module Data.UxADT
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Data
import Text.JSON
import Control.Monad.State
type Variable = String
type Constructor = String
data UxADT =
V Variable
| B Bool
| R Rational
| S String
| C Constructor [UxADT]
| L [UxADT]
| None
deriving (Show, Eq)
uxadt :: Data a => a -> UxADT
uxadt x =
mkCons :: [UxADT] -> UxADT
mkCons [x, L xs] = L $ x:xs
mkCons _ = None
rep = dataTypeRep (constrType $ toConstr x)
ty = dataTypeName $ dataTypeOf x
in if ty == "Prelude.Bool" then
B (case show (toConstr x) of "True" -> True ; "False" -> False)
else if rep == IntRep then
R (toRational (read (show (toConstr x)) :: Integer))
else if rep == FloatRep then
R (toRational (read (show (toConstr x)) :: Float))
else if ty == "Prelude.Double" then
R (toRational (read (show (toConstr x)) :: Double))
else if ty == "Prelude.[]" then
case (show (toConstr x)) of
"(:)" -> mkCons (gmapQ uxadt x)
"[]" -> L []
else if ty == "Prelude.(,)" then
L (gmapQ uxadt x)
C (show (toConstr x)) (gmapQ uxadt x)
toUxADT :: Data a => a -> UxADT
toUxADT = uxadt
fromUxADT :: Data a => DataType -> UxADT -> a
fromUxADT ty u =
let constrByName :: String -> DataType -> Constr
constrByName c' t = head [c | c <- dataTypeConstrs t, showConstr c == c']
in case u of
B b -> fromConstr (constrByName (show b) (dataTypeOf True))
R r ->
let nxt :: Data a => State [Integer] a
nxt = do {(n:ns) <- get; put ns; return (fromConstr (toConstr n))}
in evalState (fromConstrM nxt (constrByName ":%" (dataTypeOf r))) [numerator r, denominator r]
C c [] -> fromConstr (constrByName c ty)
C c us ->
let nxt :: Data a => State [UxADT] a
nxt = do {(u:us) <- get; put us; return (fromUxADT ty u)}
in evalState (fromConstrM nxt (constrByName c ty)) us
_ ->
error "UxADT value cannot be converted to native Haskell value."
instance JSON UxADT where
showJSON u = case u of
B b -> JSBool b
R r -> JSRational True r
S s -> JSString $ toJSString s
C c us -> makeObj [(c, showJSON us)]
L us -> JSArray (map showJSON us)
_ -> JSNull
readJSON j = case j of
JSBool b -> Ok $ B b
JSRational True r -> Ok $ R $ r
JSString s -> Ok $ S $ fromJSString s
JSObject o ->
case fromJSObject o of
[(c, js)] ->
case readJSONs js of
Ok us -> Ok $ C c us
_ -> Error "JSON not a value UxADT value."
_ -> Error "JSON not a value UxADT value."
JSArray js ->
case readJSONs j of
Ok us -> Ok $ L us
_ -> Error "JSON not a value UxADT value."
_ -> Error "JSON not a value UxADT value."