
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Network.Tox where

This document is a textual specification of the Tox protocol and all the
supporting modules required to implement it.  The goal of this document is to
give enough guidance to permit a complete and correct implementation of the


This section provides an overview of goals and non-goals of Tox.  It provides
the reader with:

  \item a basic understanding of what problems Tox intends to solve;
  \item a means to validate whether those problems are indeed solved by the
    protocol as specified;
  \item the ability to make better tradeoffs and decisions in their own
    reimplementation of the protocol.



  \item \textbf{Authentication:} Tox aims to provide authenticated
    communication. This means that during a communication session, both parties
    can be sure of the other party's identity. Users are identified by their
    public key. The initial key exchange is currently not in scope for the Tox
    protocol. In the future, Tox may provide a means for initial authentication
    using a challenge/response or shared secret based exchange.

    If the secret key is compromised, the user's identity is compromised, and an
    attacker can impersonate that user. When this happens, the user must create
    a new identity with a new public key.

  \item \textbf{End-to-end encryption:} The Tox protocol establishes end-to-end
    encrypted communication links. Shared keys are deterministically derived
    using a Diffie-Hellman-like method, so keys are never transferred over the

  \item \textbf{Forward secrecy}: Session keys are re-negotiated when the peer
    connection is established.

  \item \textbf{Privacy}: When Tox establishes a communication link, it aims to
    avoid leaking to any third party the identities of the parties involved
    (i.e. their public keys).

    Furthermore, it aims to avoid allowing third parties to determine the IP
    address of a given user.

  \item \textbf{Resilience:}
      \item Independence of infrastructure: Tox avoids relying on servers as
        much as possible. Communications are not transmitted via or stored on
        central servers. Joining a Tox network requires connecting to a
        well-known node called a bootstrap node. Anyone can run a bootstrap
        node, and users need not put any trust in them.
      \item Tox tries to establish communication paths in difficult network
        situations. This includes connecting to peers behind a NAT or firewall.
        Various techniques help achieve this, such as UDP hole-punching, UPnP,
        NAT-PMP, other untrusted nodes acting as relays, and DNS tunnels.
      \item Resistance to basic denial of service attacks: short timeouts make
        the network dynamic and resilient against poisoning attempts.

  \item \textbf{Minimum configuration:} Tox aims to be nearly zero-conf.
    User-friendliness is an important aspect to security. Tox aims to make
    security easy to achieve for average users.


  \item \textbf{Anonymity} is not in scope for the Tox protocol itself, but it
    provides an easy way to integrate with software providing anonymity, such as

    By default, Tox tries to establish direct connections between peers; as a
    consequence, each is aware of the other's IP address, and third parties
    may be able to determine that a connection has been established between
    those IP addresses. One of the reasons for making direct connections is that
    relaying real-time multimedia conversations over anonymity networks is not
    feasible with the current network infrastructure.

\section{Threat model}

TODO(iphydf): Define one.

\section{Data types}

All data types are defined before their first use, and their binary protocol
representation is given.  The protocol representations are normative and must
be implemented exactly as specified.  For some types, human-readable
representations are suggested.  An implementation may choose to provide no such
representation or a different one.  The implementation is free to choose any
in-memory representation of the specified types.

Binary formats are specified in tables with length, type, and content
descriptions.  If applicable, specific enumeration types are used, so types may
be self-explanatory in some cases.  The length can be either a fixed number in
bytes (e.g. \texttt{32}), a number in bits (e.g. \texttt{7} bit), a choice of
lengths (e.g. \texttt{4 / 16}), or an inclusive range (e.g. \texttt{[0,
100]}). Open ranges are denoted \texttt{[n,]} to mean a minimum length of
\texttt{n} with no specified maximum length.


The protocol uses four bounded unsigned integer types.  Bounded means they have
an upper bound beyond which incrementing is not defined.  The integer types
support modular arithmetic, so overflow wraps around to zero.  Unsigned means
their lower bound is 0.  Signed integer types are not used.  The binary
encoding of all integer types is a fixed-width byte sequence with the integer
encoded in \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness}{Big Endian} unless
stated otherwise.

  Type name  & C type            & Length & Upper bound \\
  Word8      & \texttt{uint8\_t}  & 1      & 255 (0xff) \\
  Word16     & \texttt{uint16\_t} & 2      & 65535 (0xffff) \\
  Word32     & \texttt{uint32\_t} & 4      & 4294967295 (0xffffffff) \\
  Word64     & \texttt{uint64\_t} & 8      & 18446744073709551615 (0xffffffffffffffff) \\


A String is a data structure used for human readable text.  Strings are
sequences of glyphs.  A glyph consists of one non-zero-width unicode code point
and zero or more zero-width unicode code points.  The human-readable
representation of a String starts and ends with a quotation mark (\texttt{"})
and contains all human-readable glyphs verbatim.  Control characters are
represented in an isomorphic human-readable way.  I.e. every control character
has exactly one human-readable representation, and a mapping exists from the
human-readable representation to the control character.  Therefore, the use of
Unicode Control Characters (U+240x) is not permitted without additional marker.


\chapter{LAN discovery}

LAN discovery is a way to discover Tox peers that are on a local network.  If
two Tox friends are on a local network, the most efficient way for them to
communicate together is to use the local network.  If a Tox client is opened on
a local network in which another Tox client exists then good behavior would be
to bootstrap to the network using the Tox client on the local network.  This is
what LAN discovery aims to accomplish.

LAN discovery works by sending a UDP packet through the toxcore UDP socket to
the interface broadcast address on IPv4, the global broadcast address
( and the multicast address on IPv6 (FF02::1) on the default
Tox UDP port (33445).

The LAN Discovery packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (33) \\
  \texttt{32}        & DHT public key \\

LAN Discovery packets contain the DHT public key of the sender.  When a LAN
Discovery packet is received, a DHT get nodes packet will be sent to the sender
of the packet.  This means that the DHT instance will bootstrap itself to every
peer from which it receives one of these packets.  Through this mechanism, Tox
clients will bootstrap themselves automatically from other Tox clients running
on the local network.

When enabled, toxcore sends these packets every 10 seconds to keep delays low.
The packets could be sent up to every 60 seconds but this would make peer
finding over the network 6 times slower.

LAN discovery enables two friends on a local network to find each other as the
DHT prioritizes LAN addresses over non LAN addresses for DHT peers.  Sending a
get node request/bootstrapping from a peer successfully should also add them to
the list of DHT peers if we are searching for them.  The peer must not be
immediately added if a LAN discovery packet with a DHT public key that we are
searching for is received as there is no cryptographic proof that this packet
is legitimate and not maliciously crafted.  This means that a DHT get node or
ping packet must be sent, and a valid response must be received, before we can
say that this peer has been found.

LAN discovery is how Tox handles and makes everything work well on LAN.


Messenger is the module at the top of all the other modules.  It sits on top of
\texttt{friend\_connection} in the hierarchy of toxcore.

Messenger takes care of sending and receiving messages using the connection
provided by \texttt{friend\_connection}.  The module provides a way for friends
to connect and makes it usable as an instant messenger.  For example, Messenger
lets users set a nickname and status message which it then transmits to friends
when they are online.  It also allows users to send messages to friends and
builds an instant messenging system on top of the lower level
\texttt{friend\_connection} module.

Messenger offers two methods to add a friend.  The first way is to add a friend
with only their long term public key, this is used when a friend needs to be
added but for some reason a friend request should not be sent.  The friend
should only be added.  This method is most commonly used to accept friend
requests but could also be used in other ways.  If two friends add each other
using this function they will connect to each other.  Adding a friend using
this method just adds the friend to \texttt{friend\_connection} and creates a
new friend entry in Messenger for the friend.

The Tox ID is used to identify peers so that they can be added as friends in
Tox.  In order to add a friend, a Tox user must have the friend's Tox ID. The
Tox ID contains the long term public key of the peer (32 bytes) followed by the
4 byte nospam (see: \texttt{friend\_requests}) value and a 2 byte XOR checksum.
The method of sending the Tox ID to others is up to the user and the client but
the recommended way is to encode it in hexadecimal format and have the user
manually send it to the friend using another program.

Tox ID:

\caption{Tox ID}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & long term public key \\
  \texttt{4}         & nospam \\
  \texttt{2}         & checksum \\

The checksum is calculated by XORing the first two bytes of the ID with the
next two bytes, then the next two bytes until all the 36 bytes have been XORed
together.  The result is then appended to the end to form the Tox ID.

The user must make sure the Tox ID is not intercepted and replaced in transit
by a different Tox ID, which would mean the friend would connect to a malicious
person instead of the user, though taking reasonable precautions as this is
outside the scope of Tox.  Tox assumes that the user has ensured that they are
using the correct Tox ID, belonging to the intended person, to add a friend.

The second method to add a friend is by using their Tox ID and a message to be
sent in a friend request.  This way of adding friends will try to send a friend
request, with the set message, to the peer whose Tox ID was added.  The method
is similar to the first one, except that a friend request is crafted and sent
to the other peer.

When a friend connection associated to a Messenger friend goes online, a ONLINE
packet will be sent to them.  Friends are only set as online if an ONLINE
packet is received.

As soon as a friend goes online, Messenger will stop sending friend requests to
that friend, if it was sending them, as they are redundant for this friend.

Friends will be set as offline if either the friend connection associated to
them goes offline or if an OFFLINE packet is received from the friend.

Messenger packets are sent to the friend using the online friend connection to
the friend.

Should Messenger need to check whether any of the non lossy packets in the
following list were received by the friend, for example to implement receipts
for text messages, \texttt{net\_crypto} can be used.  The \texttt{net\_crypto}
packet number, used to send the packets, should be noted and then
\texttt{net\_crypto} checked later to see if the bottom of the send array is
after this packet number.  If it is, then the friend has received them.  Note
that \texttt{net\_crypto} packet numbers could overflow after a long time, so
checks should happen within 2**32 \texttt{net\_crypto} packets sent with the
same friend connection.

Message receipts for action messages and normal text messages are implemented
by adding the \texttt{net\_crypto} packet number of each message, along with the
receipt number, to the top of a linked list that each friend has as they are
sent.  Every Messenger loop, the entries are read from the bottom and entries
are removed and passed to the client until an entry that refers to a packet not
yet received by the other is reached, when this happens it stops.

List of Messenger packets:


length: 1 byte

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x18) \\

Sent to a friend when a connection is established to tell them to mark us as
online in their friends list.  This packet and the OFFLINE packet are necessary
as \texttt{friend\_connections} can be established with non-friends who are part
of a groupchat.  The two packets are used to differentiate between these peers,
connected to the user through groupchats, and actual friends who ought to be
marked as online in the friendlist.

On receiving this packet, Messenger will show the peer as being online.


length: 1 byte

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x19) \\

Sent to a friend when deleting the friend.  Prevents a deleted friend from
seeing us as online if we are connected to them because of a group chat.

On receiving this packet, Messenger will show this peer as offline.


length: 1 byte to 129 bytes.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x30) \\
  \texttt{[0, 128]}  & Nickname as a UTF8 byte string \\

Used to send the nickname of the peer to others.  This packet should be sent
every time to each friend every time they come online and each time the
nickname is changed.


length: 1 byte to 1008 bytes.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x31) \\
  \texttt{[0, 1007]} & Status message as a UTF8 byte string \\

Used to send the status message of the peer to others.  This packet should be
sent every time to each friend every time they come online and each time the
status message is changed.


length: 2 bytes

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x32) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} status (0 = online, 1 = away, 2 = busy) \\

Used to send the user status of the peer to others.  This packet should be sent
every time to each friend every time they come online and each time the user
status is changed.


length: 2 bytes

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x33) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} typing status (0 = not typing, 1 = typing) \\

Used to tell a friend whether the user is currently typing or not.


  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x40) \\
  \texttt{[0, 1372]} & Message as a UTF8 byte string \\

Used to send a normal text message to the friend.


  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x41) \\
  \texttt{[0, 1372]} & Action message as a UTF8 byte string \\

Used to send an action message (like an IRC action) to the friend.


  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x45) \\
  \texttt{?}         & data \\

Reserved for Tox AV usage.

\section{File Transfer Related Packets}


  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x50) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} file number \\
  \texttt{4}         & \texttt{uint32\_t} file type \\
  \texttt{8}         & \texttt{uint64\_t} file size \\
  \texttt{32}        & file id (32 bytes) \\
  \texttt{[0, 255]}  & filename as a UTF8 byte string \\

Note that file type and file size are sent in big endian/network byte format.


length: 4 bytes if \texttt{control\_type} isn't seek.  12 bytes if
\texttt{control\_type} is seek.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x51) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} \texttt{send\_receive} \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} file number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} \texttt{control\_type} \\
  \texttt{8}         & \texttt{uint64\_t} seek parameter \\

\texttt{send\_receive} is 0 if the control targets a file being sent (by the
peer sending the file control), and 1 if it targets a file being received.

\texttt{control\_type} can be one of: 0 = accept, 1 = pause, 2 = kill, 3 = seek.

The seek parameter is only included when \texttt{control\_type} is seek (3).

Note that if it is included the seek parameter will be sent in big
endian/network byte format.


length: 2 to 1373 bytes.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x52) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} file number \\
  \texttt{[0, 1371]} & file data piece \\

Files are transferred in Tox using File transfers.

To initiate a file transfer, the friend creates and sends a
\texttt{FILE\_SENDREQUEST} packet to the friend it wants to initiate a file
transfer to.

The first part of the \texttt{FILE\_SENDREQUEST} packet is the file number.  The
file number is the number used to identify this file transfer.  As the file
number is represented by a 1 byte number, the maximum amount of concurrent
files Tox can send to a friend is 256.  256 file transfers per friend is enough
that clients can use tricks like queueing files if there are more files needing
to be sent.

256 outgoing files per friend means that there is a maximum of 512 concurrent
file transfers, between two users, if both incoming and outgoing file transfers
are counted together.

As file numbers are used to identify the file transfer, the Tox instance must
make sure to use a file number that isn't used for another outgoing file
transfer to that same friend when creating a new outgoing file transfer.  File
numbers are chosen by the file sender and stay unchanged for the entire
duration of the file transfer.  The file number is used by both
\texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} and \texttt{FILE\_DATA} packets to identify which file
transfer these packets are for.

The second part of the file transfer request is the file type.  This is simply
a number that identifies the type of file.  for example, tox.h defines the file
type 0 as being a normal file and type 1 as being an avatar meaning the Tox
client should use that file as an avatar.  The file type does not effect in any
way how the file is transfered or the behavior of the file transfer.  It is set
by the Tox client that creates the file transfers and send to the friend

The file size indicates the total size of the file that will be transfered.  A
file size of \texttt{UINT64\_MAX} (maximum value in a \texttt{uint64\_t}) means
that the size of the file is undetermined or unknown.  For example if someone
wanted to use Tox file transfers to stream data they would set the file size to
\texttt{UINT64\_MAX}.  A file size of 0 is valid and behaves exactly like a
normal file transfer.

The file id is 32 bytes that can be used to uniquely identify the file
transfer.  For example, avatar transfers use it as the hash of the avatar so
that the receiver can check if they already have the avatar for a friend which
saves bandwidth.  It is also used to identify broken file transfers across
toxcore restarts (for more info see the file transfer section of tox.h).  The
file transfer implementation does not care about what the file id is, as it is
only used by things above it.

The last part of the file transfer is the optional file name which is used to
tell the receiver the name of the file.

When a \texttt{FILE\_SENDREQUEST} packet is received, the implementation
validates and sends the info to the Tox client which decides whether they
should accept the file transfer or not.

To refuse or cancel a file transfer, they will send a \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL}
packet with \texttt{control\_type} 2 (kill).

\texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} packets are used to control the file transfer.
\texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} packets are used to accept/unpause, pause, kill/cancel
and seek file transfers.  The \texttt{control\_type} parameter denotes what the
file control packet does.

The \texttt{send\_receive} and file number are used to identify a specific file
transfer.  Since file numbers for outgoing and incoming files are not related
to each other, the \texttt{send\_receive} parameter is used to identify if the
file number belongs to files being sent or files being received.  If
\texttt{send\_receive} is 0, the file number corresponds to a file being sent by
the user sending the file control packet.  If \texttt{send\_receive} is 1, it
corresponds to a file being received by the user sending the file control

\texttt{control\_type} indicates the purpose of the \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL}
packet.  \texttt{control\_type} of 0 means that the \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} packet
is used to tell the friend that the file transfer is accepted or that we are
unpausing a previously paused (by us) file transfer.  \texttt{control\_type} of
1 is used to tell the other to pause the file transfer.

If one party pauses a file transfer, that party must be the one to unpause it.
Should both sides pause a file transfer, both sides must unpause it before the
file can be resumed.  For example, if the sender pauses the file transfer, the
receiver must not be able to unpause it.  To unpause a file transfer,
\texttt{control\_type} 0 is used.  Files can only be paused when they are in
progress and have been accepted.

\texttt{control\_type} 2 is used to kill, cancel or refuse a file transfer.
When a \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} is received, the targeted file transfer is
considered dead, will immediately be wiped and its file number can be reused.
The peer sending the \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} must also wipe the targeted file
transfer from their side.  This control type can be used by both sides of the
transfer at any time.

\texttt{control\_type} 3, the seek control type is used to tell the sender of
the file to start sending from a different index in the file than 0.  It can
only be used right after receiving a \texttt{FILE\_SENDREQUEST} packet and
before accepting the file by sending a \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} with
\texttt{control\_type} 0.  When this \texttt{control\_type} is used, an extra 8
byte number in big endian format is appended to the \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} that
is not present with other control types.  This number indicates the index in
bytes from the beginning of the file at which the file sender should start
sending the file.  The goal of this control type is to ensure that files can be
resumed across core restarts.  Tox clients can know if they have received a
part of a file by using the file id and then using this packet to tell the
other side to start sending from the last received byte.  If the seek position
is bigger or equal to the size of the file, the seek packet is invalid and the
one receiving it will discard it.

To accept a file Tox will therefore send a seek packet, if it is needed, and
then send a \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} packet with \texttt{control\_type} 0 (accept)
to tell the file sender that the file was accepted.

Once the file transfer is accepted, the file sender will start sending file
data in sequential chunks from the beginning of the file (or the position from
the \texttt{FILE\_CONTROL} seek packet if one was received).

File data is sent using \texttt{FILE\_DATA} packets.  The file number
corresponds to the file transfer that the file chunks belong to.  The receiver
assumes that the file transfer is over as soon as a chunk with the file data
size not equal to the maximum size (1371 bytes) is received.  This is how the
sender tells the receiver that the file transfer is complete in file transfers
where the size of the file is unknown (set to \texttt{UINT64\_MAX}).  The
receiver also assumes that if the amount of received data equals to the file
size received in the \texttt{FILE\_SENDREQUEST}, the file sending is finished
and has been successfully received.  Immediately after this occurs, the
receiver frees up the file number so that a new incoming file transfer can use
that file number.  The implementation should discard any extra data received
which is larger than the file size received at the beginning.

In 0 filesize file transfers, the sender will send one \texttt{FILE\_DATA}
packet with a file data size of 0.

The sender will know if the receiver has received the file successfully by
checking if the friend has received the last \texttt{FILE\_DATA} packet sent
(containing the last chunk of the file).  \texttt{net\_crypto} can be used to
check whether packets sent through it have been received by storing the packet
number of the sent packet and verifying later in \texttt{net\_crypto} to see
whether it was received or not.  As soon as \texttt{net\_crypto} says the other
received the packet, the file transfer is considered successful, wiped and the
file number can be reused to send new files.

\texttt{FILE\_DATA} packets should be sent as fast as the \texttt{net\_crypto}
connection can handle it respecting its congestion control.

If the friend goes offline, all file transfers are cleared in toxcore.  This
makes it simpler for toxcore as it does not have to deal with resuming file
transfers.  It also makes it simpler for clients as the method for resuming
file transfers remains the same, even if the client is restarted or toxcore
loses the connection to the friend because of a bad internet connection.

\section{Group Chat Related Packets}

  Packet ID & Packet Name \\
  0x60      & \texttt{INVITE\_GROUPCHAT} \\
  0x61      & \texttt{ONLINE\_PACKET} \\
  0x62      & \texttt{DIRECT\_GROUPCHAT} \\
  0x63      & \texttt{MESSAGE\_GROUPCHAT} \\
  0xC7      & \texttt{LOSSY\_GROUPCHAT} \\

Messenger also takes care of saving the friends list and other friend
information so that it's possible to close and start toxcore while keeping all
your friends, your long term key and the information necessary to reconnect to
the network.

Important information messenger stores includes: the long term private key, our
current nospam value, our friends' public keys and any friend requests the user
is currently sending.  The network DHT nodes, TCP relays and some onion nodes
are stored to aid reconnection.

In addition to this, a lot of optional data can be stored such as the usernames
of friends, our current username, status messages of friends, our status
message, etc... can be stored.  The exact format of the toxcore save is
explained later.

The TCP server is run from the toxcore messenger module if the client has
enabled it.  TCP server is usually run independently as part of the bootstrap
node package but it can be enabled in clients.  If it is enabled in toxcore,
Messenger will add the running TCP server to the TCP relay.

Messenger is the module that transforms code that can connect to friends based
on public key into a real instant messenger.

\chapter{TCP client}

\texttt{TCP client} is the client for the TCP server.  It establishes and keeps
a connection to the TCP server open.

All the packet formats are explained in detail in \texttt{TCP server} so this
section will only cover \texttt{TCP client} specific details which are not
covered in the \texttt{TCP server} documentation.

TCP clients can choose to connect to TCP servers through a proxy.  Most common
types of proxies (SOCKS, HTTP) work by establishing a connection through a
proxy using the protocol of that specific type of proxy.  After the connection
through that proxy to a TCP server is established, the socket behaves from the
point of view of the application exactly like a TCP socket that connects
directly to a TCP server instance.  This means supporting proxies is easy.

\texttt{TCP client} first establishes a TCP connection, either through a proxy
or directly to a TCP server.  It uses the DHT public key as its long term key
when connecting to the TCP server.

It establishes a secure connection to the TCP server.  After establishing a
connection to the TCP server, and when the handshake response has been received
from the TCP server, the toxcore implementation immediately sends a ping
packet.  Ideally the first packets sent would be routing request packets but
this solution aids code simplicity and allows the server to confirm the

Ping packets, like all other data packets, are sent as encrypted packets.

Ping packets are sent by the toxcore TCP client every 30 seconds with a timeout
of 10 seconds, the same interval and timeout as toxcore TCP server ping
packets.  They are the same because they accomplish the same thing.

\texttt{TCP client} must have a mechanism to make sure important packets
(routing requests, disconnection notifications, ping packets, ping response
packets) don't get dropped because the TCP socket is full.  Should this happen,
the TCP client must save these packets and prioritize sending them, in order,
when the TCP socket on the server becomes available for writing again.
\texttt{TCP client} must also take into account that packets might be bigger
than the number of bytes it can currently write to the socket.  In this case,
it must save the bytes of the packet that it didn't write to the socket and
write them to the socket as soon as the socket allows so that the connection
does not get broken.  It must also assume that it may receive only part of an
encrypted packet.  If this occurs it must save the part of the packet it has
received and wait for the rest of the packet to arrive before handling it.

\texttt{TCP client} can be used to open up a route to friends who are connected
to the TCP server.  This is done by sending a routing request to the TCP server
with the DHT public key of the friend.  This tells the server to register a
\texttt{connection\_id} to the DHT public key sent in the packet.  The server
will then respond with a routing response packet.  If the connection was
accepted, the \texttt{TCP client} will store the \texttt{connection id} for
this connection.  The \texttt{TCP client} will make sure that routing response
packets are responses to a routing packet that it sent by storing that it sent
a routing packet to that public key and checking the response against it.  This
prevents the possibility of a bad TCP server exploiting the client.

The \texttt{TCP client} will handle connection notifications and disconnection
notifications by alerting the module using it that the connection to the peer
is up or down.

\texttt{TCP client} will send a disconnection notification to kill a connection
to a friend.  It must send a disconnection notification packet regardless of
whether the peer was online or offline so that the TCP server will unregister
the connection.

Data to friends can be sent through the TCP relay using OOB (out of band)
packets and connected connections.  To send an OOB packet, the DHT public key
of the friend must be known.  OOB packets are sent in blind and there is no way
to query the TCP relay to see if the friend is connected before sending one.
OOB packets should be sent when the connection to the friend via the TCP relay
isn't in an connected state but it is known that the friend is connected to
that relay.  If the friend is connected via the TCP relay, then normal data
packets must be sent as they are smaller than OOB packets.

OOB recv and data packets must be handled and passed to the module using it.

\chapter{TCP connections}

\texttt{TCP\_connections} takes care of handling multiple TCP client instances
to establish a reliable connection via TCP relays to a friend.  Connecting to a
friend with only one relay would not be very reliable, so
\texttt{TCP\_connections} provides the level of abstraction needed to manage
multiple relays.  For example, it ensures that if a relay goes down, the
connection to the peer will not be impacted.  This is done by connecting to the
other peer with more than one relay.

\texttt{TCP\_connections} is above \href{#tcp-client}{\texttt{TCP client}} and
below \texttt{net\_crypto}.

A TCP connection in \texttt{TCP\_connections} is defined as a connection to a
peer though one or more TCP relays.  To connect to another peer with
\texttt{TCP\_connections}, a connection in \texttt{TCP\_connections} to the peer
with DHT public key X will be created.  Some TCP relays which we know the peer
is connected to will then be associated with that peer.  If the peer isn't
connected directly yet, these relays will be the ones that the peer has sent to
us via the onion module.  The peer will also send some relays it is directly
connected to once a connection is established, however, this is done by another

\texttt{TCP\_connections} has a list of all relays it is connected to.  It tries
to keep the number of relays it is connected to as small as possible in order
to minimize load on relays and lower bandwidth usage for the client.  The
desired number of TCP relay connections per peer is set to 3 in toxcore with
the maximum number set to 6.  The reason for these numbers is that 1 would mean
no backup relays and 2 would mean only 1 backup.  To be sure that the
connection is reliable 3 seems to be a reasonable lower bound.  The maximum
number of 6 is the maximum number of relays that can be tied to each peer.  If
2 peers are connected each to the same 6+ relays and they both need to be
connected to that amount of relays because of other friends this is where this
maximum comes into play.  There is no reason why this number is 6 but in
toxcore it has to be at least double than the desired number (3) because the
code assumes this.

If necessary, \texttt{TCP\_connections} will connect to TCP relays to use them
to send onion packets.  This is only done if there is no UDP connection to the
network.  When there is a UDP connection, packets are sent with UDP only
because sending them with TCP relays can be less reliable.  It is also
important that we are connected at all times to some relays as these relays
will be used by TCP only peers to initiate a connection to us.

In toxcore, each client is connected to 3 relays even if there are no TCP peers
and the onion is not needed.  It might be optimal to only connect to these
relays when toxcore is initializing as this is the only time when peers will
connect to us via TCP relays we are connected to.  Due to how the onion works,
after the initialization phase, where each peer is searched in the onion and
then if they are found the info required to connect back (DHT pk, TCP relays)
is sent to them, there should be no more peers connecting to us via TCP relays.
This may be a way to further reduce load on TCP relays, however, more research
is needed before it is implemented.

\texttt{TCP\_connections} picks one relay and uses only it for sending data to
the other peer.  The reason for not picking a random connected relay for each
packet is that it severely deteriorates the quality of the link between two
peers and makes performance of lossy video and audio transmissions really poor.
For this reason, one relay is picked and used to send all data.  If for any
reason no more data can be sent through that relay, the next relay is used.
This may happen if the TCP socket is full and so the relay should not
necessarily be dropped if this occurs.  Relays are only dropped if they time
out or if they become useless (if the relay is one too many or is no longer
being used to relay data to any peers).

\texttt{TCP\_connections} in toxcore also contains a mechanism to make
connections go to sleep.  TCP connections to other peers may be put to sleep if
the connection to the peer establishes itself with UDP after the connection is
established with TCP.  UDP is the method preferred by \texttt{net\_crypto} to
communicate with other peers.  In order to keep track of the relays which were
used to connect with the other peer in case the UDP connection fails, they are
saved by \texttt{TCP\_connections} when the connection is put to sleep.  Any
relays which were only used by this redundant connection are saved then
disconnected from.  If the connection is awakened, the relays are reconnected
to and the connection is reestablished.  Putting a connection to sleep is the
same as saving all the relays used by the connection and removing the
connection.  Awakening the connection is the same as creating a new connection
with the same parameters and restoring all the relays.

A method to detect potentially dysfunctional relays that try to disrupt the
network by lying that they are connecting to a peer when they are not or that
maliciously drop all packets should be considered.  Toxcore doesn't currently
implement such a system and adding one requires more research and likely also
requires extending the protocol.

When TCP connections connects to a relay it will create a new
\href{#tcp-client}{\texttt{TCP\_client}} instance for that relay.  At any time
if the \texttt{TCP\_client} instance reports that it has disconnected, the TCP
relay will be dropped.  Once the TCP relay reports that it is connected,
\texttt{TCP\_connections} will find all the connections that are associated to
the relay and announce to the relay that it wants to connect to each of them
with routing requests.  If the relay reports that the peer for a connection is
online, the connection number and relay will be used to send data in that
connection with data packets.  If the peer isn't reported as online but the
relay is associated to a connection, TCP OOB (out of band) packets will be used
to send data instead of data packets.  TCP OOB packets are used in this case
since the relay most likely has the peer connected but it has not sent a
routing request to connect to us.

\texttt{TCP\_connections} is used as the bridge between individual
\texttt{TCP\_client} instances and \texttt{net\_crypto}, or the bridge between
individual connections and something that requires an interface that looks like
one connection.

\chapter{TCP server}

The TCP server in tox has the goal of acting like a TCP relay between clients
who cannot connect directly to each other or who for some reason are limited to
using the TCP protocol to connect to each other.  \texttt{TCP\_server} is
typically run only on actual server machines but any Tox client could host one
as the api to run one is exposed through the tox.h api.

To connect to a hosted TCP server toxcore uses the TCP client module.

The TCP server implementation in toxcore can currently either work on epoll on
linux or using unoptimized but portable socket polling.

TCP connections between the TCP client and the server are encrypted to prevent
an outsider from knowing information like who is connecting to whom just be
looking at someones connection to a TCP server.  This is useful when someone
connects though something like Tor for example.  It also prevents someone from
injecting data in the stream and makes it so we can assume that any data
received was not tampered with and is exactly what was sent by the client.

When a client first connects to a TCP server he opens up a TCP connection to
the ip and port the TCP server is listening on.  Once the connection is
established he then sends a handshake packet, the server then responds with his
own and a secure connection is established.  The connection is then said to be
unconfirmed and the client must then send some encrypted data to the server
before the server can mark the connection as confirmed.  The reason it works
like this is to prevent a type of attack where a peer would send a handshake
packet and then time out right away.  To prevent this the server must wait a
few seconds for a sign that the client received his handshake packet before
confirming the connection.  The both can then communicate with each other using
the encrypted connection.

The TCP server essentially acts as just a relay between 2 peers.  When a TCP
client connects to the server he tells the server which clients he wants the
server to connect him to.  The server will only let two clients connect to each
other if both have indicated to the server that they want to connect to each
other.  This is to prevent non friends from checking if someone is connected to
a TCP server.  The TCP server supports sending packets blindly through it to
clients with a client with public key X (OOB packets) however the TCP server
does not give any feedback or anything to say if the packet arrived or not and
as such it is only useful to send data to friends who may not know that we are
connected to the current TCP server while we know they are.  This occurs when
one peer discovers the TCP relay and DHT public key of the other peer before
the other peer discovers its DHT public key.  In that case OOB packets would be
used until the other peer knows that the peer is connected to the relay and
establishes a connection through it.

In order to make toxcore work on TCP only the TCP server supports relaying
onion packets from TCP clients and sending any responses from them to TCP

To establish a secure connection with a TCP server send the following 128 bytes
of data or handshake packet to the server:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & DHT public key of client \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce for the encrypted data \\
  \texttt{72}        & Payload (plus MAC) \\

Payload is encrypted with the DHT private key of the client and public key of
the server and the nonce:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key \\
  \texttt{24}        & Base nonce \\

The base nonce is the one TCP client wants the TCP server to use to decrypt the
packets received from the TCP client.

The first 32 bytes are the public key (DHT public key) that the TCP client is
announcing itself to the server with.  The next 24 bytes are a nonce which the
TCP client uses along with the secret key associated with the public key in the
first 32 bytes of the packet to encrypt the rest of this 'packet'.  The
encrypted part of this packet contains a temporary public key that will be used
for encryption during the connection and will be discarded after.  It also
contains a base nonce which will be used later for decrypting packets received
from the TCP client.

If the server decrypts successfully the encrypted data in the handshake packet
and responds with the following handshake response of length 96 bytes:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce for the encrypted data \\
  \texttt{72}        & Payload (plus MAC) \\

Payload is encrypted with the private key of the server and the DHT public key
of the client and the nonce:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key \\
  \texttt{24}        & Base nonce \\

The base nonce is the one the TCP server wants the TCP client to use to decrypt
the packets received from the TCP server.

The client already knows the long term public key of the server so it is
omitted in the response, instead only a nonce is present in the unencrypted
part.  The encrypted part of the response has the same elements as the
encrypted part of the request: a temporary public key tied to this connection
and a base nonce which will be used later when decrypting packets received from
the TCP client both unique for the connection.

In toxcore the base nonce is generated randomly like all the other nonces, it
must be randomly generated to prevent nonce reuse.  For example if the nonce
used was 0 for both sides since both sides use the same keys to encrypt packets
they send to each other, two packets would be encrypted with the same nonce.
These packets could then be possibly replayed back to the sender which would
cause issues.  A similar mechanism is used in \texttt{net\_crypto}.

After this the client will know the connection temporary public key and base
nonce of the server and the server will know the connection base nonce and
temporary public key of the client.

The client will then send an encrypted packet to the server, the contents of
the packet do not matter and it must be handled normally by the server (ex: if
it was a ping send a pong response.  The first packet must be any valid
encrypted data packet), the only thing that does matter is that the packet was
encrypted correctly by the client because it means that the client has
correctly received the handshake response the server sent to it and that the
handshake the client sent to the server really came from the client and not
from an attacker replaying packets.  The server must prevent resource consuming
attacks by timing out clients if they do not send any encrypted packets so the
server to prove to the server that the connection was established correctly.

Toxcore does not have a timeout for clients, instead it stores connecting
clients in large circular lists and times them out if their entry in the list
gets replaced by a newer connection.  The reasoning behind this is that it
prevents TCP flood attacks from having a negative impact on the currently
connected nodes.  There are however much better ways to do this and the only
reason toxcore does it this way is because writing it was very simple.  When
connections are confirmed they are moved somewhere else.

When the server confirms the connection he must look in the list of connected
peers to see if he is already connected to a client with the same announced
public key.  If this is the case the server must kill the previous connection
because this means that the client previously timed out and is reconnecting.
Because of Toxcore design it is very unlikely to happen that two legitimate
different peers will have the same public key so this is the correct behavior.

Encrypted data packets look like this to outsiders:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} length of data \\
  variable           & encrypted data \\

In a TCP stream they would look like:

Both the client and server use the following (temp public and private (client
and server) connection keys) which are each generated for the connection and
then sent to the other in the handshake and sent to the other.  They are then
used like the next diagram shows to generate a shared key which is equal on
both sides.

Client:                                     Server:
generate_shared_key(                        generate_shared_key(
[temp connection public key of server],     [temp connection public key of client],
[temp connection private key of client])    [temp connection private key of server])
=                                           =
[shared key]                                [shared key]

The generated shared key is equal on both sides and is used to encrypt and
decrypt the encrypted data packets.

each encrypted data packet sent to the client will be encrypted with the shared
key and with a nonce equal to: (client base nonce + number of packets sent so
for the first packet it is (starting at 0) nonce + 0, the second is nonce + 1
and so on.  Note that nonces like all other numbers sent over the network in
toxcore are numbers in big endian format so when increasing them by 1 the least
significant byte is the last one)

each packet received from the client will be decrypted with the shared key and
with a nonce equal to: (server base nonce + number of packets sent so for the
first packet it is (starting at 0) nonce + 0, the second is nonce + 1 and so
on.  Note that nonces like all other numbers sent over the network in toxcore
are numbers in big endian format so when increasing them by 1 the least
significant byte is the last one)

Encrypted data packets have a hard maximum size of 2 + 2048 bytes in the
toxcore TCP server implementation, 2048 bytes is big enough to make sure that
all toxcore packets can go through and leaves some extra space just in case the
protocol needs to be changed in the future.  The 2 bytes represents the size of
the data length and the 2048 bytes the max size of the encrypted part.  This
means the maximum size is 2050 bytes.  In current toxcore, the largest
encrypted data packets sent will be of size 2 + 1417 which is 1419 total.

The logic behind the format of the handshake is that we:

\item need to prove to the server that we own the private key related to the public
   key we are announcing ourselves with.
\item need to establish a secure connection that has perfect forward secrecy
\item prevent any replay, impersonation or other attacks

How it accomplishes each of those points:

  \item If the client does not own the private key related to the public key they
    will not be able to create the handshake packet.
  \item Temporary session keys generated by the client and server in the encrypted
    part of the handshake packets are used to encrypt/decrypt packets during the
  \item The following attacks are prevented:
      \item Attacker modifies any byte of the handshake packets: Decryption fail, no
        attacks possible.
      \item Attacker captures the handshake packet from the client and replays it
        later to the server: Attacker will never get the server to confirm the
        connection (no effect).
      \item Attacker captures a server response and sends it to the client next time
        they try to connect to the server: Client will never confirm the
        connection. (See: \texttt{TCP\_client})
      \item Attacker tries to impersonate a server: They won't be able to decrypt the
        handshake and won't be able to respond.
      \item Attacker tries to impersonate a client: Server won't be able to decrypt
        the handshake.

The logic behind the format of the encrypted packets is that:

  \item TCP is a stream protocol, we need packets.
  \item Any attacks must be prevented

How it accomplishes each of those points:

  \item 2 bytes before each packet of encrypted data denote the length.  We assume a
     functioning TCP will deliver bytes in order which makes it work.  If the TCP
     doesn't it most likely means it is under attack and for that see the next
  \item The following attacks are prevented:
      \item Modifying the length bytes will either make the connection time out
        and/or decryption fail.
      \item Modifying any encrypted bytes will make decryption fail.
      \item Injecting any bytes will make decryption fail.
      \item Trying to re order the packets will make decryption fail because of the
        ordered nonce.
      \item Removing any packets from the stream will make decryption fail because of
        the ordered nonce.

\section{Encrypted payload types}

The folowing represents the various types of data that can be sent inside
encrypted data packets.

\subsection{Routing request (0x00)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x00) \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key \\

\subsection{Routing request response (0x01)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x01) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} rpid \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key \\

rpid is invalid \texttt{connection\_id} (0) if refused, \texttt{connection\_id} if accepted.

\subsection{Connect notification (0x02)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x02) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} \texttt{connection\_id} of connection that got connected \\

\subsection{Disconnect notification (0x03)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x03) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} \texttt{connection\_id} of connection that got disconnected \\

\subsection{Ping packet (0x04)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x04) \\
  \texttt{8}         & \texttt{uint64\_t} \texttt{ping\_id} (0 is invalid) \\

\subsection{Ping response (pong) (0x05)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x05) \\
  \texttt{8}         & \texttt{uint64\_t} \texttt{ping\_id} (0 is invalid) \\

\subsection{OOB send (0x06)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x06) \\
  \texttt{32}        & Destination public key \\
  variable           & Data \\

\subsection{OOB recv (0x07)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x07) \\
  \texttt{32}        & Sender public key \\
  variable           & Data \\

\subsection{Onion packet (0x08)}

Same format as initial onion packet but packet id is 0x08 instead of 0x80.

\subsection{Onion packet response (0x09)}

Same format as onion packet but packet id is 0x09 instead of 0x8e.

\subsection{Data (0x10 and up)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} packet id \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} connection id \\
  variable           & data \\

The TCP server is set up in a way to minimize waste while relaying the many
packets that might go between two tox peers hence clients must create
connections to other clients on the relay.  The connection number is a
\texttt{uint8\_t} and must be equal or greater to 16 in order to be valid.
Because a \texttt{uint8\_t} has a maximum value of 256 it means that the maximum
number of different connections to other clients that each connection can have
is 240.  The reason valid \texttt{connection\_ids} are bigger than 16 is because
they are the first byte of data packets.  Currently only number 0 to 9 are
taken however we keep a few extras in case we need to extend the protocol
without breaking it completely.

Routing request (Sent by client to server): Send a routing request to the
server that we want to connect to peer with public key where the public key is
the public the peer announced themselves as.  The server must respond to this
with a Routing response.

Routing response (Sent by server to client): The response to the routing
request, tell the client if the routing request succeeded (valid
\texttt{connection\_id}) and if it did, tell them the id of the connection
(\texttt{connection\_id}).  The public key sent in the routing request is also
sent in the response so that the client can send many requests at the same time
to the server without having code to track which response belongs to which
public key.

The only reason a routing request should fail is if the connection has reached
the maximum number of simultaneous connections.  In case the routing request
fails the public key in the response will be the public key in the failed

Connect notification (Sent by server to client): Tell the client that
\texttt{connection\_id} is now connected meaning the other is online and data
can be sent using this \texttt{connection\_id}.

Disconnect notification (Sent by client to server): Sent when client wants the
server to forget about the connection related to the \texttt{connection\_id} in
the notification.  Server must remove this connection and must be able to reuse
the \texttt{connection\_id} for another connection.  If the connection was
connected the server must send a disconnect notification to the other client.
The other client must think that this client has simply disconnected from the
TCP server.

Disconnect notification (Sent by server to client): Sent by the server to the
client to tell them that the connection with \texttt{connection\_id} that was
connected is now disconnected.  It is sent either when the other client of the
connection disconnect or when they tell the server to kill the connection (see

Ping and Pong packets (can be sent by both client and server, both will
respond): ping packets are used to know if the other side of the connection is
still live.  TCP when established doesn't have any sane timeouts (1 week isn't
sane) so we are obliged to have our own way to check if the other side is still
live.  Ping ids can be anything except 0, this is because of how toxcore sets
the variable storing the \texttt{ping\_id} that was sent to 0 when it receives a
pong response which means 0 is invalid.

The server should send ping packets every X seconds (toxcore
\texttt{TCP\_server} sends them every 30 seconds and times out the peer if it
doesn't get a response in 10).  The server should respond immediately to ping
packets with pong packets.

The server should respond to ping packets with pong packets with the same
\texttt{ping\_id} as was in the ping packet.  The server should check that each
pong packet contains the same \texttt{ping\_id} as was in the ping, if not the
pong packet must be ignored.

OOB send (Sent by client to server): If a peer with private key equal to the
key they announced themselves with is connected, the data in the OOB send
packet will be sent to that peer as an OOB recv packet.  If no such peer is
connected, the packet is discarded.  The toxcore \texttt{TCP\_server}
implementation has a hard maximum OOB data length of 1024.  1024 was picked
because it is big enough for the \texttt{net\_crypto} packets related to the
handshake and is large enough that any changes to the protocol would not
require breaking TCP server.  It is however not large enough for the biggest
\texttt{net\_crypto} packets sent with an established \texttt{net\_crypto}
connection to prevent sending those via OOB packets.

OOB recv (Sent by server to client): OOB recv are sent with the announced
public key of the peer that sent the OOB send packet and the exact data.

OOB packets can be used just like normal data packets however the extra size
makes sending data only through them less efficient than data packets.

Data: Data packets can only be sent and received if the corresponding
\texttt{connection\_id} is connection (a Connect notification has been received
from it) if the server receives a Data packet for a non connected or existent
connection it will discard it.

Why did I use different packet ids for all packets when some are only sent by
the client and some only by the server? It's less confusing.

\chapter{Friend connection}

\texttt{friend\_connection} is the module that sits on top of the DHT, onion and
\texttt{net\_crypto} modules and takes care of linking the 3 together.

Friends in \texttt{friend\_connection} are represented by their real public key.
When a friend is added in \texttt{friend\_connection}, an onion search entry is
created for that friend.  This means that the onion module will start looking
for this friend and send that friend their DHT public key, and the TCP relays
it is connected to, in case a connection is only possible with TCP.

Once the onion returns the DHT public key of the peer, the DHT public key is
saved, added to the DHT friends list and a new \texttt{net\_crypto} connection
is created.  Any TCP relays returned by the onion for this friend are passed to
the \texttt{net\_crypto} connection.

If the DHT establishes a direct UDP connection with the friend,
\texttt{friend\_connection} will pass the IP/port of the friend to
\texttt{net\_crypto} and also save it to be used to reconnect to the friend if
they disconnect.

If \texttt{net\_crypto} finds that the friend has a different DHT public key,
which can happen if the friend restarted their client, \texttt{net\_crypto} will
pass the new DHT public key to the onion module and will remove the DHT entry
for the old DHT public key and replace it with the new one.  The current
\texttt{net\_crypto} connection will also be killed and a new one with the
correct DHT public key will be created.

When the \texttt{net\_crypto} connection for a friend goes online,
\texttt{friend\_connection} will tell the onion module that the friend is online
so that it can stop spending resources looking for the friend.  When the friend
connection goes offline, \texttt{friend\_connection} will tell the onion module
so that it can start looking for the friend again.

There are 2 types of data packets sent to friends with the \texttt{net\_crypto}
connection handled at the level of \texttt{friend\_connection}, Alive packets
and TCP relay packets.  Alive packets are packets with the packet id or first
byte of data (only byte in this packet) being 16.  They are used in order to
check if the other friend is still online.  \texttt{net\_crypto} does not have
any timeout when the connection is established so timeouts are caught using
this packet.  In toxcore, this packet is sent every 8 seconds.  If none of
these packets are received for 32 seconds, the connection is timed out and
killed.  These numbers seem to cause the least issues and 32 seconds is not too
long so that, if a friend times out, toxcore won't falsely see them online for
too long.  Usually when a friend goes offline they have time to send a
disconnect packet in the \texttt{net\_crypto} connection which makes them appear
offline almost instantly.

The timeout for when to stop retrying to connect to a friend by creating new
\texttt{net\_crypto} connections when the old one times out in toxcore is the
same as the timeout for DHT peers (122 seconds).  However, it is calculated
from the last time a DHT public key was received for the friend or time the
friend's \texttt{net\_crypto} connection went offline after being online.  The
highest time is used to calculate when the timeout is.  \texttt{net\_crypto}
connections will be recreated (if the connection fails) until this timeout.

\texttt{friend\_connection} sends a list of 3 relays (the same number as the
target number of TCP relay connections in \texttt{TCP\_connections}) to each
connected friend every 5 minutes in toxcore.  Immediately before sending the
relays, they are associated to the current \texttt{net\_crypto->TCP\_connections}
connection.  This facilitates connecting the two friends together using the
relays as the friend who receives the packet will associate the sent relays to
the \texttt{net\_crypto} connection they received it from.  When both sides do
this they will be able to connect to each other using the relays.  The packet
id or first byte of the packet of share relay packets is 0x11.  This is then
followed by some TCP relays stored in packed node format.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x11) \\
  variable           & TCP relays in packed node format (see DHT) \\

If local IPs are received as part of the packet, the local IP will be replaced
with the IP of the peer that sent the relay.  This is because we assume this is
the best way to attempt to connect to the TCP relay.  If the peer that sent the
relay is using a local IP, then the sent local IP should be used to connect to
the relay.

For all other data packets, are passed by \texttt{friend\_connection} up to the
upper Messenger module.  It also separates lossy and lossless packets from

Friend connection takes care of establishing the connection to the friend and
gives the upper messenger layer a simple interface to receive and send
messages, add and remove friends and know if a friend is connected (online) or
not connected (offline).

\chapter{Friend requests}

When a Tox user adds someone with Tox, toxcore will try sending a friend
request to that person.  A friend request contains the long term public key of
the sender, a nospam number and a message.

Transmitting the long term public key is the primary goal of the friend request
as it is what the peer needs to find and establish a connection to the sender.
The long term public key is what the receiver adds to his friends list if he
accepts the friend request.

The nospam is a number used to prevent someone from spamming the network with
valid friend requests.  It makes sure that the only people who have seen the
Tox ID of a peer are capable of sending them a friend request.  The nospam is
one of the components of the Tox ID.

The nospam is a number or a list of numbers set by the peer, only received
friend requests that contain a nospam that was set by the peer are sent to the
client to be accepted or refused by the user.  The nospam prevents random peers
in the network from sending friend requests to non friends.  The nospam is not
long enough to be secure meaning an extremely resilient attacker could manage
to send a spam friend request to someone.  4 bytes is large enough to prevent
spam from random peers in the network.  The nospam could also allow Tox users
to issue different Tox IDs and even change Tox IDs if someone finds a Tox ID
and decides to send it hundreds of spam friend requests.  Changing the nospam
would stop the incoming wave of spam friend requests without any negative
effects to the users friends list.  For example if users would have to change
their public key to prevent them from receiving friend requests it would mean
they would have to essentially abandon all their current friends as friends are
tied to the public key.  The nospam is not used at all once the friends have
each other added which means changing it won't have any negative effects.

Friend request:

[uint32_t nospam][Message (UTF8) 1 to ONION_CLIENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE bytes]

Friend request packet when sent as an onion data packet:

[uint8_t (32)][Friend request]

Friend request packet when sent as a \texttt{net\_crypto} data packet (If we are
directly connected to the peer because of a group chat but are not friends with

[uint8_t (18)][Friend request]

When a friend is added to toxcore with their Tox ID and a message, the friend
is added in \texttt{friend\_connection} and then toxcore tries to send friend

When sending a friend request, toxcore will check if the peer which a friend
request is being sent to is already connected to using a \texttt{net\_crypto}
connection which can happen if both are in the same group chat.  If this is the
case the friend request will be sent as a \texttt{net\_crypto} packet using that
connection.  If not, it will be sent as an onion data packet.

Onion data packets contain the real public key of the sender and if a
\texttt{net\_crypto} connection is established it means the peer knows our real
public key.  This is why the friend request does not need to contain the real
public key of the peer.

Friend requests are sent with exponentially increasing interval of 2 seconds, 4
seconds, 8 seconds, etc... in toxcore.  This is so friend requests get resent
but eventually get resent in intervals that are so big that they essentially
expire.  The sender has no way of knowing if a peer refuses a friend requests
which is why friend requests need to expire in some way.  Note that the
interval is the minimum timeout, if toxcore cannot send that friend request it
will try again until it manages to send it.  One reason for not being able to
send the friend request would be that the onion has not found the friend in the
onion and so cannot send an onion data packet to them.

Received friend requests are passed to the client, the client is expected to
show the message from the friend request to the user and ask the user if they
want to accept the friend request or not.  Friend requests are accepted by
adding the peer sending the friend request as a friend and refused by simply
ignoring it.

Friend requests are sent multiple times meaning that in order to prevent the
same friend request from being sent to the client multiple times toxcore keeps
a list of the last real public keys it received friend requests from and
discards any received friend requests that are from a real public key that is
in that list.  In toxcore this list is a simple circular list.  There are many
ways this could be improved and made more efficient as a circular list isn't
very efficient however it has worked well in toxcore so far.

Friend requests from public keys that are already added to the friends list
should also be discarded.


Group chats in Tox work by temporarily adding some peers present in the group
chat as temporary \texttt{friend\_connection} friends, that are deleted when the
group chat is exited.

Each peer in the group chat is identified by their real long term public key.
Peers also transmit their DHT public keys to each other via the group chat in
order to speed up the connection by making it unnecessary for the peers to find
each other's DHT public keys with the onion, as would happen had they added each
other as normal friends.

The upside of using \texttt{friend\_connection} is that group chats do not have
to deal with things like hole punching, peers only on TCP or other low level
networking things.  The downside however is that every single peer knows each
other's real long term public key and DHT public key, meaning that these group
chats should only be used between friends.

Each peer adds a \texttt{friend\_connection} for each of up to 4 other peers in
the group. If the group chat has 5 participants or fewer, each of the peers will
therefore have each of the others added to their list of friend connections, and
a peer wishing to send a message to the group may communicate it directly to the
other peers. When there are more than 5 peers, messages are relayed along friend

Since the maximum number of peers per groupchat that will be connected to with
friend connections is 4, if the peers in the groupchat are arranged in a circle
and each peer connects to the 2 peers that are closest to the right of them and
the 2 peers that are closest to the left of them, then the peers should form a
well-connected circle of peers.

Group chats in toxcore do this by subtracting the real long term public key of
the peer with all the others in the group (our PK - other peer PK), using
modular arithmetic, and finding the two peers for which the result of this
operation is the smallest. The operation is then inversed (other peer PK - our
PK) and this operation is done again with all the public keys of the peers in
the group. The 2 peers for which the result is again the smallest are picked.

This gives 4 peers that are then added as a friend connection and associated to
the group.  If every peer in the group does this, they will form a circle of
perfectly connected peers.

Once the peers are connected to each other in a circle they relay each other's
messages.  Every time a peer leaves the group or a new peer joins, each member
of the chat will recalculate the peers they should connect to.

To join a group chat, a peer must first be invited to it by their friend.  To
make a groupchat the peer will first create a groupchat and then invite people
to this group chat.  Once their friends are in the group chat, those friends can
invite their other friends to the chat, and so on.

To create a group chat, a peer generates a random 32 byte id that is used to
uniquely identify the group chat.  32 bytes is enough so that when randomly
generated with a secure random number generator every groupchat ever created
will have a different id.  The goal of this 32 byte id is so that peers have a
way of identifying each group chat, so that they can prevent themselves from
joining a groupchat twice for example.

The groupchat will also have an unsigned 1 byte type.  This type indicates what
kind of groupchat the groupchat is. The current types are:

  Type number       & Type \\
  \texttt{0}        & text \\
  \texttt{1}        & audio \\

Text groupchats are text only, while audio indicates that the groupchat supports
sending audio to it as well as text.

The groupchat will also be identified by a unique unsigned 2 byte integer, which
in toxcore corresponds to the index of the groupchat in the array it is being
stored in.  Every groupchat in the current instance must have a different
number.  This number is used by groupchat peers that are directly connected to
us to tell us which packets are for which groupchat.  Every groupchat packet
contains a 2 byte groupchat number.  Putting a 32 byte groupchat id in each
packet would increase bandwidth waste by a lot, and this is the reason why
groupchat numbers are used instead.

Using the group number as the index of the array used to store the groupchat
instances is recommended, because this kind of access is usually most efficient
and it ensures that each groupchat has a unique group number.

When creating a new groupchat, the peer will add themselves as a groupchat peer
with a peer number of 0 and their own long term public key and DHT public key.

Invite packets:

Invite packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x60) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x00) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{33}        & Group chat identifier \\

Accept Invite packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x60) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x01) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number (local) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number to join \\
  \texttt{33}        & Group chat identifier \\

Member Information packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x60) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x02) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number (local) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number to join \\
  \texttt{33}        & Group chat identifier \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} peer number \\

A group chat identifier consists of a 1-byte type and a 32-byte id concatenated:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} type \\
  \texttt{32}        & \texttt{uint8\_t} groupchat id \\

To invite a friend to a group chat, an invite packet is sent to the friend.
These packets are sent using Messenger (if you look at the Messenger packet id
section, all the groupchat packet ids are in there).  Note that all numbers
here, like all numbers sent using Tox packets, are sent in big endian format.

The group chat number is as explained above, the number used to uniquely
identify the groupchat instance from all the other groupchat instances the peer
has.  It is sent in the invite packet because it is needed by the friend in
order to send back groupchat related packets.

What follows is the 33 byte group chat identifier.

To refuse the invite, the friend receiving it will simply ignore and discard

To accept the invite, the friend will create their own groupchat instance with
the 1 byte type and 32 byte groupchat id sent in the request, and send an invite
accept packet back.  The friend will also add the peer who sent the invite as
a groupchat connection, and mark the connection as introducing the friend.

If the friend being invited is already in the group, they will respond with a
member information packet, add the peer who sent the invite as a groupchat
connection, and mark the connection as introducing both the friend and the
peer who sent the invite.

The first group number in the invite accept packet is the group number of the
groupchat the invited friend just created.  The second group number is the
group number that was sent in the invite request.  What follows is the 33 byte
group chat identifier which was sent in the invite request. The member
information packet is the same, but includes also the current peer number of
the invited friend.

When a peer receives an invite accept packet they will check if the group
identifier sent back corresponds to the group identifier of the groupchat with
the group number also sent back.  If so, a new peer number will be generated for
the peer that sent the invite accept packet.  Then the peer with their
generated peer number, their long term public key and their DHT public key will
be added to the peer list of the groupchat.  A new peer message packet will also
be sent to tell everyone in the group chat about the new peer.  The peer will
also be added as a groupchat connection, and the connection will be marked as
introducing the peer.

When a peer receives a member information packet they proceed as with an
invite accept packet, but use the peer number in the packet rather than
generating a new one, and mark the new connection as also introducing the peer
receiving the member information packet.

Peer numbers are used to uniquely identify each peer in the group chat.  They
are used in groupchat message packets so that peers receiving them can know who
or which groupchat peer sent them.  As groupchat message packets are relayed,
they must contain something that is used by others to identify the sender. Since
putting a 32 byte public key in each packet would be wasteful, a 2 byte peer
number is used instead.  Each peer in the groupchat has a unique peer number.
Toxcore generates each peer number randomly but makes sure newly generated peer
numbers are not equal to current ones already used by other peers in the group
chat. If two peers join the groupchat from two different endpoints there is a
small possibility that both will be given the same peer number, but the
probability of this occurring is low enough in practice that it is not an issue.

Peer online packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x61) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number (local) \\
  \texttt{33}        & Group chat identifier \\

Peer introduced packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x62) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number (local) \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x01) \\

For a groupchat connection to work, both peers in the groupchat must be
attempting to connect directly to each other.

Groupchat connections are established when both peers who want to connect to
each other either create a new friend connection to connect to each other or
reuse an existing friend connection that connects them together (if they are
friends or already are connected together because of another group chat).

As soon as the connection to the other peer is opened, a peer online packet is
sent to the peer.  The goal of the online packet is to tell the peer that we
want to establish the groupchat connection with them and tell them the
groupchat number of our groupchat instance.  The peer online packet contains
the group number and the 33 byte group chat identifier.  The group number is the
group number the peer has for the group with the group id sent in the packet.

When both sides send an online packet to the other peer, a connection is

When an online packet is received from a peer, if the connection to the peer
is already established (an online packet has been already received), or if
there is no group connection to that peer being established, the packet is
dropped. Otherwise, the group number to communicate with the group via the
peer is saved, the connection is considered established, and an online packet
is sent back to the peer. A ping message is sent to the group. If this is the
first group connection to that group we establish, or the connection is marked
as introducing us, we send a peer query packet back to the peer.  This is so
we can get the list of peers from the group. If the connection is marked as
introducing the peer, we send a new peer message to the group announcing the
peer, and a name message reannouncing our name.

A groupchat connection can be marked as introducing one or both of the peers it
connects, to indicate that the connection should be maintained until that peer
is well connected to the group. A peer maintains a groupchat connection to a
second peer as long as the second peer is one of the four closest peers in the
groupchat to the first, or the connection is marked as introducing a peer who
still requires the connection. A peer requires a groupchat connection to a
second peer which introduces the first peer until the first peer has more than
4 groupchat connections and receives a message from the second peer via a
different groupchat connection. The first peer then sends a peer introduced
packet to the second peer to indicate that they no longer require the

Peer query packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x62) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x08) \\

Peer response packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x62) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x09) \\
  variable           & Repeated times number of peers: Peer info \\

The Peer info structure is as follows:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} peer number \\
  \texttt{32}        & Long term public key \\
  \texttt{32}        & DHT public key \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} Name length \\
  \texttt{[0, 255]}  & Name \\

Title response packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x62) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x0a) \\
  variable           & Title \\

Message packets:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x63) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} peer number \\
  \texttt{4}         & \texttt{uint32\_t} message number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} with a value representing id of message \\
  variable           & Data \\

Lossy Message packets:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0xc7) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} group number \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} peer number \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} message number \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} with a value representing id of message \\
  variable           & Data \\

If a peer query packet is received, the receiver takes their list of peers and
creates a peer response packet which is then sent to the other peer.  If there
are too many peers in the group chat and the peer response packet would be
larger than the maximum size of friend connection packets (1373 bytes), more
than one peer response packet is sent back.  A Title response packet is also
sent back.  This is how the peer that joins a group chat finds out the list of
peers in the group chat and the title of the group chat right after joining.

Peer response packets are straightforward and contain the information for each
peer (peer number, real public key, DHT public key, name) appended to each
other.  The title response is also straightforward.

Both the maximum length of groupchat peer names and the groupchat title is 128
bytes.  This is the same maximum length as names in all of toxcore.

When a peer receives a peer response packet, they will add each of the
received peers to their groupchat peer list, find the 4 closest peers to them
and create groupchat connections to them as was explained previously. The DHT
public key of an already known peer is updated to one given in the response
packet if the peer is frozen, or if it has been frozen since its DHT public
key was last updated.

When a peer receives a title response packet, they update the title for the
groupchat accordingly if the title has not already been set, or if since it
was last set there has been a time at which all peers were frozen.

If the peer does not yet know their own peer number, as is the case if they
have just accepted an invitation, the peer will find themselves in the list of
received peers and use the peer number assigned to them as their own. They are
then able to send messages and invite other peers to the groupchat. They
immediately send a name message to announce their name to the group.

Message packets are used to send messages to all peers in the groupchat.  To
send a message packet, a peer will first take their peer number and the message
they want to send.  Each message packet sent will have a message number that is
equal to the last message number sent + 1.  Like all other numbers (group chat
number, peer number) in the packet, the message number in the packet will be in
big endian format.

When a Message packet is received, the peer receiving it will first check that
the peer number of the sender is in their peer list. If not, the peer ignores
the message but sends a peer query packet to the peer the packet was directly
received from. That peer should have the message sender in their peer list,
and so will send the sender's peer info back in a peer response.

If the sender is in the receiver's peer list, the receiver now checks whether
they have already seen a message with the same sender and message number. This
is achieved by storing the 8 greatest message numbers received from a given
sender peer number. If the message has lesser message number than any of those
8, it is assumed to have been received. If the message has already been
received according to this check, or if it is a name or title message and
another message of the same type from the same sender with a greater message
number has been received, then the packet is discarded. Otherwise, the
message is processed as described below, and a Message packet with the message
is sent (relayed) to all current group connections except the one that it was
received from, and also to that one if that peer is the original sender of the
message. The only thing that should change in the Message packet as it is
relayed is the group number.

Lossy message packets are used to send audio packets to others in audio group
chats.  Lossy packets work the same way as normal relayed groupchat messages in
that they are relayed to everyone in the group chat until everyone has them, but
there are a few differences. Firstly, the message number is only a 2 byte
integer. When receiving a lossy packet from a peer the receiving peer will first
check if a message with that message number was already received from that peer.
If it wasn't, the packet will be added to the list of received packets and then
the packet will be passed to its handler and then sent to the 2 closest
connected groupchat peers that are not the sender.  The reason for it to be 2
instead of 4 (or 3 if we are not the original sender) as for lossless message
packets is that it reduces bandwidth usage without lowering the quality of the
received audio stream via lossy packets, at the cost of reduced robustness
against connections failing. To check if a packet was already received, the last
256 message numbers received from each peer are stored. If video was added
meaning a much higher number of packets would be sent, this number would be
increased.  If the packet number is in this list then it was received.

\section{Message ids}

\subsection{ping (0x00)}

Sent approximately every 20 seconds by every peer.  Contains no data.

\subsection{\texttt{new\_peer} (0x10)}

Tell everyone about a new peer in the chat.

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} Peer number \\
  \texttt{32}        & Long term public key \\
  \texttt{32}        & DHT public key \\

\subsection{\texttt{kill\_peer} (0x11)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} Peer number \\

\subsection{\texttt{freeze\_peer} (0x12)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} Peer number \\

\subsection{Name change (0x30)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  variable           & Name (namelen) \\

\subsection{Groupchat title change (0x31)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  variable           & Title (titlelen) \\

\subsection{Chat message (0x40)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  variable           & Message (messagelen) \\

\subsection{Action (/me) (0x41)}

  Length             & Contents \\
  variable           & Message (messagelen) \\

Ping messages are sent every 20 seconds by every peer.  This is how other
peers know that the peers are still alive.

When a new peer joins, the peer which invited the joining peer will send a new
peer message to warn everyone that there is a new peer in the chat.  When a new
peer message is received, the peer in the message must be added to the peer
list if it is not there already, and its DHT public key must be set to that
in the message.

Kill peer messages are used to indicate that a peer has quit the group chat
permanently. Freeze peer messages are similar, but indicate that the quitting
peer may later return to the group. Each is sent by the one quitting the group
chat right before they quit it.

Name change messages are used to change or set the name of the peer sending it.
They are also sent by a joining peer right after receiving the list of peers in
order to tell others what their name is.

Title change packets are used to change the title of the group chat and can be
sent by anyone in the group chat.

Chat and action messages are used by the group chat peers to send messages to
others in the group chat.

\section{Timeouts and reconnection}

Groupchat connections may go down, and this may lead to a peer becoming
disconnected from the group or the group otherwise splitting into multiple
connected components. To ensure the group becomes fully connected again once
suitable connections are re-established, peers keep track of peers who are no
longer visible in the group ("frozen" peers), and try to re-integrate them
into the group via any suitable friend connections which may come to be
available. The rejoin packet is used for this.

Rejoin packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x64) \\
  \texttt{33}        & Group chat identifier \\

A peer in a groupchat is considered to be active when a group message or
rejoin packet is received from it, or a new peer message is received for it.
A peer which remains inactive for 60 seconds is set as frozen; this means it
is removed from the peer list and added to a separate list of frozen peers.
Frozen peers are disregarded for all purposes except those discussed below.

If a frozen peer becomes active, we unfreeze it, meaning that we move it from
the frozen peers list to the peer list, and we send a name message to the

Whenever we make a new friend connection to a peer, we check whether the
public key of the peer is that of any frozen peer. If so, we send a rejoin
packet to the peer along the friend connection, and create a groupchat
connection to the peer, marked as introducing us, and send a peer online
packet to the peer.

If we receive a rejoin packet from a peer along a friend connection, then,
after unfreezing the peer if it was frozen, we update the peer's DHT public
key in the groupchat peer list to the key in the friend connection, and create
a groupchat connection for the peer, marked as introducing the peer, and send
a peer online packet to the peer.

When a peer is added to the peer list, any existing peer in the peer list or
frozen peers list with the same public key is first removed.



\chapter{Net crypto}

The Tox transport protocol is what Tox uses to establish and send data securely
to friends and provides encryption, ordered delivery, and perfect forward
secrecy.  It is a UDP protocol but it is also used when 2 friends connect over
TCP relays.

The reason the protocol for connections to friends over TCP relays and direct
UDP is the same is for simplicity and so the connection can switch between both
without the peers needing to disconnect and reconnect.  For example two Tox
friends might first connect over TCP and a few seconds later switch to UDP when
a direct UDP connection becomes possible.  The opening up of the UDP route or
'hole punching' is done by the DHT module and the opening up of a relayed TCP
connection is done by the \texttt{TCP\_connection} module.  The Tox transport
protocol has the job of connecting two peers (tox friends) safely once a route
or communications link between both is found.  Direct UDP is preferred over TCP
because it is direct and isn't limited by possibly congested TCP relays.  Also,
a peer can only connect to another using the Tox transport protocol if they
know the real public key and DHT public key of the peer they want to connect
to.  However, both the DHT and TCP connection modules require this information
in order to find and open the route to the peer which means we assume this
information is known by toxcore and has been passed to \texttt{net\_crypto} when
the \texttt{net\_crypto} connection was created.

Because this protocol has to work over UDP it must account for possible packet
loss, packets arriving in the wrong order and has to implement some kind of
congestion control.  This is implemented above the level at which the packets
are encrypted.  This prevents a malicious TCP relay from disrupting the
connection by modifying the packets that go through it.  The packet loss
prevention makes it work very well on TCP relays that we assume may go down at
any time as the connection will stay strong even if there is need to switch to
another TCP relay which will cause some packet loss.

Before sending the actual handshake packet the peer must obtain a cookie.  This
cookie step serves as a way for the receiving peer to confirm that the peer
initiating the connection can receive the responses in order to prevent certain
types of DoS attacks.

The peer receiving a cookie request packet must not allocate any resources to
the connection.  They will simply respond to the packet with a cookie response
packet containing the cookie that the requesting peer must then use in the
handshake to initiate the actual connection.

The cookie response must be sent back using the exact same link the cookie
request packet was sent from.  The reason for this is that if it is sent back
using another link, the other link might not work and the peer will not be
expecting responses from another link.  For example, if a request is sent from
UDP with ip port X, it must be sent back by UDP to ip port X.  If it was
received from a TCP OOB packet it must be sent back by a TCP OOB packet via the
same relay with the destination being the peer who sent the request.  If it was
received from an established TCP relay connection it must be sent back via that
same exact connection.

When a cookie request is received, the peer must not use the information in the
request packet for anything, he must not store it, he must only create a cookie
and cookie response from it, then send the created cookie response packet and
forget them.  The reason for this is to prevent possible attacks.  For example
if a peer would allocate long term memory for each cookie request packet
received then a simple packet flood would be enough to achieve an effective
denial of service attack by making the program run out of memory.

cookie request packet (145 bytes):

[uint8_t 24]
[Sender's DHT Public key (32 bytes)]
[Random nonce (24 bytes)]
[Encrypted message containing:
    [Sender's real public key (32 bytes)]
    [padding (32 bytes)]
    [uint64_t echo id (must be sent back untouched in cookie response)]

Encrypted message is encrypted with sender's DHT private key, receiver's DHT
public key and the nonce.

The packet id for cookie request packets is 24.  The request contains the DHT
public key of the sender which is the key used (The DHT private key) (along
with the DHT public key of the receiver) to encrypt the encrypted part of the
cookie packet and a nonce also used to encrypt the encrypted part of the
packet.  Padding is used to maintain backwards-compatibility with previous
versions of the protocol.  The echo id in the cookie request must be sent back
untouched in the cookie response.  This echo id is how the peer sending the
request can be sure that the response received was a response to the packet
that he sent.

The reason for sending the DHT public key and real public key in the cookie
request is that both are contained in the cookie sent back in the response.

Toxcore currently sends 1 cookie request packet every second 8 times before it
kills the connection if there are no responses.

cookie response packet (161 bytes):

[uint8_t 25]
[Random nonce (24 bytes)]
[Encrypted message containing:
    [uint64_t echo id (that was sent in the request)]

Encrypted message is encrypted with the exact same symmetric key as the cookie
request packet it responds to but with a different nonce.

The packet id for cookie request packets is 25.  The response contains a nonce
and an encrypted part encrypted with the nonce.  The encrypted part is
encrypted with the same key used to decrypt the encrypted part of the request
meaning the expensive shared key generation needs to be called only once in
order to handle and respond to a cookie request packet with a cookie response.

The Cookie (see below) and the echo id that was sent in the request are the
contents of the encrypted part.

The Cookie should be (112 bytes):

[encrypted data:
    [uint64_t time]
    [Sender's real public key (32 bytes)]
    [Sender's DHT public key (32 bytes)]

The cookie is a 112 byte piece of data that is created and sent to the
requester as part of the cookie response packet.  A peer who wants to connect
to another must obtain a cookie packet from the peer they are trying to connect
to.  The only way to send a valid handshake packet to another peer is to first
obtain a cookie from them.

The cookie contains information that will both prove to the receiver of the
handshake that the peer has received a cookie response and contains encrypted
info that tell the receiver of the handshake packet enough info to both decrypt
and validate the handshake packet and accept the connection.

When toxcore is started it generates a symmetric encryption key that it uses to
encrypt and decrypt all cookie packets (using NaCl authenticated encryption
exactly like encryption everywhere else in toxcore).  Only the instance of
toxcore that create the packets knows the encryption key meaning any cookie it
successfully decrypts and validates were created by it.

The time variable in the cookie is used to prevent cookie packets that are too
old from being used.  Toxcore has a time out of 15 seconds for cookie packets.
If a cookie packet is used more than 15 seconds after it is created toxcore
will see it as invalid.

When responding to a cookie request packet the sender's real public key is the
known key sent by the peer in the encrypted part of the cookie request packet
and the senders DHT public key is the key used to encrypt the encrypted part of
the cookie request packet.

When generating a cookie to put inside the encrypted part of the handshake: One
of the requirements to connect successfully to someone else is that we know
their DHT public key and their real long term public key meaning there is
enough information to construct the cookie.

Handshake packet:

[uint8_t 26]
[nonce (24 bytes)]
[Encrypted message containing:
    [24 bytes base nonce]
    [session public key of the peer (32 bytes)]
    [sha512 hash of the entire Cookie sitting outside the encrypted part]
    [Other Cookie (used by the other to respond to the handshake packet)]

The packet id for handshake packets is 26.  The cookie is a cookie obtained by
sending a cookie request packet to the peer and getting a cookie response
packet with a cookie in it.  It may also be obtained in the handshake packet by
a peer receiving a handshake packet (Other Cookie).

The nonce is a nonce used to encrypt the encrypted part of the handshake
packet.  The encrypted part of the handshake packet is encrypted with the long
term keys of both peers.  This is to prevent impersonation.

Inside the encrypted part of the handshake packet there is a 'base nonce' and a
session public key.  The 'base nonce' is a nonce that the other should use to
encrypt each data packet, adding + 1 to it for each data packet sent.  (first
packet is 'base nonce' + 0, next is 'base nonce' + 1, etc.  Note that for
mathematical operations the nonce is considered to be a 24 byte number in big
endian format).  The session key is the temporary connection public key that
the peer has generated for this connection and it sending to the other.  This
session key is used so that the connection has perfect forward secrecy.  It is
important to save the private key counterpart of the session public key sent in
the handshake, the public key received by the other and both the received and
sent base nonces as they are used to encrypt/decrypt the data packets.

The hash of the cookie in the encrypted part is used to make sure that an
attacker has not taken an older valid handshake packet and then replaced the
cookie packet inside with a newer one which would be bad as they could replay
it and might be able to make a mess.

The 'Other Cookie' is a valid cookie that we put in the handshake so that the
other can respond with a valid handshake without having to make a cookie
request to obtain one.

The handshake packet is sent by both sides of the connection.  If a peer
receives a handshake it will check if the cookie is valid, if the encrypted
section decrypts and validates, if the cookie hash is valid, if long term
public key belongs to a known friend.  If all these are true then the
connection is considered 'Accepted' but not 'Confirmed'.

If there is no existing connection to the peer identified by the long term
public key to set to 'Accepted', one will be created with that status.  If a
connection to such peer with a not yet 'Accepted' status to exists, this
connection is set to accepted.  If a connection with a 'Confirmed' status
exists for this peer, the handshake packet will be ignored and discarded (The
reason for discarding it is that we do not want slightly late handshake packets
to kill the connection) except if the DHT public key in the cookie contained in
the handshake packet is different from the known DHT public key of the peer.
If this happens the connection will be immediately killed because it means it
is no longer valid and a new connection will be created immediately with the
'Accepted' status.

Sometimes toxcore might receive the DHT public key of the peer first with a
handshake packet so it is important that this case is handled and that the
implementation passes the DHT public key to the other modules (DHT,
\texttt{TCP\_connection}) because this does happen.

Handshake packets must be created only once during the connection but must be
sent in intervals until we are sure the other received them.  This happens when
a valid encrypted data packet is received and decrypted.

The states of a connection:

  \item Not accepted: Send handshake packets.

  \item Accepted: A handshake packet has been received from the other peer but
    no encrypted packets: continue (or start) sending handshake packets because
    the peer can't know if the other has received them.

  \item Confirmed: A valid encrypted packet has been received from the other
    peer: Connection is fully established: stop sending handshake packets.

Toxcore sends handshake packets every second 8 times and times out the
connection if the connection does not get confirmed (no encrypted packet is
received) within this time.

Perfect handshake scenario:

Peer 1                Peer 2
Cookie request   ->
                      <- Cookie response
Handshake packet ->
                      * accepts connection
                      <- Handshake packet
*accepts connection
Encrypted packet ->   <- Encrypted packet
*confirms connection  *confirms connection
       Connection successful.
Encrypted packets -> <- Encrypted packets

More realistic handshake scenario:
Peer 1                Peer 2
Cookie request   ->   *packet lost*
Cookie request   ->
                      <- Cookie response
                      *Peer 2 randomly starts new connection to peer 1
                      <- Cookie request
Cookie response  ->
Handshake packet ->   <- Handshake packet
*accepts connection   * accepts connection
Encrypted packet ->   <- Encrypted packet
*confirms connection  *confirms connection
       Connection successful.
Encrypted packets -> <- Encrypted packets

The reason why the handshake is like this is because of certain design

  \item The handshake must not leak the long term public keys of the peers to a
     possible attacker who would be looking at the packets but each peer must know
     for sure that they are connecting to the right peer and not an impostor.
  \item A connection must be able of being established if only one of the peers has
     the information necessary to initiate a connection (DHT public key of the
     peer and a link to the peer).
  \item If both peers initiate a connection to each other at the same time the
     connection must succeed without issues.
  \item There must be perfect forward secrecy.
  \item Must be resistant to any possible attacks.

Due to how it is designed only one connection is possible at a time between 2

Encrypted packets:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x1b) \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} The last 2 bytes of the nonce used to encrypt this \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with the session key and 'base nonce' set by the
receiver in their handshake + packet number (starting at 0, big endian math).

The packet id for encrypted packets is 27.  Encrypted packets are the packets
used to send data to the other peer in the connection.  Since these packets can
be sent over UDP the implementation must assume that they can arrive out of
order or even not arrive at all.

To get the key used to encrypt/decrypt each packet in the connection a peer
takes the session public key received in the handshake and the private key
counterpart of the key it sent it the handshake and generates a shared key from
it.  This shared key will be identical for both peers.  It is important to note
that connection keys must be wiped when the connection is killed.

To create an encrypted packet to be sent to the other peer, the data is
encrypted with the shared key for this connection and the base nonce that the
other peer sent in the handshake packet with the total number of encrypted
packets sent in the connection added to it ('base nonce' + 0 for the first
encrypted data packet sent, 'base nonce' + 1 for the second, etc.  Note that
the nonce is treated as a big endian number for mathematical operations like
additions).  The 2 byte (\texttt{uint16\_t}) number at the beginning of the
encrypted packet is the last 2 bytes of this 24 byte nonce.

To decrypt a received encrypted packet, the nonce the packet was encrypted with
is calculated using the base nonce that the peer sent to the other and the 2
byte number at the beginning of the packet.  First we assume that packets will
most likely arrive out of order and that some will be lost but that packet loss
and out of orderness will never be enough to make the 2 byte number need an
extra byte.  The packet is decrypted using the shared key for the connection
and the calculated nonce.

Toxcore uses the following method to calculate the nonce for each packet:

  \item \texttt{diff} = (2 byte number on the packet) - (last 2 bytes of the current saved
     base nonce) NOTE: treat the 3 variables as 16 bit unsigned ints, the result
     is expected to sometimes roll over.
  \item copy \texttt{saved\_base\_nonce} to \texttt{temp\_nonce}.
  \item \texttt{temp\_nonce = temp\_nonce + diff}.  \texttt{temp\_nonce} is the correct nonce that
     can be used to decrypt the packet.
  \item \texttt{DATA\_NUM\_THRESHOLD} = (1/3 of the maximum number that can be stored in an
     unsigned 2 bit integer)
  \item if decryption succeeds and \texttt{diff > (DATA\_NUM\_THRESHOLD * 2)} then:
      \item \texttt{saved\_base\_nonce = saved\_base\_nonce + DATA\_NUM\_THRESHOLD}

First it takes the difference between the 2 byte number on the packet and the
last.  Because the 3 values are unsigned 16 bit ints and rollover is part of
the math something like diff = (10 - 65536) means diff is equal to 11.

Then it copies the saved base nonce to a temp nonce buffer.

Then it adds diff to the nonce (the nonce is in big endian format).

After if decryption was successful it checks if diff was bigger than 2/3 of the
value that can be contained in a 16 bit unsigned int and increases the saved
base nonce by 1/3 of the maximum value if it succeeded.

This is only one of many ways that the nonce for each encrypted packet can be

Encrypted packets that cannot be decrypted are simply dropped.

The reason for exchanging base nonces is because since the key for encrypting
packets is the same for received and sent packets there must be a cryptographic
way to make it impossible for someone to do an attack where they would replay
packets back to the sender and the sender would think that those packets came
from the other peer.

Data in the encrypted packets:

[our recvbuffers buffer_start, (highest packet number handled + 1), (big endian)]
[uint32_t packet number if lossless, sendbuffer buffer_end if lossy, (big endian)]

Encrypted packets may be lossy or lossless.  Lossy packets are simply encrypted
packets that are sent to the other.  If they are lost, arrive in the wrong
order or even if an attacker duplicates them (be sure to take this into account
for anything that uses lossy packets) they will simply be decrypted as they
arrive and passed upwards to what should handle them depending on the data id.

Lossless packets are packets containing data that will be delivered in order by
the implementation of the protocol.  In this protocol, the receiver tells the
sender which packet numbers he has received and which he has not and the sender
must resend any packets that are dropped.  Any attempt at doubling packets will
cause all (except the first received) to be ignored.

Each lossless packet contains both a 4 byte number indicating the highest
packet number received and processed and a 4 byte packet number which is the
packet number of the data in the packet.

In lossy packets, the layout is the same except that instead of a packet
number, the second 4 byte number represents the packet number of a lossless
packet if one were sent right after.  This number is used by the receiver to
know if any packets have been lost.  (for example if it receives 4 packets with
numbers (0, 1, 2, 5) and then later a lossy packet with this second number as:
8 it knows that packets: 3, 4, 6, 7 have been lost and will request them)

How the reliability is achieved:

First it is important to say that packet numbers do roll over, the next number
after 0xFFFFFFFF (maximum value in 4 bytes) is 0.  Hence, all the mathematical
operations dealing with packet numbers are assumed to be done only on unsigned
32 bit integer unless said otherwise.  For example 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF would equal
to 1 because of the rollover.

When sending a lossless packet, the packet is created with its packet number
being the number of the last lossless packet created + 1 (starting at 0).  The
packet numbers are used for both reliability and in ordered delivery and so
must be sequential.

The packet is then stored along with its packet number in order for the peer to
be able to send it again if the receiver does not receive it.  Packets are only
removed from storage when the receiver confirms they have received them.

The receiver receives packets and stores them along with their packet number.
When a receiver receives a packet he stores the packet along with its packet
number in an array.  If there is already a packet with that number in the
buffer, the packet is dropped.  If the packet number is smaller than the last
packet number that was processed, the packet is dropped.  A processed packet
means it was removed from the buffer and passed upwards to the relevant module.

Assuming a new connection, the sender sends 5 lossless packets to the receiver:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are the packet numbers sent and the receiver receives: 3, 2, 0, 2
in that order.

The receiver will save the packets and discards the second packet with the
number 2, he has: 0, 2, 3 in his buffer.  He will pass the first packet to the
relevant module and remove it from the array but since packet number 1 is
missing he will stop there.  Contents of the buffer are now: 2, 3.  The
receiver knows packet number 1 is missing and will request it from the sender
by using a packet request packet:

data ids:

  ID   & Data \\
  0    & padding (skipped until we hit a non zero (data id) byte) \\
  1    & packet request packet (lossy packet) \\
  2    & connection kill packet (lossy packet) \\
  ...  & ... \\
  16+  & reserved for Messenger usage (lossless packets) \\
  192+ & reserved for Messenger usage (lossy packets) \\
  255  & reserved for Messenger usage (lossless packet) \\

Connection kill packets tell the other that the connection is over.

Packet numbers are the first byte of data in the packet.

packet request packet:

[uint8_t (1)][uint8_t num][uint8_t num][uint8_t num]...[uint8_t num]

Packet request packets are used by one side of the connection to request
packets from the other.  To create a full packet request packet, the one
requesting the packet takes the last packet number that was processed (sent to
the relevant module and removed from the array (0 in the example above)).
Subtract the number of the first missing packet from that number (1 - 0) = 1.
Which means the full packet to request packet number 1 will look like:

[uint32_t 1]
[uint32_t 0]
[uint8_t 1][uint8_t 1]

If packet number 4 was being requested as well, take the difference between the
packet number and the last packet number being requested (4 - 1) = 3.  So the
packet will look like:

[uint32_t 1]
[uint32_t 0]
[uint8_t 1][uint8_t 1][uint8_t 3]

But what if the number is greater than 255? Let's say the peer needs to request
packets 3, 6, 1024, the packet will look like:

[uint32_t 1]
[uint32_t 2]
[uint8_t 1][uint8_t 3][uint8_t 3][uint8_t 0][uint8_t 0][uint8_t 0][uint8_t 253]

Each 0 in the packet represents adding 255 until a non 0 byte is reached which
is then added and the resulting requested number is what is left.

This request is designed to be small when requesting packets in real network
conditions where the requested packet numbers will be close to each other.
Putting each requested 4 byte packet number would be very simple but would make
the request packets unnecessarily large which is why the packets look like

When a request packet is received, it will be decoded and all packets in
between the requested packets will be assumed to be successfully received by
the other.

Packet request packets are sent at least every 1 second in toxcore and more
when packets are being received.

The current formula used is (note that this formula is likely sub-optimal):

REQUEST_PACKETS_COMPARE_CONSTANT = 50.0 double request_packet_interval =
(((double)num_packets_array(&conn->recv_array) + 1.0) / (conn->packet_recv_rate
+ 1.0)));

\texttt{num\_packets\_array(&conn->recv\_array)} returns the difference between
the highest packet number received and the last one handled.  In the toxcore
code it refers to the total size of the current array (with the holes which are
the placeholders for not yet received packets that are known to be missing).

\texttt{conn->packet\_recv\_rate} is the number of data packets successfully
received per second.

This formula was created with the logic that the higher the 'delay' in packets
(\texttt{num\_packets\_array(&conn->recv\_array)}) vs the speed of packets
received, the more request packets should be sent.

Requested packets are resent every time they can be resent as in they will obey
the congestion control and not bypass it.  They are resent once, subsequent
request packets will be used to know if the packet was received or if it should
be resent.

The ping or rtt (round trip time) between two peers can be calculated by saving
the time each packet was sent and taking the difference between the time the
latest packet confirmed received by a request packet was sent and the time the
request packet was received.  The rtt can be calculated for every request
packet.  The lowest one (for all packets) will be the closest to the real ping.

This ping or rtt can be used to know if a request packet that requests a packet
we just sent should be resent right away or we should wait or not for the next
one (to know if the other side actually had time to receive the packet).

The congestion control algorithm has the goal of guessing how many packets can
be sent through the link every second before none can be sent through anymore.
How it works is basically to send packets faster and faster until none can go
through the link and then stop sending them faster than that.

Currently the congestion control uses the following formula in toxcore however
that is probably not the best way to do it.

The current formula is to take the difference between the current size of the
send queue and the size of the send queue 1.2 seconds ago, take the total
number of packets sent in the last 1.2 seconds and subtract the previous number
from it.

Then divide this number by 1.2 to get a packet speed per second.  If this speed
is lower than the minimum send rate of 8 packets per second, set it to 8.

A congestion event can be defined as an event when the number of requested
packets exceeds the number of packets the congestion control says can be sent
during this frame.  If a congestion event occurred during the last 2 seconds,
the packet send rate of the connection is set to the send rate previously
calculated, if not it is set to that send rate times 1.25 in order to increase
the speed.

Like I said this isn't perfect and a better solution can likely be found or the
numbers tweaked.

To fix the possible issue where it would be impossible to send very low
bandwidth data like text messages when sending high bandwidth data like files
it is possible to make priority packets ignore the congestion control
completely by placing them into the send packet queue and sending them even if
the congestion control says not to.  This is used in toxcore for all non file
transfer packets to prevent file transfers from preventing normal message
packets from being sent.


The network module is the lowest file in toxcore that everything else depends
on.  This module is basically a UDP socket wrapper, serves as the sorting
ground for packets received by the socket, initializes and uninitializes the
socket.  It also contains many socket, networking related and some other
functions like a monotonic time function used by other toxcore modules.

Things of note in this module are the maximum UDP packet size define
(\texttt{MAX\_UDP\_PACKET\_SIZE}) which sets the maximum UDP packet size toxcore
can send and receive.  The list of all UDP packet ids: \texttt{NET\_PACKET\_*}.
UDP packet ids are the value of the first byte of each UDP packet and is how
each packet gets sorted to the right module that can handle it.
\texttt{networking\_registerhandler()} is used by higher level modules in order
to tell the network object which packets to send to which module via a

It also contains datastructures used for ip addresses in toxcore.  IP4 and IP6
are the datastructures for ipv4 and ipv6 addresses, IP is the datastructure for
storing either (the family can be set to \texttt{AF\_INET} (ipv4) or
\texttt{AF\_INET6} (ipv6).  It can be set to another value like
\texttt{TCP\_ONION\_FAMILY}, \texttt{TCP\_INET}, \texttt{TCP\_INET6} or
\texttt{TCP\_FAMILY} which are invalid values in the network modules but valid
values in some other module and denote a special type of ip) and
\texttt{IP\_Port} stores an IP datastructure with a port.

Since the network module interacts directly with the underlying operating
system with its socket functions it has code to make it work on windows, linux,
etc... unlike most modules that sit at a higher level.

The network module currently uses the polling method to read from the UDP
socket.  The \texttt{networking\_poll()} function is called to read all the
packets from the socket and pass them to the callbacks set using the
\texttt{networking\_registerhandler()} function.  The reason it uses polling is
simply because it was easier to write it that way, another method would be
better here.

The goal of this module is to provide an easy interface to a UDP socket and
other networking related functions.


The goal of the onion module in Tox is to prevent peers that are not friends
from finding out the temporary DHT public key from a known long term public key
of the peer and to prevent peers from discovering the long term public key of
peers when only the temporary DHT key is known.

It makes sure only friends of a peer can find it and connect to it and
indirectly makes sure non friends cannot find the ip address of the peer when
knowing the Tox address of the friend.

The only way to prevent peers in the network from associating the temporary DHT
public key with the long term public key is to not broadcast the long term key
and only give others in the network that are not friends the DHT public key.

The onion lets peers send their friends, whose real public key they know as it
is part of the Tox ID, their DHT public key so that the friends can then find
and connect to them without other peers being able to identify the real public
keys of peers.

So how does the onion work?

The onion works by enabling peers to announce their real public key to peers by
going through the onion path.  It is like a DHT but through onion paths.  In
fact it uses the DHT in order for peers to be able to find the peers with ids
closest to their public key by going through onion paths.

In order to announce its real public key anonymously to the Tox network while
using the onion, a peer first picks 3 random nodes that it knows (they can be
from anywhere: the DHT, connected TCP relays or nodes found while finding peers
with the onion).  The nodes should be picked in a way that makes them unlikely
to be operated by the same person perhaps by looking at the ip addresses and
looking if they are in the same subnet or other ways.  More research is needed
to make sure nodes are picked in the safest way possible.

The reason for 3 nodes is that 3 hops is what they use in Tor and other
anonymous onion based networks.

These nodes are referred to as nodes A, B and C.  Note that if a peer cannot
communicate via UDP, its first peer will be one of the TCP relays it is
connected to, which will be used to send its onion packet to the network.

TCP relays can only be node A or the first peer in the chain as the TCP relay
is essentially acting as a gateway to the network.  The data sent to the TCP
Client module to be sent as a TCP onion packet by the module is different from
the one sent directly via UDP.  This is because it doesn't need to be encrypted
(the connection to the TCP relay server is already encrypted).

First I will explain how communicating via onion packets work.

Note: nonce is a 24 byte nonce.  The nested nonces are all the same as the
outer nonce.

Onion packet (request):

Initial (TCP) data sent as the data of an onion packet through the TCP client

  \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node B
  \item A random public key PK1
  \item Encrypted with the secret key SK1 and the public key of Node B and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node C
      \item A random public key PK2
      \item Encrypted with the secret key SK2 and the public key of Node C and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node D
          \item Data to send to Node D

Initial (UDP) (sent from us to node A):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x80) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item Our temporary DHT public key
  \item Encrypted with our temporary DHT secret key and the public key of Node A and
    the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node B
      \item A random public key PK1
      \item Encrypted with the secret key SK1 and the public key of Node B and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node C
          \item A random public key PK2
          \item Encrypted with the secret key SK2 and the public key of Node C and the
              \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node D
              \item Data to send to Node D

(sent from node A to node B):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x81) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item A random public key PK1
  \item Encrypted with the secret key SK1 and the public key of Node B and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node C
      \item A random public key PK2
      \item Encrypted with the secret key SK2 and the public key of Node C and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node D
          \item Data to send to Node D
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)

(sent from node B to node C):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x82) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item A random public key PK1
  \item Encrypted with the secret key SK1 and the public key of Node C and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} of node D
      \item Data to send to Node D
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node B and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node A)
      \item Nonce
      \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)

(sent from node C to node D):

  \item Data to send to Node D
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node C and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node B)
      \item Nonce
      \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node B and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node A)
          \item Nonce
          \item Encrypted with temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
              \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)

Onion packet (response):

initial (sent from node D to node C):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x8c) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node C and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node B)
      \item Nonce
      \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node B and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node A)
          \item Nonce
          \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
              \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)
  \item Data to send back

(sent from node C to node B):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x8d) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node B and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of Node A)
      \item Nonce
      \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
          \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)
  \item Data to send back

(sent from node B to node A):

  \item \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x8e) packet id
  \item Nonce
  \item Encrypted with the temporary symmetric key of Node A and the nonce:
      \item \texttt{IP\_Port} (of us)
  \item Data to send back

(sent from node A to us):

  \item Data to send back

Each packet is encrypted multiple times so that only node A will be able to
receive and decrypt the first packet and know where to send it to, node B will
only be able to receive that decrypted packet, decrypt it again and know where
to send it and so on.  You will also notice a piece of encrypted data (the
sendback) at the end of the packet that grows larger and larger at every layer
with the IP of the previous node in it.  This is how the node receiving the end
data (Node D) will be able to send data back.

When a peer receives an onion packet, they will decrypt it, encrypt the
coordinates (IP/port) of the source along with the already existing encrypted
data (if it exists) with a symmetric key known only by the peer and only
refreshed every hour (in toxcore) as a security measure to force expire paths.

Here's a diagram how it works:

  -> [onion1[onion2[onion3[data]]]] -> Node A
  -> [onion2[onion3[data]]][sendbackA] -> Node B
  -> [onion3[data]][sendbackB[sendbackA]] -> Node C
  -> [data][SendbackC[sendbackB[sendbackA]]]-> Node D (end)

Node D
  -> [SendbackC[sendbackB[sendbackA]]][response] -> Node C
  -> [sendbackB[sendbackA]][response] -> Node B
  -> [sendbackA][response] -> Node A
  -> [response] -> peer

The random public keys in the onion packets are temporary public keys generated
for and used for that onion path only.  This is done in order to make it
difficult for others to link different paths together.  Each encrypted layer
must have a different public key.  This is the reason why there are multiple
keys in the packet definintions above.

The nonce is used to encrypt all the layers of encryption.  This 24 byte nonce
should be randomly generated.  If it isn't randomly generated and has a
relation to nonces used for other paths it could be possible to tie different
onion paths together.

The \texttt{IP\_Port} is an ip and port in packed format:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{TOX\_AF\_INET} (2) for IPv4 or \texttt{TOX\_AF\_INET6} (10) for IPv6 \\
  \texttt{4 / 16}    & IP address (4 bytes if IPv4, 16 if IPv6) \\
  \texttt{12 / 0}    & Zeroes \\
  \texttt{2}         & \texttt{uint16\_t} Port \\

If IPv4 the format is padded with 12 bytes of zeroes so that both IPv4 and IPv6
have the same stored size.

The \texttt{IP\_Port} will always end up being of size 19 bytes.  This is to
make it hard to know if an ipv4 or ipv6 ip is in the packet just by looking at
the size.  The 12 bytes of zeros when ipv4 must be set to 0 and not left
uninitialized as some info may be leaked this way if it stays uninitialized.
All numbers here are in big endian format.

The \texttt{IP\_Port} in the sendback data can be in any format as long as the
length is 19 bytes because only the one who writes it can decrypt it and read
it, however, using the previous format is recommended because of code reuse.
The nonce in the sendback data must be a 24 byte nonce.

Each onion layers has a different packed id that identifies it so that an
implementation knows exactly how to handle them.  Note that any data being sent
back must be encrypted, appear random and not leak information in any way as
all the nodes in the path will see it.

If anything is wrong with the received onion packets (decryption fails) the
implementation should drop them.

The implementation should have code for each different type of packet that
handles it, adds (or decrypts) a sendback and sends it to the next peer in the
path.  There are a lot of packets but an implementation should be very

Note that if the first node in the path is a TCP relay, the TCP relay must put
an identifier (instead of an IP/Port) in the sendback so that it knows that any
response should be sent to the appropriate peer connected to the TCP relay.

This explained how to create onion packets and how they are sent back.  Next is
what is actually sent and received on top of these onion packets or paths.

Note: nonce is a 24 byte nonce.

announce request packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x83) \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce \\
  \texttt{32}        & A public key (real or temporary) \\
  \texttt{?}         & Payload \\

The public key is our real long term public key if we want to announce
ourselves, a temporary one if we are searching for friends.

The payload is encrypted with the secret key part of the sent public key, the
public key of Node D and the nonce, and contains:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & Ping ID \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key we are searching for \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key that we want those sending back data packets to use \\
  \texttt{8}         & Data to send back in response \\

If the ping id is zero, respond with an announce response packet.

If the ping id matches the one the node sent in the announce response and the
public key matches the one being searched for, add the part used to send data
to our list.  If the list is full make it replace the furthest entry.

data to route request packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x85) \\
  \texttt{32}        & Public key of destination node \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce \\
  \texttt{32}        & Temporary just generated public key \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with that temporary secret key and the nonce and the
public key from the announce response packet of the destination node.  If Node
D contains the ret data for the node, it sends the stuff in this packet as a
data to route response packet to the right node.

The data in the previous packet is in format:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & Real public key of sender \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with real secret key of the sender, the nonce in the
data packet and the real public key of the receiver:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} id \\
  variable           & Data (optional) \\

Data sent to us:

announce response packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x84) \\
  \texttt{8}         & Data to send back in response \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with the DHT secret key of Node D, the public key in
the request and the nonce:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} \texttt{is\_stored} \\
  \texttt{32}        & Ping ID or Public Key \\
  variable           & Maximum of 4 nodes in packed node format (see DHT) \\

The packet contains a ping ID if \texttt{is\_stored} is 0 or 2, or the public
key that must be used to send data packets if \texttt{is\_stored} is 1.

If the \texttt{is\_stored} is not 0, it means the information to reach the
public key we are searching for is stored on this node.  \texttt{is\_stored} is
2 as a response to a peer trying to announce himself to tell the peer that he
is currently announced successfully.

data to route response packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x86) \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce \\
  \texttt{32}        & Temporary just generated public key \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with that temporary secret key, the nonce and the
public key from the announce response packet of the destination node.

There are 2 types of request packets and 2 'response' packets to go with them.
The announce request is used to announce ourselves to a node and announce
response packet is used by the node to respond to this packet.  The data to
route request packet is a packet used to send packets through the node to
another peer that has announced itself and that we have found.  The data to
route response packet is what the node transforms this packet into.

To announce ourselves to the network we must first find, using announce
packets, the peers with the DHT public key closest to our real public key.  We
must then announce ourselves to these peers.  Friends will then be able to send
messages to us using data to route packets by sending them to these peers.  To
find the peers we have announced ourselves to, our friends will find the peers
closest to our real public key and ask them if they know us.  They will then be
able to use the peers that know us to send us some messages that will contain
their DHT public key (which we need to know to connect directly to them), TCP
relays that they are connected to (so we can connect to them with these relays
if we need to) and some DHT peers they are connected to (so we can find them
faster in the DHT).

Announce request packets are the same packets used slightly differently if we
are announcing ourselves or searching for peers that know one of our friends.

If we are announcing ourselves we must put our real long term public key in the
packet and encrypt it with our long term private key.  This is so the peer we
are announcing ourselves to can be sure that we actually own that public key.
If we are looking for peers we use a temporary public key used only for packets
looking for that peer in order to leak as little information as possible.  The
\texttt{ping\_id} is a 32 byte number which is sent to us in the announce
response and we must send back to the peer in another announce request.  This
is done in order to prevent people from easily announcing themselves many times
as they have to prove they can respond to packets from the peer before the peer
will let them announce themselves.  This \texttt{ping\_id} is set to 0 when none
is known.

The public key we are searching for is set to our long term public key when
announcing ourselves and set to the long term public key of the friend we are
searching for if we are looking for peers.

When announcing ourselves, the public key we want others to use to send us data
back is set to a temporary public key and we use the private key part of this
key to decrypt packet routing data sent to us.  This public key is to prevent
peers from saving old data to route packets from previous sessions and be able
to replay them in future Tox sessions.  This key is set to zero when searching
for peers.

The sendback data is an 8 byte number that will be sent back in the announce
packet response.  Its goal is to be used to learn which announce request packet
the response is responding to, and hence its location in the unencrypted part
of the response.  This is needed in toxcore to find and check info about the
packet in order to decrypt it and handle it correctly.  Toxcore uses it as an
index to its special \texttt{ping\_array}.

Why don't we use different packets instead of having one announce packet
request and one response that does everything? It makes it a lot more difficult
for possible attackers to know if we are merely announcing ourselves or if we
are looking for friends as the packets for both look the same and are the same

The unencrypted part of an announce response packet contains the sendback data,
which was sent in the request this packet is responding to and a 24 byte random
nonce used to encrypt the encrypted part.

The \texttt{is\_stored} number is set to either 0, 1 or 2.  0 means that the
public key that was being searched in the request isn't stored or known by this
peer.  1 means that it is and 2 means that we are announced successfully at
that node.  Both 1 and 2 are needed so that when clients are restarted it is
possible to reannounce without waiting for the timeout of the previous
announce.  This would not otherwise be possible as a client would receive
response 1 without a \texttt{ping\_id} which is needed in order to reannounce

When the \texttt{is\_stored} number is 0 or 2, the next 32 bytes is a
\texttt{ping\_id}.  When \texttt{is\_stored} is 1 it corresponds to a public key
(the send back data public key set by the friend in their announce request)
that must be used to encrypt and send data to the friend.

Then there is an optional maximum 4 nodes, in DHT packed nodes format (see
DHT), attached to the response which denote the 4 DHT peers with the DHT public
keys closest to the searched public key in the announce request known by the
peer (see DHT).  To find these peers, toxcore uses the same function as is used
to find peers for get node DHT responses.  Peers wanting to announce themselves
or searching for peers that 'know' their friends will recursively query closer
and closer peers until they find the closest possible and then either announce
themselves to them or just ping them every once in a while to know if their
friend can be contacted.  Note that the distance function used for this is the
same as the Tox DHT.

Data to route request packets are packets used to send data directly to another
peer via a node that knows that peer.  The public key is the public key of the
final destination where we want the packet to be sent (the real public key of
our friend).  The nonce is a 24 byte random nonce and the public key is a
random temporary public key used to encrypt the data in the packet and, if
possible, only to send packets to this friend (we want to leak as little info
to the network as possible so we use temp public keys as we don't want a peer
to see the same public keys and be able to link things together).  The data is
encrypted data that we want to send to the peer with the public key.

The route response packets are just the last elements (nonce, public key,
encrypted data) of the data to route request packet copied into a new packet
and sent to the appropriate destination.

To handle onion announce packets, toxcore first receives an announce packet and
decrypts it.

Toxcore generates \texttt{ping\_id}s by taking a 32 byte sha hash of the current
time, some secret bytes generated when the instance is created, the current
time divided by a 300 second timeout, the public key of the requester and the
source ip/port that the packet was received from.  Since the ip/port that the
packet was received from is in the \texttt{ping\_id}, the announce packets being
sent with a ping id must be sent using the same path as the packet that we
received the \texttt{ping\_id} from or announcing will fail.

The reason for this 300 second timeout in toxcore is that it gives a reasonable
time (300 to 600 seconds) for peers to announce themselves.

Toxcore generates 2 different ping ids, the first is generated with the current
time (divided by 300) and the second with the current time + 300 (divided by 300).
The two ping ids are then compared to the ping ids in the received packets.
The reason for doing this is that storing every ping id received might be
expensive and leave us vulnerable to a DoS attack, this method makes sure that
the other cannot generate \texttt{ping\_id}s and must ask for them.  The reason
for the 2 \texttt{ping\_id}s is that we want to make sure that the timeout is at
least 300 seconds and cannot be 0.

If one of the two ping ids is equal to the ping id in the announce request,
the sendback data public key and the sendback data are stored in the
datastructure used to store announced peers.  If the implementation has a
limit to how many announced entries it can store, it should only store the
entries closest (determined by the DHT distance function) to its DHT public
key.  If the entry is already there, the information will simply be updated
with the new one and the timeout will be reset for that entry.

Toxcore has a timeout of 300 seconds for announce entries after which they are
removed which is long enough to make sure the entries don't expire prematurely
but not long enough for peers to stay announced for extended amounts of time
after they go offline.

Toxcore will then copy the 4 DHT nodes closest to the public key being searched
to a new packet (the response).

Toxcore will look if the public key being searched is in the datastructure.  If
it isn't it will copy the second generated \texttt{ping\_id} (the one generated
with the current time plus 300 seconds) to the response, set the
\texttt{is\_stored} number to 0 and send the packet back.

If the public key is in the datastructure, it will check whether the public key
that was used to encrypt the announce packet is equal to the announced public
key, if it isn't then it means that the peer is searching for a peer and that
we know it.  This means the \texttt{is\_stored} is set to 1 and the sending back
data public key in the announce entry is copied to the packet.

If it (key used to encrypt the announce packet) is equal (to the announced
public key which is also the 'public key we are searching for' in the announce
packet) meaning the peer is announcing itself and an entry for it exists, the
sending back data public key is checked to see if it equals the one in the
packet.  If it is not equal it means that it is outdated, probably because the
announcing peer's toxcore instance was restarted and so their
\texttt{is\_stored} is set to 0, if it is equal it means the peer is announced
correctly so the \texttt{is\_stored} is set to 2.  The second generated
\texttt{ping\_id} is then copied to the packet.

Once the packet is contructed a random 24 byte nonce is generated, the packet
is encrypted (the shared key used to decrypt the request can be saved and used
to encrypt the response to save an expensive key derivation operation), the
data to send back is copied to the unencrypted part and the packet is sent back
as an onion response packet.

In order to announce itself using onion announce packets toxcore first takes
DHT peers, picks random ones and builds onion paths with them by saving 3
nodes, calling it a path, generating some keypairs for encrypting the onion
packets and using them to send onion packets.  If the peer is only connected
with TCP, the initial nodes will be bootstrap nodes and connected TCP relays
(for the first peer in the path).  Once the peer is connected to the onion he
can fill up his list of known peers with peers sent in announce responses if

Onion paths have different timeouts depending on whether the path is confirmed
or unconfirmed.  Unconfirmed paths (paths that core has never received any
responses from) have a timeout of 4 seconds with 2 tries before they are deemed
non working.  This is because, due to network conditions, there may be a large
number of newly created paths that do not work and so trying them a lot would
make finding a working path take much longer.  The timeout for a confirmed path
(from which a response was received) is 10 seconds with 4 tries without a
response.  A confirmed path has a maximum lifetime of 1200 seconds to make
possible deanonimization attacks more difficult.

Toxcore saves a maximum of 12 paths: 6 paths are reserved for announcing
ourselves and 6 others are used to search for friends.  This may not be the
safest way (some nodes may be able to associate friends together) however it is
much more performant than having different paths for each friend.  The main
benefit is that the announcing and searching are done with different paths,
which makes it difficult to know that peer with real public key X is friends
with Y and Z.  More research is needed to find the best way to do this.  At
first toxcore did have different paths for each friend, however, that meant
that each friend path was almost never used (and checked).  When using a low
amount of paths for searching there is less resources needed to find good
paths.  6 paths are used because 4 was too low and caused some performance
issues because it took longer to find some good paths at the beginning because
only 4 could be tried at a time.  A too high number meanwhile would mean each
path is used (and tested) less.  The reason why the numbers are the same for
both types of paths is for code simplification purposes.

To search/announce itself to peers, toxcore keeps the 8 closest peers (12 for
announcing) to each key it is searching (or announcing itself to).  To
populate these it starts by sending announce requests to random peers for all
the public keys it is searching for.  It then recursively searches closer and
closer peers (DHT distance function) until it no longer finds any.  It is
important to make sure it is not too aggressive at searching the peers as some
might no longer be online but peers might still send announce responses with
their information. Toxcore keeps lists of last pinged nodes for each key
searched so as not to ping dead nodes too aggressively.

Toxcore decides if it will send an announce packet to one of the 4 peers in the
announce response by checking if the peer would be stored as one of the stored
closest peers if it responded; if it would not be it doesn't send an announce
request, if it would be it sends one.

Peers are only put in the closest peers array if they respond to an announce
request.  If the peers fail to respond to 3 announce requests they are deemed
timed out and removed.  When sending an announce request to a peer to which we
have been announcing ourselves for at least 90 seconds and which has failed to
respond to the previous 2 requests, toxcore uses a random path for the request.
This reduces the chances that a good node will be removed due to bad paths.

The reason for the numbers of peers being 8 and 12 is that lower numbers might
make searching for and announcing too unreliable and a higher number too
bandwidth/resource intensive.

Toxcore uses \texttt{ping\_array} (see \texttt{ping\_array}) for the 8 byte
sendback data in announce packets to store information that it will need to
handle the response (key to decrypt it, why was it sent? (to announce ourselves
or to search? For what key? and some other info)).  For security purposes it
checks to make sure the packet was received from the right ip/port and checks
if the key in the unencrypted part of the packet is the right public key.

For peers we are announcing ourselves to, if we are not announced to them
toxcore tries every 3 seconds to announce ourselves to them until they return
that we have announced ourselves to them, then initially toxcore sends an
announce request packet every 15 seconds to see if we are still announced and
reannounce ourselves at the same time.  Toxcore sends every announce packet
with the \texttt{ping\_id} previously received from that peer with the same
path (if possible).  Toxcore use a timeout of 120 seconds rather than 15
seconds if we have been announcing to the peer for at least 90 seconds, and
the onion path we are are using for the peer has also been alive for at least
90 seconds, and we have not been waiting for at least 15 seconds for a
response to a request sent to the peer, nor for at least 10 seconds for a
response to a request sent via the path. The timeout of at most 120 seconds
means a \texttt{ping\_id} received in the last packet will not have had time
to expire (300 second minimum timeout) before it is resent 120 seconds later.

For friends this is slightly different.  It is important to start searching for
friends after we are fully announced.  Assuming a perfect network, we would
only need to do a search for friend public keys only when first starting the
instance (or going offline and back online) as peers starting up after us would
be able to find us immediately just by searching for us.  If we start searching
for friends after we are announced we prevent a scenario where 2 friends start
their clients at the same time but are unable to find each other right away
because they start searching for each other while they have not announced

For this reason, after the peer is announced successfully, for 17 seconds
announce packets are sent aggressively every 3 seconds to each known close peer
(in the list of 8 peers) to search aggressively for peers that know the peer we
are searching for.

After this, toxcore sends requests once per 15 seconds initially, then
uses linear backoff to increase the interval.  In detail, the interval used
when searching for a given friend is at least 15 and at most 2400 seconds, and
within these bounds is calculated as one quarter of the time since we began
searching for the friend, or since the friend was last seen. For this purpose,
a friend is considered to be seen when some peer reports that the friend is
announced, or we receive a DHT Public Key packet from the friend, or we obtain
a new DHT key for them from a group, or a friend connection for the friend
goes offline.

There are other ways this could be done and which would still work but, if
making your own implementation, keep in mind that these are likely not the most
optimized way to do things.

If we find peers (more than 1) that know a friend we will send them an onion
data packet with our DHT public key, up to 2 TCP relays we are connected to and
2 DHT peers close to us to help the friend connect back to us.

Onion data packets are packets sent as the data of data to route packets.

Onion data packets:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{32}        & Long term public key of sender \\
  variable           & Payload \\

The payload is encrypted with long term private key of the sender, the long
term public key of the receiver and the nonce used in the data to route request
packet used to send this onion data packet (shaves off 24 bytes).

DHT public key packet:

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x9c) \\
  \texttt{8}         & \texttt{uint64\_t} \texttt{no\_replay} \\
  \texttt{32}        & Our DHT public key \\
  \texttt{[39, 204]} & Maximum of 4 nodes in packed format \\

The packet will only be accepted if the \texttt{no\_replay} number is greater
than the \texttt{no\_replay} number in the last packet received.

The nodes sent in the packet comprise 2 TCP relays to which we are
connected (or fewer if there are not 2 available) and a number of DHT nodes
from our Close List, with the total number of nodes sent being at most 4. The
nodes chosen from the Close List are those closest in DHT distance to us. This
allows the friend to find us more easily in the DHT, or to connect to us via a
TCP relay.

Why another round of encryption? We have to prove to the receiver that we own
the long term public key we say we own when sending them our DHT public key.
Friend requests are also sent using onion data packets but their exact format
is explained in Messenger.

The \texttt{no\_replay} number is protection if someone tries to replay an older
packet and should be set to an always increasing number.  It is 8 bytes so you
should set a high resolution monotonic time as the value.

We send this packet every 30 seconds if there is more than one peer (in the 8)
that says they our friend is announced on them.  This packet can also be sent
through the DHT module as a DHT request packet (see DHT) if we know the DHT
public key of the friend and are looking for them in the DHT but have not
connected to them yet.  30 second is a reasonable timeout to not flood the
network with too many packets while making sure the other will eventually
receive the packet.  Since packets are sent through every peer that knows the
friend, resending it right away without waiting has a high likelihood of
failure as the chances of packet loss happening to all (up to to 8) packets
sent is low.

When sent as a DHT request packet (this is the data sent in the DHT request

  Length             & Contents \\
  \texttt{1}         & \texttt{uint8\_t} (0x9c) \\
  \texttt{32}        & Long term public key of sender \\
  \texttt{24}        & Nonce \\
  variable           & Encrypted payload \\

The payload is encrypted with long term private key of sender, the long term
public key of receiver and the nonce, and contains the DHT public key packet.

When sent as a DHT request packet the DHT public key packet is (before being
sent as the data of a DHT request packet) encrypted with the long term keys of
both the sender and receiver and put in that format.  This is done for the same
reason as the double encryption of the onion data packet.

Toxcore tries to resend this packet through the DHT every 20 seconds.  20
seconds is a reasonable resend rate which isn't too aggressive.

Toxcore has a DHT request packet handler that passes received DHT public key
packets from the DHT module to this module.

If we receive a DHT public key packet, we will first check if the DHT packet is
from a friend, if it is not from a friend, it will be discarded.  The
\texttt{no\_replay} will then be checked to see if it is good and no packet with
a lower one was received during the session.  The DHT key, the TCP nodes in the
packed nodes and the DHT nodes in the packed nodes will be passed to their
relevant modules.  The fact that we have the DHT public key of a friend means
this module has achieved its goal.

If a friend is online and connected to us, the onion will stop all of its
actions for that friend.  If the peer goes offline it will restart searching
for the friend as if toxcore was just started.

If toxcore goes offline (no onion traffic for 75 seconds) toxcore will
aggressively reannounce itself and search for friends as if it was just

\chapter{Ping array}

Ping array is an array used in toxcore to store data for pings.  It enables the
storage of arbitrary data that can then be retrieved later by passing the 8
byte ping id that was returned when the data was stored.  It also frees data
from pings that are older than a ping expiring delay set when initializing the

Ping arrays are initialized with a size and a timeout parameter.  The size
parameter denotes the maximum number of entries in the array and the timeout
denotes the number of seconds to keep an entry in the array.  Timeout and size
must be bigger than 0.

Adding an entry to the ping array will make it return an 8 byte number that can
be used as the ping number of a ping packet.  This number is generated by first
generating a random 8 byte number (toxcore uses the cryptographic secure random
number generator), dividing then multiplying it by the total size of the array
and then adding the index of the element that was added.  This generates a
random looking number that will return the index of the element that was added
to the array.  This number is also stored along with the added data and the
current time (to check for timeouts).  Data is added to the array in a cyclical
manner (0, 1, 2, 3... (array size - 1), 0, 1, ...).  If the array is full, the
oldest element is overwritten.

To get data from the ping array, the ping number is passed to the function to
get the data from the array.  The modulo of the ping number with the total size
of the array will return the index at which the data is.  If there is no data
stored at this index, the function returns an error.  The ping number is then
checked against the ping number stored for this element, if it is not equal the
function returns an error.  If the array element has timed out, the function
returns an error.  If all the checks succeed the function returns the exact
data that was stored and it is removed from the array.

Ping array is used in many places in toxcore to efficiently keep track of sent
