# ChangeLog / ReleaseNotes ## Version * Optional instances for `JoinSemiLattice`, `MeetSemiLattice`, `BoundedJoinSemiLattice`, `BoundedMeetSemiLattice`, `Lattice`, and `BoundedLattice`. Dependency on `lattices` package can be enabled using `-flattices` build flag. (**new**) * Optional instances for `Dhall.Interpret` `Dhall.Inject` type classes. Dependency on `dhall` package can be enabled using `-fdhall` build flag. Enabled by default. (**new**) * Optional instances for `Serialise` type class from `serialise` package that provides CBOR serialisation/deserialisation. Dependency on `serialise` package can be enabled using `-fserialise` build flag. Enabled by default. (**new**) * `HasVerbosity` type class now provides default implementation for `verbosity` lens that uses `generic-lens`. (**change/new**) * Dropped support for GHC \< 8.2. As a consequence `Data`, `Generic`, and `Typeable` are always derived. The last one is implied by the fact that GHC now always derives it. (**breaking change**) ## Version * Introducing function `modifyVerbosity :: HasVerbosity s => (Verbosity -> Verbosity) -> s -> s` (**new**) * Introducing optional instance for safecopy's `SafeCopy` type class. Dependency on `safecopy` package can be enabled using `-fsafecopy` build flag. (**new**) * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Relaxed `data-default-class` dependency that allows bilding with version 0.1.\*. (**change**) * Introducing functions (**new**): * `increment :: Verbosity -> Maybe Verbosity` * `increment' :: Verbosity -> Verbosity` * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Introducing optional instance for cereal's `Serialize` type class. Dependency on `cereal` package can be enabled using `-fcereal` build flag. (**new**) * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * Introducing module `Data.Verbosity.Class` which contains definition of `HasVerbosity` type class. (**new**) * Introducing function `fromInt :: Int -> Maybe Verbosity`. (**new**) * Introducing function `parse :: (Eq string, IsString string) => string -> Maybe Verbosity`. (**new**) * NFData instance, if compiled with `-fdeepseq`, which is the default case. (**new**) * Depends on [transformers][] package in case [base][] <4.8. (**new**) * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: ## Version * First public release. * Uploaded to [Hackage][]: [base]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base "base package on Hackage" [Hackage]: http://hackage.haskell.org/ "HackageDB (or just Hackage) is a collection of releases of Haskell packages." [transformers]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers "transformers package on Hackage"