ueberzug: Haskell bindings for ueberzug to display images in the terminal

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This draws the example image for 2 seconds, then clear it and wait for 1 second before exiting

import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.Ueberzug

main = do
  ub <- newUeberzug
  -- assert it suceeded
  Right () <-
    draw ub $ defaultUbConf
      { identifier = "75933779_p0"
      , path = "./test/75933779_p0.jpg"
      , x = 10
      , y = 2
      , width = Just 10
      , height = Just 10
      , scaler = Just FitContain
  threadDelay 2000000

  clear ub "75933779_p0"
  threadDelay 1000000

See the README for more info

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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), process (>= && <1.7) [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2022 Tsui Yik Ching
Author Tsui Yik Ching
Maintainer tsuiyikching@protonmail.com
Category Graphics
Home page https://github.com/akazukin5151/ueberzug-hs
Bug tracker https://github.com/akazukin5151/ueberzug-hs/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/akazukin5151/ueberzug-hs
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Haskell bindings for ueberzug to display images in the terminal

Make sure ueberzug is installed in the system path.

Note: ueberzug only works on Linux

Port of Ueberzug-rs


This draws the example image for 2 seconds, then clear it and wait for 1 second before exiting

import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.Ueberzug

main = do
  ub <- newUeberzug
  -- assert it suceeded
  Right () <-
    draw ub $ defaultUbConf
      { identifier = "75933779_p0"
      , path = "./test/75933779_p0.jpg"
      , x = 10
      , y = 2
      , width = Just 10
      , height = Just 10
      , scaler = Just FitContain
  threadDelay 2000000

  clear ub "75933779_p0"
  threadDelay 1000000

This draws the example image for 1 second, draws another one next to it for 1 second, clear the first image, wait 1 second, then clear the second image, and wait 1 second before exiting

main = do
  ub <- newUeberzug
  draw ub $ defaultUbConf
    { identifier = "75933779_p0_0"
    , path = "test/75933779_p0.jpg"
    , x = 10
    , y = 2
    , width = Just 10
    , height = Just 10
    , scaler = Just FitContain
  threadDelay 1000000
  draw ub $ defaultUbConf
    { identifier = "75933779_p0_1"
    , path = "test/75933779_p0.jpg"
    , x = 20
    , y = 2
    , width = Just 10
    , height = Just 10
    , scaler = Just FitContain
  threadDelay 1000000
  clear ub "75933779_p0_0"
  threadDelay 1000000
  clear ub "75933779_p0_1"
  threadDelay 1000000

Note that CI tests will fail on Hackage because there is no tty attached. They only work if manually ran.
