PRAGMA strictdata PRAGMA strictwrap INCLUDE "" INCLUDE "" imports { import Control.Monad(mplus,mzero) import Data.List (partition, nub,intersperse, union) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set as Set (Set, member, union, toList, fromList, empty, singleton, member, unions, size, fold, intersection, difference, insert, elems) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence(Seq, (><)) import UU.Scanner.Position(noPos) import ConcreteSyntax import AbstractSyntax import ErrorMessages import Patterns (Patterns,Pattern(..)) import Expression (Expression(..)) import HsToken import RhsCheck import Debug.Trace } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main goal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Given some options, we want to construct a Grammar, that is, a structure that conforms to AbstractSyntax ATTR AG [ | | output : Grammar ] ATTR AG Elems Elem SemAlts SemAlt SemDefs SemDef Attrs [ options : Options | | ] -- as a side effect, we generate error messages and Haskell code blocks that need to be embedded in the final code ATTR AG Elems Elem SemAlts SemAlt Attrs NontSet ConstructorSet SemDefs SemDef [ | | errors USE {Seq.><}{Seq.empty}:{Seq Error} ] ATTR AG Elems Elem [ | | blocks USE {`mapUnionWithPlusPlus`} {Map.empty}: {Blocks} ] -- The output is produced by calling a function that constructs the Grammar, -- given various datastructures that are collected from the concrete AG. SEM AG | AG lhs.output = constructGrammar @loc.allNonterminals @elems.paramsCollect @loc.allConParams @loc.allFields @loc.prodOrder @loc.allConstraints @loc.allAttrDecls @elems.useMap @elems.derivings (if wrappers @lhs.options then @loc.allNonterminals else @elems.wrappers) @loc.checkedRules @loc.checkedSigs @loc.checkedInsts @elems.typeSyns @elems.semPragmasCollect @elems.attrOrderCollect @elems.ctxCollect @elems.quantCollect @loc.checkedUniques @loc.checkedAugments @loc.checkedArounds @loc.checkedMerges @loc.allMacros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main data flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Information is collected bottom-up (in multiple phases) After checking for consistency, datastructures are createad from it, which are passed down for the other phases. -} -- Names that are in use -- bottom-up collection ATTR Elem Elems [ | | collectedSetNames USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Identifier} ] ATTR Elem Elems NontSet [ | | collectedNames USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Identifier} ] -- top-down distribution ATTR Elem Elems Attrs Alts Alt Fields Field NontSet [ allNonterminals : {Set NontermIdent} | | ] -- Constructors that are in use -- bottom-up collection ATTR Alt Alts ConstructorSet [ | | collectedConstructorNames USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set ConstructorIdent} ] ATTR Elem Elems [ | | collectedConstructorsMap USE {`mapUnionWithSetUnion`} {Map.empty} : {Map NontermIdent (Set ConstructorIdent)} ] -- top-down distribution ATTR Elem Elems Alts Alt [ allConstructors : {Map NontermIdent (Set ConstructorIdent)} | | ] -- Nonterminal sets that are defined {type DefinedSets = Map Identifier (Set NontermIdent) } -- bottom-up collection ATTR Elem Elems [ | defSets:{Map Identifier (Set NontermIdent,Set Identifier)} | ] -- top-down distribution ATTR Elem Elems NontSet [ definedSets:{DefinedSets} | | ] -- Interpreting nonterminal sets ATTR NontSet [ | | nontSet : {Set NontermIdent} ] -- Interpreting constructor sets ATTR ConstructorSet [ | | constructors : {(Set ConstructorIdent->Set ConstructorIdent)} ] -- Contextfree structure {type FieldMap = [(Identifier, Type)] } {type DataTypes = Map.Map NontermIdent (Map.Map ConstructorIdent FieldMap) } -- bottom-up collection ATTR Alt Alts Elem Elems [ | | collectedFields USE {++} {[]} : {[(NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, FieldMap)]} collectedConstraints USE {++} {[]} : {[(NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [Type])]} collectedConParams USE {++} {[]} : {[(NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, Set Identifier)]} ] -- top-down distribution ATTR Elem Elems Attrs SemAlt SemAlts NontSet [ allFields : {DataTypes} | | ] -- Attribute declarations -- bottom-up collection ATTR Elems Elem Attrs [ | attrDecls:{Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes)} | useMap USE {`merge`} {Map.empty}:{Map NontermIdent (Map Identifier (String,String,String))} ] -- Attribute definitions {type AttrName = (Identifier,Identifier) } {type RuleInfo = (Maybe Identifier, [AttrName]->Pattern, Expression, [AttrName], Bool, String, Bool, Bool) } {type SigInfo = (Identifier,Type) } {type UniqueInfo = (Identifier,Identifier) } {type AugmentInfo = (Identifier,Expression)} {type AroundInfo = (Identifier,Expression)} {type MergeInfo = (Identifier, Identifier, [Identifier], Expression)} -- bottom-up collection ATTR Elem Elems SemAlt SemAlts [ | | collectedRules USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, RuleInfo)]} collectedSigs USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, SigInfo) ]} collectedInsts USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [Identifier]) ]} collectedUniques USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [UniqueInfo]) ]} collectedAugments USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [AugmentInfo]) ]} collectedArounds USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [AroundInfo]) ]} collectedMerges USE {++} {[]} : {[ (NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, [MergeInfo]) ]} ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Passing nonterminals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pass the name of the associated nonterminal to everyone ATTR Alt Alts SemAlt SemAlts [ nts:{Set NontermIdent} | | ] SEM Elem | Data alts.nts = @names.nontSet | Sem alts.nts = @names.nontSet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculation of code blocks -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Elem | Txt loc.blockInfo = ( @kind , @mbNt ) loc.blockValue = [(@lines, @pos)] lhs.blocks = Map.singleton @loc.blockInfo @loc.blockValue lhs.errors = if checkParseBlock @lhs.options then let ex = Expression @pos tks tks = [tk] tk = HsToken (unlines @lines) @pos in Seq.fromList $ checkBlock $ ex else Seq.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Check for duplicates and report error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { checkDuplicate :: (Identifier -> Identifier -> Error) -> Identifier -> val -> Map Identifier val -> (Map Identifier val,Seq Error) checkDuplicate dupError key val m = case Map.lookupIndex key m of Just ix -> let (key',_) = Map.elemAt ix m in (m,Seq.singleton (dupError key key')) Nothing -> (Map.insert key val m,Seq.empty) checkDuplicates :: (Identifier -> Identifier -> Error) -> [(Identifier, val)] -> Map Identifier val -> (Map Identifier val,Seq Error) checkDuplicates dupError new m = foldErrors check m new where check = uncurry (checkDuplicate dupError) foldErrors :: (b -> t -> (t, Seq Error)) -> t -> [b] -> (t, Seq Error) foldErrors f n xs = foldl g (n,Seq.empty) xs where g ~(e,es) x = let (e',es') = f x e in (e', es >< es') checkForDuplicates :: (Identifier -> Identifier -> Error) -> [Identifier] -> [Error] checkForDuplicates _ [] = [] checkForDuplicates err (x:xs) = let (same,other) = partition (equalId x) xs in map (err x) same ++ checkForDuplicates err other equalId :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Bool equalId x y = getName x == getName y } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting DATA's and type synonyms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Alt | Alt lhs.collectedFields = [ (nt, con, @fields.collectedFields) | nt <- Set.toList @lhs.nts , con <- Set.toList (@names.constructors (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt @lhs.allConstructors)) ] lhs.collectedConstraints = [ (nt, con, @fields.collectedConstraints) | nt <- Set.toList @lhs.nts , con <- Set.toList (@names.constructors (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt @lhs.allConstructors)) ] lhs.collectedConParams = [ (nt, con, Set.fromList @tyvars) | nt <- Set.toList @lhs.nts , con <- Set.toList (@names.constructors (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt @lhs.allConstructors)) ] SEM Elem | Type lhs.collectedFields = map (\(x,y)->(@name, x, y)) @loc.expanded SEM AG | AG loc.prodOrder = let f (nt,con,_) = Map.insertWith g nt [con] g [con] lst | con `elem` lst = lst | otherwise = con : lst g _ _ = error "This is not possible" in foldr f Map.empty @elems.collectedFields loc.allFields = let f (nt,con,fm) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con fm) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedFields loc.allConstraints = let f (nt,con,fm) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con fm) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedConstraints loc.allConParams = let f (nt,con,fm) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith Set.union) nt (Map.singleton con fm) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedConParams loc.allConstrs = let f (nt,con,_) = Map.insertWith (++) nt [con] in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedFields loc.allRules = let f (nt,con,r) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con [r]) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedRules loc.allSigs = let f (nt,con,t) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con [t]) typeof nt r = Map.findWithDefault (Haskell "") r $ fst $ Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt @loc.allAttrDecls in foldr f (Map.empty) ( @elems.collectedSigs ++ [ (nt, con, (ident,typeof nt ref)) | (nt, con, us) <- @elems.collectedUniques, (ident,ref) <- us ] ) loc.allInsts = let f (nt,con,is) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con is) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedInsts loc.allUniques = let f (nt,con,us) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con us) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedUniques loc.allAugments = let f (nt,con,as) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con as) in foldr f Map.empty @elems.collectedAugments loc.allArounds = let f (nt,con,as) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con as) in foldr f Map.empty @elems.collectedArounds loc.allMerges = let f (nt,con,as) = Map.insertWith (Map.unionWith (++)) nt (Map.singleton con as) in foldr f Map.empty @elems.collectedMerges loc.augmentSigs = let gen _ = [] -- TODO: generate type signatures here for the augments in ( gen) @loc.allAugments loc.allRulesErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkRules @allAttrDecls @allFields @allInsts @loc.allSigs @loc.allMerges)) @loc.allRules loc.allNamesErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . checkRuleNames) @loc.allRules loc.allSigsErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkSigs )) @loc.allSigs loc.allInstsErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkInsts @loc.allNonterminals @loc.allSigs @allFields )) @loc.allInsts loc.allUniquesErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkUniques @allAttrDecls )) @loc.allUniques loc.allAugmentErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkAugments @allAttrDecls )) @loc.allAugments loc.allAroundsErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkArounds @loc.allFields)) @loc.allArounds loc.allMergesErrs = Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (checkMerges @loc.allNonterminals @loc.allInsts @loc.allFields)) @loc.allMerges loc.checkedRulesPre = ( fst) @loc.allRulesErrs loc.checkedSigs = ( fst) @loc.allSigsErrs `unionunionplusplus` @loc.augmentSigs loc.checkedInsts = ( fst) @loc.allInstsErrs loc.checkedUniques = ( fst) @loc.allUniquesErrs loc.checkedAugments = ( fst) @loc.allAugmentErrs loc.checkedArounds = ( fst) @loc.allAroundsErrs loc.checkedRules = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith (++)) @loc.checkedRulesPre (Map.mapWithKey (Map.mapWithKey . (mkUniqueRules @lhs.options @loc.allRules @loc.allFields @loc.checkedInsts @loc.allAttrDecls)) @loc.checkedUniques) loc.checkedMerges = ( fst) @loc.allMergesErrs loc.errs1 = let f = checkForDuplicates (DupSynonym) in Seq.fromList . f . map fst $ @elems.typeSyns -- forbid duplicate type synonyms loc.errs2 = let g nt (con,fm) = checkForDuplicates (DupChild nt con) (map fst fm) f (nt,cfm) = concat . map (g nt) . Map.toList $ cfm in Seq.fromList . concat . map f . Map.toList $ @allFields -- forbid duplicate fields loc.errs3 = let -- f (nt,cons) = checkForDuplicates (DupAlt nt) cons in Seq.empty -- allow duplicate constructors, merging their fields -- Seq.fromList . concat . map f . Map.toList $ @allConstrs -- forbid duplicate constructors loc.errs4 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allRulesErrs loc.errs5 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allSigsErrs loc.errs6 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allInstsErrs loc.errs7 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allUniquesErrs loc.errs8 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allAugmentErrs loc.errs9 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allAroundsErrs loc.errs10 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><)) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allNamesErrs loc.errs11 = let f m s = Map.foldr ((><) . snd) s m in Map.foldr f Seq.empty @loc.allMergesErrs lhs.errors = @elems.errors >< @errs1 >< @errs2 >< @errs3 >< @errs4 >< @errs5 >< @errs6 >< @errs7 >< @errs8 >< @errs9 >< @errs10 >< @errs11 { type RulesAndErrors = ([Rule], Seq Error) type SigsAndErrors = ([TypeSig], Seq Error) type InstsAndErrors = ([(Identifier, Type)], Seq Error) type UniquesAndErrors = (Map Identifier Identifier, Seq Error) type AugmentsAndErrors = (Map Identifier [Expression], Seq Error) type AroundsAndErrors = (Map Identifier [Expression], Seq Error) type MergesAndErrors = (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier], Expression), Seq Error) type AttrOverwrite = Map AttrName Bool type AccumRuleCheck = (RulesAndErrors, AttrOverwrite) type AccumDefiCheck = (Seq Error, AttrOverwrite, [AttrName], [AttrName]) checkRules :: Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes) -> DataTypes -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [Identifier]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [SigInfo]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [MergeInfo]) -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [RuleInfo] -> RulesAndErrors checkRules attributes fields allinsts allsigs _ nt con rs = let fieldmap :: FieldMap fieldmap = (_LHS, NT nt [] False) : (_LOC, NT nullIdent [] False) : (_INST, NT nullIdent [] False) : (_FIRST, NT nullIdent [] False) : (_LAST, NT nullIdent [] False) : Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt fields) ++ mapMaybe (\instNm -> lookup instNm sigs >>= \tp -> return (instNm, tp)) (Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allinsts)) -- merged children are not allowed to have any inherited attrs defined: do not include sigs = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allsigs) hasAttrib f tp attr = Map.member attr (f (Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) tp attributes)) checkRule :: RuleInfo -> AccumRuleCheck -> AccumRuleCheck checkRule (mbNm, pat,ex,as,owrt,str, pur, eager) ((r1,e1),m1) = let (e2,m2,u2,_) = foldr (checkDefi owrt) (e1,m1,[],[]) as in ( (Rule mbNm (pat u2) ex owrt str True pur False Nothing eager : r1, e2), m2) checkDefi :: Bool -> AttrName -> AccumDefiCheck -> AccumDefiCheck checkDefi owrt fa@(field,attr) (e,m,u,bs) = case lookup field fieldmap of Just (NT tp _ _) -> let tp' = maybe tp id (deforestedNt tp) in if field == _LOC || field == _INST || field == _FIRST || field == _LAST || hasAttrib (if getName field==getName _LHS then snd else fst) tp' attr then case Map.lookupIndex fa m of Just ix -> let ((_,attr2),b) = Map.elemAt ix m in if b && not (fa `elem` bs) then ( e, Map.insert fa owrt m, fa:u, fa:bs) else (((Seq.<|)) (DupRule nt con field attr2 attr) e, m, fa:u, bs) Nothing -> ( e, Map.insert fa owrt m, u, fa:bs) else (((Seq.<|)) (SuperfluousRule nt con field attr) e, m, fa:u, bs) _ -> (((Seq.<|)) (UndefChild nt con field) e, m, fa:u, bs ) in fst (foldr checkRule (([],Seq.empty),Map.empty) rs) checkRuleNames :: NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [RuleInfo] -> Seq Error checkRuleNames nt con = fst . foldr checkRule (Seq.empty, Set.empty) where checkRule (Just nm,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) (errs, nms) | nm `Set.member` nms = (DupRuleName nt con nm Seq.<| errs, nms) | otherwise = (errs, Set.insert nm nms) checkRule (Nothing,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) inp = inp checkSigs :: NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [SigInfo] -> SigsAndErrors checkSigs nt con sis = let checkSig (ide,typ) (sigs,errs) = if ide `elem` map (\(TypeSig n _)-> n) sigs then (sigs, ((Seq.<|)) (DupSig nt con ide) errs) -- else if not (ide `elem` locattrdefs) -- then (sigs, ((Seq.<|)) (SupSig nt con ide) errs) else (TypeSig ide typ:sigs, errs) in foldr checkSig ([],Seq.empty) sis checkInsts :: Set NontermIdent -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [SigInfo]) -> DataTypes -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [Identifier] -> InstsAndErrors checkInsts allNts sigMap _ nt con = foldr (\inst (insts, errs) -> maybe (insts, Seq.singleton (MissingInstSig nt con inst) >< errs) (\info@(k, NT nm args _) -> case findInst k insts of Just k' -> (insts, Seq.singleton (DupChild nt con k k') >< errs) Nothing -> case nm `Set.member` allNts of True -> (info : insts, errs) False | take 2 (getName nm) == "T_" -> let nm' = Ident (drop 2 (getName nm)) (getPos nm) info' = (k, NT nm' args True) -- this should be the only place at which 'for' with value True can be generated in case nm' `Set.member` allNts of True -> (info' : insts, errs) False -> (insts, Seq.singleton (UndefNont nm') >< errs) | otherwise -> (insts, Seq.singleton (UndefNont nm) >< errs) ) $ findSig inst ) ([], Seq.empty) where sigs = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt sigMap) findSig name = do tp@(NT _ _ _) <- lookup name sigs return (name, tp) findInst _ [] = Nothing findInst k ((k', _): r) | k == k' = Just k' | otherwise = findInst k r checkUniques :: Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes) -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [UniqueInfo] -> UniquesAndErrors checkUniques allAttrs nt con uniques = let checkUnique (ident,ref) (us,errs) = if ident `Map.member` us then (us, ((Seq.<|)) (DupUnique nt con ident) errs) else if Map.member ref inhs && Map.member ref syns then (Map.insert ident ref us, errs) else (us, ((Seq.<|)) (MissingUnique nt ref) errs) (inhs,syns) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt allAttrs in foldr checkUnique (Map.empty, Seq.empty) uniques checkAugments :: Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes) -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [AugmentInfo] -> AugmentsAndErrors checkAugments allAttrs nt _ augments = let checkAugment (ident,expr) (as,errs) = if ident `Map.member` as then (Map.update (\vs -> Just (vs ++ [expr])) ident as, errs) else if Map.member ident syns then (Map.insert ident [expr] as, errs) else (as, ((Seq.<|)) (MissingSyn nt ident) errs) (_,syns) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt allAttrs in foldr checkAugment (Map.empty, Seq.empty) augments checkArounds :: DataTypes -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [AroundInfo] -> AroundsAndErrors checkArounds fieldMap nt con arounds = let checkAround (ident,expr) (as,errs) = if ident `Map.member` as then (Map.update (\vs -> Just (vs ++ [expr])) ident as, errs) else case lookup ident fields of Just (NT _ _ _) -> (Map.insert ident [expr] as, errs) _ -> (as, ((Seq.<|)) (UndefChild nt con ident) errs) fields = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt fieldMap) in foldr checkAround (Map.empty, Seq.empty) arounds checkMerges :: Set NontermIdent -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [Identifier]) -> DataTypes -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> [MergeInfo] -> MergesAndErrors checkMerges allNts allInsts fieldMap _ con merges = let checkMerge (target,nt,sources,expr) (m,errs) = let fields = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt fieldMap) insts = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allInsts) allFields = insts ++ map fst fields -- note: sources of merge may not contain a target (for simplicity) in if target `Map.member` m -- check for duplicate with self then (m, DupChild nt con target (fst $ Map.elemAt (Map.findIndex target m) m) Seq.<| errs) else if target `elem` allFields then (m, DupChild nt con target (head $ filter (== target) allFields) Seq.<| errs) else let missing = filter (\s -> not (s `elem` allFields)) sources in if null missing then if nt `Set.member` allNts -- check if the nonterm is defined then (Map.insert target (nt, sources, expr) m, errs) -- all ok.. else (m, UndefNont nt Seq.<| errs) else (m, (Seq.fromList $ map (UndefChild nt con) missing) Seq.>< errs) in foldr checkMerge (Map.empty, Seq.empty) merges unionunionplusplus :: Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [a]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [a]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [a]) unionunionplusplus = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith (++)) } { mkUniqueRules :: Options -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [RuleInfo]) -> DataTypes -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [(Identifier, Type)]) -> Map NontermIdent (Attributes,Attributes) -> NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Map Identifier Identifier -> [Rule] mkUniqueRules opts allRules allFields allInsts allAttrDecls nt con usMap = map apply groups where fields = Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allFields) ++ Map.findWithDefault [] con (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allInsts) -- may have duplicates attrDefs = let projectDefs (_,_,_,defs,_,_,_,_) = defs in concatMap projectDefs $ Map.findWithDefault [] con $ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allRules groups = Map.assocs $ Map.foldrWithKey (\i r m -> Map.insertWith (++) r [i] m) Map.empty usMap apply (ref,us) = mkRule ref (findOutField ref) us findOutField ref = case [ chld | (chld, NT tp _ _) <- fields, tp `hasSyn` ref] of [] -> _LHS (x:_) -> x hasSyn tp ref = Map.member ref $ snd $ Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) tp allAttrDecls mkRule ref outFld locAttrs = let locs = filter (not . existsLoc) locAttrs outAttr = attr outFld ref defs = (if hasOut then [] else [outAttr]) ++ [attr _LOC u | u <- locs ] pat = Product noPos defs rhs = Expression noPos $ wrap ref $ foldr gencase (finalout hasOut locs) locs -- [HsToken ("mkUniques" ++ show (length locAttrs) ++ " ") noPos, AGField _LHS ref noPos Nothing] rul = Rule Nothing pat rhs False "-- generated by the unique rule mechanism." False True False Nothing False hasOut = exists outAttr exists (Alias fld a _) = (fld,a) `elem` attrDefs exists _ = False existsLoc nm = exists (attr _LOC nm) in rul attr fld a = Alias fld a (Underscore noPos) gencase nm outp = h ("case " ++ uniqueDispenser opts ++ " __cont of { (__cont, " ++ getName nm ++ ") -> ") ++ outp ++ h "}" h s = [HsToken s noPos] finalout noGenCont us = h ("(" ++ concat (intersperse "," ( (if noGenCont then [] else ["__cont"]) ++ map getName us)) ++ ")") wrap ref inp = h "let __cont = " ++ [AGField _LHS ref noPos Nothing] ++ h " in seq __cont ( " ++ inp ++ h " )" } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Checking RHSs of rules (optional) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM SemDef | Def MergeDef lhs.errors = if checkParseRhs @lhs.options then Seq.fromList $ checkRhs @rhs else Seq.empty -- type of a type signature SEM SemDef | TypeDef lhs.errors = if checkParseTy @lhs.options then case @tp of Haskell s -> let ex = Expression @pos tks tks = [tk] tk = HsToken s @pos in Seq.fromList $ checkTy ex _ -> Seq.empty else Seq.empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Fields Field [ | | collectedFields USE {++} {[]} : {[(Identifier, Type)]} ] SEM Field | FChild lhs.collectedFields = [(@name, makeType @lhs.allNonterminals @tp)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting constraints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Fields Field [ | | collectedConstraints USE {++} {[]} : {[Type]} ] SEM Field | FCtx lhs.collectedConstraints = @tps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting Set names and Nonterminal names ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Elem | Set lhs.collectedSetNames = Set.singleton @name SEM Elem | Type lhs.collectedNames = Set.singleton @name SEM NontSet | NamedSet lhs.collectedNames = Set.singleton @name SEM AG | AG loc.allNonterminals = @elems.collectedNames `Set.difference` @elems.collectedSetNames SEM ConstructorSet | CName lhs.collectedConstructorNames = Set.singleton @name --SEM Alt -- | Alt lhs.collectedConstructorNames = Set.singleton @name SEM Elem | Data lhs.collectedConstructorsMap = Map.fromList [ (n, @alts.collectedConstructorNames) | n <- Set.toList @names.nontSet ] SEM AG | AG elems.allConstructors = @elems.collectedConstructorsMap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type synonyms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- At the moment type synonyms are only supported for list types This means that only synonyms of the form: TYPE = [ ] are allowed -} ATTR Elem Elems [ | | typeSyns USE {++} {[]} : {TypeSyns} ] {- Put this synonym in the typeSyns list and add the implicit Cons and Nil productions for the type synonym A synonym of the form: TYPE = [ ] is translated into: DATA | Cons hd: tl: | Nil -} SEM Elem | Type loc.expanded = case @argType of List tp -> [(Ident "Cons" @pos, [(Ident "hd" @pos, tp) ,(Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name (map getName @params) False) ] ) ,(Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] Maybe tp -> [(Ident "Just" @pos, [(Ident "just" @pos, tp) ] ) ,(Ident "Nothing" @pos, []) ] Either tp1 tp2 -> [ (Ident "Left" @pos, [(Ident "left" @pos, tp1) ]) , (Ident "Right" @pos, [(Ident "right" @pos, tp2) ]) ] Map tp1 tp2 -> [ (Ident "Entry" @pos, [ (Ident "key" @pos, tp1) , (Ident "val" @pos, tp2) , (Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name (map getName @params) False) ]) , (Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] IntMap tp -> [ (Ident "Entry" @pos, [ (Ident "key" @pos, Haskell "Int") , (Ident "val" @pos, tp) , (Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name (map getName @params) False) ]) , (Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] OrdSet tp -> [ (Ident "Entry" @pos, [ (Ident "val" @pos, tp) , (Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name (map getName @params) False) ]) , (Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] IntSet -> [ (Ident "Entry" @pos, [ (Ident "val" @pos, Haskell "Int") , (Ident "tl" @pos, NT @name (map getName @params) False) ]) , (Ident "Nil" @pos, []) ] Tuple xs -> [(Ident "Tuple" @pos, xs)] loc.argType = case @type of Maybe tp -> Maybe ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp) Either tp1 tp2 -> Either ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp1) (makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp2) List tp -> List ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp) Tuple xs -> Tuple [(f,makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp) | (f,tp) <- xs] Map tp1 tp2 -> Map ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp1) (makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp2) IntMap tp -> IntMap ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp) OrdSet tp -> OrdSet ( makeType @lhs.allNonterminals tp) IntSet -> IntSet lhs.typeSyns = [(@name,@argType)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interpreting Nonterminal sets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM AG | AG elems.defSets = Map.fromList (map (\x->(x,(Set.singleton x, Set.empty))) (Set.toList @loc.allNonterminals)) elems.definedSets = fst @elems.defSets SEM Elem | Set loc.(defSets2,errs) = let allUsedNames = Set.unions [ maybe (Set.singleton n) snd (Map.lookup n @lhs.defSets) | n <- Set.toList @set.collectedNames ] (nontSet,e1) | Set.member @name allUsedNames = (Set.empty, Seq.singleton(CyclicSet @name)) | otherwise = (@set.nontSet, Seq.empty) (res, e2) = let toAdd = (nontSet,Set.insert @name allUsedNames) un (a,b) (c,d) = (a `Set.union` c, b `Set.union` d) in if Set.member @name @lhs.allNonterminals || not @merge then checkDuplicate DupSet @name toAdd @lhs.defSets else (Map.insertWith un @name toAdd @lhs.defSets, Seq.empty) in (res, e1 Seq.>< e2) lhs.defSets = @defSets2 .errors = @errs >< @set.errors SEM NontSet | All lhs.nontSet = @lhs.allNonterminals | NamedSet loc.(nontSet,errors) = case Map.lookup @name @lhs.definedSets of Nothing -> (Set.empty, Seq.singleton (UndefNont @name)) Just set -> (set, Seq.empty) | Union lhs.nontSet = Set.union @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Intersect lhs.nontSet = Set.intersection @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Difference lhs.nontSet = Set.difference @set1.nontSet @set2.nontSet | Path lhs.nontSet = let table = flattenDatas @lhs.allFields in path table @from @to lhs.errors = let check name | Set.member name @lhs.allNonterminals = Seq.empty | otherwise = Seq.singleton (UndefNont name) in check @from >< check @to { flattenDatas :: DataTypes -> Map NontermIdent (Set NontermIdent) flattenDatas ds = flatten ds where flatten cs = Set.fromList [ nt | (_, NT nt _ _) <- concatMap snd (Map.toList cs)] reachableFrom :: Map NontermIdent (Set NontermIdent) -> Set NontermIdent -> Set NontermIdent reachableFrom table = reach where reach nts = let nts' = Set.unions (nts : [ ns | nt <- Set.toList nts , let ns = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt table ]) in if Set.size nts' > Set.size nts then reach nts' else nts invert :: Map NontermIdent (Set NontermIdent) -> Map NontermIdent (Set NontermIdent) invert = foldr inv Map.empty . Map.toList where inv (x,ns) m = fold (\n m' -> Map.insertWith Set.union n (Set.singleton x) m') m ns path :: Map NontermIdent (Set NontermIdent) -> NontermIdent -> NontermIdent -> Set NontermIdent path table from to = let children = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty from table forward = reachableFrom table children backward = reachableFrom (invert table) (Set.singleton to) in Set.intersection forward backward } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Interpreting Constructor Sets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM ConstructorSet | CName lhs.constructors = \_ -> Set.singleton @name | CUnion lhs.constructors = \ds -> @set1.constructors ds `Set.union` @set2.constructors ds | CDifference lhs.constructors = \ds -> @set1.constructors ds `Set.difference` @set2.constructors ds | CAll lhs.constructors = \ds -> ds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting wrappers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | wrappers USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} :{Set NontermIdent}] SEM Elem | Wrapper lhs.wrappers = @set.nontSet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting nocatas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEM Elem | Nocatas lhs.pragmas = \o -> o { nocatas = @set.nontSet `Set.union` nocatas o } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting pragmas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR AG Elem Elems [ | | pragmas USE {.} {id} :{Options -> Options}] SEM Elem | Pragma lhs.pragmas = let mk n o = case getName n of "gencatas" -> o { folds = True } "nogencatas" -> o { folds = False } "gendatas" -> o { dataTypes = True } "datarecords" -> o { dataRecords = True } "nogendatas" -> o { dataTypes = False } "gensems" -> o { semfuns = True } "nogensems" -> o { semfuns = False } "gentypesigs" -> o { typeSigs = True } "nogentypesigs"-> o { typeSigs = False } "nocycle" -> o { withCycle = False, loag = False } "cycle" -> o { withCycle = True } "nostrictdata" -> o { strictData = False } "strictdata" -> o { strictData = True } "nostrictcase" -> o { strictCases = False } "strictcase" -> o { strictCases = True } "strictercase" -> o { strictCases = True, stricterCases = True } "nostrictwrap" -> o { strictWrap = False } "strictwrap" -> o { strictWrap = True } "novisit" -> o { visit = False, loag = False } "visit" -> o { visit = True } "nocase" -> o { cases = False } "case" -> o { cases = True } "noseq" -> o { withSeq = False } "seq" -> o { withSeq = True } "nounbox" -> o { unbox = False } "unbox" -> o { unbox = True } "bangpats" -> o { bangpats = True } "breadthfirst" -> o { breadthFirst = True } "breadthfirstStrict" -> o { breadthFirstStrict = True } "nooptimize" -> o { cases = False , visit = False } "optimize" -> o { cases = True , visit = True } "strictsem" -> o { strictSems = True } "gentraces" -> o { genTraces = True } "genusetraces" -> o { genUseTraces = True } "splitsems" -> o { splitSems = True } "gencostcentres" -> o { genCostCentres = True } "sepsemmods" -> sepSemModsOpt o "genlinepragmas" -> o { genLinePragmas = True } "newtypes" -> o { newtypes = True } "nonewtypes" -> o { newtypes = False } "nooptimizations" -> o { noOptimizations = True } "kennedywarren" -> o { kennedyWarren = True } "aspectag" -> o { genAspectAG = True } 'n':'o':'g':'r':'o':'u':'p':'_':atts -> o { noGroup = extract atts ++ noGroup o } "rename" -> o { rename = True } "parallel" -> o { parallelInvoke = True } "monadicwrappers" -> o { monadicWrappers = True } "dummytokenvisit" -> o { dummyTokenVisit = True } "tupleasdummytoken" -> o { tupleAsDummyToken = True } "stateasdummytoken" -> o { tupleAsDummyToken = False } "strictdummytoken" -> o { strictDummyToken = True } "noperruletypesigs" -> o { noPerRuleTypeSigs = True } "noperstatetypesigs" -> o { noPerStateTypeSigs = True } "noeagerblackholing" -> o { noEagerBlackholing = True } "noperrulecostcentres" -> o { noPerRuleCostCentres = True } "nopervisitcostcentres" -> o { noPerVisitCostCentres = True } "helpinlining" -> o { helpInlining = True } "noinlinepragmas" -> o { noInlinePragmas = True } "aggressiveinlinepragmas" -> o { aggressiveInlinePragmas = True } "latehigherorderbindings" -> o { lateHigherOrderBinding = True } "ocaml" -> ocamlOpt o "cleanlang" -> cleanOpt o s -> trace ("uuagc: ignoring unknown pragma: " ++ s) o in \o -> foldr mk o @names { extract :: String -> [String] extract s = case dropWhile isSeparator s of "" -> [] s' -> w : extract s'' where (w, s'') = break isSeparator s' isSeparator :: Char -> Bool isSeparator x = x == '_' } ATTR Elem Elems SemAlts SemAlt [ | | semPragmasCollect USE {`pragmaMapUnion`} {Map.empty} : {PragmaMap} ] SEM SemAlt | SemAlt loc.pragmaNames = Set.fromList @rules.pragmaNamesCollect lhs.semPragmasCollect = foldr pragmaMapUnion Map.empty [ pragmaMapSingle nt con @loc.pragmaNames | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] ATTR SemDefs SemDef [ | | pragmaNamesCollect USE {++} {[]} : {[Identifier]} ] SEM SemDef | SemPragma lhs.pragmaNamesCollect = @names { pragmaMapUnion :: PragmaMap -> PragmaMap -> PragmaMap pragmaMapUnion = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith Set.union) pragmaMapSingle :: NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Set Identifier -> PragmaMap pragmaMapSingle nt con nms = Map.singleton nt (Map.singleton con nms) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting attribute orders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems SemAlts SemAlt [ | | attrOrderCollect USE {`orderMapUnion`} {Map.empty} : {AttrOrderMap} ] ATTR Elem Elems SemAlts SemAlt [ allAttrDecls : {Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes)} | | ] SEM SemAlt | SemAlt loc.attrOrders = [ orderMapSingle nt con @rules.orderDepsCollect | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] lhs.attrOrderCollect = foldr orderMapUnion Map.empty @loc.attrOrders ATTR SemDefs SemDef [ | | orderDepsCollect USE {`Set.union`} {Set.empty} : {Set Dependency} ] SEM SemDef | AttrOrderBefore loc.dependency = [ Dependency b a | b <- @before, a <- @after ] lhs.orderDepsCollect = Set.fromList @loc.dependency { orderMapUnion :: AttrOrderMap -> AttrOrderMap -> AttrOrderMap orderMapUnion = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith Set.union) orderMapSingle :: NontermIdent -> ConstructorIdent -> Set Dependency -> AttrOrderMap orderMapSingle nt con deps = Map.singleton nt (Map.singleton con deps) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting nonterminal type parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | paramsCollect USE {`mergeParams`} {Map.empty} : {ParamMap}] SEM Elem | Data lhs.paramsCollect = if null @params then Map.empty else Map.fromList [(nt, @params) | nt <- Set.toList @names.nontSet] SEM Elem | Type lhs.paramsCollect = if null @params then Map.empty else Map.singleton @name @params { mergeParams :: ParamMap -> ParamMap -> ParamMap mergeParams = Map.unionWith (++) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting class contexts of semantic functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | ctxCollect USE {`mergeCtx`} {Map.empty} : {ContextMap}] SEM Elem | Sem Data Attr lhs.ctxCollect = if null @ctx then Map.empty else Map.fromList [(nt, @ctx) | nt <- Set.toList @names.nontSet] SEM Elem | Type lhs.ctxCollect = if null @ctx then Map.empty else Map.singleton @name @ctx { mergeCtx :: ContextMap -> ContextMap -> ContextMap mergeCtx = Map.unionWith nubconcat where nubconcat a b = nub (a ++ b) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting quantifiers of semantic functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | quantCollect USE {`mergeQuant`} {Map.empty} : {QuantMap}] SEM Elem | Sem Attr lhs.quantCollect = if null @quants then Map.empty else Map.fromList [(nt, @quants) | nt <- Set.toList @names.nontSet] { mergeQuant :: QuantMap -> QuantMap -> QuantMap mergeQuant = Map.unionWith (++) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting derivings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Elem Elems [ | | derivings USE {`mergeDerivings`} {Map.empty} :{Derivings}] { mergeDerivings :: Derivings -> Derivings -> Derivings mergeDerivings m1 m2 = foldr (\(n,cs) m -> Map.insertWith Set.union n cs m) m2 (Map.toList m1) } SEM Elem | Deriving lhs.derivings = Map.fromList [(nt,Set.fromList @classes) | nt <- Set.toList @set.nontSet] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting ATTR declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { merge ::(Ord k, Ord k1) => Map k (Map k1 a) -> Map k (Map k1 a) -> Map k (Map k1 a) merge x y = foldr f y (Map.toList x) where f ~(k,v) m = Map.insertWith (Map.union) k v m } SEM AG | AG elems.attrDecls = Map.empty SEM Elem | Data attrs.nts = @names.nontSet | Attr attrs.nts = @names.nontSet | Sem attrs.nts = @names.nontSet SEM Attrs [ nts:{Set NontermIdent} | | ] | Attrs loc.(attrDecls,errors) = checkAttrs @lhs.allFields (Set.toList @lhs.nts) @inherited @synthesized @lhs.attrDecls .(inherited,synthesized,useMap) = let splitAttrs xs = unzip [ ((n,makeType @lhs.allNonterminals t),(n,ud)) | (n,t,ud) <- xs ] (inh,_) = splitAttrs @inh (chn,uses1) = splitAttrs @chn (syn,uses2) = splitAttrs @syn isUse (_,(e1,e2,_)) = not (null e1 || null e2) in (inh++chn,chn++syn, Map.fromList (Prelude.filter isUse (uses1++uses2))) lhs.useMap = Map.fromList (zip (Set.toList @lhs.nts) (repeat @useMap)) loc.errors1 = if checkParseTy @lhs.options then let attrs = @inh ++ @syn ++ @chn items = map (\(ident,tp,_) -> (getPos ident, tp)) attrs errs = map check items check (pos,Haskell s) = let ex = Expression pos tks tks = [tk] tk = HsToken s pos in Seq.fromList $ checkTy ex check _ = Seq.empty in foldr (Seq.><) Seq.empty errs else Seq.empty lhs.errors = @loc.errors Seq.>< @loc.errors1 { checkAttrs :: DataTypes -> [NontermIdent] -> [(Identifier, a)] -> [(Identifier, b)] -> Map NontermIdent (Map Identifier a, Map Identifier b) -> (Map NontermIdent (Map Identifier a, Map Identifier b), Seq Error) checkAttrs allFields nts inherited synthesized decls' = foldErrors check decls' nts where check nt decls | not (nt `Map.member` allFields) = (decls,Seq.singleton(UndefNont nt)) | otherwise = let (inh,syn) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt decls (inh',einh) = checkDuplicates (DupInhAttr nt) inherited inh (syn',esyn) = checkDuplicates (DupSynAttr nt) synthesized syn in (Map.insert nt (inh',syn') decls,einh >< esyn) } -- Add declaration of self-attribute for each nonterminal: ATTR [ | | self:SELF] { addSelf :: Ord k1 => k1 -> Map k1 (Map k a, Attributes) -> Map k1 (Map k a, Attributes) addSelf name atMap = let (eInh,eSyn) = Map.findWithDefault(Map.empty,Map.empty) name atMap in Map.insert name (eInh, Map.insert (Ident "self" noPos) Self eSyn)atMap } SEM AG | AG loc.allAttrDecls = if withSelf @lhs.options then foldr addSelf @elems.attrDecls (Set.toList @loc.allNonterminals) else @elems.attrDecls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting rules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR SemDef SemDefs [ | | ruleInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[RuleInfo]} sigInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[SigInfo]} uniqueInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[UniqueInfo]} augmentInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[AugmentInfo]} aroundInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[AroundInfo]} mergeInfos USE {++} {[]} : {[MergeInfo]} ] SEM SemAlt | SemAlt loc.coninfo = [ (nt, conset, conkeys) | nt <- Set.toList @lhs.nts , let conmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt @lhs.allFields , let conkeys = Set.fromList (Map.keys conmap) , let conset = @constructorSet.constructors conkeys ] lhs.errors = Seq.fromList [ UndefAlt nt con | (nt, conset, conkeys) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList (Set.difference conset conkeys) ] Seq.>< @rules.errors lhs.collectedRules = [ (nt,con,r) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset , r <- @rules.ruleInfos ] lhs.collectedSigs = [ (nt,con,ts) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset , ts <- @rules.sigInfos ] lhs.collectedInsts = [ (nt,con,@rules.definedInsts) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] lhs.collectedUniques = [ (nt,con,@rules.uniqueInfos) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] lhs.collectedAugments = [ (nt, con, @rules.augmentInfos) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] lhs.collectedArounds = [ (nt, con, @rules.aroundInfos) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] lhs.collectedMerges = [ (nt, con, @rules.mergeInfos) | (nt, conset, _) <- @loc.coninfo , con <- Set.toList conset ] SEM SemDef | Def lhs.ruleInfos = [ (@mbName, @pattern.patunder, @rhs, @pattern.definedAttrs, @owrt, show @pattern.stpos, @pure, @eager) ] SEM SemDef | TypeDef lhs.sigInfos = [ (@ident, @tp) ] SEM SemDef | UniqueDef lhs.uniqueInfos = [ (@ident, @ref) ] SEM SemDef | AugmentDef lhs.augmentInfos = [ (@ident, @rhs) ] SEM SemDef | AroundDef lhs.aroundInfos = [ (@ident, @rhs) ] SEM SemDef | MergeDef lhs.mergeInfos = [ (@target, @nt, @sources, @rhs) ] ATTR SemDef SemDefs Pattern Patterns [|| definedInsts USE {++} {[]} : {[Identifier]} ] ATTR Pattern Patterns [ | | definedAttrs USE {++} {[]} : {[AttrName]} ] ATTR Pattern [ | | patunder : {[AttrName]->Pattern} ] ATTR Patterns [ | | patunder : {[AttrName]->Patterns} ] SEM Pattern | Alias lhs.definedAttrs = (@field, @attr) : @pat.definedAttrs lhs.patunder = \us -> if ((@field,@attr) `elem` us) then Underscore noPos else @copy lhs.definedInsts = (if @field == _INST then [@attr] else []) ++ @pat.definedInsts | Underscore lhs.patunder = \_ -> @copy | Constr lhs.patunder = \us -> Constr @name (@pats.patunder us) | Product lhs.patunder = \us -> Product @pos (@pats.patunder us) | Irrefutable lhs.patunder = \us -> Irrefutable (@pat.patunder us) SEM Patterns | Nil lhs.patunder = \_ -> [] | Cons lhs.patunder = \us -> (@hd.patunder us) : (@tl.patunder us) ATTR Pattern [ | | stpos : Pos ] SEM Pattern | Constr lhs.stpos = getPos @name | Product lhs.stpos = @pos | Alias lhs.stpos = getPos @field | Underscore lhs.stpos = @pos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collect module declaration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR AG Elems Elem [ | | moduleDecl USE {`flipmplus`} {mzero} : {Maybe (String,String,String)} ] SEM Elem | Module lhs.moduleDecl = Just (@name, @exports, @imports) { -- We want the last Just in the list flipmplus = flip mplus } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Constructing transformed syntax tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { makeType :: Set NontermIdent -> Type -> Type makeType nts tp@(NT x _ _) | Set.member x nts = tp | otherwise = Haskell (typeToHaskellString Nothing [] tp) makeType _ tp = tp } { constructGrammar :: Set NontermIdent -> ParamMap -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Set Identifier)) -> DataTypes -> Map NontermIdent [ConstructorIdent] -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [Type]) -> Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes) -> Map NontermIdent (Map Identifier (String, String, String)) -> Derivings -> Set NontermIdent -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [Rule]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [TypeSig]) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent [(Identifier, Type)]) -> TypeSyns -> PragmaMap -> AttrOrderMap -> ContextMap -> QuantMap -> UniqueMap -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier], Expression))) -> Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent MaybeMacro) -> Grammar constructGrammar _ ntParams prodParams gram prodOrder constraints attrs uses derivings wrap allrules tsigs allinsts tsyns pragmaMap orderMap contextMap quantMap uniqueMap augmentsMap aroundsMap mergeMap macros = let gr = [ (nt,alts) | (nt,alts) <- Map.toList gram] nonts = map nont gr nont (nt,alts) = let (inh,syn) = Map.findWithDefault (Map.empty,Map.empty) nt attrs rmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allrules tsmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt tsigs instsmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt allinsts params = Map.findWithDefault [] nt ntParams mergemap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt mergeMap macromap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt macros csmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt constraints psmap = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt prodParams prs = Map.findWithDefault [] nt prodOrder alt con = let flds = Map.findWithDefault [] con alts rules = Map.findWithDefault [] con rmap tsigs' = Map.findWithDefault [] con tsmap insts = Map.findWithDefault [] con instsmap merges = [ (n, NT t [] False) | (n, (t, _, _)) <- Map.assocs $ maybe Map.empty id (Map.lookup con mergemap) ] cs = Map.findWithDefault [] con csmap ps = Set.elems $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty con psmap mbMacro = Map.findWithDefault Nothing con macromap -- important: keep order of children cldrn = map child (flds ++ filter (not . existsAsField) insts ++ merges) child (nm, tp) = let tpI = if existsAsInst nm then fromJust $ lookup nm insts else tp virt = if existsAsInst nm then case lookup nm flds of Just tp' -> ChildReplace tp' Nothing -> ChildAttr else if existsAsMerge nm then ChildAttr else ChildSyntax in Child nm tpI virt existsAsInst nm = maybe False (const True) (lookup nm insts) existsAsField (nm,_) = maybe False (const True) (lookup nm flds) existsAsMerge nm = maybe False (const True) (lookup nm merges) in Production con ps cs cldrn rules tsigs' mbMacro in Nonterminal nt params inh syn (map alt prs) in Grammar tsyns uses derivings wrap nonts pragmaMap orderMap ntParams contextMap quantMap uniqueMap augmentsMap aroundsMap mergeMap } { mapUnionWithSetUnion :: Map NontermIdent (Set ConstructorIdent) -> Map NontermIdent (Set ConstructorIdent) -> Map NontermIdent (Set ConstructorIdent) mapUnionWithSetUnion = Map.unionWith Set.union mapUnionWithPlusPlus :: Map BlockInfo [a] -> Map BlockInfo [a] -> Map BlockInfo [a] mapUnionWithPlusPlus = Map.unionWith (++) } --marcos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting Macro information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR Alt Alts Elem Elems [ | | collectedMacros USE {++} {[]} : {[(NontermIdent, ConstructorIdent, MaybeMacro)]}] SEM Alt | Alt lhs.collectedMacros = [ (nt, con, @macro) | nt <- Set.toList @lhs.nts , con <- Set.toList (@names.constructors (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty nt @lhs.allConstructors)) ] SEM AG | AG loc.allMacros = let f (nt,con,m) = Map.insertWith (Map.union) nt (Map.singleton con m) in foldr f (Map.empty) @elems.collectedMacros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting the AGI information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR AG [ | | agi : {(Set NontermIdent, DataTypes, Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes))} ] ATTR Elem Elems SemAlts SemAlt [ allAttrs : {Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes)} | | ] SEM AG | AG lhs.agi = (@loc.allNonterminals,@loc.allFields,@loc.allAttrs) loc.allAttrs = if withSelf @lhs.options then foldr addSelf @elems.attrs (Set.toList @loc.allNonterminals) else @elems.attrs ATTR Elems Elem Attrs [ | attrs : {Map NontermIdent (Attributes, Attributes)} | ] SEM AG | AG elems.attrs = Map.empty SEM Attrs | Attrs lhs.attrs = let ins decls nt = if Map.member nt decls then Map.update (\(inh,syn) -> Just ( Map.union inh $ Map.fromList @inherited , Map.union syn $ Map.fromList @synthesized)) nt decls else Map.insert nt (Map.fromList @inherited, Map.fromList @synthesized) decls in foldl ins @lhs.attrs (Set.toList @lhs.nts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Collecting the data type information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTR AG Elems Elem [ | | constructorTypeMap USE {`Map.union`} {Map.empty} : {Map NontermIdent ConstructorType} ] SEM Elem | Data lhs.constructorTypeMap = Set.fold (\nm mp -> Map.insert nm @contype mp) Map.empty @names.collectedNames