units: A domain-specific type system for dimensional analysis

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The units package provides a mechanism for compile-time dimensional analysis in Haskell programs. It defines an embedded type system based on units-of-measure. The units defined are fully extensible, and need not relate to physical properties. In fact, the core package defines only one built-in unit: Scalar. The package supports defining multiple inter-convertible units, such as Meter and Foot. When extracting a number from a dimensioned quantity, the desired unit must be specified, and the value is converted into that unit. The Haddock documentation is insufficient for using the units package. Please see the README file, available from the package home page.

[Skip to Readme]


[Last Documentation]

  • Data
    • Data.Dimensions
      • Data.Dimensions.Internal
      • Data.Dimensions.SI
        • Data.Dimensions.SI.Prefixes
        • Data.Dimensions.SI.Types
      • Data.Dimensions.Show


Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS] 1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.4.1,,,,,
Change log CHANGES.md
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Richard Eisenberg <eir@cis.upenn.edu>
Maintainer Richard Eisenberg <eir@cis.upenn.edu>
Category Math
Home page http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~eir/packages/units
Bug tracker https://github.com/goldfirere/units/issues
Source repo this: git clone https://github.com/goldfirere/units.git(tag v1.0.0)
Uploaded by RichardEisenberg at 2013-07-16T08:16:00Z
Distributions LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage:
Reverse Dependencies 5 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 10154 total (60 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.5 (votes: 3) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs not available [build log]
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Readme for units-1.0.0

[back to package description]


The units package provides a mechanism for compile-time dimensional analysis in Haskell programs. It defines an embedded type system based on units-of-measure. The units defined are fully extensible, and need not relate to physical properties. In fact, the core package defines only one built-in unit: Scalar. The package supports defining multiple inter-convertible units, such as Meter and Foot. When extracting a number from a dimensioned quantity, the desired unit must be specified, and the value is converted into that unit.


  • The units package does not easily allow users to write code polymorphic in the chosen units. For example, a sum function that adds together a homogeneous list of dimensioned quantities is not straightforward. The package exports its internals to allow clients to try to get these working, but it is generally hard to do. However, monomorphic functions are easy.

  • The units package is not generalized over number representation: it forces client code to use Double. It wouldn't be hard to generalize, though, but it would add a fair amount of extra cruft here and there. Shout (to eir@cis.upenn.edu) if this is important to you.

User contributions

It is easy to imagine any number of built-in facilities that would go well with this package (sets of definitions of units for various systems, vector operations, a suite of polymorphic functions that are commonly needed but hard to define, etc.). Yet, I (Richard) don't have the time to imagine or write all of these. If you write code that is sufficiently general and might want to be included with this package (but you don't necessarily want to create your own new package), please write me!


The units package exports several modules. For any given project, you will include some set of these modules. There are dependency relationships between them. Of course, you're welcome to import a module without its dependents, but it probably won't be very useful to you. I hope that this list grows over time.

  • Data.Dimensions

    This is the main exported module. It exports all the necessary functionality for you to build your own set of units and operate with them. All modules implicitly depend on this one.

  • Data.Dimensions.Show

    This module defines a Show instance for dimensioned quantities, printing out the number stored along with its canonical dimension. This behavior may not be the best for every setting, so it is exported separately.

  • Data.Dimensions.SI

    This module exports unit definitions for the SI system of units.

  • Data.Dimensions.SI.Prefixes

    This module exports the SI prefixes. Note that this does not depend on Data.Dimensions.SI -- you can use these prefixes with any system of units.

  • Data.Dimensions.SI.Types

    This module exports several useful types for use with the SI package, which it depends on. For example, Length is the type of dimensioned quantities made with Meters.


Unit definitions

Here is how to define two inter-convertible units:

data Meter = Meter    -- each unit is a datatype that acts as its own proxy
instance Unit Meter where           -- declare Meter as a Unit
  type BaseUnit Meter = Canonical   -- Meters are "canonical"
instance Show Meter where           -- Show instances are optional but useful
  show _ = "m"                      -- do *not* examine the argument!

data Foot = Foot
instance Unit Foot where
  type BaseUnit Foot = Meter        -- Foot is defined in terms of Meter
  conversionRatio _ = 0.3048        -- do *not* examine the argument!
instance Show Foot where
  show _ = "ft"

type Length = MkDim Meter           -- we will manipulate Lengths
type Length' = MkDim Foot           -- this is the *same* as Length

extend :: Length -> Length          -- a function over lengths
extend x = dim $ x .+ (1 % Meter)   -- more on this later

inMeters :: Length -> Double        -- extract the # of meters
inMeters = (# Meter)                -- more on this later

Let's pick this apart. The data Meter = Meter declaration creates both the type Meter and a term-level proxy for it. It would be possible to get away without the proxies and lots of type annotations, but who would want to? Then, we define an instance of Unit to make Meter into a proper unit. The Unit class is primarily responsible for handling unit conversions. In the case of Meter, we define that as the canonical unit of length, meaning that all lengths will internally be stored in meters. It also means that we don't need to define a conversion ratio for meters.

We also include a Show instance for Meter so that lengths can be printed easily. If you don't need to show your lengths, there is no need for this instance.

When defining Foot, we say that its BaseUnit is Meter, meaning that Foot is inter-convertible with Meter. We also must define the conversion ratio, which is the number of meters in a foot. Note that the conversionRatio method must take a parameter to fix its type parameter, but it must not inspect that parameter. Internally, it will be passed undefined quite often.

The MkDim type synonym makes a dimensioned quantity for a given unit. Note that Length and Length' are the same type. The MkDim machinery notices that these two are inter-convertible and will produce the same dimensioned quantity.

Note that, as you can see in the function examples at the end, it is necessary to specify the choice of unit when creating a dimensioned quantity or extracting from a dimensioned quantity. Thus, other than thinking about the vagaries of floating point wibbles and the Show instance, it is completely irrelevant which unit is canonical. The type Length defined here could be used equally well in a program that deals exclusively in feet as it could in a program with meters.

As a tangential note: I have experimented both with definitions like data Meter = Meter and data Meter = Meters (note the s at the end). The second often flows more nicely in code, but the annoyance of having to remember whether I was at the type level or the term level led me to use the former in my work.


Here is how to define the "kilo" prefix:

data Kilo = Kilo
instance UnitPrefix Kilo where
  multiplier _ = 1000

kilo :: unit -> Kilo :@ unit
kilo = (Kilo :@)

We define a prefix in much the same way as an ordinary unit, with a datatype and a constructor to serve as a proxy. Instead of the Unit class, though, we use the UnitPrefix class, which contains a multiplier method. As with other methods, this may not inspect its argument.

Due to the way units are encoded, it is necessary to explicitly apply prefixes with the :@ combinator (available at both the type and term level). It is often convenient to then define a function like kilo to make the code flow more naturally:

longWayAway :: Length
longWayAway = 150 % kilo Meter

longWayAwayInMeters :: Double
longWayAwayInMeters = longWayAway # Meter  -- 150000.0

Unit combinators

There are several ways of combining units to create other units. Let's also have a unit of time:

data Second = Second
instance Unit Second where
  type BaseUnit Second = Canonical
instance Show Second where
  show _ = "s"

type Time = MkDim Second

Units can be multiplied and divided with the operators :* and :/, at either the term or type level. For example:

type MetersPerSecond = Meter :/ Second
type Velocity1 = MkDim MetersPerSecond

speed :: Velocity1
speed = 20 % (Meter :/ Second)

The units package also provides combinators "%*" and "%/" to combine the types of dimensioned quantities.

type Velocity2 = Length %/ Time    -- same type as Velocity1

There are also exponentiation combinators :^ (for units) and %^ (for dimensioned quantities) to raise to a power. To represent the power, the units package exports Zero, positive numbers One through Five, and negative numbers MOne through MFive. At the term level, precede the number with a p (mnemonic: "power"). For example:

type MetersSquared = Meter :^ Two
type Area1 = MkDim MetersSquared
type Area2 = Length %^ Two        -- same type as Area1

roomSize :: Area1
roomSize = 100 % (Meter :^ pTwo)

roomSize' :: Area1
roomSize' = 100 % (Meter :* Meter)

These operations have no defined inverses, though I don't think they would be hard to define. Shout if you need that functionality.

Note that addition and subtraction on units does not make physical sense, so those operations are not provided.

Dimension-safe cast

The haddock documentation shows the term-level dimensioned quantity combinators. The only one deserving special mention is dim, the dimension-safe cast operator. Expressions written with the units package can have their types inferred. This works just fine in practice, but the types are terrible, unfortunately. Much better is to use top-level annotations (using abbreviations like Length and Time) for your functions. However, it may happen that the inferred type of your expression and the given type of your function may not exactly match up. This is because dimensioned quantities have a looser notion of type equality than Haskell does. For example, "meter * second" should be the same as "second * meter", even those these are in different order. The dim function checks (at compile time) to make sure its input type and output type represent the same underlying dimension and then performs a cast from one to the other. When providing type annotations, it is good practice to start your function with a dim $ to prevent the possibility of type errors. For example, say we redefine velocity a different way:

type Velocity3 = Scalar %/ Time %* Length
addVels :: Velocity1 -> Velocity1 -> Velocity3
addVels v1 v2 = dim $ v1 .+ v2

This is a bit contrived, but it demonstrates the point. Without the dim, the addVels function would not type-check. Because dim needs to know its result type to type-check, it should only be used at the top level, such as here, where there is a type annotation to guide it.

Note that dim is always dimension-safe -- it will not convert a time to a length!