module ToySolver.Cooper.Core
, Lit (..)
, evalLit
, QFFormula (..)
, fromLAAtom
, (.|.)
, evalQFFormula
, project
, projectN
, projectCases
, projectCasesN
, solve
, solveQFFormula
, solveQFLA
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.VectorSpace hiding (project)
import ToySolver.Data.ArithRel
import ToySolver.Data.Boolean
import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var
import qualified ToySolver.FourierMotzkin as FM
import qualified ToySolver.FourierMotzkin.Core as FM
type ExprZ = LA.Expr Integer
fromLAAtom :: LA.Atom Rational -> QFFormula
fromLAAtom (Rel a op b) = rel op a' b'
(e1,c1) = FM.toRat a
(e2,c2) = FM.toRat b
a' = c2 *^ e1
b' = c1 *^ e2
leZ, ltZ, geZ, gtZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> Lit
leZ e1 e2 = e1 `ltZ` (e2 ^+^ LA.constant 1)
ltZ e1 e2 = Pos $ (e2 ^-^ e1)
geZ = flip leZ
gtZ = flip gtZ
eqZ :: ExprZ -> ExprZ -> QFFormula
eqZ e1 e2 = Lit (e1 `leZ` e2) .&&. Lit (e1 `geZ` e2)
data Lit
= Pos ExprZ
| Divisible Bool Integer ExprZ
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Variables Lit where
vars (Pos t) = vars t
vars (Divisible _ _ t) = vars t
instance Complement Lit where
notB (Pos e) = e `leZ` LA.constant 0
notB (Divisible b c e) = Divisible (not b) c e
data QFFormula
= T
| F
| And QFFormula QFFormula
| Or QFFormula QFFormula
| Lit Lit
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Complement QFFormula where
notB T = F
notB F = T
notB (And a b) = Or (notB a) (notB b)
notB (Or a b) = And (notB a) (notB b)
notB (Lit lit) = Lit (notB lit)
instance Boolean QFFormula where
true = T
false = F
(.&&.) = And
(.||.) = Or
instance Variables QFFormula where
vars T = IS.empty
vars F = IS.empty
vars (And a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Or a b) = vars a `IS.union` vars b
vars (Lit l) = vars l
instance IsRel (LA.Expr Integer) QFFormula where
rel op lhs rhs =
case op of
Le -> Lit $ leZ lhs rhs
Ge -> Lit $ geZ lhs rhs
Lt -> Lit $ ltZ lhs rhs
Gt -> Lit $ gtZ lhs rhs
Eql -> eqZ lhs rhs
NEq -> notB $ rel Eql lhs rhs
(.|.) :: Integer -> ExprZ -> QFFormula
n .|. e = Lit $ Divisible True n e
subst1 :: Var -> ExprZ -> QFFormula -> QFFormula
subst1 x e = go
go T = T
go F = F
go (And a b) = And (go a) (go b)
go (Or a b) = Or (go a) (go b)
go (Lit (Divisible b c e1)) = Lit $ Divisible b c $ LA.applySubst1 x e e1
go (Lit (Pos e1)) = Lit $ Pos $ LA.applySubst1 x e e1
simplify :: QFFormula -> QFFormula
simplify (And a b) = simplify1 $ And (simplify a) (simplify b)
simplify (Or a b) = simplify1 $ Or (simplify a) (simplify b)
simplify formula = simplify1 formula
simplify1 :: QFFormula -> QFFormula
simplify1 T = T
simplify1 F = F
simplify1 (And a b) =
case (a, b) of
(T, b') -> b'
(a', T) -> a'
(F, _) -> false
(_, F) -> false
(a',b') -> a' .&&. b'
simplify1 (Or a b) =
case (a, b) of
(F, b') -> b'
(a', F) -> a'
(T, _) -> true
(_, T) -> true
(a',b') -> a' .||. b'
simplify1 (Lit lit) = simplifyLit lit
simplifyLit :: Lit -> QFFormula
simplifyLit (Pos e) =
case LA.asConst e of
Just c -> if c > 0 then true else false
Nothing ->
Lit $ Pos $ LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e1 ^+^ LA.constant 1
e1 = e ^-^ LA.constant 1
d = if null cs then 1 else abs $ foldl1' gcd cs
cs = [c | (c,x) <- LA.terms e1, x /= LA.unitVar]
simplifyLit lit@(Divisible b c e)
| LA.coeff LA.unitVar e `mod` d /= 0 = if b then false else true
| c' == 1 = if b then true else false
| d == 1 = Lit lit
| otherwise = Lit $ Divisible b c' e'
d = abs $ foldl' gcd c [c2 | (c2,x) <- LA.terms e, x /= LA.unitVar]
c' = c `div` d
e' = LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e
evalQFFormula :: Model Integer -> QFFormula -> Bool
evalQFFormula m = f
f T = True
f F = False
f (And x1 x2) = f x1 && f x2
f (Or x1 x2) = f x1 || f x2
f (Lit lit) = evalLit m lit
evalLit :: Model Integer -> Lit -> Bool
evalLit m (Pos e) = LA.evalExpr m e > 0
evalLit m (Divisible True n e) = LA.evalExpr m e `mod` n == 0
evalLit m (Divisible False n e) = LA.evalExpr m e `mod` n /= 0
data Witness = WCase1 Integer ExprZ | WCase2 Integer Integer Integer [ExprZ]
evalWitness :: Model Integer -> Witness -> Integer
evalWitness model (WCase1 c e) = LA.evalExpr model e `div` c
evalWitness model (WCase2 c j delta us)
| null us' = j `div` c
| otherwise = (j + (((u delta 1) `div` delta) * delta)) `div` c
us' = map (LA.evalExpr model) us
u = minimum us'
project :: Var -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
project x formula = (formula', mt)
xs = projectCases x formula
formula' = simplify $ orB [phi | (phi,_) <- xs, phi /= F]
mt m = head $ do
(phi, mt') <- xs
guard $ evalQFFormula m phi
return $ mt' m
projectN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
projectN vs2 = f (IS.toList vs2)
f :: [Var] -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
f [] formula = (formula, id)
f (v:vs) formula = (formula3, mt1 . mt2)
(formula2, mt1) = project v formula
(formula3, mt2) = f vs formula2
projectCases :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
projectCases x formula = do
(phi, wit) <- projectCases' x formula
return (phi, \m -> IM.insert x (evalWitness m wit) m)
projectCases' :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Witness)]
projectCases' x formula = [(simplify phi, w) | (phi,w) <- case1 ++ case2]
c :: Integer
c = f formula
f :: QFFormula -> Integer
f T = 1
f F = 1
f (And a b) = lcm (f a) (f b)
f (Or a b) = lcm (f a) (f b)
f (Lit (Pos e)) = fromMaybe 1 (LA.lookupCoeff x e)
f (Lit (Divisible _ _ e)) = fromMaybe 1 (LA.lookupCoeff x e)
formula1 :: QFFormula
formula1 = simplify $ f formula .&&. Lit (Divisible True c (LA.var x))
f :: QFFormula -> QFFormula
f T = T
f F = F
f (And a b) = f a .&&. f b
f (Or a b) = f a .||. f b
f lit@(Lit (Pos e)) =
case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
Nothing -> lit
Just a ->
let s = abs (c `div` a)
in Lit $ Pos $ g s e
f lit@(Lit (Divisible b d e)) =
case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
Nothing -> lit
Just a ->
let s = abs (c `div` a)
in Lit $ Divisible b (s*d) $ g s e
g :: Integer -> ExprZ -> ExprZ
g s = LA.mapCoeffWithVar (\c' x' -> if x==x' then signum c' else s*c')
delta :: Integer
delta = f formula1
f :: QFFormula -> Integer
f T = 1
f F = 1
f (And a b) = lcm (f a) (f b)
f (Or a b) = lcm (f a) (f b)
f (Lit (Divisible _ d _)) = d
f (Lit (Pos _)) = 1
ts :: [ExprZ]
ts = f formula1
f :: QFFormula -> [ExprZ]
f T = []
f F = []
f (And a b) = f a ++ f b
f (Or a b) = f a ++ f b
f (Lit (Divisible _ _ _)) = []
f (Lit (Pos e)) =
case LA.extractMaybe x e of
Nothing -> []
Just (1, e') -> [negateV e']
Just (1, _) -> []
_ -> error "should not happen"
case1 :: [(QFFormula, Witness)]
case1 = [ (subst1 x e formula1, WCase1 c e)
| j <- [], t <- ts, let e = t ^+^ LA.constant j ]
formula2 :: QFFormula
formula2 = simplify $ f formula1
f :: QFFormula -> QFFormula
f T = T
f F = F
f (And a b) = f a .&&. f b
f (Or a b) = f a .||. f b
f lit@(Lit (Pos e)) =
case LA.lookupCoeff x e of
Nothing -> lit
Just 1 -> F
Just (1) -> T
_ -> error "should not happen"
f lit@(Lit (Divisible _ _ _)) = lit
us :: [ExprZ]
us = f formula1
f :: QFFormula -> [ExprZ]
f T = []
f F = []
f (And a b) = f a ++ f b
f (Or a b) = f a ++ f b
f (Lit (Pos e)) =
case LA.extractMaybe x e of
Nothing -> []
Just (1, _) -> []
Just (1, e') -> [e']
_ -> error "should not happen"
f (Lit (Divisible _ _ _)) = []
case2 :: [(QFFormula, Witness)]
case2 = [(subst1 x (LA.constant j) formula2, WCase2 c j delta us) | j <- []]
projectCasesN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
projectCasesN vs2 = f (IS.toList vs2)
f :: [Var] -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
f [] formula = return (formula, id)
f (v:vs) formula = do
(formula2, mt1) <- projectCases v formula
(formula3, mt2) <- f vs formula2
return (formula3, mt1 . mt2)
solveQFFormula :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solveQFFormula vs formula = listToMaybe $ do
(formula2, mt) <- projectCasesN vs formula
case formula2 of
T -> return $ mt IM.empty
_ -> mzero
solve :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
solve vs cs = solveQFFormula vs $ andB $ map fromLAAtom cs
solveQFLA :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> VarSet -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solveQFLA vs cs ivs = listToMaybe $ do
(cs2, mt) <- FM.projectN rvs cs
m <- maybeToList $ solve ivs cs2
return $ mt $ fromInteger m
rvs = vs `IS.difference` ivs
testHagiya :: QFFormula
testHagiya = fst $ project 1 $ andB [c1, c2, c3]
[x,y,z] = map LA.var [1..3]
c1 = x .<. (y ^+^ y)
c2 = z .<. x
c3 = 3 .|. x
test3 :: QFFormula
test3 = fst $ project 1 $ andB [p1,p2,p3,p4]
x = LA.var 0
y = LA.var 1
p1 = LA.constant 0 .<. y
p2 = 2 *^ x .<. y
p3 = y .<. x ^+^ LA.constant 2
p4 = 2 .|. y