module Atomics (atomicsMain) where import Control.Concurrent import Data.Atomics.Counter.Fat import Data.Atomics import Data.IORef import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List import Data.Bits atomicsMain :: IO () atomicsMain = do putStrLn "Testing atomic-primops:" -- ------ putStr " counter smoke test... " counterSane putStrLn "OK" -- ------ putStr " counter overflow... " testCounterOverflow putStrLn "OK" -- ------ putStr " counter is atomic... " counterTest putStrLn "OK" -- ------ putStr " CAS... " -- testNextistentSuccessFailure -- putStrLn "OK" -- -- This failure caught me by surprise. A few runs of a million seem to trigger it: -- -- -- TODO ticket: putStrLn "SKIPPING (TODO #35)" -- catch real stupid bugs before machine gets hot: counterSane :: IO () counterSane = do cntr <- newCounter 1337 n <- readCounter cntr unless (n == 1337) $ error "newCounter magnificently broken" n2 <- incrCounter 1 cntr n2' <- readCounter cntr unless (n2 == 1337 && n2' == 1338) $ error "incrCounter magnificently broken" cHUNK_SIZE, maxInt, minInt :: Int cHUNK_SIZE = 32 -- MUST REMAIN POWER OF TWO for now -- make sure incrCounter doesn't silently change to Integer or something maxInt = maxBound minInt = minBound -- Test some properties of our counter we'd like to assume: testCounterOverflow :: IO () testCounterOverflow = do let x `ourMod` y = -- also do a little sanity checking for the bitwise mod over Int -- that we use heavily, and expect in some cases to roll over w/out -- breaks: let xmy = x .&. (y-1) in if xmy == x `mod` y then xmy else error "Our bitwise mod isn't working the way we expect in testCounterOverflow" cntr <- newCounter (maxInt - (cHUNK_SIZE `div` 2) + 1) spanningCntr <- replicateM cHUNK_SIZE (incrCounter 1 cntr) -- make sure our test is working if all (>0) spanningCntr || all (<0) spanningCntr then error "Sequence meant to span maxBound of counter not actually spanning" else return () let l = map (`ourMod` cHUNK_SIZE) spanningCntr l' = (dropWhile (/= 0) l) ++ (takeWhile (/= 0) l) -- (1) test that we overflow the counter without any breaks and our mod function is working properly: unless (l' == [0..(cHUNK_SIZE - 1)]) $ error $ "Uh Oh: "++(show l') -- (2) test that Ints and counter overflow in exactly the same way let spanningInts = take cHUNK_SIZE $ iterate (+1) (maxInt - (cHUNK_SIZE `div` 2) + 1) unless (spanningInts == spanningCntr) $ do error $ "Ints overflow differently than counter: "++ "\nInt: "++(show spanningInts)++ "\nCounter: "++(show spanningCntr) -- (We don't use this property) cntr2 <- newCounter maxInt _ <- incrCounter 1 cntr2 mnbnd <- readCounter cntr2 unless (mnbnd == minInt) $ error $ "Incrementing counter at maxbound didn't yield minBound" -- (3) test subtraction across boundary: count - newFirstIndex, for window spanning boundary. cntr3 <- newCounter maxInt let ls = take 30 $ iterate (+1) $ maxInt - 10 cs <- mapM (\x-> fmap (subtract x) $ incrCounter 1 cntr3) ls unless (cs == replicate 30 10) $ error $ "Derp. We don't know how subtraction works: "++(show cs) -- Test these assumptions: -- 1) If a CAS fails in thread 1 then another CAS (in thread 2, say) succeeded; i.e. no false negatives -- 2) In the case that thread 1's CAS failed, the ticket returned with (False,tk) will contain that newly-written value from thread 2 testNextistentSuccessFailure :: IO () testNextistentSuccessFailure = do var <- newIORef "0" sem <- newIORef (0::Int) outs <- replicateM 2 newEmptyMVar _ <- forkSync sem 2 $ test "a" var (outs!!0) _ <- forkSync sem 2 $ test "b" var (outs!!1) mapM takeMVar outs >>= examine -- w/r/t (2) above: we only try to find an element read along with False -- which wasn't sent by another thread, which isn't ideal where attempts = 100000 test tag var out = do res <- forM [(1::Int)..attempts] $ \x-> do let str = (tag++(show x)) tk <- readForCAS var (b,tk') <- casIORef var tk str return (if b then str else peekTicket tk' , b) putMVar out res examine [res1, res2] = do -- any failures in either should be marked as successes in the other let (successes1,failures1) = (\(x,y)-> (Set.fromList $ map fst x, map fst y)) $ partition snd res1 (successes2,failures2) = (\(x,y)-> (Set.fromList $ map fst x, map fst y)) $ partition snd res2 ok1 = all (flip Set.member successes2) failures1 ok2 = all (flip Set.member successes1) failures2 if ok1 && ok2 then when (length failures1 < (attempts `div` 6) || length failures2 < (attempts `div` 6)) $ error "There was not enough contention to trust test. Please retry." else do print res1 print res2 error "FAILURE!" examine _ = error "Fix testNextistentSuccessFailure" forkSync :: IORef Int -> Int -> IO () -> IO ThreadId forkSync sem target io = forkIO $ (busyWait >> io) where busyWait = atomicModifyIORef' sem (\n-> (n+1,())) >> wait wait = do n <- readIORef sem unless (n == target) wait counterTest :: IO () counterTest = do let n = 10000000 nOut <- testAtomicCounter n when (nOut /= n) $ error $ "Counter broken: expecting "++(show n)++" got "++(show nOut) testAtomicCounter :: Int -> IO Int testAtomicCounter n = do procs <- getNumCapabilities counter <- newCounter (0::Int) dones <- replicateM procs newEmptyMVar ; starts <- replicateM procs newEmptyMVar mapM_ (\(start1,done1)-> forkIO $ takeMVar start1 >> replicateM_ (n `div` procs) (incrCounter 1 counter) >> putMVar done1 ()) $ zip starts dones mapM_ (\v-> putMVar v ()) starts ; mapM_ (\v-> takeMVar v) dones readCounter counter