{- | Module : Toml.Parser.Validate Copyright : (c) 2018-2021 Kowainik SPDX-License-Identifier : MPL-2.0 Maintainer : Kowainik Stability : Stable Portability : Portable This module contains functions that aggregate the result of 'Toml.Parser.Item.tomlP' parser into 'TOML'. This approach allows to keep parser fast and simple and delegate the process of creating tree structure to a separate function. @since -} module Toml.Parser.Validate ( -- * Decoding validateItems , ValidationError (..) -- * Internal helpers , groupItems , groupWithParent , validateItemForest ) where import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.Tree (Forest, Tree (..)) import Toml.Parser.Item (Table (..), TomlItem (..), setTableName) import Toml.Type.Key (Key, KeysDiff (FstIsPref), keysDiff) import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML (..), insertKeyAnyVal, insertTable, insertTableArrays) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Toml.Type.PrefixTree as PrefixMap {- | Validate list of 'TomlItem's and convert to 'TOML' if not validation errors are found. -} validateItems :: [TomlItem] -> Either ValidationError TOML validateItems = validateItemForest . groupItems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Grouping ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | This function takes flat list of 'TomlItem's and groups it into list of 'Tree's by putting all corresponding items inside tables and table arrays. It doesn't perform any validation, just groups items according to prefixes of their keys. So, for example, if you have the following keys as flat list: @ aaa # ordinary key aaa.bbb # ordinary key [foo] # table nam foo.bar foo.baz [xxx] # table name [xxx.yyy] # table name zzz @ the following tree structure will be created: @ aaa aaa.bbb [foo] ├──── foo.bar └──── foo.baz [xxx] └──── [yyy] └──── zzz @ -} groupItems :: [TomlItem] -> Forest TomlItem groupItems = fst . groupWithParent Nothing {- | This function groups list of TOML items into 'Forest' and returns list of items that are not children of specified parent. __Invariant:__ When this function is called with 'Nothing', second element in the result tuple should be empty list. -} groupWithParent :: Maybe Key -- ^ Parent name -> [TomlItem] -- ^ List of items -> (Forest TomlItem, [TomlItem]) -- ^ Forest of times and remaining items groupWithParent _ [] = ([], []) groupWithParent parent (item:items) = case item of KeyVal{} -> Node item [] <:> groupWithParent parent items InlineTable{} -> Node item [] <:> groupWithParent parent items InlineTableArray{} -> Node item [] <:> groupWithParent parent items TableName name -> groupTable item name TableArrayName name -> groupTable item name where -- prepend to the first list, just to remove some code noise (<:>) :: a -> ([a], b) -> ([a], b) a <:> tup = first (a :) tup -- takes table item and its name, collects all children into table subforest -- and returns all elements after the table groupTable :: TomlItem -> Key -> (Forest TomlItem, [TomlItem]) groupTable tableItem tableName = case parent of Nothing -> tableWithChildren tableName Just parentKey -> case keysDiff parentKey tableName of FstIsPref diff -> tableWithChildren diff _ -> ([], item:items) where tableWithChildren :: Key -> (Forest TomlItem, [TomlItem]) tableWithChildren newName = let (children, rest) = groupWithParent (Just tableName) items newItem = setTableName newName tableItem in Node newItem children <:> groupWithParent parent rest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decoding ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Error that happens during validating TOML which is already syntactically correct. For the list of all possible validation errors and their explanation, see the following issue on GitHub: * https://github.com/kowainik/tomland/issues/5 -} data ValidationError = DuplicateKey !Key | DuplicateTable !Key | SameNameKeyTable !Key | SameNameTableArray !Key deriving stock (Show, Eq) {- | Construct 'TOML' from the 'Forest' of 'TomlItem' and performing validation of TOML at the same time. -} validateItemForest :: Forest TomlItem -> Either ValidationError TOML validateItemForest = go mempty where go :: TOML -> Forest TomlItem -> Either ValidationError TOML go toml [] = Right toml go toml@TOML{..} (node:nodes) = case rootLabel node of -- ignore subforest here KeyVal key val -> do HashMap.lookup key tomlPairs `errorOnJust` DuplicateKey key PrefixMap.lookup key tomlTables `errorOnJust` SameNameKeyTable key go (insertKeyAnyVal key val toml) nodes -- ignore subforest here InlineTable key table -> do HashMap.lookup key tomlPairs `errorOnJust` SameNameKeyTable key HashMap.lookup key tomlTableArrays `errorOnJust` SameNameTableArray key PrefixMap.lookup key tomlTables `errorOnJust` DuplicateTable key tableToml <- createTomlFromTable table go (insertTable key tableToml toml) nodes -- ignore subforest here InlineTableArray key tables -> do PrefixMap.lookup key tomlTables `errorOnJust` SameNameTableArray key arrayToml <- mapM createTomlFromTable tables go (insertTableArrays key arrayToml toml) nodes TableName key -> do HashMap.lookup key tomlPairs `errorOnJust` SameNameKeyTable key HashMap.lookup key tomlTableArrays `errorOnJust` SameNameTableArray key PrefixMap.lookup key tomlTables `errorOnJust` DuplicateTable key subTable <- go mempty (subForest node) go (insertTable key subTable toml) nodes TableArrayName key -> do PrefixMap.lookup key tomlTables `errorOnJust` SameNameTableArray key subTable <- go mempty (subForest node) let newArray = case HashMap.lookup key tomlTableArrays of Nothing -> HashMap.insert key (subTable :| []) tomlTableArrays Just arr -> HashMap.insert key (arr <> (subTable :| [])) tomlTableArrays go (toml { tomlTableArrays = newArray }) nodes createTomlFromTable :: Table -> Either ValidationError TOML createTomlFromTable (Table table) = go mempty $ map (\(k, v) -> Node (KeyVal k v) []) table errorOnJust :: Maybe a -> e -> Either e () errorOnJust (Just _) e = Left e errorOnJust Nothing _ = Right ()