{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
will create web pages at
where n is 8082 unless the PORT environment variable is set to an
integer, in which case that will be used.
The top-level page can be used to drag-and-drop specifications and
view them, and supports several modes:
- add to start
- add to end
- only show the current visualization
whereas the display/ directory lets you view any Vega and Vega-Lite
specfications in the working directory (or sub-directories), either
"in line" (i.e. in the page) or as a separate page.
The code could be refactored to be a SPA, but does it need to be?
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Text.Blaze as B
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import Control.Monad (forM_, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (Value(String, Object), Object
, (.=)
, eitherDecode', encode, object)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status404)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath ((>), splitFileName, takeFileName)
import Text.Blaze.Html5 ((!))
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
import Web.Scotty (ScottyM, ActionM
, get, html, json
, notFound, param
, redirect, regex
, status, scotty
, text)
import Paths_vega_view (version)
pageTitle :: H.Html
pageTitle = (H.span ! A.id "title") "Vega and Vega-Lite viewer"
homeLink :: H.Html
homeLink = (H.a ! A.id "homeLink" ! A.href "/") "Home"
toCSS, toJS :: [H.Html] -> H.Html
toCSS = (H.style ! A.type_ "text/css") . mconcat
toJS = (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") . mconcat
-- Represent a Vega or Vega-Lite specification, which has
-- to be a Javascript object. Other than checking that we
-- have an object, there is no other validation of the
-- JSON.
data Spec = Spec {
specVis :: Object
, specPath :: FilePath
-- ^ the path to the file
, specFileName :: String
-- ^ the file name with no path
-- Create HTML for the given specification; try to match embedSpec
-- JS routines.
createView ::
-- ^ This is assumed to be Vega or Vega-Lite specification, but
-- no check is made.
-- The description field is used if present.
-> String
-- ^ The id for the Vega-Embed visualization div.
-> H.Html
-- ^ The Html code needed to display this visualization
-- (assumes vega-embed is already available).
createView spec specId =
let vis = specVis spec
mDesc = case HM.lookup "description" vis of
Just (String d) -> Just d
_ -> Nothing
jsCts = mconcat [ "const vdiv = document.getElementById('"
, H.toHtml specId
, "'); "
, "const vopts = { downloadFileName: '"
, H.toHtml (specFileName spec)
, "' }; "
, "vegaEmbed(vdiv, "
, H.toHtml (LB8.unpack (encode vis))
, ", vopts).then((result) => { "
-- it's almost like I'm making this up as I go along
, "resetLocationWidth(vdiv.parentElement.parentElement); "
, "}).catch((err) => { "
, "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); "
, "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); "
, "});"
in (H.div ! A.class_ "vizview") $ do
-- unlike embedSpec JS routines, do not add close or hide buttons
(H.p ! A.class_ "location") (H.toHtml ("File: " ++ specFileName spec))
(H.div ! A.class_ "contents") $ do
case mDesc of
Just desc -> (H.p ! A.class_ "description") (H.toHtml desc)
Nothing -> pure ()
(H.div ! A.id (H.toValue specId)) ""
(H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") jsCts
readJSON ::
-- ^ The path to the file. This *must* be relative to the
-- current working directory.
-> IO (Either String Value)
readJSON infile = do
ans <- try (LB8.readFile infile)
pure $ case ans of
Left e -> Left (showIOException e)
Right v -> eitherDecode' v
showIOException :: IOException -> String
showIOException = show
readSpec ::
-- ^ The path to the file. This *must* be relative to the
-- current working directory.
-> IO (Either String Spec)
readSpec infile = do
cts <- either (Left . show) Right <$> readJSON infile
pure $ case cts of
Right (Object o) ->
let (path, filename) = splitFileName infile
in Right (Spec o path filename)
Right _ -> Left "JSON was not an object"
Left e -> Left e
-- | Return a HTML block (a div) that will dislay the visualization,
-- if the file is a JSON object (but not guaranteed to be a Vega or
-- Vega-Lite spec). The id of the visualization is based on the
-- file name, so it is assumed to be unique for the page.
makeSpec :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe H.Html)
makeSpec infile = do
espec <- readSpec infile
case espec of
Left _ -> pure Nothing
Right s -> pure (Just (createView s infile))
addTextJS, addTitleJS, addDescriptionJS :: [H.Html]
addTextJS = [ "function addText(parent, text) { "
, "parent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); "
, "} "
addTitleJS = [ "function addTitle(div, contents, infile) { "
, "const el = document.createElement('p'); "
, "el.setAttribute('class', 'location'); "
, "div.appendChild(el); "
, "const close = document.createElement('span'); "
, "close.setAttribute('class', 'close'); "
, "el.appendChild(close); "
, "close.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { "
, "div.style.display = 'none'; "
, "while (div.firstChild) { "
, "div.removeChild(div.firstChild); "
, "} "
, "}); "
, "const hide = document.createElement('span'); "
, "hide.setAttribute('class', 'hide'); "
, "el.appendChild(hide); "
, "hide.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { "
, "if (contents.style.display !== 'none') { "
, "contents.style.display = 'none'; "
, "hide.setAttribute('class', 'show'); } else { "
, "contents.style.display = 'block'; "
, "hide.setAttribute('class', 'hide'); } "
, "}); "
, "addText(el, 'File: ' + infile); "
, "} "
addDescriptionJS =
[ "function addDescription(div, spec) { "
, "if (!spec.description || spec.description === '') { return; } "
, "const el = document.createElement('p'); "
, "el.setAttribute('class', 'description'); "
, "addText(el, spec.description); "
, "div.appendChild(el); "
, "} "
-- Do we want to hide the "swoosh" icon when a visualization is shown?
dragJS :: H.Html
dragJS =
let cts = [ "function preventDefault(event) { event.preventDefault(); } "
, "window.addEventListener('dragenter', preventDefault, false); "
, "window.addEventListener('dragover', preventDefault); "
, "window.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop); "
, "function handleDrop(ev) { "
, "ev.preventDefault(); "
, "if (ev.dataTransfer.items) { "
, "for (var i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.items.length; i++) { "
, "if (ev.dataTransfer.items[i].kind === 'file') { "
, "readFromDrop(ev.dataTransfer.items[i].getAsFile()); "
, "} } } else { "
, "for (var i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) { "
, "readFromDrop(ev.dataTransfer.files[i]); "
, "} } "
, "} "
, "function readFromDrop(file) { "
, "if (file.type !== 'application/json') { return; } "
, "const reader = new FileReader(); "
, "reader.onload = (event) => { embedSpec(file.name, event.target.result); } "
, "reader.onerror = (event) => { alert('Unable to read from ' + file.name); } "
, "reader.readAsText(file); "
, "}"
, "function embedSpec(filename, filects) { "
, "let spec;"
, "try { "
, "spec = JSON.parse(filects); "
, "} catch (error) { "
, "reportParseError(filename); "
, "return; "
, "} "
, "const parent = document.getElementById('vizlist'); "
, "if (addMode === 'single') { "
, "while (parent.firstChild) { "
, "parent.removeChild(parent.firstChild);"
, "} }"
, "const div = document.createElement('div'); "
, "div.setAttribute('class', 'vizview'); "
, "if (addMode === 'top') { "
, "parent.insertBefore(div, parent.firstChild); "
, "} else { parent.appendChild(div); } "
, "const contents = document.createElement('div'); "
, "contents.setAttribute('class', 'contents'); "
, "addTitle(div, contents, filename); "
, "div.appendChild(contents); "
, "addDescription(contents, spec); "
, "const vdiv = document.createElement('div'); "
, "contents.appendChild(vdiv); "
, "const vopts = { downloadFileName: filename }; "
, "vegaEmbed(vdiv, spec, vopts).catch((err) => { "
, "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); "
, "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); "
, "}); "
, "div.style.display = 'block';"
, "} "
, "var addMode = 'top'; " -- should read from HTML or set HTML
, "document.getElementById('mode-select')."
, "addEventListener('change', (ev) => { "
, "const sel = ev.target; "
, "for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { "
, "if (sel[i].selected) { addMode = sel[i].value; break; } "
, "} "
, "}); "
-- do we want to report the details of the error?
-- be lazy and use an alert for now
, "function reportParseError(filename) { "
, "alert('Unable to parse ' + filename + ' as JSON'); "
, "} "
] ++ addTextJS ++ addTitleJS ++ addDescriptionJS
-- add newlines for debugging, although I've done something
-- stupid to require this -- TODO track down
ncts = concatMap (\n -> [n, "\n"]) cts
jsCts = mconcat ncts
-- jsCts = mconcat cts
in (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") jsCts
closeCSS, hideCSS, descriptionCSS, locationCSS :: [H.Html]
closeCSS = [ ".close { "
, "background: rgba(230, 20, 20, 0.6); "
, "border-radius: 50%; "
, "cursor: pointer; "
, "display: inline-block; "
-- , "float: left; "
, "height: 1em; "
, "margin-right: 0.5em; "
, "width: 1em; "
, "} "
, ".close:hover { "
, "background: rgba(230, 20, 20, 1); "
, "} "
hideCSS = [ ".hide { "
, "border-left: 0.5em solid transparent; "
, "border-right: 0.5em solid transparent; "
, "border-top: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6); "
, "cursor: pointer; "
, "display: inline-block; "
-- , "float: left; "
, "height: 0; "
, "margin-right: 0.5em; "
, "width: 0; "
, "} "
, ".show { "
, "border-left: 0.5em solid transparent; "
, "border-right: 0.5em solid transparent; "
, "border-bottom: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.6); "
, "cursor: pointer; "
, "display: inline-block; "
-- , "float: left; "
, "height: 0; "
, "margin-right: 0.5em; "
, "width: 0; "
, "} "
, ".hide:hover { "
, "border-top: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 1); "
, "} "
, ".show:hover { "
, "border-bottom: 1em solid rgba(255, 165, 0, 1); "
, "} "
descriptionCSS = [ "p.description { "
, "text-align: center; "
, "}"
-- combine location and contents here
locationCSS = [ "p.location { "
, "background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);"
, "font-weight: bold; "
, "margin: -1em; "
, "margin-bottom: 0; "
, "padding: 0.5em; "
-- add a little horizontal space before the end of the "window"
-- for when the visualization is minimised
, "padding-right: 1.5em; "
, "} "
, "div.contents { "
, "margin: 0; "
, "margin-top: 1em; "
, "} "
pageSetupCSS :: [H.Html]
pageSetupCSS = [ "body { margin: 0; } "
, "#infobar { "
, "background: rgb(120, 120, 200); "
, "color: white; "
, "font-family: sans-serif; "
, "padding: 0.5em; "
, "} "
, "#infobar #title { "
, "font-size: 150%; "
, "font-variant-caps: small-caps; "
, "margin-right: 2em; "
, "} "
, "#infobar #homeLink { "
, "color: white; "
, "text-decoration: none; "
, "} "
, "#homeLink:hover { "
, "border-bottom: 2px solid white; "
, "} "
, "#mainbar { "
, "padding: 1em; "
, "} "
-- not convinced using the header color is a good thing to indicate
-- an error; should be visually distinct
vegaErrorCSS :: [H.Html]
vegaErrorCSS = [ ".vega-error { "
, "background: rgba(120, 120, 200); "
, "color: white; "
, "font-family: monospace; "
, "font-size: 150%; "
, "font-weight: bold; "
, "padding: 0.5em; "
, "} "
vizCSS :: [H.Html]
vizCSS = [ ".vizview { "
, "background-color: white; "
, "border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); "
, "border-radius: 0.5em; "
, "padding: 1em; "
, "} "
, ".vizview:hover { "
, "border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); "
, "box-shadow: 4px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); "
, "} "
-- Handle header / main areas of the page
sectionsCSS :: [H.Html]
sectionsCSS = [ "#infobar label { "
, "margin-right: 0.5em; "
, "}"
, "#mainbar { "
, "padding: 1em; "
, "} "
, "#mainbar #swoosh svg { "
, "fill: rgba(120, 120, 200, 0.2); "
, "height: 200px; "
, "width: 200px; "
, "} "
dragCSS :: H.Html
dragCSS =
let cts = pageSetupCSS ++
[ ".vizview { "
, "float: left; "
, "margin: 0.5em; "
, "} "
] ++ closeCSS ++ hideCSS ++ descriptionCSS ++
locationCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ sectionsCSS ++ vizCSS
in toCSS cts
indexPage :: H.Html
indexPage =
H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US" $ do
H.head $ do
H.title "View a Vega or Vega-Lite specification"
H.body $ do
(H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do
(H.label ! A.for "mode-select") "Drop mode:"
(H.select ! A.id "mode-select") $ do
(H.option ! A.value "single") "Single"
-- TODO: can get selected="" with this, but not selected as a
-- stand-alone attribute
(H.option ! A.value "top" ! A.selected "") "Add at start"
(H.option ! A.value "bottom") "Add to end"
let elink url = H.a ! A.href url ! A.target "_blank"
(H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do
H.p (mconcat [ "This is version "
, H.toHtml (showVersion version)
, " of "
, elink "https://github.com/DougBurke/vega-view#readme"
, ". Go to "
, (H.a ! A.href "/display/") "/display/"
, " to see the available visualizations, or "
, "drag files containing "
, elink "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/" "Vega"
, " or "
, elink "https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/" "Vega-Lite"
, " visualizations onto this page to view them."
(H.div ! A.id "vizlist") ""
-- embed the SVG directly so we can style it
(H.div ! A.id "swoosh")
(B.preEscapedText swooshSVG)
-- since too lazy to set up an onload handler, stick all the JS
-- here
-- Return the directories in ths directory, and the JSON files we
-- can try displaying. All other files are dropped.
getFileContents ::
-> IO ([FilePath], [(FilePath, H.Html)])
-- ^ First we list the directories in ths directory, and then the
-- displayable contents. Either list can be empty.
getFileContents indir = do
infiles <- map (indir >) . sort <$> listDirectory indir
dirFlags <- mapM doesDirectoryExist infiles
let files = zip dirFlags infiles
-- these are not expected to be large lists so any duplicated effort
-- is not large; also, rely on the power of the compiler to fuse
-- everything
dirNames = map snd (filter fst files)
otherNames = map snd (filter (not . fst) files)
go f = do
mspec <- makeSpec f
case mspec of
Just h -> pure (Just (f, h))
_ -> pure Nothing
mspecs <- mapM go otherNames
let specs = catMaybes mspecs
pure (dirNames, specs)
pageLink :: FilePath -> H.Html
pageLink infile =
let toHref = H.toValue ("/display" > infile)
toText = H.toHtml (takeFileName infile)
in (H.a ! A.href toHref ! A.class_ "pagelink") toText
makeLi :: FilePath -> H.Html
makeLi infile = H.li (pageLink infile)
embedLink :: FilePath -> H.Html
embedLink infile =
let toHref = H.toValue ("/embed" > infile)
hdlr = mconcat [ "embed('", toHref, "');" ]
-- label = ">>" -- H.toHtml (takeFileName infile)
label = B.preEscapedText arrowSVG
in (H.a ! A.href "#" ! A.onclick hdlr ! A.class_ "embedlink") label
-- Nothing to see here; slightly different if base directory or not
emptyDir :: FilePath -> ActionM ()
emptyDir indir =
let page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do
H.head $ do
H.title (H.toHtml ("Files to view: " ++ indir))
toCSS pageSetupCSS
H.body $ do
(H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do
(H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $
if indir == "."
then H.p "There is nothing to see in the base directory!"
else do
labelDirectory True indir
H.p "There is nothing to see here!"
in html (renderHtml page)
-- Code to display a specification inline
-- Would be a lot nicer to embed the JS code from a file at build time
-- or to load at run time.
-- TODO: set max width/height of the visualization window so that
-- overflow works? Not obvious best way to do this.
-- TODO: allow the user to drag the window around
embedJS :: H.Html
embedJS =
let cts = [ "function embed(path) { "
, "var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); "
, "req.addEventListener('load', embedSpec); "
, "req.addEventListener('error', embedSpec); "
, "req.responseType = 'json'; "
, "req.open('GET', path); "
, "req.send(); "
, "} "
, "function embedSpec(e) { "
, "const div = document.getElementById('vizview'); "
, "while (div.firstChild) { "
, "div.removeChild(div.firstChild);"
, "} "
, "const tgt = e.target; "
, "if (tgt.status == 200) { "
, "const vopts = { downloadFileName: tgt.response.infile }; "
, "const contents = document.createElement('div'); "
, "contents.setAttribute('class', 'contents'); "
, "addTitle(div, contents, tgt.response.infile); "
, "div.appendChild(contents); "
, "addDescription(contents, tgt.response.spec); "
, "const vdiv = document.createElement('div'); "
, "contents.appendChild(vdiv); "
, "vegaEmbed(vdiv, tgt.response.spec, vopts).then((result) => { "
, "resetLocationWidth(div); "
, "}).catch((err) => { "
, "vdiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(err)); "
, "vdiv.setAttribute('class', 'vega-error'); "
, "}); "
, "} else { "
, "addText(div, 'There was an error when loading the specification. '); "
, "addText(div, 'Is the vega-view web server still running?'); "
, "} "
, "div.style.display = 'block';"
, "} "
] ++ addTextJS ++ addTitleJS ++ addDescriptionJS ++
in (H.script ! A.type_ "text/javascript") (mconcat cts)
embedCSS :: H.Html
embedCSS =
let cts = [ ".vizview { "
, "display: none; "
, "overflow: auto; "
, "} "
, ".vizlist { "
, "display: flex; "
, "justify-content: space-around; "
, "}"
, "#visualizations { "
, "float: left; "
, "margin-right: 1em; "
, "width: 20em; " -- seem to need this
, "height: 80vh; " -- guess that 80% is sensible
, "overflow-y: auto; "
, "} "
, "#visualizations h2 { "
, "margin-bottom: 0; "
, "margin-top: 0; "
, "} "
, "#visualizations .pagelist { "
, "display: grid; "
, "grid-column-gap: 0.4em; "
, "grid-row-gap: 0.4em; "
, "grid-template-columns: 1fr 2.5em; "
, "margin-top: 1em; "
, "} "
, "#visualizations .pagelist a { "
, "background: rgba(120, 120, 200, 0.8); "
, "color: white; "
, "font-family: sans-serif; "
, "padding: 0.5em; "
, "text-decoration: none; "
, "} "
, "#visualizations .pagelist a:hover { "
, "background: rgba(120, 120, 200, 1); "
, "box-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); "
, "} "
, ".pagelink { "
, "} "
, ".embedlink { "
, "} "
, ".embedlink svg { "
, "fill: white; "
, "height: 1.2em; "
, "width: 1.2em; "
, "} "
] ++ closeCSS ++ hideCSS ++ descriptionCSS ++
locationCSS ++ pageSetupCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ vizCSS
in toCSS cts
labelDirectory ::
-- ^ If True then the parent directory is ../ above the input directory
-- and the link label includes the term "parent".
-> FilePath
-- ^ The directory name for display to the user
-> H.Html
labelDirectory goUp dirName = do
H.p (H.toHtml ("Directory: " ++ dirName))
let baseURL = "/display" > dirName
url = if goUp then baseURL > ".." else baseURL
label = mconcat [ if goUp then "parent " else "", "directory" ]
H.p (mconcat [ "Go to "
, (H.a ! A.href (H.toValue url)) label
, "."
showDir ::
-> ([FilePath], [(FilePath, H.Html)])
-> ActionM ()
showDir indir (subdirs, files) =
let atTop = indir == "."
page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do
H.head $ do
H.title (H.toHtml ("Files to view: " ++ indir))
unless (null files) $ do
H.body $ do
(H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do
(H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do
unless atTop (labelDirectory True indir)
unless (null subdirs) $ do
H.h2 "Sub-directories"
H.ul (forM_ subdirs makeLi)
-- let's see how this basic setup works
-- TODO: might be nice to let users easily skip to next or
-- previous visualization when viewing one.
unless (null files) $ do
(H.div ! A.id "visualizations") $ do
H.h2 "Visualizations"
(H.div ! A.class_ "pagelist") $
forM_ files $ \(f, _) -> do
pageLink f
embedLink f
(H.div ! A.class_ "vizlist") $
(H.div ! A.class_ "vizview" ! A.id "vizview") ""
in html (renderHtml page)
dirPage :: FilePath -> ActionM ()
dirPage indir = do
files <- liftIO (getFileContents indir)
case files of
([], []) -> emptyDir indir
_ -> showDir indir files
-- load up vega embed
vegaEmbed :: H.Html
vegaEmbed =
let load n = H.script ! A.src (mconcat [ "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/"
, n ])
in do
load "vega@5" ""
load "vega-lite@4" ""
load "vega-embed" ""
pageCSS :: H.Html
pageCSS =
let cts = pageSetupCSS ++
[ ".vizview { "
, "overflow: auto; "
, "} "
, ".vizlist { "
, "display: flex; "
, "justify-content: space-around; " -- not convinced about this
, "} "
] ++ descriptionCSS ++
locationCSS ++ vegaErrorCSS ++ sectionsCSS ++ vizCSS
in toCSS cts
-- change the "title" bar, containing the loction, but not any description,
-- as want that to stay bouded by the starting bounding box, I think
-- (so that it doesn't appear off-screen initially for a short-enough
-- description, if centered).
-- I had originally thought I would have to call resetLocationWidth on
-- a page resize, but it doesn't need to be, since the title is never
-- going to need to be larger than the value the scrollWidth of the
-- visualization.
pageJS :: H.Html
pageJS = toJS resetLocationJS
resetLocationJS :: [H.Html]
resetLocationJS =
[ "function resetLocationWidth(div) { "
, "const locs = div.getElementsByClassName('location'); "
, "if (locs.length === 0) { console.log('DBG: no location'); console.log({div}); return; } "
, "const loc = locs[0]; "
, "loc.style.width = div.scrollWidth + 'px'; "
, "} "
showPage :: FilePath -> ActionM ()
showPage infile = do
espec <- liftIO (readSpec infile)
case espec of
Left emsg -> do
-- This is not very informative, but at least provides the user
-- with some information. The assumption is that this is running
-- "locally" so we do not have to worry about any possible
-- information leak from this.
text (LT.pack emsg)
Right spec ->
let contents = createView spec "vega-vis"
page = (H.docTypeHtml ! A.lang "en-US") $ do
H.head $ do
H.title "View a spec"
H.body $ do
(H.div ! A.id "infobar") $ do
(H.div ! A.id "mainbar") $ do
labelDirectory False (specPath spec)
(H.div ! A.class_ "vizlist") contents
in html (renderHtml page)
displayPage :: FilePath -> ActionM ()
displayPage infile = do
isDir <- liftIO (doesDirectoryExist infile)
if isDir
then dirPage infile
else showPage infile
-- Return data needed to display this file.
embedPage :: FilePath -> ActionM ()
embedPage infile = do
espec <- liftIO (readSpec infile)
case espec of
Right (Spec o path filename) -> json (object [ "spec" .= Object o
, "path" .= path
, "infile" .= filename
_ -> errorStatus
-- embed https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Curved_Arrow.svg
-- which is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal
-- Public Domain Dedication
swooshSVG :: T.Text
swooshSVG =
[ ""
-- This is from
-- https://fontawesome.com/icons/arrow-alt-circle-right?style=solid
-- version 5.10.2, free version
arrowSVG :: T.Text
arrowSVG = ""
errorStatus :: ActionM ()
errorStatus = status status404
webapp :: ScottyM ()
webapp = do
get "/" (redirect "/index.html")
get "/index.html" (html (renderHtml indexPage))
-- TODO: catch errors
get "/display/" (dirPage ".")
get (regex "^/display/(.+)$") $ do
infile <- param "1"
displayPage infile
get (regex "^/embed/(.+)$") $ do
infile <- param "1"
embedPage infile
notFound errorStatus
-- for now assume current directory
main :: IO ()
main = do
mPortStr <- lookupEnv "PORT"
let port = case read <$> mPortStr of
Just n -> n
_ -> 8082
scotty port webapp