{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Simplex
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable (ScopedTypeVariables)
-- Naïve implementation of Simplex method
-- Reference:
-- * <http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~wei/lpch3.pdf>
module ToySolver.Simplex
  -- * The @Tableau@ type
  , RowIndex
  , ColIndex
  , Row
  , emptyTableau
  , objRowIndex
  , pivot
  , lookupRow
  , addRow
  , setObjFun

  -- * Optimization direction
  , module Data.OptDir

  -- * Reading status
  , currentValue
  , currentObjValue
  , isFeasible
  , isOptimal

  -- * High-level solving functions
  , simplex
  , dualSimplex
  , phaseI
  , primalDualSimplex

  -- * For debugging
  , isValidTableau
  , toCSV
  ) where

import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.OptDir
import Data.VectorSpace
import Control.Exception

import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

type Tableau r = VarMap (Row r)
tbl ! v == (m, val)
var v .+. m .==. constant val

-- | Basic variables
type RowIndex = Int

-- | Non-basic variables
type ColIndex = Int

type Row r = (VarMap r, r)

data PivotResult r = PivotUnbounded | PivotFinished | PivotSuccess (Tableau r)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

emptyTableau :: Tableau r
emptyTableau = IM.empty

objRowIndex :: RowIndex
objRowIndex = -1

pivot :: (Fractional r, Eq r) => RowIndex -> ColIndex -> Tableau r -> Tableau r
{-# INLINE pivot #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE pivot :: RowIndex -> ColIndex -> Tableau Rational -> Tableau Rational #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE pivot :: RowIndex -> ColIndex -> Tableau Double -> Tableau Double #-}
pivot r s tbl =
    assert (isValidTableau tbl) $  -- precondition
    assert (isValidTableau tbl') $ -- postcondition
    tbl' = IM.insert s row_s $ IM.map f $ IM.delete r $ tbl
    f orig@(row_i, row_i_val) =
      case IM.lookup s row_i of
        Nothing -> orig
        Just c ->
          ( IM.filter (0/=) $ IM.unionWith (+) (IM.delete s row_i) (IM.map (negate c *) row_r')
          , row_i_val - c*row_r_val'
    (row_r, row_r_val) = lookupRow r tbl
    a_rs = row_r IM.! s
    row_r' = IM.map (/ a_rs) $ IM.insert r 1 $ IM.delete s row_r
    row_r_val' = row_r_val / a_rs
    row_s = (row_r', row_r_val')

-- | Lookup a row by basic variable
lookupRow :: RowIndex -> Tableau r -> Row r
lookupRow r m = m IM.! r

-- 行の基底変数の列が0になるように変形
normalizeRow :: (Num r, Eq r) => Tableau r -> Row r -> Row r
normalizeRow a (row0,val0) = obj'
    obj' = g $ foldl' f (IM.empty, val0) $ 
           [ case IM.lookup j a of
               Nothing -> (IM.singleton j x, 0)
               Just (row,val) -> (IM.map ((-x)*) (IM.delete j row), -x*val)
           | (j,x) <- IM.toList row0 ]
    f (m1,v1) (m2,v2) = (IM.unionWith (+) m1 m2, v1+v2)
    g (m,v) = (IM.filter (0/=) m, v)

setRow :: (Num r, Eq r) => Tableau r -> RowIndex -> Row r -> Tableau r
setRow tbl i row = assert (isValidTableau tbl) $ assert (isValidTableau tbl') $ tbl'
    tbl' = IM.insert i (normalizeRow tbl row) tbl

addRow :: (Num r, Eq r) => Tableau r -> RowIndex -> Row r -> Tableau r
addRow tbl i row = assert (i `IM.notMember` tbl) $ setRow tbl i row

setObjFun :: (Num r, Eq r) => Tableau r -> LA.Expr r -> Tableau r
setObjFun tbl e = addRow tbl objRowIndex row
    row =
      case LA.extract LA.unitVar e of
        (c, e') -> (LA.coeffMap (negateV e'), c)

copyObjRow :: (Num r, Eq r) => Tableau r -> Tableau r -> Tableau r
copyObjRow from to =
  case IM.lookup objRowIndex from of
    Nothing -> IM.delete objRowIndex to
    Just row -> addRow to objRowIndex row

currentValue :: Num r => Tableau r -> Var -> r
currentValue tbl v =
  case IM.lookup v tbl of
    Nothing -> 0
    Just (_, val) -> val

currentObjValue :: Num r => Tableau r -> r
currentObjValue = snd . lookupRow objRowIndex

isValidTableau :: Tableau r -> Bool
isValidTableau tbl =
  and [v `IM.notMember` m | (v, (m,_)) <- IM.toList tbl, v /= objRowIndex] &&
  and [IS.null (IM.keysSet m `IS.intersection` vs) | (m,_) <- IM.elems tbl']
    tbl' = IM.delete objRowIndex tbl
    vs = IM.keysSet tbl' 

isFeasible :: Real r => Tableau r -> Bool
isFeasible tbl = 
  and [val >= 0 | (v, (_,val)) <- IM.toList tbl, v /= objRowIndex]

isOptimal :: Real r => OptDir -> Tableau r -> Bool
isOptimal optdir tbl =
  and [not (cmp cj) | cj <- IM.elems (fst (lookupRow objRowIndex tbl))]
    cmp = case optdir of
            OptMin -> (0<)
            OptMax -> (0>)

isImproving :: Real r => OptDir -> Tableau r -> Tableau r -> Bool
isImproving OptMin from to = currentObjValue to <= currentObjValue from 
isImproving OptMax from to = currentObjValue to >= currentObjValue from 

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- primal simplex

simplex :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> (Bool, Tableau r)
{-# SPECIALIZE simplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Rational -> (Bool, Tableau Rational) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE simplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Double -> (Bool, Tableau Double) #-}
simplex optdir = go
    go tbl = assert (isFeasible tbl) $
      case primalPivot optdir tbl of
        PivotFinished  -> assert (isOptimal optdir tbl) (True, tbl)
        PivotUnbounded -> (False, tbl)
        PivotSuccess tbl' -> assert (isImproving optdir tbl tbl') $ go tbl'

primalPivot :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> PivotResult r
{-# INLINE primalPivot #-}
primalPivot optdir tbl
  | null cs   = PivotFinished
  | null rs   = PivotUnbounded
  | otherwise = PivotSuccess (pivot r s tbl)
    cmp = case optdir of
            OptMin -> (0<)
            OptMax -> (0>)
    cs = [(j,cj) | (j,cj) <- IM.toList (fst (lookupRow objRowIndex tbl)), cmp cj]
    -- smallest subscript rule
    s = fst $ head cs
    -- classical rule
    --s = fst $ (if optdir==OptMin then maximumBy else minimumBy) (compare `on` snd) cs
    rs = [ (i, y_i0 / y_is)
         | (i, (row_i, y_i0)) <- IM.toList tbl, i /= objRowIndex
         , let y_is = IM.findWithDefault 0 s row_i, y_is > 0
    r = fst $ minimumBy (comparing snd) rs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- dual simplex

dualSimplex :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> (Bool, Tableau r)
{-# SPECIALIZE dualSimplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Rational -> (Bool, Tableau Rational) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE dualSimplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Double -> (Bool, Tableau Double) #-}
dualSimplex optdir = go
    go tbl = assert (isOptimal optdir tbl) $
      case dualPivot optdir tbl of
        PivotFinished  -> assert (isFeasible tbl) $ (True, tbl)
        PivotUnbounded -> (False, tbl)
        PivotSuccess tbl' -> assert (isImproving optdir tbl' tbl) $ go tbl'

dualPivot :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> PivotResult r
{-# INLINE dualPivot #-}
dualPivot optdir tbl
  | null rs   = PivotFinished
  | null cs   = PivotUnbounded
  | otherwise = PivotSuccess (pivot r s tbl)
    rs = [(i, row_i) | (i, (row_i, y_i0)) <- IM.toList tbl, i /= objRowIndex, 0 > y_i0]
    (r, row_r) = head rs
    cs = [ (j, if optdir==OptMin then y_0j / y_rj else - y_0j / y_rj)
         | (j, y_rj) <- IM.toList row_r
         , y_rj < 0
         , let y_0j = IM.findWithDefault 0 j obj
    s = fst $ minimumBy (comparing snd) cs
    (obj,_) = lookupRow objRowIndex tbl

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- phase I of the two-phased method

phaseI :: (Real r, Fractional r) => Tableau r -> VarSet -> (Bool, Tableau r)
{-# SPECIALIZE phaseI :: Tableau Rational -> VarSet -> (Bool, Tableau Rational) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE phaseI :: Tableau Double -> VarSet -> (Bool, Tableau Double) #-}
phaseI tbl avs
  | currentObjValue tbl1' /= 0 = (False, tbl1')
  | otherwise = (True, copyObjRow tbl $ removeArtificialVariables avs $ tbl1')
    optdir = OptMax
    tbl1 = setObjFun tbl $ negateV $ sumV [LA.var v | v <- IS.toList avs]
    tbl1' = go tbl1
    go tbl2
      | currentObjValue tbl2 == 0 = tbl2
      | otherwise = 
        case primalPivot optdir tbl2 of
          PivotSuccess tbl2' -> assert (isImproving optdir tbl2 tbl2') $ go tbl2'
          PivotFinished -> assert (isOptimal optdir tbl2) tbl2
          PivotUnbounded -> error "phaseI: should not happen"

-- post-processing of phaseI
-- pivotを使ってartificial variablesを基底から除いて、削除
removeArtificialVariables :: (Real r, Fractional r) => VarSet -> Tableau r -> Tableau r
removeArtificialVariables avs tbl0 = tbl2
    tbl1 = foldl' f (IM.delete objRowIndex tbl0) (IS.toList avs)
    tbl2 = IM.map (\(row,val) ->  (IM.filterWithKey (\j _ -> j `IS.notMember` avs) row, val)) tbl1
    f tbl i =
      case IM.lookup i tbl of
        Nothing -> tbl
        Just row ->
          case [j | (j,c) <- IM.toList (fst row), c /= 0, j `IS.notMember` avs] of
            [] -> IM.delete i tbl
            j:_ -> pivot i j tbl

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- primal-dual simplex

data PDResult = PDUnsat | PDOptimal | PDUnbounded

primalDualSimplex :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> (Bool, Tableau r)
{-# SPECIALIZE primalDualSimplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Rational -> (Bool, Tableau Rational) #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE primalDualSimplex :: OptDir -> Tableau Double -> (Bool, Tableau Double) #-}
primalDualSimplex optdir = go
    go tbl =
      case pdPivot optdir tbl of
        Left PDOptimal   -> assert (isFeasible tbl) $ assert (isOptimal optdir tbl) $ (True, tbl)
        Left PDUnsat     -> assert (not (isFeasible tbl)) $ (False, tbl)
        Left PDUnbounded -> assert (not (isOptimal optdir tbl)) $ (False, tbl)
        Right tbl' -> go tbl'

pdPivot :: (Real r, Fractional r) => OptDir -> Tableau r -> Either PDResult (Tableau r)
pdPivot optdir tbl
  | null ps && null qs = Left PDOptimal -- optimal
  | otherwise =
      case ret of
        Left p -> -- primal update
          let rs = [ (i, (bi - t) / y_ip)
                   | (i, (row_i, bi)) <- IM.toList tbl, i /= objRowIndex
                   , let y_ip = IM.findWithDefault 0 p row_i, y_ip > 0
              q = fst $ minimumBy (comparing snd) rs
          in if null rs
             then Left PDUnsat
             else Right (pivot q p tbl)
        Right q -> -- dual update
          let (row_q, _bq) = (tbl IM.! q)
              cs = [ (j, (cj'-t) / (-y_qj))
                   | (j, y_qj) <- IM.toList row_q
                   , y_qj < 0
                   , let cj  = IM.findWithDefault 0 j obj
                   , let cj' = if optdir==OptMax then cj else -cj
              p = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) cs
              (obj,_) = lookupRow objRowIndex tbl
          in if null cs
             then Left PDUnbounded -- dual infeasible
             else Right (pivot q p tbl)
    qs = [ (Right i, bi) | (i, (row_i, bi)) <- IM.toList tbl, i /= objRowIndex, 0 > bi ]
    ps = [ (Left j, cj')
         | (j,cj) <- IM.toList (fst (lookupRow objRowIndex tbl))
         , let cj' = if optdir==OptMax then cj else -cj
         , 0 > cj' ]
    (ret, t) = minimumBy (comparing snd) (qs ++ ps)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

toCSV :: (Num r, Eq r, Show r) => (r -> String) -> Tableau r -> String
toCSV showCell tbl = unlines . map (concat . intersperse ",") $ header : body
    header :: [String]
    header = "" : map colName cols ++ [""]

    body :: [[String]]
    body = [showRow i (lookupRow i tbl) | i <- rows]

    rows :: [RowIndex]
    rows = IM.keys (IM.delete objRowIndex tbl) ++ [objRowIndex]

    cols :: [ColIndex]
    cols = [0..colMax]
        colMax = maximum (-1 : [c | (row, _) <- IM.elems tbl, c <- IM.keys row])

    rowName :: RowIndex -> String
    rowName i = if i==objRowIndex then "obj" else "x" ++ show i

    colName :: ColIndex -> String
    colName j = "x" ++ show j

    showRow i (row, row_val) = rowName i : [showCell (IM.findWithDefault 0 j row') | j <- cols] ++ [showCell row_val]
      where row' = IM.insert i 1 row

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------