
A library for validating input data in Haskell, inspired partly by elm-validate.
The library provides a Validator
datatype for checking assertions
on input data. A validator is parametrized by 2 type variables:
: the type of error a validator can return,
: the type being inspected/validated.
Execute validators by using the validate
data Error = TooSmall | TooBig
>>> let validator = assert (> 10) [TooSmall]
>>> validate validator 11 -- Success 11
>>> validate validator 4 -- Failure [TooSmall]
Validators return a Validation
type as result, which can be
further chained or checked for the final result. This is explained in
the Validation section.
Validators can also be combined using the Semigroup
resulting in a validator that accumulates errors from both sub-validators:
>>> let validator = maxSize 3 [TooBig] <> minSize 2 [TooSmall]
>>> validate validator [1, 2, 3] -- Success [1,2,3]
>>> validate validator [1, 2, 3, 4] -- Failure [TooBig]
>>> validate validator [1] -- Failure [TooSmall]
The library provides helper functions for commonly used validation checks.
See the docs for a complete overview which validators are available.
Once a Validator
has been executed, it will return a Validation
data type.
This value will contain either all accumulated errors found during the checking
of assertions, or the given input value.
Validations are composed using their Applicative
instance. This can be useful
for example when validating product types. Like with Validator
, this will also
accumulate all encountered errors.
The following is an example for validating a Person
data type:
data PersonError = MissingName | InvalidAge
type Name = String
type Age = Int
data Person = Person Name Age
>>> let nameValidator = ifEmpty [MissingName]
>>> let ageValidator = assert (> 0) [InvalidAge]
>>> Person <$> validate nameValidator "" <*> validate ageValidator (subtract 1) -- Failure [MissingName, InvalidAge]
>>> Person <$> validate nameValidator "Alice" <*> validate ageValidator (subtract 1) -- Failure [InvalidAge]
>>> Person <$> validate nameValidator "Alice" <*> validate ageValidator 25 -- Success (Person "Alice" 25)
The easiest way to start developing is by using Nix.
$ git clone
$ cd validators
$ nix-shell
$ cabal new-configure # run inside the nix-shell
$ cabal new-build # run inside the nix-shell
The most often used commands are also provided by a Makefile.