{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  ToySolver.Combinatorial.HittingSet.GurvichKhachiyan1999
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2015
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- References:
-- * [GurvichKhachiyan1999] Vladimir Gurvich and Leonid Khachiyan,
--   On generating the irredundant conjunctive and disjunctive normal forms of monotone Boolean functions,
--   Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 96-97, pp. 363-373, 1999.
--   <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166218X99000992>
module ToySolver.Combinatorial.HittingSet.GurvichKhachiyan1999
  ( findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant
  , generateCNFAndDNF
  , minimalHittingSets
  , enumMinimalHittingSets
  ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified ToySolver.Combinatorial.HittingSet.FredmanKhachiyan1996 as FredmanKhachiyan1996

-- | Find a new prime implicant or implicate.
-- Let /f/ be a monotone boolean function over set of variables /S/.
-- Let ∧_{I∈C} ∨_{i∈I} x_i and ∨_{I∈D} ∧_{i∈I} x_i be the irredundant
-- CNF representation /f/ and DNF representation of /f/ respectively.
-- Given a subset /C' ⊆ C/ and /D' ⊆ D/, @'findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant' S f C' D'@ returns
-- * @Just (Left I)@ where I ∈ C \\ C',
-- * @Just (Right I)@ where J ∈ D \\ D', or
-- * @Nothing@ if /C'=C/ and /D'=D/.
  :: IntSet -- ^ Set of variables /V/
  -> (IntSet -> Bool) -- ^ A monotone boolean function /f/ from /{0,1}^|V| ≅ P(V)/ to @Bool@
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /C'/ of prime implicates /C/ of /f/
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /D'/ of prime implicants /D/ of /f/
  -> Maybe (Either IntSet IntSet)
findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant vs f cs ds = do
  ret <- findImplicateOrImplicant vs f cs ds
  case ret of
    Left xs -> return $ Left $ minimizeImplicate vs f xs
    Right xs -> return $ Right $ minimizeImplicant vs f xs

  :: IntSet -- ^ Set of variables /V/
  -> (IntSet -> Bool) -- ^ A monotone boolean function /f/ from /{0,1}^|V| ≅ P(V)/ to @Bool@
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /C'/ of prime implicates /C/ of /f/
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /D'/ of prime implicants /D/ of /f/
  -> Maybe (Either IntSet IntSet)
findImplicateOrImplicant vs f cs ds = do
  xs <- FredmanKhachiyan1996.checkDuality ds cs
  if f xs then
    return $ Right xs
    return $ Left (vs `IntSet.difference` xs)

-- Minimize I such that ∧_{i∈I} x_i → f(x)
minimizeImplicant :: IntSet -> (IntSet -> Bool) -> IntSet -> IntSet
minimizeImplicant _ f is = loop (IntSet.toList is) is
    loop [] !ret = ret
    loop (x:xs) !ret =
      if f (IntSet.delete x ret)
      then loop xs (IntSet.delete x ret)
      else loop xs ret

-- Minimize I such that f(x) → ∨_{i∈I} x_i
-- i.e. Minimize I such that ∧_{i∈I} ¬x_i → ¬f(x)
-- i.e. Maximize J such that ∧_{j∈J} x_j → ¬f(x)
minimizeImplicate :: IntSet -> (IntSet -> Bool) -> IntSet -> IntSet
minimizeImplicate vs f is = (vs `IntSet.difference`) $ loop (IntSet.toList is) (vs `IntSet.difference` is)
    loop [] !ret = ret
    loop (x:xs) !ret =
      if not (f (IntSet.insert x ret))
      then loop xs (IntSet.insert x ret)
      else loop xs ret

-- | Compute the irredundant CNF representation and DNF representation.
-- Let /f/ be a monotone boolean function over set of variables /S/.
-- This function returns /C/ and /D/ where ∧_{I∈C} ∨_{i∈I} x_i and
-- ∨_{I∈D} ∧_{i∈I} x_i are the irredundant CNF representation /f/ and
-- DNF representation of /f/ respectively.
  :: IntSet -- ^ Set of variables /V/
  -> (IntSet -> Bool) -- ^ A monotone boolean function /f/ from /{0,1}^|V| ≅ P(V)/ to @Bool@
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /C'/ of prime implicates /C/ of /f/
  -> Set IntSet -- ^ Subset /D'/ of prime implicants /D/ of /f/
  -> (Set IntSet, Set IntSet)
generateCNFAndDNF vs f cs ds =
  case findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant vs f cs ds of
    Nothing -> (cs, ds)
    Just (Left xs)  -> generateCNFAndDNF vs f (Set.insert xs cs) ds
    Just (Right xs) -> generateCNFAndDNF vs f cs (Set.insert xs ds)

minimalHittingSets :: Set IntSet -> Set IntSet
minimalHittingSets = Set.fromList . enumMinimalHittingSets

enumMinimalHittingSets :: Set IntSet -> [IntSet]
enumMinimalHittingSets dnf = loop Set.empty
    vs = IntSet.unions $ Set.toList dnf
    f = evalDNF dnf

    loop :: Set IntSet -> [IntSet]
    loop cs =
      case findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant vs f cs dnf of
        Nothing -> []
        Just (Left c)  -> c : loop (Set.insert c cs)
        Just (Right d) -> error "GurvichKhachiyan1999.enumMinimalHittingSets: should not happen"

evalDNF :: Set IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
evalDNF dnf xs = or [is `IntSet.isSubsetOf` xs | is <- Set.toList dnf]

evalCNF :: Set IntSet -> IntSet -> Bool
evalCNF cnf xs = and [not $ IntSet.null $ is `IntSet.intersection` xs | is <- Set.toList cnf]

f = Set.fromList $ map IntSet.fromList [[2,4,7], [7,8], [9]]
g = Set.fromList $ map IntSet.fromList [[7,9], [4,8,9], [2,8,9]]

testA1 = findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant (IntSet.fromList [2,4,7,8,9]) (evalDNF f) Set.empty f 
testA2 = findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant (IntSet.fromList [2,4,7,8,9]) (evalDNF f) (Set.singleton (IntSet.fromList [2,8,9])) f
testA3 = findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant (IntSet.fromList [2,4,7,8,9]) (evalDNF f) (Set.fromList [IntSet.fromList [2,8,9], IntSet.fromList [4,8,9]]) f
testA4 = findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant (IntSet.fromList [2,4,7,8,9]) (evalDNF f) (Set.fromList [IntSet.fromList [2,8,9], IntSet.fromList [4,8,9], IntSet.fromList [7,9]]) f

testB1 = findPrimeImplicateOrPrimeImplicant (IntSet.fromList [2,4,7,8,9]) (evalDNF f) g Set.empty