> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> module Unlit.Text (unlit, relit, Style(..), Name(..), name2style) where
> import Prelude hiding (all)
> import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
> import Data.Maybe (maybe,maybeToList,listToMaybe,fromMaybe)
> import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as T
What are literate programs? =========================== There are several styles of literate programming. Most commonly, these are: LaTeX-style code tags, Bird tags and Markdown fenced code blocks. Each of these styles is characterised by its own set of delimiters:
> data Delim = BeginCode  | EndCode
>            | BirdTag
>            | TildeFence | BacktickFence
>            deriving (Eq)
> instance Show Delim where
>   show BeginCode     = "\\begin{code}"
>   show EndCode       = "\\end{code}"
>   show BirdTag       = ">"
>   show TildeFence    = "~~~"
>   show BacktickFence = "```"
In LaTeX-style, a codeblock is delimited by `\begin{code}` and `\end{code}` tags.
> beginCode, endCode :: Text
> beginCode = "\\begin{code}"
> endCode   = "\\end{code}"
> isBeginCode, isEndCode :: Text -> Bool
> isBeginCode l = beginCode `T.isPrefixOf` l
> isEndCode   l = endCode   `T.isPrefixOf` l
In Bird-style, every line in a codeblock must start with a Bird tag. A tagged line is defined as *either* a line containing solely the symbol '>', or a line starting with the symbol '>' followed by at least one space.
> isBirdTag :: Text -> Bool
> isBirdTag l = (l == ">") || ("> " `T.isPrefixOf` l)
Due to this definition, whenever we strip a bird tag, we also remove a the first space following it.
> stripBirdTag :: Text -> Text
> stripBirdTag l
>   | l == ">" = ""
>   | otherwise = T.drop 2 l
Lastly, Markdown supports two styles of fenced codeblocks: using tildes or using backticks.
> tildeFence, backtickFence :: Text
> tildeFence    = "~~~"
> backtickFence = "```"
> isTildeFence, isBacktickFence :: Text -> Bool
> isTildeFence    l = tildeFence    `T.isPrefixOf` l
> isBacktickFence l = backtickFence `T.isPrefixOf` l
These two fences have support for adding metadata, in the form of a CSS-style dictionary (`{#mycode .haskell .numberLines startFrom=100}`) for long fences or a list of classes for short fences.[^fenced-code-attributes] In general, we will also need a function that checks, for a given line, whether it conforms to *any* of the styles.
> isDelim :: [Delim] -> Text -> Maybe Delim
> isDelim ds l =
>   listToMaybe . map fst . filter (\(d,p) -> d `elem` ds && p l) $ detectors
>   where
>     detectors :: [(Delim, Text -> Bool)]
>     detectors =
>       [ (BeginCode     , isBeginCode)
>       , (EndCode       , isEndCode)
>       , (BirdTag       , isBirdTag)
>       , (TildeFence    , isTildeFence)
>       , (BacktickFence , isBacktickFence)
>       ]
And, for the styles which use opening and closing brackets, we will need a function that checks if these pairs match.
> match :: Delim -> Delim -> Bool
> match BeginCode     EndCode       = True
> match TildeFence    TildeFence    = True
> match BacktickFence BacktickFence = True
> match _             _             = False
Note that Bird-tags are notably absent from the `match` function, as they are a special case. What do we want `unlit` to do? ============================== The `unlit` program that we will implement below will do the following: it will read a literate program from the standard input---allowing one or more styles of code block---and emit only the code to the standard output. The options for source styles are as follows:
> data Name  = All | Bird | Haskell | LaTeX | Markdown deriving (Show)
> data Style = Style { name :: Name, allowed :: [Delim] }
> latex, bird, markdown :: Style
> all      = Style All      [BeginCode, EndCode, BirdTag, TildeFence, BacktickFence]
> bird     = Style Bird     [BirdTag]
> haskell  = Style Haskell  [BeginCode, EndCode, BirdTag]
> latex    = Style LaTeX    [BeginCode, EndCode]
> markdown = Style Markdown [BirdTag, TildeFence, BacktickFence]
> name2style All      = all
> name2style Bird     = bird
> name2style Haskell  = haskell
> name2style LaTeX    = latex
> name2style Markdown = markdown
Additionally, when the source style is set to `Nothing`, the program will guess the style based on the first delimiter it encounters, always guessing the most permissive style---i.e. when it encounters a Bird-tag it will assume that it is dealing with a Markdown-style literate file and also allow fenced code blocks.
> infer :: Maybe Delim -> Maybe Style
> infer  Nothing         = Nothing
> infer (Just BeginCode) = Just latex
> infer (Just _)         = Just markdown
Thus, the `unlit` function will have two parameters: its source style and the text to convert.
> unlit :: Maybe Style -> [(Int, Text)] -> [Text]
> unlit ss = unlit' ss Nothing
However, the helper function `unlit'` is best thought of as a finite state automaton, where the states are used to remember the what kind of code block (if any) the automaton currently is in.
> type State = Maybe Delim
> unlit' :: Maybe Style -> State -> [(Int, Text)] -> [Text]
> unlit' _ _ [] = []
> unlit' ss q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of
>   (Nothing      , Nothing)      -> continue
>   (Nothing      , Just BirdTag) -> blockOpen     $ Just (stripBirdTag l)
>   (Just BirdTag , Just BirdTag) -> blockContinue $ stripBirdTag l
>   (Just BirdTag , Nothing)      -> blockClose
>   (Nothing      , Just EndCode) -> spurious EndCode
>   (Nothing      , Just o)       -> blockOpen     $ Nothing
>   (Just o       , Nothing)      -> blockContinue $ l
>   (Just o       , Just c)       -> if o `match` c then blockClose else spurious c
>   where
>     q'              = isDelim (allowed (fromMaybe all ss)) l
>     continueWith  q = unlit' (ss <|> infer q') q ls
>     continue        = continueWith q
>     blockOpen     l = maybeToList l ++ continueWith q'
>     blockContinue l = l : continue
>     blockClose      = T.empty : continueWith Nothing
>     spurious      q = error ("at line " ++ show n ++ ": spurious " ++ show q)
What do we want `relit` to do? ============================== Sadly, no, `relit` won't be able to take source code and automatically convert it to literate code. I'm not quite up to the challenge of automatically generating meaningful documentation from arbitrary code... I wish I was. What `relit` will do is read a literate file using one style of delimiters and emit the same file using an other style of delimiters.
> relit :: Maybe Style -> Name -> [(Int, Text)] -> [Text]
> relit ss ts = relit' ss ts Nothing
Again, we will interpret the helper function `relit'` as an automaton, which remembers the current state. However, we now also need a function which can emit code blocks in a certain style. For this purpose we will define a triple of functions.
> emitBirdTag :: Text -> Text
> emitBirdTag l = "> " `T.append` l
> emitOpen  :: Name -> Maybe Text -> [Text]
> emitOpen  Bird     l = T.empty       : map emitBirdTag (maybeToList l)
> emitOpen  Markdown l = backtickFence : maybeToList l
> emitOpen  _        l = beginCode     : maybeToList l
> emitCode  :: Name -> Text -> Text
> emitCode  Bird     l = emitBirdTag l
> emitCode  _        l = l
> emitClose :: Name -> Text
> emitClose Bird       = T.empty
> emitClose Markdown   = backtickFence
> emitClose _          = endCode
Using these simple functions we can easily define the `relit'` function.
> relit' :: Maybe Style -> Name -> State -> [(Int, Text)] -> [Text]
> relit' _ _ _ [] = []
> relit' ss ts q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of
>   (Nothing      , Nothing)      -> l : continue
>   (Nothing      , Just BirdTag) -> blockOpen     $ Just (stripBirdTag l)
>   (Just BirdTag , Just BirdTag) -> blockContinue $ stripBirdTag l
>   (Just BirdTag , Nothing)      -> blockClose
>   (Nothing      , Just EndCode) -> spurious EndCode
>   (Nothing      , Just o)       -> blockOpen     $ Nothing
>   (Just o       , Nothing)      -> blockContinue $ l
>   (Just o       , Just c)       -> if o `match` c then blockClose else spurious c
>   where
>     q'              = isDelim (allowed (fromMaybe all ss)) l
>     continueWith  q = relit' (ss <|> infer q') ts q ls
>     continue        = continueWith q
>     blockOpen     l = emitOpen  ts l ++ continueWith q'
>     blockContinue l = emitCode  ts l : continue
>     blockClose      = emitClose ts   : continueWith Nothing
>     spurious      q = error ("at line " ++ show n ++ ": spurious " ++ show q)
[^fenced-code-attributes]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/demo/example9/pandocs-markdown.html#extension-fenced_code_attributes