (..), First (..), Last (..), Product (..), Sum (..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.String (IsString (..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay, ZonedTime) import Data.Typeable (Typeable, typeRep) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (C1, D1, Generic (..), K1 (..), M1 (..), Rec0, S1, Selector (..), (:*:) (..), (:+:)) import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError) import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Toml.Codec.BiMap (TomlBiMap) import Toml.Codec.Di (diwrap, (.=)) import Toml.Codec.Types (TomlCodec) import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue) import Toml.Type.Key (Key) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import qualified Toml.Codec.BiMap.Conversion as Toml import qualified Toml.Codec.Combinator as Toml import qualified Toml.Codec.Di as Toml {- | Generic codec for arbitrary data types. Uses field names as keys. @since -} genericCodec :: (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a)) => TomlCodec a genericCodec = Toml.dimap from to $ genericTomlCodec (GenericOptions id) {-# INLINE genericCodec #-} {- | Generic codec with options for arbitrary data types. @since -} genericCodecWithOptions :: forall a . (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a), Typeable a) => TomlOptions a -> TomlCodec a genericCodecWithOptions = Toml.dimap from to . genericTomlCodec . toGenericOptions @a {-# INLINE genericCodecWithOptions #-} {- | Generic codec that uses 'stripTypeNameOptions'. @since -} stripTypeNameCodec :: forall a . (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a), Typeable a) => TomlCodec a stripTypeNameCodec = genericCodecWithOptions $ stripTypeNameOptions @a {-# INLINE stripTypeNameCodec #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic typeclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Options to configure various parameters of generic encoding. Specifically: * __'tomlOptionsFieldModifier'__: how to translate field names to TOML keys? @since -} data TomlOptions a = TomlOptions { tomlOptionsFieldModifier :: Typeable a => Proxy a -> String -> String } {- | Same as 'TomlOptions' but with all data type information erased. This data type is used internally. Define your options using 'TomlOptions' data type. @since -} newtype GenericOptions = GenericOptions { genericOptionsFieldModifier :: String -> String } toGenericOptions :: forall a . Typeable a => TomlOptions a -> GenericOptions toGenericOptions TomlOptions{..} = GenericOptions { genericOptionsFieldModifier = tomlOptionsFieldModifier (Proxy @a) } {- | Options that use 'stripTypeNamePrefix' as 'tomlOptionsFieldModifier'. @since -} stripTypeNameOptions :: Typeable a => TomlOptions a stripTypeNameOptions = TomlOptions { tomlOptionsFieldModifier = stripTypeNamePrefix } {- | Strips name of the type name from field name prefix. >>> data UserData = UserData { userDataId :: Int, userDataShortInfo :: Text } >>> stripTypeNamePrefix (Proxy @UserData) "userDataId" "id" >>> stripTypeNamePrefix (Proxy @UserData) "userDataShortInfo" "shortInfo" >>> stripTypeNamePrefix (Proxy @UserData) "udStats" "stats" >>> stripTypeNamePrefix (Proxy @UserData) "fooBar" "bar" >>> stripTypeNamePrefix (Proxy @UserData) "name" "name" @since -} stripTypeNamePrefix :: forall a . Typeable a => Proxy a -> String -> String stripTypeNamePrefix _ fieldName = case stripPrefix (headToLower $ typeName @a) fieldName of Just rest -> leaveIfEmpty rest Nothing -> leaveIfEmpty (dropWhile isLower fieldName) where headToLower :: String -> String headToLower = \case [] -> error "Cannot use 'headToLower' on empty Text" x:xs -> toLower x : xs -- if all lower case then leave field as it is leaveIfEmpty :: String -> String leaveIfEmpty rest = if null rest then fieldName else headToLower rest typeName :: forall a . Typeable a => String typeName = show $ typeRep (Proxy @a) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Generic typeclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Helper class to derive TOML codecs generically. @since -} class GenericCodec (f :: k -> Type) where genericTomlCodec :: GenericOptions -> TomlCodec (f p) -- | @since instance GenericCodec f => GenericCodec (D1 d f) where genericTomlCodec = Toml.dimap unM1 M1 . genericTomlCodec {-# INLINE genericTomlCodec #-} type GenericSumTomlNotSupported = 'Text "Generic TOML deriving for arbitrary sum types is not supported currently." -- | @since instance (TypeError GenericSumTomlNotSupported) => GenericCodec (f :+: g) where genericTomlCodec = error "Not supported" -- | @since instance GenericCodec f => GenericCodec (C1 c f) where genericTomlCodec = Toml.dimap unM1 M1 . genericTomlCodec {-# INLINE genericTomlCodec #-} -- | @since instance (GenericCodec f, GenericCodec g) => GenericCodec (f :*: g) where genericTomlCodec options = (:*:) <$> genericTomlCodec options .= fstG <*> genericTomlCodec options .= sndG where fstG :: (f :*: g) p -> f p fstG (f :*: _) = f sndG :: (f :*: g) p -> g p sndG (_ :*: g) = g {-# INLINE genericTomlCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Selector s, HasCodec a) => GenericCodec (S1 s (Rec0 a)) where genericTomlCodec GenericOptions{..} = genericWrap $ hasCodec @a fieldName where genericWrap :: TomlCodec a -> TomlCodec (S1 s (Rec0 a) p) genericWrap = Toml.dimap (unK1 . unM1) (M1 . K1) fieldName :: Key fieldName = fromString $ genericOptionsFieldModifier $ selName (error "S1" :: S1 s Proxy ()) {-# INLINE genericTomlCodec #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helper typeclasses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | This typeclass tells how the data type should be coded as an item of a list. Lists in TOML can have two types: __primitive__ and __table of arrays__. * If 'hasItemCodec' returns 'Left': __primitive__ arrays codec is used. * If 'hasItemCodec' returns 'Right:' __table of arrays__ codec is used. @since -} class HasItemCodec a where hasItemCodec :: Either (TomlBiMap a AnyValue) (TomlCodec a) -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Bool where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Bool {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Int where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Int {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Word where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Word {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Word8 where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Word8 {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Integer where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Integer {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Natural where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Natural {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Double where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Double {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Float where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Float {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Text where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Text {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec L.Text where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._LText {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec ByteStringAsText where hasItemCodec = Left $ coerce Toml._ByteString {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec ByteStringAsBytes where hasItemCodec = Left $ coerce Toml._ByteStringArray {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec LByteStringAsText where hasItemCodec = Left $ coerce Toml._LByteString {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec LByteStringAsBytes where hasItemCodec = Left $ coerce Toml._LByteStringArray {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec ZonedTime where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._ZonedTime {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec LocalTime where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._LocalTime {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec Day where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._Day {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec TimeOfDay where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._TimeOfDay {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec IntSet where hasItemCodec = Left Toml._IntSet {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} {- | If data type @a@ is not primitive then this instance returns codec for list under key equal to @a@ type name. @since -} instance (HasItemCodec a, Typeable a) => HasItemCodec [a] where hasItemCodec = case hasItemCodec @a of Left prim -> Left $ Toml._Array prim Right codec -> Right $ Toml.list codec (fromString $ typeName @a) {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} {- | Helper typeclass for generic deriving. This instance tells how the data type should be coded if it's a field of another data type. __NOTE:__ If you implement TOML codecs for your data types manually, prefer more explicit @Toml.int@ or @Toml.text@ instead of implicit @Toml.hasCodec@. Implement instances of this typeclass only when using 'genericCodec' and when your custom data types are not covered here. @since -} class HasCodec a where hasCodec :: Key -> TomlCodec a -- | @since instance HasCodec Bool where hasCodec = Toml.bool {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Int where hasCodec = Toml.int {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Word where hasCodec = Toml.word {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Word8 where hasCodec = Toml.word8 {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Integer where hasCodec = Toml.integer {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Natural where hasCodec = Toml.natural {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Double where hasCodec = Toml.double {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Float where hasCodec = Toml.float {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Text where hasCodec = Toml.text {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec L.Text where hasCodec = Toml.lazyText {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec ByteStringAsText where hasCodec = diwrap . Toml.byteString {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec ByteStringAsBytes where hasCodec = diwrap . Toml.byteStringArray {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec LByteStringAsText where hasCodec = diwrap . Toml.lazyByteString {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec LByteStringAsBytes where hasCodec = diwrap . Toml.lazyByteStringArray {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec ZonedTime where hasCodec = Toml.zonedTime {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec LocalTime where hasCodec = Toml.localTime {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Day where hasCodec = Toml.day {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec TimeOfDay where hasCodec = Toml.timeOfDay {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec IntSet where hasCodec = Toml.arrayIntSet {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec a => HasCodec (Maybe a) where hasCodec = Toml.dioptional . hasCodec @a {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec a => HasCodec [a] where hasCodec = case hasItemCodec @a of Left prim -> Toml.arrayOf prim Right codec -> Toml.list codec {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasItemCodec a => HasCodec (NonEmpty a) where hasCodec = case hasItemCodec @a of Left prim -> Toml.arrayNonEmptyOf prim Right codec -> Toml.nonEmpty codec {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Ord a, HasItemCodec a) => HasCodec (Set a) where hasCodec = case hasItemCodec @a of Left prim -> Toml.arraySetOf prim Right codec -> Toml.set codec {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Hashable a, Eq a, HasItemCodec a) => HasCodec (HashSet a) where hasCodec = case hasItemCodec @a of Left prim -> Toml.arrayHashSetOf prim Right codec -> Toml.hashSet codec {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} {- | Encodes 'Map' as array of tables with the @key@ and @val@ TOML key names for 'Map' keys and values. E.g. if you have a type @'Map' 'Int' 'Text'@, the 'HasCodec' instance for 'Generic' deriving will work with the following TOML representation: @ fieldName = [ { key = 10, val = "book" } , { key = 42, val = "food" } ] @ @since -} instance (Ord k, HasCodec k, HasCodec v) => HasCodec (Map k v) where hasCodec = Toml.map (hasCodec @k "key") (hasCodec @v "val") {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} {- | Encodes 'HashMap' as array of tables with the @key@ and @val@ TOML key names for 'HashMap' keys and values. E.g. if you have a type @'HashMap' 'Text' 'Int'@, the 'HasCodec' instance for 'Generic' deriving will work with the following TOML representation: @ fieldName = [ { key = "foo", val = 15 } , { key = "bar", val = 7 } ] @ @since -} instance (Hashable k, Eq k, HasCodec k, HasCodec v) => HasCodec (HashMap k v) where hasCodec = Toml.hashMap (hasCodec @k "key") (hasCodec @v "val") {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} {- | Encodes 'IntMap' as array of tables with the @key@ and @val@ TOML key names for 'IntMap' keys and values. E.g. if you have a type @'IntMap' 'Text'@, the 'HasCodec' instance for 'Generic' deriving will work with the following TOML representation: @ fieldName = [ { key = 10, val = "foo" } , { key = 42, val = "bar" } ] @ @since -} instance (HasCodec v) => HasCodec (IntMap v) where hasCodec = Toml.intMap (hasCodec @Int "key") (hasCodec @v "val") {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec All where hasCodec = Toml.all {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec Any where hasCodec = Toml.any {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Num a, HasCodec a) => HasCodec (Sum a) where hasCodec = Toml.sum (hasCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Num a, HasCodec a) => HasCodec (Product a) where hasCodec = Toml.product (hasCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec a => HasCodec (First a) where hasCodec = Toml.first (hasCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance HasCodec a => HasCodec (Last a) where hasCodec = Toml.last (hasCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} {- | @newtype@ for generic deriving of 'HasCodec' typeclass for custom data types that should we wrapped into separate table. Use it only for data types that are fields of another data types. @ __data__ Person = Person { personName :: !'Text' , personAddress :: !Address } __deriving__ ('Generic') data Address = Address { addressStreet :: !'Text' , addressHouse :: !'Int' } __deriving__ ('Generic') __deriving__ 'HasCodec' __via__ 'TomlTable' Address personCodec :: 'TomlCodec' Person personCodec = 'stripTypeNameCodec' @ @personCodec@ corresponds to the TOML of the following structure: @ name = "foo" [address] addressStreet = \"Bar\" addressHouse = 42 @ @since -} newtype TomlTable a = TomlTable { unTomlTable :: a } -- | @since instance (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a)) => HasCodec (TomlTable a) where hasCodec :: Key -> TomlCodec (TomlTable a) hasCodec = Toml.diwrap . Toml.table (genericCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a)) => HasItemCodec (TomlTable a) where hasItemCodec = Right $ Toml.diwrap $ genericCodec @a {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} {- | @newtype@ for generic deriving of 'HasCodec' typeclass for custom data types that should be wrapped into a separate table. Similar to 'TomlTable' but also strips the data type name prefix from TOML keys. @personCodec@ from the 'TomlTable' comment corresponds to the TOML of the following structure: @ name = "foo" [address] street = \"Bar\" house = 42 @ @since -} newtype TomlTableStrip a = TomlTableStrip { unTomlTableStrip :: a } -- | @since instance (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a), Typeable a) => HasCodec (TomlTableStrip a) where hasCodec :: Key -> TomlCodec (TomlTableStrip a) hasCodec = Toml.diwrap . Toml.table (stripTypeNameCodec @a) {-# INLINE hasCodec #-} -- | @since instance (Generic a, GenericCodec (Rep a), Typeable a) => HasItemCodec (TomlTableStrip a) where hasItemCodec = Right $ Toml.diwrap $ stripTypeNameCodec @a {-# INLINE hasItemCodec #-} {- $bytestring There are two ways to encode 'ByteString' in TOML: 1. Via text. 2. Via an array of integers (aka array of bytes). To handle all these cases, @tomland@ provides helpful newtypes, specifically: * 'ByteStringAsText' * 'ByteStringAsBytes' * 'LByteStringAsText' * 'LByteStringAsBytes' As a bonus, on GHC >= 8.6 you can use these newtypes with the @DerivingVia@ extensions for your own 'ByteString' types. @ __newtype__ MyByteString = MyByteString { unMyByteString :: 'ByteString' } __deriving__ 'HasCodec' __via__ 'ByteStringAsBytes' @ -} {- | Newtype wrapper over 'ByteString' to be used for text values. @since -} newtype ByteStringAsText = ByteStringAsText { unByteStringAsText :: ByteString } deriving newtype (Show, Eq) {- | Newtype wrapper over 'ByteString' to be used for array of integers representation. @since -} newtype ByteStringAsBytes = ByteStringAsBytes { unByteStringAsBytes :: ByteString } deriving newtype (Show, Eq) {- | Newtype wrapper over lazy 'LBS.ByteString' to be used for text values. @since -} newtype LByteStringAsText = LByteStringAsText { unLByteStringAsText :: LBS.ByteString } deriving newtype (Show, Eq) {- | Newtype wrapper over lazy 'LBS.ByteString' to be used for array of integers representation. @since -} newtype LByteStringAsBytes = LByteStringAsBytes { unLByteStringAsBytes :: LBS.ByteString } deriving newtype (Show, Eq)