module Data.Urn.Index (
Urn(), Index(), Weight(), MonadSample(),
singleton, fromList, fromNonEmpty,
update, replace,
size, totalWeight
) where
import Data.Urn.Common
import Data.Urn.MonadSample
import qualified Data.Urn.Internal as Internal
import Data.Urn.Internal (Urn(Urn), Index(..))
randomIndex :: MonadSample m => Urn a -> m Index
randomIndex = Internal.randomIndexWith randomWord
sample :: Urn a -> Index -> a
sample = Internal.sample . Internal.wtree
remove :: Urn a -> Index -> (Weight, a, Maybe (Urn a))
remove u (Index i) =
case Internal.uninsert u of
(w', a', lb, Just u')
| i < lb -> addJust $ replace w' a' u' (Index i)
| i < lb + w' -> (w', a', Just u')
| otherwise -> addJust $ replace w' a' u' (Index $ i w')
(w', a', _lb, Nothing) -> (w', a', Nothing)
where addJust (w'',a'',u'') = (w'', a'', Just u'')
update :: (Weight -> a -> (Weight, a)) -> Urn a -> Index -> (Weight, a, Weight, a, Urn a)
update upd (Urn size wt) i =
case Internal.update upd wt i of
(wOld, aOld, wNew, aNew, wt') -> (wOld, aOld, wNew, aNew, Urn size wt')
replace :: Weight -> a -> Urn a -> Index -> (Weight, a, Urn a)
replace wNew aNew (Urn size wt) i = case Internal.replace wNew aNew wt i of
(w', a', wt') -> (w', a', Urn size wt')