module UU.Scanner.Scanner where
import Data.Char(isLower, isUpper, isSpace, isAlphaNum, isDigit, chr, ord)
import Data.List(sort)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import UU.Util.BinaryTrees(tab2tree,btLocateIn)
import UU.Scanner.Token(Token, EnumValToken(..), valueToken, reserved, errToken)
import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos, initPos, advc, adv)
scanFile :: [String] -> [String] -> String -> String -> FilePath -> IO [Token]
scanFile keywordstxt keywordsops specchars opchars fn =
do txt <- readFile fn
return (scan keywordstxt keywordsops specchars opchars (initPos fn) txt)
scan :: [String] -> [String] -> String -> String -> Pos -> String -> [Token]
scan keywordstxt keywordsops specchars opchars pos input
= doScan pos input
locatein :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Bool
locatein es = isJust . btLocateIn compare (tab2tree (sort es))
iskw = locatein keywordstxt
isop = locatein keywordsops
isSymbol = locatein specchars
isOpsym = locatein opchars
isIdStart c = isLower c || c == '_'
isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c
|| c == '\''
|| c == '_'
scanIdent p s = let (name,rest) = span isIdChar s
in (name,advc (length name) p,rest)
doScan p [] = []
doScan p (c:s) | isSpace c = let (sp,next) = span isSpace s
in doScan (foldl adv p (c:sp)) next
doScan p ('-':'-':s) = doScan p (dropWhile (/= '\n') s)
doScan p ('{':'-':s) = lexNest doScan (advc 2 p) s
doScan p ('"':ss)
= let (s,swidth,rest) = scanString ss
in if null rest || head rest /= '"'
then errToken "Unterminated string literal" p : doScan (advc swidth p) rest
else valueToken TkString s p : doScan (advc (swidth+2) p) (tail rest)
doScan p ('\'':ss)
= let (mc,cwidth,rest) = scanChar ss
in case mc of
Nothing -> errToken "Error in character literal" p : doScan (advc cwidth p) rest
Just c -> if null rest || head rest /= '\''
then errToken "Unterminated character literal" p : doScan (advc (cwidth+1) p) rest
else valueToken TkChar [c] p : doScan (advc (cwidth+2) p) (tail rest)
doScan p cs@(c:s)
| isSymbol c = reserved [c] p
: doScan(advc 1 p) s
| isIdStart c || isUpper c
= let (name', p', s') = scanIdent (advc 1 p) s
name = c:name'
tok = if iskw name
then reserved name p
else if null name' && isSymbol c
then reserved [c] p
else valueToken (if isIdStart c then TkVarid else TkConid) name p
in tok : doScan p' s'
| isOpsym c = let (name, s') = span isOpsym cs
tok | isop name = reserved name p
| c==':' = valueToken TkConOp name p
| otherwise = valueToken TkOp name p
in tok : doScan (foldl adv p name) s'
| isDigit c = let (tktype,number,width,s') = getNumber cs
in valueToken tktype number p : doScan (advc width p) s'
| otherwise = errToken ("Unexpected character " ++ show c) p
: doScan (adv p c) s
lexNest :: (Pos -> String -> [Token])
-> Pos
-> String
-> [Token]
lexNest cont pos inp = lexNest' cont pos inp
where lexNest' c p ('-':'}':s) = c (advc 2 p) s
lexNest' c p ('{':'-':s) = lexNest' (lexNest' c) (advc 2 p) s
lexNest' c p (x:s) = lexNest' c (adv p x) s
lexNest' _ _ [] = [ errToken "Unterminated nested comment" pos]
scanString :: String -> (String,Int,String)
scanString [] = ("",0,[])
scanString ('\\':'&':xs) = let (str,w,r) = scanString xs
in (str,w+2,r)
scanString ('\'':xs) = let (str,w,r) = scanString xs
in ('\'': str,w+1,r)
scanString xs = let (ch,cw,cr) = getchar xs
(str,w,r) = scanString cr
str' = maybe "" (:str) ch
in maybe ("",0,xs) (\c -> (c:str,cw+w,r)) ch
scanChar :: [Char] -> (Maybe Char,Int,[Char])
scanChar ('"' :xs) = (Just '"',1,xs)
scanChar xs = getchar xs
getchar :: [Char] -> (Maybe Char,Int,[Char])
getchar [] = (Nothing,0,[])
getchar s@('\n':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s )
getchar s@('\t':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar s@('\'':_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar s@('\"' :_ ) = (Nothing,0,s)
getchar ('\\':xs) = let (c,l,r) = getEscChar xs
in (c,l+1,r)
getchar (x:xs) = (Just x,1,xs)
getEscChar :: [Char] -> (Maybe Char,Int,[Char])
getEscChar [] = (Nothing,0,[])
getEscChar s@(x:xs) | isDigit x = let (tp,n,len,rest) = getNumber s
val = case tp of
TkInteger8 -> readn 8 n
TkInteger16 -> readn 16 n
TkInteger10 -> readn 10 n
in if val >= 0 && val <= 255
then (Just (chr val),len, rest)
else (Nothing,1,rest)
| otherwise = case x `lookup` cntrChars of
Nothing -> (Nothing,0,s)
Just c -> (Just c,1,xs)
where cntrChars = [('a','\a'),('b','\b'),('f','\f'),('n','\n'),('r','\r'),('t','\t')
readn :: Int -> [Char] -> Int
readn base n = foldl (\r x -> value x + base * r) 0 n
getNumber :: [Char] -> (EnumValToken,[Char],Int,[Char])
getNumber cs@(c:s)
| c /= '0' = num10
| null s = const0
| hs == 'x' || hs == 'X' = num16
| hs == 'o' || hs == 'O' = num8
| otherwise = num10
where (hs:ts) = s
const0 = (TkInteger10, "0",1,s)
num10 = let (n,r) = span isDigit cs
in (TkInteger10,n,length n,r)
num16 = readNum isHexaDigit ts TkInteger16
num8 = readNum isOctalDigit ts TkInteger8
readNum p ts tk
= let nrs@(n,rs) = span p ts
in if null n then const0
else (tk , n, 2+length n,rs)
isHexaDigit :: Char -> Bool
isHexaDigit d = isDigit d || (d >= 'A' && d <= 'F') || (d >= 'a' && d <= 'f')
isOctalDigit :: Char -> Bool
isOctalDigit d = d >= '0' && d <= '7'
value :: Char -> Int
value c | isDigit c = ord c ord '0'
| isUpper c = ord c ord 'A' + 10
| isLower c = ord c ord 'a' + 10