# Vabal - The Cabal Companion What is it? ------------ Have you ever wanted to try the new bleeding-edge GHC release, but also need older GHCs for your projects or programs (XMonad!)? Have you ever upgraded GHC just to find all your haskell projects broken? Have you ever dreamt about treating `base` as all other packages (i.e. change its version without much thought)? `vabal` tries to determine a `ghc` version that complies with the `base` package constraints found in the `.cabal` file. Then it uses [ghcup](https://github.com/haskell/ghcup) to fetch the compiler (if you don't have it yet) and prints to stdout the options to pass to `cabal` to use the fetched compiler. By default `vabal` tries to use compilers already available on the system and downloads them only when it can't do otherwise (or fails if you use the `--no-install` flag). This program tries to solve these issues in the easiest possible way. The GHC compiler downloading is managed by [ghcup](https://github.com/haskell/ghcup). No need to manually manage different ghc versions by hand! `vabal` tries to be as little intrusive as possible, leverages `cabal`'s capabilities of working with different GHC versions, and does *not* force you in its paradigm. The only change to the global system state `vabal` does is to tell `ghcup` to download a compiler, this behavior can be disabled with `--no-install` flag, so you are always in charge of what's happening! Requirements -------------- In order to install `vabal` you need: - `ghc` >= 8.4.1, You can install `vabal` directly from Hackage by running: > $ cabal v2-install vabal (Or `cabal new-install` depending on the version of your `cabal`). Or you can install it from sources, by running: > $ git clone https://github.com/Franciman/vabal.git > > $ cd vabal > > $ cabal v2-install exe:vabal (Or `cabal new-install`, depending on the version of your `cabal`) Remember to put `$HOME/.cabal/bin` in your `PATH`. `vabal` needs to run on a `POSIX` compliant system, because it uses `xargs` and `command` utilities, furthermore, these programs are required to be in `PATH`: - ghcup, - cabal >= `cabal >=` is a requirement of `vabal configure`. `vabal` by itself can be used in combination with older `cabal`, too. See the *How to use vabal: full story* paragraph for details. Quick start -------------- For starters run: > $ vabal update This will download updated infos about released `ghc`s and the versions of `base` they ship, the info is stored [here](https://github.com/Franciman/vabal-ghc-metadata/blob/master/ghc-metadata.csv), and will put them in `$HOME/.vabal/ghc-metadata.csv`. You may want to run this from time to time, when new `ghc`s get released, so that vabal will know about them. Then cd into your project directory and run: > $ vabal configure This will analyze the cabal file in the directory and extract constraints imposed on `base`, then it will get a compatible version of `ghc` using `ghcup` (possibly downloading it) and will finally run `cabal v2-configure` to configure the project with the obtained version of `ghc`. If everything went fine, you now have your project configured to use a `ghc` compatible with the constraints imposed on `base`, you can now build your project as you're used to: > $ cabal v2-build You can also enable and disable flags for your package, like this: > $ vabal configure --flags="flag1 -flagToDisable" And if you want to pass other flags directly to `cabal v2-configure`, you can do it after a `--`, e.g.: > $ vabal configure -- --enable-tests --enable-shared How to use vabal: full story ---------------------------- `vabal` tries to leverage the power of composability of shell commands, you can use it in combination with any `cabal` subcommand. For example, if you don't want vabal to also perform the `cabal v2-configure` step, but would like to use it in combination with `cabal v2-build`, you can run (*): > $ vabal --flags="your -flags" | xargs -r cabal v2-build (If you are on `OS X`, you don't need to specify the -r option for xargs) xargs invokes cabal with the arguments and options specified *plus* options read from stdin. Read the *Remark* for info about the `-r` option. > In Haskell jargon, you can see this as partially applying the `cabal` "function" first, > and then providing it the remaining arguments that `vabal` emitted. What vabal actually does is analyze the cabal file, obtain a suitable `ghc`, using `ghcup`, and then print to stdout options to pass to cabal (already properly escaped to be used with xargs). It follows the Unix philosophy and its power comes from composition with other programs. In fact, `vabal configure` is just a shortcut for: > vabal | xargs -r cabal v2-configure In this mode you can compose `vabal` with other `cabal` commands too, also with old-style `cabal build`, `cabal configure`, etc.. (*) Remark: > The `-r` flag you see is only available in the GNU version of `xargs`. It makes xargs fail if its input is empty, > i.e. when vabal fails. This is necessary or cabal will run as well without arguments from vabal. > If you use the BSD version of `xargs`, then this flag is not necessary (and is neither available), > because this is the default behavior. > Another possibility is to use the `-p` flag for `xargs` which is available on all `POSIX` systems, > it will show the command it is about to run and ask the user if he wants to proceed. In this way, > if vabal failed, he can stop the execution. > > Consult your system's manpage for `xargs` for further info. Gotchas ---------- Here are some known gotchas that affect `vabal`: - `vabal` trusts the constraints imposed on `base` that it finds in the cabal file, therefore it only finds a ghc version that makes it possible to respect the constraints, but it is not guaranteed that the build will be successful. (Generally one should always write correct constraints) Full list of options --------------------- `vabal` and `vabal configure` accept these options: ``` -g,--with-ghc-version VER Explicitly tell which version of ghc you want to use for the project. (Incompatible with option --with-base-version) -b,--with-base-version VER Specify the version of base package you want to use. It is going to be checked against base constraints in the cabal file for validity. (Incompatible with option --with-ghc-version) --flags FLAGS String containing a list of space separated flags to be used to configure the project (You can enable or disable a flag by adding a + or - in front of the flag name. When none is specified, the flag is enabled). Flag assignment determined here is also emitted to stdout as a cabal option (or passed to "cabal v2-configure" in the case of "vabal configure") --cabal-file FILE Explicitly tell which cabal file to use. This option also emitted to stdout as cabal option (or passed to `cabal v2-configure` in the case of "vabal configure") --no-install If GHC needs to be downloaded, fail, instead. --always-newest Always choose newest GHC possible, don't prefer already installed GHCs ``` with `vabal configure` you can also pass arguments directly to cabal, just specify them after `--`, e.g. > vabal configure -- --cabal-option --enable-tests --haddock-css=PATH How to uninstall it -------------------- If you want to uninstall `vabal` you can follow the same steps that are necessary to uninstall any executable installed with `cabal v2-install` (i.e. remove the symlink in "$HOME/.cabal/bin"). Furthermore, you also need to remove the `$HOME/.vabal` directory containing metadata used by `vabal`. Contributing -------------- Pull Requests and suggestions are welcome. Issues -------- You can signal issues [here](https://github.com/Franciman/vabal/issues) Contributors -------------- Francesco Ariis Francesco Gazzetta Francesco Magliocca Lorenzo Tabacchini Marco Umbrello