{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |Minimal HTTP client implementation
-- Note: this implementation only supports a subset of the HTTP
--       protocol for performance-reasons. This implementation is not
--       meant to be used for more than benchmarking purposes.
-- See @doReq@ in @src-exe/uhttpc-bench.hs@ for an usage example of this API
module Network.HTTP.MicroClient
    ( -- * /Socket Stream/ abstract data type
    , ssFromSocket
    , ssConnect
    , ssToSocket
    , ssClose
    , ssId
    , ssRead
    , ssPeek
    , ssPeekBuf
    , ssRead'
    , ssReadN
    , ssUnRead
    , ssWrite
    , ssReadCnt
    , ssWriteCnt
      -- * HTTP Protocol Handling
    , HttpResponse(..)
    , HttpCode
    , Method(..)
    , ReqURI
    , HostPort
    , MsgHeader
    , TransferEncoding(..)
    , mkHttp11Req
    , mkHttp11GetReq
    , recvHttpResponse
      -- ** internal helpers of 'recvHttpResponse'
    , recvHttpHeaders
    , httpHeaderGetInfos
    , recvChunk
      -- * Utilities
    , getSockAddr
    , splitUrl
    , getPOSIXTimeSecs
    , getPOSIXTimeUSecs
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf),deepseq)
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral (packDecimal, readDecimal,readHexadecimal)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Tuple
import           Data.Word
import           Network
import           Network.BSD
import           Network.Socket hiding (send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom)
import           Network.Socket.ByteString
import           Network.URI
import           System.IO.Error
import           System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- |Minimal socket input-stream abstraction w/ single pushback & consumed byte-count
-- This abstraction is inspired by io-streams but is tuned for low-overhead
data SockStream = SockStream {-# NOUNPACK #-} !Socket
                             {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef ByteString)
                             {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Word64) -- note: does contain readbuf's size
                             {-# UNPACK #-} !(IORef Word64) -- data written
                             {-# UNPACK #-}   !Int -- hack: connection-id

-- |Internal debug tracing helper
ssDebug :: String -> SockStream -> IO a -> IO a
#if 0
ssDebug msg (SockStream _ bufref cntref _) act = do
    cnt <- readIORef cntref
    buf <- readIORef bufref
    putStrLn $ "DEBUG: " ++ msg ++ " SockStream _ " ++ show buf ++ " " ++ show cnt
ssDebug _ _ act = act

-- hack
ssIdCounter :: IORef Int
ssIdCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1
{-# NOINLINE ssIdCounter #-}

getSsCounterId :: IO Int
getSsCounterId = atomicModifyIORef' ssIdCounter (\n -> (n+1,n))

-- |Convert an existing 'Socket' into a 'SockStream'
ssFromSocket :: Socket -> IO SockStream
ssFromSocket s = SockStream s <$> newIORef B.empty <*> newIORef 0 <*> newIORef 0 <*> getSsCounterId

-- |Access underlying 'Socket'
ssToSocket :: SockStream -> Socket
ssToSocket (SockStream s _ _ _ _) = s

-- |Access 'SockStream' counter id
-- Each created 'SockStream' wrapper has an unique counter id value associated
ssId :: SockStream -> Int
ssId (SockStream _ _ _ _ i) = i

ssClose :: SockStream -> IO ()
ssClose = close . ssToSocket

-- |Wrapper that creates TCP/IP IPv4 'SocketStream' and connects to 'SockAddr' created with 'getSockAddr'
-- If provided, the @Maybe SockAddr@ argument allows to locally
-- bind the socket to a specific source address.
ssConnect :: Maybe SockAddr -> SockAddr -> IO SockStream
ssConnect lsa rsa =
    bracketOnError (socket AF_INET Stream tcpProtoNum) close $ \sock -> do
        whenJust lsa (bind sock)
        connect sock rsa
        ssFromSocket sock
{-# INLINE ssConnect #-}

-- |Read data from stream.
-- Note: Returns empty string on EOF. It's often better to use 'ssRead'' instead.
ssRead :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssRead ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssRead" ss $ do
    buf <- readIORef bufref
    if B.null buf
    then do
        buf' <- recv s 32752 -- 32KiB - 16byte bytestring-overhead
        modifyIORef' rcntref (+ (fromIntegral $ B.length buf'))
        return buf'
    else do
        writeIORef bufref B.empty
        return buf

-- |Version of 'ssRead' that throws
ssRead' :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssRead' ss = do
    buf <- ssRead ss
    if B.null buf then ioError eofEx else return buf
    eofEx = mkIOError eofErrorType "ssRead'" Nothing Nothing

-- |Version of 'ssRead' which does not consume the data returned
-- That is, @ssPeek ss@ is semantically equivalent to
-- @do { b <- ssRead ss; ssUnRead b ss; return b}@.
-- 'ssPeek' is idempotent, i.e. @ssPeek ss == ssPeek ss >> ssPeek ss@
ssPeek :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssPeek ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssPeek" ss $ do
    buf <- readIORef bufref
    if B.null buf
    then do
        buf' <- recv s 32752 -- 32KiB - 16byte bytestring-overhead
        modifyIORef' rcntref (+ (fromIntegral $ B.length buf'))
        writeIORef bufref buf'
        return buf'
    else do
        return buf

-- |May return empty string if no data has been buffered yet
ssPeekBuf :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
ssPeekBuf ss@(SockStream _ bufref _ _ _) =
    ssDebug "ssPeekBuf" ss $ readIORef bufref

-- |Read exactly n bytes from 'SocketStream'; throws exception if connection is closed
ssReadN :: SockStream -> Word64 -> IO ByteString
ssReadN ss@(SockStream s bufref rcntref _ _) l0 = ssDebug "ssRead'" ss $ do
    buf <- readIORef bufref
    let l    = fromIntegral l0
        need = l - B.length buf

    if need <= 0
        atomicModifyIORef' bufref (swap . B.splitAt l)
    else do
        (res,buf') <- go need buf
        let rcntdelta = B.length buf' + B.length res - B.length buf
        writeIORef   bufref $! buf'
        modifyIORef' rcntref (+ fromIntegral rcntdelta)
        return res

    go n bufa
      | n >  0     = do
          buf <- recv s 32752
          let l = B.length buf
          if l > n
          then -- more than enough (this is an optimization)
              return (bufa <> B.unsafeTake n buf, B.unsafeDrop n buf)
          else do -- not enough
              unless (l>0) $ ioError eofEx
              go (n-l) (bufa <> buf)
      | n == 0     = return (bufa,B.empty)
      | otherwise  = return $ B.splitAt n bufa

    eofEx = mkIOError eofErrorType "ssReadN" Nothing Nothing

-- |Push-back read data into 'SockStream'
ssUnRead :: ByteString -> SockStream -> IO ()
ssUnRead buf0 ss@(SockStream _ bufref _ _ _) =
    ssDebug "ssUnRead" ss $ modifyIORef' bufref (<> buf0)

-- |Returns length of data consumed (i.e. w/o 'ssUnRead' data)
ssReadCnt :: SockStream -> IO Word64
ssReadCnt ss@(SockStream _ bufref rcntref _ _) = ssDebug "ssReadCnt" ss $ do
    buf <- readIORef bufref
    rcnt <- readIORef rcntref
    return $! rcnt - fromIntegral (B.length buf)

-- |Write data out to socket (uses 'sendAll' internally)
ssWrite :: ByteString -> SockStream -> IO ()
ssWrite buf ss@(SockStream s _ _ wcntref _) = ssDebug "ssWrite" ss $
    when (buflen /= 0) $ do
        sendAll s buf
        modifyIORef' wcntref (+ buflen)
    buflen = fromIntegral $ B.length buf

-- |Returns length of data written to stream
ssWriteCnt :: SockStream -> IO Word64
ssWriteCnt (SockStream _ _ _ wcntref _) = readIORef wcntref

-- Helpers

-- |Used by 'ssConnect'
tcpProtoNum :: ProtocolNumber
tcpProtoNum = unsafePerformIO $ getProtocolNumber "tcp"
{-# NOINLINE tcpProtoNum #-}

-- |Construct IPv4 'SockAddr'
getSockAddr :: HostName -> PortNumber -> IO SockAddr
getSockAddr hostname port = do
    he <- getHostByName hostname
    return $! SockAddrInet port (hostAddress he)

-- |HTTP status code
type HttpCode = Int

-- |transfer-encoding/content-length information
data TransferEncoding = TeIdentity !Word64 -- ^ identity w/ content length
                      | TeChunked          -- ^ chunked transfer
                      | TeInvalid
                      deriving (Show,Eq)

instance NFData TransferEncoding

-- |Extract information from the header lines as returned by 'recvHttpHeaders'
-- returns: (status-code, close-conn, Just content-length /or/ Nothing (i.e. chunked))
httpHeaderGetInfos :: [ByteString] -> (HttpCode, Bool, TransferEncoding)
httpHeaderGetInfos hds0
    | ver /= "HTTP/1.1" = error "unsupported HTTP version"
    | otherwise         = (code, connClose, if chunkTx then TeChunked else clen)
    hds = init hds0
    (ver:code':_) = B.split 0x20 (last hds0) -- FIXME

    code | Just (n,_) <- readDecimal code' = n
         | otherwise = -1

    -- FIXME/TODO: find an efficient way to perform case-insensitive header-matching
    connClose = "Connection: close" `elem` hds
    chunkTx   = "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" `elem` hds

    clen | (h:_) <- filter ("Content-Length: " `B.isPrefixOf`) hds =
                 case readDecimal (B.unsafeDrop 16 h) of
                     Just (n,_) -> TeIdentity n
                     Nothing    -> TeInvalid
         | otherwise = TeInvalid -- FIXME

    -- toLowerW8 w | 65 <= w, w <=  90 = w + 32 :: Word8
    --             | otherwise         = w

-- |Receive/consume HTTP response from 'SockStream'
-- If no exception occured during 'recvHttpHeaders' the 'SockStream'
-- is left at the beginning of the (potentially empty) HTTP response
-- body.
recvHttpHeaders :: SockStream -> IO [ByteString]
recvHttpHeaders ss = do
    res <- ssRead' ss
    (buf,h0:hds) <- go $ httpParseHeader (res,[])
    unless (B.null h0) $ fail "recvHttpHeaders"
    ssUnRead buf ss
    return hds
    go st@(res,hds) -- result of httpParseHeader invocation
      | httpParseHeaderDone st = return st -- header parsing finished
      | otherwise = do
          buf <- ssRead' ss
          go $ httpParseHeader (res <> buf,hds)

    -- note: headers are in reverse
    httpParseHeader :: (ByteString,[ByteString]) -> (ByteString,[ByteString])
    httpParseHeader (s0,acc)
      | Just i <- B.elemIndex 10 s0 =
          let (line1,rest1) = (stripCR $ B.unsafeTake i s0, B.unsafeDrop (i+1) s0)
          in (if B.null line1 then id else httpParseHeader) (rest1,line1:acc)
      | otherwise = (s0, acc) -- need more data

    httpParseHeaderDone :: (ByteString,[ByteString]) -> Bool
    httpParseHeaderDone (_,l:_) | B.null l = True
    httpParseHeaderDone _ = False

data HttpResponse = HttpResponse
    { respCode       :: !HttpCode    -- ^ status code
    , respKeepalive  :: !Bool        -- ^ whether server keeps connection open
    , respContentLen :: !Word64      -- ^ content length
    , respHeader     :: [MsgHeader]  -- ^ list of header lines w/o CRLF
    , respContent    :: [ByteString] -- ^ list of chunks
    } deriving Show

instance NFData HttpResponse where
    rnf (HttpResponse _ _ _ h c) = h `deepseq` c `deepseq` ()

-- | Receive full HTTP response
recvHttpResponse :: SockStream -> IO HttpResponse
recvHttpResponse ss = do
    hds <- recvHttpHeaders ss
    let (code, needClose, te) = httpHeaderGetInfos hds

    (clen',body) <- case te of
        TeIdentity n -> recvIdentityBody n
        TeChunked    -> recvChunkedBody
        TeInvalid    -> fail "invalid response w/ invalid transfer-encoding/content-length"

    return $! HttpResponse code (not needClose) clen' hds body
    recvIdentityBody n = do
        res <- ssReadN ss n
        return (n, [res])

    recvChunkedBody = do
        res <- go'
        return (fI $ sum $ map B.length res, res)
        go' = do
            bs <- recvChunk ss
            if B.null bs
            then return []
            else fmap (bs:) go'

-- | Receive single HTTP chunk
recvChunk :: SockStream -> IO ByteString
recvChunk ss = go B.empty
    go buf
      | Just j <- B.elemIndex 10 buf = do
          let (chunksize',rest) = (stripCR $ B.unsafeTake j buf, B.unsafeDrop (j+1) buf)
          ssUnRead rest ss
          chunksize <- maybe (fail "invalid chunk-size") return $ readHex chunksize'
          bs <- ssReadN ss chunksize
          return bs
      | otherwise = do -- no '\n' seen yet... need more data
          buf' <- ssRead' ss
          go (buf<>buf')

    dropCrLf = do
        tmp <- ssReadN ss 2
        unless (tmp == "\r\n") $ fail "dropCrLf: expected CRLF"

    -- read positive hex
    readHex bs | Just (n,rest) <- readHexadecimal bs, B.null rest, n>=0 = Just n
               | otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE recvChunk #-}

-- |Split HTTP URL into (hostname,port,url-path)
splitUrl :: String -> Either String (String,PortNumber,String)
splitUrl url0 = do
    uri <- note "invalid URI" $ parseAbsoluteURI url0

    unless (uriScheme uri == "http:") $
        Left "URI must have 'http' scheme"

    urlauth <- note "missing host-part in URI" $ uriAuthority uri
    let hostname = uriRegName urlauth

    when (null hostname) $
        Left "empty hostname in URL"

    unless (null . uriUserInfo $ urlauth) $
        Left "user/pass in URL not supported"

    portnum <- case uriPort urlauth of
        ""      -> return 80
        ':':tmp -> return $! fromIntegral (read tmp :: Word)
        _       -> Left "invalid port-number"

    return (hostname,portnum,if null (uriPath uri) then "/" else uriPath uri)

-- | RFC2616 sec 5.1.1 @Method@
            deriving (Show,Eq,Enum)

type ReqURI    = ByteString -- ^ RFC2616 sec 5.1.2 @Request-URI@ (e.g. @"/pub/index.html"@)
type HostPort  = ByteString -- ^ RFC2616 sec 14.3 @host [ ":" port ]@ (e.g. @"localhost:8001"@)
type MsgHeader = ByteString -- ^ RFC2616 sec 4.2 @message-header@ (e.g. @"Content-Type: text/plain"@

-- | Construct general HTTP/1.1 request.
mkHttp11Req :: Method
            -> ReqURI
            -> HostPort
            -> Bool        -- ^ if @False@ sets @Connection: close@ header
            -> [MsgHeader] -- ^ additional HTTP request headers
            -> (Maybe ByteString) -- ^ optional request body
            -> ByteString  -- ^ Request constructed as a 'ByteString' ready to be sent over the wire
mkHttp11Req method urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs mbody = mconcat request
    request = methStr:urlpath:" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ":hostport:
              (if keepalive then "\r\n" else "\r\nConnection: close\r\n"):
              addCrLf' bodydat xhdrs

    bodydat | Just body <- mbody  = [ "Content-Length: ", (fromJust . packDecimal . B.length) body
                                    , "\r\n\r\n"
                                    , body
            | otherwise  = ["\r\n"]

    addCrLf' :: [ByteString] -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
    addCrLf' tl = go
        go (x:xs) = x:"\r\n":go xs
        go []     = tl

    methStr = case method of
        GET     -> "GET "
        POST    -> "POST "
        HEAD    -> "HEAD "
        PUT     -> "PUT "
        DELETE  -> "DELETE "
        TRACE   -> "TRACE "
        CONNECT -> "CONNECT "
        OPTIONS -> "OPTIONS "

-- | Construct HTTP/1.1 @GET@ request. See 'mkHttp11Req' for constructing more general requests.
mkHttp11GetReq :: ReqURI -> HostPort -> Bool -> [MsgHeader] -> ByteString
mkHttp11GetReq urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs = mkHttp11Req GET urlpath hostport keepalive xhdrs Nothing

-- internal helpers

-- | 'when' meets 'maybe'
whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenJust mb f = maybe (return ()) f mb
{-# INLINE whenJust #-}

-- | Tag the 'Nothing' value of a 'Maybe'
note :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
note a = maybe (Left a) Right

-- | Alias for 'fromIntegral'
fI :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fI = fromIntegral

-- | Strip one trailing CR if there is one
stripCR :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripCR s
  | B.null s                = s
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,2)
  | B.unsafeLast s == 0x0d  = B.unsafeInit s
  | B.last s == 0x0d        = B.init s
  | otherwise               = s

-- | Return the time as the number of seconds (with up to microsecond
-- precision) since the Epoch, @1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)@.
-- This is a faster implementation the code below useful for
-- benchmarking purposes.
-- > import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
-- >
-- > getPOSIXTimeSecs :: IO Double
-- > getPOSIXTimeSecs = fmap realToFrac getPOSIXTime
-- Note: this function returns /NaN/ in case the underlying
-- @gettimeofday(2)@ call fails.
foreign import ccall "get_posix_time_secs" getPOSIXTimeSecs :: IO Double

-- | Return the time as the number of microseconds since the Epoch,
-- @1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC)@.
-- Note: this function returns @0@ in case the underlying
-- @gettimeofday(2)@ call fails.
-- See also 'getPOSIXTimeSecs'
foreign import ccall "get_posix_time_secs" getPOSIXTimeUSecs :: IO Word64