module Network.HTTP.MicroClient
, ssFromSocket
, ssConnect
, ssToSocket
, ssClose
, ssId
, ssRead
, ssPeek
, ssPeekBuf
, ssRead'
, ssReadN
, ssUnRead
, ssWrite
, ssReadCnt
, ssWriteCnt
, HttpResponse(..)
, HttpCode
, Method(..)
, ReqURI
, HostPort
, MsgHeader
, TransferEncoding(..)
, mkHttp11Req
, mkHttp11GetReq
, recvHttpResponse
, recvHttpHeaders
, httpHeaderGetInfos
, recvChunk
, getSockAddr
, splitUrl
, getPOSIXTimeSecs
, getPOSIXTimeUSecs
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf),deepseq)
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral (packDecimal, readDecimal,readHexadecimal)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Word
import Network
import Network.BSD
import Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Network.URI
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
data SockStream = SockStream !Socket
!(IORef ByteString)
!(IORef Word64)
!(IORef Word64)
ssDebug :: String -> SockStream -> IO a -> IO a
#if 0
ssDebug msg (SockStream _ bufref cntref _) act = do
cnt <- readIORef cntref
buf <- readIORef bufref
putStrLn $ "DEBUG: " ++ msg ++ " SockStream _ " ++ show buf ++ " " ++ show cnt
ssDebug _ _ act = act
ssIdCounter :: IORef Int
ssIdCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1
getSsCounterId :: IO Int
getSsCounterId = atomicModifyIORef' ssIdCounter (\n -> (n+1,n))
ssFromSocket :: Socket -> IO SockStream
ssFromSocket s = SockStream s <$> newIORef B.empty <*> newIORef 0 <*> newIORef 0 <*> getSsCounterId
ssToSocket :: SockStream -> Socket
ssToSocket (SockStream s _ _ _ _) = s
ssId :: SockStream -> Int
ssId (SockStream _ _ _ _ i) = i
ssClose :: SockStream -> IO ()
ssClose = close . ssToSocket
ssConnect :: Maybe SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO SockStream
ssConnect lsa rsa =
bracketOnError (socket AF_INET Stream tcpProtoNum) close $ \sock -> do
whenJust lsa (bind sock)
connect sock rsa
ssFromSocket sock
ssRead :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssRead ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssRead" ss $ do
buf <- readIORef bufref
if B.null buf
then do
buf' <- recv s 32752
modifyIORef' rcntref (+ (fromIntegral $ B.length buf'))
return buf'
else do
writeIORef bufref B.empty
return buf
ssRead' :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssRead' ss = do
buf <- ssRead ss
if B.null buf then ioError eofEx else return buf
eofEx = mkIOError eofErrorType "ssRead'" Nothing Nothing
ssPeek :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssPeek ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssPeek" ss $ do
buf <- readIORef bufref
if B.null buf
then do
buf' <- recv s 32752
modifyIORef' rcntref (+ (fromIntegral $ B.length buf'))
writeIORef bufref buf'
return buf'
else do
return buf
ssPeekBuf :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssPeekBuf ss@(SockStream _ bufref _ _ _) =
ssDebug "ssPeekBuf" ss $ readIORef bufref
ssReadN :: SockStream -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
ssReadN ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) l0 = ssDebug "ssRead'" ss $ do
buf <- readIORef bufref
let l = fromIntegral l0
need = l B.length buf
if need <= 0
atomicModifyIORef' bufref (swap . B.splitAt l)
else do
(res,buf') <- go need buf
let rcntdelta = B.length buf' + B.length res B.length buf
writeIORef bufref $! buf'
modifyIORef' rcntref (+ fromIntegral rcntdelta)
return res
go n bufa
| n > 0 = do
buf <- recv s 32752
let l = B.length buf
if l > n
return (bufa <> B.unsafeTake n buf, B.unsafeDrop n buf)
else do
unless (l>0) $ ioError eofEx
go (nl) (bufa <> buf)
| n == 0 = return (bufa,B.empty)
| otherwise = return $ B.splitAt n bufa
eofEx = mkIOError eofErrorType "ssReadN" Nothing Nothing
ssUnRead :: ByteString -> SockStream -> IO ()
ssUnRead buf0 ss@(SockStream _ bufref _ _ _) =
ssDebug "ssUnRead" ss $ modifyIORef' bufref (<> buf0)
ssReadCnt :: SockStream -> IO Word64
ssReadCnt ss@(SockStream _ bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssReadCnt" ss $ do
buf <- readIORef bufref
rcnt <- readIORef rcntref
return $! rcnt fromIntegral (B.length buf)
ssWrite :: ByteString -> SockStream -> IO ()
ssWrite buf ss@(SockStream s _ _ wcntref _) = ssDebug "ssWrite" ss $
when (buflen /= 0) $ do
sendAll s buf
modifyIORef' wcntref (+ buflen)
buflen = fromIntegral $ B.length buf
ssWriteCnt :: SockStream -> IO Word64
ssWriteCnt (SockStream _ _ _ wcntref _) = readIORef wcntref
tcpProtoNum :: ProtocolNumber
tcpProtoNum = unsafePerformIO $ getProtocolNumber "tcp"
getSockAddr :: HostName -> PortNumber -> IO SockAddr
getSockAddr hostname port = do
he <- getHostByName hostname
return $! SockAddrInet port (hostAddress he)
type HttpCode = Int
data TransferEncoding = TeIdentity !Word64
| TeChunked
| TeInvalid
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance NFData TransferEncoding
httpHeaderGetInfos :: [ByteString] -> (HttpCode, Bool, TransferEncoding)
httpHeaderGetInfos hds0
| ver /= "HTTP/1.1" = error "unsupported HTTP version"
| otherwise = (code, connClose, if chunkTx then TeChunked else clen)
hds = init hds0
(ver:code':_) = B.split 0x20 (last hds0)
code | Just (n,_) <- readDecimal code' = n
| otherwise = 1
connClose = "Connection: close" `elem` hds
chunkTx = "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" `elem` hds
clen | (h:_) <- filter ("Content-Length: " `B.isPrefixOf`) hds =
case readDecimal (B.unsafeDrop 16 h) of
Just (n,_) -> TeIdentity n
Nothing -> TeInvalid
| otherwise = TeInvalid
recvHttpHeaders :: SockStream -> IO [ByteString]
recvHttpHeaders ss = do
res <- ssRead' ss
(buf,h0:hds) <- go $ httpParseHeader (res,[])
unless (B.null h0) $ fail "recvHttpHeaders"
ssUnRead buf ss
return hds
go st@(res,hds)
| httpParseHeaderDone st = return st
| otherwise = do
buf <- ssRead' ss
go $ httpParseHeader (res <> buf,hds)
httpParseHeader :: (ByteString,[ByteString]) -> (ByteString,[ByteString])
httpParseHeader (s0,acc)
| Just i <- B.elemIndex 10 s0 =
let (line1,rest1) = (stripCR $ B.unsafeTake i s0, B.unsafeDrop (i+1) s0)
in (if B.null line1 then id else httpParseHeader) (rest1,line1:acc)
| otherwise = (s0, acc)
httpParseHeaderDone :: (ByteString,[ByteString]) -> Bool
httpParseHeaderDone (_,l:_) | B.null l = True
httpParseHeaderDone _ = False
data HttpResponse = HttpResponse
{ respCode :: !HttpCode
, respKeepalive :: !Bool
, respContentLen :: !Word64
, respHeader :: [MsgHeader]
, respContent :: [ByteString]
} deriving Show
instance NFData HttpResponse where
rnf (HttpResponse _ _ _ h c) = h `deepseq` c `deepseq` ()
recvHttpResponse :: SockStream -> IO HttpResponse
recvHttpResponse ss = do
hds <- recvHttpHeaders ss
let (code, needClose, te) = httpHeaderGetInfos hds
(clen',body) <- case te of
TeIdentity n -> recvIdentityBody n
TeChunked -> recvChunkedBody
TeInvalid -> fail "invalid response w/ invalid transfer-encoding/content-length"
return $! HttpResponse code (not needClose) clen' hds body
recvIdentityBody n = do
res <- ssReadN ss n
return (n, [res])
recvChunkedBody = do
res <- go'
return (fI $ sum $ map B.length res, res)
go' = do
bs <- recvChunk ss
if B.null bs
then return []
else fmap (bs:) go'
recvChunk :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
recvChunk ss = go B.empty
go buf
| Just j <- B.elemIndex 10 buf = do
let (chunksize',rest) = (stripCR $ B.unsafeTake j buf, B.unsafeDrop (j+1) buf)
ssUnRead rest ss
chunksize <- maybe (fail "invalid chunk-size") return $ readHex chunksize'
bs <- ssReadN ss chunksize
return bs
| otherwise = do
buf' <- ssRead' ss
go (buf<>buf')
dropCrLf = do
tmp <- ssReadN ss 2
unless (tmp == "\r\n") $ fail "dropCrLf: expected CRLF"
readHex bs | Just (n,rest) <- readHexadecimal bs, B.null rest, n>=0 = Just n
| otherwise = Nothing
splitUrl :: String -> Either String (String,PortNumber,String)
splitUrl url0 = do
uri <- note "invalid URI" $ parseAbsoluteURI url0
unless (uriScheme uri == "http:") $
Left "URI must have 'http' scheme"
urlauth <- note "missing host-part in URI" $ uriAuthority uri
let hostname = uriRegName urlauth
when (null hostname) $
Left "empty hostname in URL"
unless (null . uriUserInfo $ urlauth) $
Left "user/pass in URL not supported"
portnum <- case uriPort urlauth of
"" -> return 80
':':tmp -> return $! fromIntegral (read tmp :: Word)
_ -> Left "invalid port-number"
return (hostname,portnum,if null (uriPath uri) then "/" else uriPath uri)
deriving (Show,Eq,Enum)
type ReqURI = ByteString
type HostPort = ByteString
type MsgHeader = ByteString
mkHttp11Req :: Method
-> ReqURI
-> HostPort
-> Bool
-> [MsgHeader]
-> (Maybe ByteString)
-> ByteString
mkHttp11Req method urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs mbody = mconcat request
request = methStr:urlpath:" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ":hostport:
(if keepalive then "\r\n" else "\r\nConnection: close\r\n"):
addCrLf' bodydat xhdrs
bodydat | Just body <- mbody = [ "Content-Length: ", (fromJust . packDecimal . B.length) body
, "\r\n\r\n"
, body
| otherwise = ["\r\n"]
addCrLf' :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
addCrLf' tl = go
go (x:xs) = x:"\r\n":go xs
go [] = tl
methStr = case method of
GET -> "GET "
PUT -> "PUT "
mkHttp11GetReq :: ReqURI -> HostPort -> Bool -> [MsgHeader] -> ByteString
mkHttp11GetReq urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs = mkHttp11Req GET urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs Nothing
whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust mb f = maybe (return ()) f mb
note :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
note a = maybe (Left a) Right
fI :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fI = fromIntegral
stripCR :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripCR s
| B.null s = s
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,2)
| B.unsafeLast s == 0x0d = B.unsafeInit s
| B.last s == 0x0d = B.init s
| otherwise = s
foreign import ccall "get_posix_time_secs" getPOSIXTimeSecs :: IO Double
foreign import ccall "get_posix_time_secs" getPOSIXTimeUSecs :: IO Word64