module ToySolver.Arith.FourierMotzkin.Base
Constr (..)
, eqR
, ExprZ
, fromLAAtom
, toLAAtom
, constraintsToDNF
, simplify
, Bounds
, evalBounds
, boundsToConstrs
, collectBounds
, project
, project'
, projectN
, projectN'
, solve
, solve'
, Rat
, toRat
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.VectorSpace hiding (project)
import qualified Data.Interval as Interval
import Data.Interval (Interval, Extended (..), (<=..<), (<..<=), (<..<))
import ToySolver.Data.ArithRel
import ToySolver.Data.Boolean
import ToySolver.Data.DNF
import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var
type ExprZ = LA.Expr Integer
type Rat = (ExprZ, Integer)
toRat :: LA.Expr Rational -> Rat
toRat e = seq m $ (LA.mapCoeff f e, m)
f x = numerator (fromInteger m * x)
m = foldl' lcm 1 [denominator c | (c,_) <- LA.terms e]
fromRat :: Rat -> LA.Expr Rational
fromRat (e,c) = LA.mapCoeff (% c) e
evalRat :: Model Rational -> Rat -> Rational
evalRat model (e, d) = LA.lift1 1 (model IM.!) (LA.mapCoeff fromIntegral e) / (fromIntegral d)
data Constr
= IsNonneg ExprZ
| IsPos ExprZ
| IsZero ExprZ
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Variables Constr where
vars (IsPos t) = vars t
vars (IsNonneg t) = vars t
vars (IsZero t) = vars t
leR, ltR, geR, gtR, eqR :: Rat -> Rat -> Constr
leR (e1,c) (e2,d) = IsNonneg $ normalizeExpr $ c *^ e2 ^-^ d *^ e1
ltR (e1,c) (e2,d) = IsPos $ normalizeExpr $ c *^ e2 ^-^ d *^ e1
geR = flip leR
gtR = flip ltR
eqR (e1,c) (e2,d) = IsZero $ normalizeExpr $ c *^ e2 ^-^ d *^ e1
normalizeExpr :: ExprZ -> ExprZ
normalizeExpr e = LA.mapCoeff (`div` d) e
where d = abs $ gcd' $ map fst $ LA.terms e
subst1Constr :: Var -> LA.Expr Rational -> Constr -> Constr
subst1Constr x t c =
case c of
IsPos e -> IsPos (f e)
IsNonneg e -> IsNonneg (f e)
IsZero e -> IsZero (f e)
f :: ExprZ -> ExprZ
f = normalizeExpr . fst . toRat . LA.applySubst1 x t . LA.mapCoeff fromInteger
simplify :: [Constr] -> Maybe [Constr]
simplify = fmap concat . mapM f
f :: Constr -> Maybe [Constr]
f c@(IsPos e) =
case LA.asConst e of
Just x -> guard (x > 0) >> return []
Nothing -> return [c]
f c@(IsNonneg e) =
case LA.asConst e of
Just x -> guard (x >= 0) >> return []
Nothing -> return [c]
f c@(IsZero e) =
case LA.asConst e of
Just x -> guard (x == 0) >> return []
Nothing -> return [c]
evalConstr :: Model Rational -> Constr -> Bool
evalConstr m (IsPos t) = LA.evalExpr m (LA.mapCoeff fromInteger t) > 0
evalConstr m (IsNonneg t) = LA.evalExpr m (LA.mapCoeff fromInteger t) >= 0
evalConstr m (IsZero t) = LA.evalExpr m (LA.mapCoeff fromInteger t) == 0
fromLAAtom :: LA.Atom Rational -> DNF Constr
fromLAAtom (ArithRel a op b) = atomR' op (toRat a) (toRat b)
atomR' :: RelOp -> Rat -> Rat -> DNF Constr
atomR' op a b =
case op of
Le -> DNF [[a `leR` b]]
Lt -> DNF [[a `ltR` b]]
Ge -> DNF [[a `geR` b]]
Gt -> DNF [[a `gtR` b]]
Eql -> DNF [[a `eqR` b]]
NEq -> DNF [[a `ltR` b], [a `gtR` b]]
toLAAtom :: Constr -> LA.Atom Rational
toLAAtom (IsNonneg e) = LA.mapCoeff fromInteger e .>=. LA.constant 0
toLAAtom (IsPos e) = LA.mapCoeff fromInteger e .>. LA.constant 0
toLAAtom (IsZero e) = LA.mapCoeff fromInteger e .==. LA.constant 0
constraintsToDNF :: [LA.Atom Rational] -> DNF Constr
constraintsToDNF = andB . map fromLAAtom
type Bounds = ([Rat], [Rat], [Rat], [Rat])
evalBounds :: Model Rational -> Bounds -> Interval Rational
evalBounds model (ls1,ls2,us1,us2) =
Interval.intersections $
[ Finite (evalRat model x) <=..< PosInf | x <- ls1 ] ++
[ Finite (evalRat model x) <..< PosInf | x <- ls2 ] ++
[ NegInf <..<= Finite (evalRat model x) | x <- us1 ] ++
[ NegInf <..< Finite (evalRat model x) | x <- us2 ]
boundsToConstrs :: Bounds -> Maybe [Constr]
boundsToConstrs (ls1, ls2, us1, us2) = simplify $
[ x `leR` y | x <- ls1, y <- us1 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls1, y <- us2 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls2, y <- us1 ] ++
[ x `ltR` y | x <- ls2, y <- us2 ]
collectBounds :: Var -> [Constr] -> (Bounds, [Constr])
collectBounds v = foldr phi (([],[],[],[]),[])
phi :: Constr -> (Bounds, [Constr]) -> (Bounds, [Constr])
phi constr@(IsNonneg t) x = f False constr t x
phi constr@(IsPos t) x = f True constr t x
phi constr@(IsZero t) (bnd@(ls1,ls2,us1,us2), xs) =
case LA.extractMaybe v t of
Nothing -> (bnd, constr : xs)
Just (c,t') -> ((t'' : ls1, ls2, t'' : us1, us2), xs)
t'' = (signum c *^ negateV t', abs c)
f :: Bool -> Constr -> ExprZ -> (Bounds, [Constr]) -> (Bounds, [Constr])
f strict constr t (bnd@(ls1,ls2,us1,us2), xs) =
case LA.extract v t of
(c,t') ->
case c `compare` 0 of
EQ -> (bnd, constr : xs)
GT ->
if strict
then ((ls1, (negateV t', c) : ls2, us1, us2), xs)
else (((negateV t', c) : ls1, ls2, us1, us2), xs)
LT ->
if strict
then ((ls1, ls2, us1, (t', negate c) : us2), xs)
else ((ls1, ls2, (t', negate c) : us1, us2), xs)
project :: Var -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> [([LA.Atom Rational], Model Rational -> Model Rational)]
project v xs = do
ys <- unDNF $ constraintsToDNF xs
(zs, mt) <- maybeToList $ project' v ys
return (map toLAAtom zs, mt)
project' :: Var -> [Constr] -> Maybe ([Constr], Model Rational -> Model Rational)
project' v cs = projectN' (IS.singleton v) cs
projectN :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> [([LA.Atom Rational], Model Rational -> Model Rational)]
projectN vs xs = do
ys <- unDNF $ constraintsToDNF xs
(zs, mt) <- maybeToList $ projectN' vs ys
return (map toLAAtom zs, mt)
projectN' :: VarSet -> [Constr] -> Maybe ([Constr], Model Rational -> Model Rational)
projectN' = f
f vs xs
| IS.null vs = return (xs, id)
| Just (v,vdef,ys) <- findEq vs xs = do
let mt1 m = IM.insert v (evalRat m vdef) m
(zs, mt2) <- f (IS.delete v vs) [subst1Constr v (fromRat vdef) c | c <- ys]
return (zs, mt1 . mt2)
| otherwise =
case IS.minView vs of
Nothing -> return (xs, id)
Just (v,vs') ->
case collectBounds v xs of
(bnd, rest) -> do
cond <- boundsToConstrs bnd
let mt1 m =
case Interval.simplestRationalWithin (evalBounds m bnd) of
Nothing -> error "ToySolver.FourierMotzkin.project': should not happen"
Just val -> IM.insert v val m
(ys, mt2) <- f vs' (rest ++ cond)
return (ys, mt1 . mt2)
findEq :: VarSet -> [Constr] -> Maybe (Var, Rat, [Constr])
findEq vs = msum . map f . pickup
pickup :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
pickup [] = []
pickup (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [(y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- pickup xs]
f :: (Constr, [Constr]) -> Maybe (Var, Rat, [Constr])
f (IsZero e, cs) = do
let vs2 = IS.intersection vs (vars e)
guard $ not $ IS.null vs2
let v = IS.findMin vs2
(c, e') = LA.extract v e
return (v, (negateV e', c), cs)
f _ = Nothing
solve :: VarSet -> [LA.Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solve vs cs = msum [solve' vs cs2 | cs2 <- unDNF (constraintsToDNF cs)]
solve' :: VarSet -> [Constr] -> Maybe (Model Rational)
solve' vs cs = do
(cs2,mt) <- projectN' vs =<< simplify cs
let m = IM.empty
guard $ all (evalConstr m) cs2
return $ mt m
gcd' :: [Integer] -> Integer
gcd' [] = 1
gcd' xs = foldl1' gcd xs