module ToySolver.Arith.LPUtil
  ( toStandardForm
  , toStandardForm'
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.VectorSpace

import qualified Data.Interval as Interval

import ToySolver.Data.ArithRel
import qualified ToySolver.Data.LA as LA
import ToySolver.Data.Var
import qualified ToySolver.Arith.BoundsInference as BI

  :: (LA.Expr Rational, [ArithRel (LA.Expr Rational)])
  -> ( (LA.Expr Rational, [(LA.Expr Rational, Rational)])
     , Model Rational -> Model Rational
toStandardForm prob1@(obj, cs) = (prob2, mt)
    vs = vars obj `IS.union` vars cs
    (prob2,s) = toStandardForm' prob1
    mt m = IM.fromAscList $ do
      v <- IS.toAscList vs
      case IM.lookup v s of
        Just def -> return (v, LA.evalExpr m def)
        Nothing  -> return (v, m IM.! v)

type M = State Var

  :: (LA.Expr Rational, [ArithRel (LA.Expr Rational)])
  -> ( (LA.Expr Rational, [(LA.Expr Rational, Rational)])
     , VarMap (LA.Expr Rational)
toStandardForm' (obj, cs) = m
    vs = vars obj `IS.union` vars cs
    v1 = if IS.null vs then 0 else IS.findMax vs + 1
    initialBounds = IM.fromList [(v, Interval.whole) | v <- IS.toList vs]
    bounds = BI.inferBounds initialBounds cs IS.empty 10

    gensym :: M Var
    gensym = do
      v <- get
      put $ v+1
      return v

    m = flip evalState v1 $ do
      s <- liftM IM.unions $ forM (IM.toList bounds) $ \(v,i) -> do
        case Interval.lowerBound i of
          Interval.NegInf -> do
            v1 <- gensym
            v2 <- gensym
            return $ IM.singleton v (LA.var v1 ^-^ LA.var v2)
          Interval.Finite lb
            | lb >= 0   -> return IM.empty
            | otherwise -> do
                v1 <- gensym
                return $ IM.singleton v (LA.var v1 ^-^ LA.constant lb)
      let obj2 = LA.applySubst s obj

      cs2 <- liftM concat $ forM cs $ \(ArithRel lhs op rhs) -> do
        case LA.extract LA.unitVar (LA.applySubst s (lhs ^-^ rhs)) of
          (c,e) -> do
            let (lhs2,op2,rhs2) =
                  if -c >= 0
                  then (e,op,-c)
                  else (negateV e, flipOp op, c)
            case op2 of
              Eql -> return [(lhs2,rhs2)]
              Le  -> do
                v <- gensym
                return [(lhs2 ^+^ LA.var v, rhs2)]
              Ge  -> do
                case LA.terms lhs2 of
                  [(1,_)] | rhs2<=0 -> return []
                  _ -> do
                    v <- gensym
                    return [(lhs2 ^-^ LA.var v, rhs2)]
              _   -> error $ "ToySolver.LPUtil.toStandardForm: " ++ show op2 ++ " is not supported"

      assert (and [isNothing $ LA.lookupCoeff LA.unitVar c | (c,_) <- cs2]) $ return ()

      return ((obj2,cs2),s)