module Graphics.Vty.Output.TerminfoBased ( reserveTerminal )
import Graphics.Vty.Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Terminfo.Parse
import Data.Terminfo.Eval
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
import Graphics.Vty.DisplayAttributes
import Graphics.Vty.Output.Interface
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Write, writeToByteString)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromJust)
import Data.Monoid
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt(..), CLong(..) )
import GHC.IO.Handle
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (withHandle_)
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle__(..))
import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import GHC.IOBase
import GHC.Handle hiding (fdToHandle)
import qualified GHC.Handle
import qualified System.Console.Terminfo as Terminfo
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import System.IO.Error
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
data TerminfoCaps = TerminfoCaps
{ smcup :: Maybe CapExpression
, rmcup :: Maybe CapExpression
, cup :: CapExpression
, cnorm :: Maybe CapExpression
, civis :: Maybe CapExpression
, supportsNoColors :: Bool
, useAltColorMap :: Bool
, setForeColor :: CapExpression
, setBackColor :: CapExpression
, setDefaultAttr :: CapExpression
, clearScreen :: CapExpression
, clearEol :: CapExpression
, displayAttrCaps :: DisplayAttrCaps
data DisplayAttrCaps = DisplayAttrCaps
{ setAttrStates :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterStandout :: Maybe CapExpression
, exitStandout :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterUnderline :: Maybe CapExpression
, exitUnderline :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterReverseVideo :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterDimMode :: Maybe CapExpression
, enterBoldMode :: Maybe CapExpression
sendCapToTerminal :: Output -> CapExpression -> [CapParam] -> IO ()
sendCapToTerminal t cap capParams = do
outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString $ writeCapExpr cap capParams
reserveTerminal :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m ) => String -> Handle -> m Output
reserveTerminal inID outHandle = liftIO $ do
ti <- Terminfo.setupTerm inID
msetaf <- probeCap ti "setaf"
msetf <- probeCap ti "setf"
let (noColors, useAlt, setForeCap)
= case msetaf of
Just setaf -> (False, False, setaf)
Nothing -> case msetf of
Just setf -> (False, True, setf)
Nothing -> (True, True, error $ "no fore color support for terminal " ++ inID)
msetab <- probeCap ti "setab"
msetb <- probeCap ti "setb"
let set_back_cap
= case msetab of
Nothing -> case msetb of
Just setb -> setb
Nothing -> error $ "no back color support for terminal " ++ inID
Just setab -> setab
terminfoCaps <- pure TerminfoCaps
<*> probeCap ti "smcup"
<*> probeCap ti "rmcup"
<*> requireCap ti "cup"
<*> probeCap ti "cnorm"
<*> probeCap ti "civis"
<*> pure noColors
<*> pure useAlt
<*> pure setForeCap
<*> pure set_back_cap
<*> requireCap ti "sgr0"
<*> requireCap ti "clear"
<*> requireCap ti "el"
<*> currentDisplayAttrCaps ti
newAssumedStateRef <- newIORef initialAssumedState
let t = Output
{ terminalID = inID
, releaseTerminal = liftIO $ do
sendCap setDefaultAttr []
maybeSendCap cnorm []
hClose outHandle
, reserveDisplay = liftIO $ do
maybeSendCap smcup []
hFlush outHandle
sendCap clearScreen []
, releaseDisplay = liftIO $ do
maybeSendCap rmcup []
maybeSendCap cnorm []
, displayBounds = do
rawSize <- liftIO $ withFd outHandle getWindowSize
case rawSize of
(w, h) | w < 0 || h < 0 -> fail $ "getwinsize returned < 0 : " ++ show rawSize
| otherwise -> return (w,h)
, outputByteBuffer = \outBytes -> do
BS.hPut outHandle outBytes
hFlush outHandle
, contextColorCount
= case supportsNoColors terminfoCaps of
False -> case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetNum "colors" ) of
Nothing -> 8
Just v -> toEnum v
True -> 1
, supportsCursorVisibility = isJust $ civis terminfoCaps
, assumedStateRef = newAssumedStateRef
, mkDisplayContext = \tActual -> liftIO . terminfoDisplayContext tActual terminfoCaps
sendCap s = sendCapToTerminal t (s terminfoCaps)
maybeSendCap s = when (isJust $ s terminfoCaps) . sendCap (fromJust . s)
return t
requireCap :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Terminfo.Terminal -> String -> m CapExpression
requireCap ti capName
= case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr capName) of
Nothing -> fail $ "Terminal does not define required capability \"" ++ capName ++ "\""
Just capStr -> parseCap capStr
probeCap :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Terminfo.Terminal -> String -> m (Maybe CapExpression)
probeCap ti capName
= case Terminfo.getCapability ti (Terminfo.tiGetStr capName) of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just capStr -> Just <$> parseCap capStr
parseCap :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m) => String -> m CapExpression
parseCap capStr = do
case parseCapExpression capStr of
Left e -> fail $ show e
Right cap -> return cap
currentDisplayAttrCaps :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m )
=> Terminfo.Terminal
-> m DisplayAttrCaps
currentDisplayAttrCaps ti
= pure DisplayAttrCaps
<*> probeCap ti "sgr"
<*> probeCap ti "smso"
<*> probeCap ti "rmso"
<*> probeCap ti "smul"
<*> probeCap ti "rmul"
<*> probeCap ti "rev"
<*> probeCap ti "dim"
<*> probeCap ti "bold"
foreign import ccall "gwinsz.h vty_c_get_window_size" c_getWindowSize :: Fd -> IO CLong
getWindowSize :: Fd -> IO (Int,Int)
getWindowSize fd = do
(a,b) <- (`divMod` 65536) `fmap` c_getWindowSize fd
return (fromIntegral b, fromIntegral a)
terminfoDisplayContext :: Output -> TerminfoCaps -> DisplayRegion -> IO DisplayContext
terminfoDisplayContext tActual terminfoCaps r = return dc
where dc = DisplayContext
{ contextDevice = tActual
, contextRegion = r
, writeMoveCursor = \x y -> writeCapExpr (cup terminfoCaps) [toEnum y, toEnum x]
, writeShowCursor = case cnorm terminfoCaps of
Nothing -> error "this terminal does not support show cursor"
Just c -> writeCapExpr c []
, writeHideCursor = case civis terminfoCaps of
Nothing -> error "this terminal does not support hide cursor"
Just c -> writeCapExpr c []
, writeSetAttr = terminfoWriteSetAttr dc terminfoCaps
, writeDefaultAttr = writeCapExpr (setDefaultAttr terminfoCaps) []
, writeRowEnd = writeCapExpr (clearEol terminfoCaps) []
, inlineHack = return ()
terminfoWriteSetAttr :: DisplayContext -> TerminfoCaps -> FixedAttr -> Attr -> DisplayAttrDiff -> Write
terminfoWriteSetAttr dc terminfoCaps prevAttr reqAttr diffs = do
case (foreColorDiff diffs == ColorToDefault) || (backColorDiff diffs == ColorToDefault) of
True -> do
case reqDisplayCapSeqFor (displayAttrCaps terminfoCaps)
(fixedStyle attr )
(styleToApplySeq $ fixedStyle attr) of
EnterExitSeq caps -> writeDefaultAttr dc
foldMap (\cap -> writeCapExpr cap []) caps
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
$ displayAttrCaps
$ terminfoCaps
(sgrArgsForState state)
False -> do
case reqDisplayCapSeqFor (displayAttrCaps terminfoCaps)
(fixedStyle attr)
(styleDiffs diffs) of
EnterExitSeq caps -> foldMap (\cap -> writeCapExpr cap []) caps
writeColorDiff setForeColor (foreColorDiff diffs)
writeColorDiff setBackColor (backColorDiff diffs)
SetState state -> writeCapExpr (fromJust $ setAttrStates
$ displayAttrCaps terminfoCaps
(sgrArgsForState state)
`mappend` setColors
colorMap = case useAltColorMap terminfoCaps of
False -> ansiColorIndex
True -> altColorIndex
attr = fixDisplayAttr prevAttr reqAttr
setColors =
(case fixedForeColor attr of
Just c -> writeCapExpr (setForeColor terminfoCaps)
[toEnum $ colorMap c]
Nothing -> mempty)
(case fixedBackColor attr of
Just c -> writeCapExpr (setBackColor terminfoCaps)
[toEnum $ colorMap c]
Nothing -> mempty)
writeColorDiff _f NoColorChange
= mempty
writeColorDiff _f ColorToDefault
= error "ColorToDefault is not a possible case for applyColorDiffs"
writeColorDiff f (SetColor c)
= writeCapExpr (f terminfoCaps) [toEnum $ colorMap c]
ansiColorIndex :: Color -> Int
ansiColorIndex (ISOColor v) = fromEnum v
ansiColorIndex (Color240 v) = 16 + fromEnum v
altColorIndex :: Color -> Int
altColorIndex (ISOColor 0) = 0
altColorIndex (ISOColor 1) = 4
altColorIndex (ISOColor 2) = 2
altColorIndex (ISOColor 3) = 6
altColorIndex (ISOColor 4) = 1
altColorIndex (ISOColor 5) = 5
altColorIndex (ISOColor 6) = 3
altColorIndex (ISOColor 7) = 7
altColorIndex (ISOColor v) = fromEnum v
altColorIndex (Color240 v) = 16 + fromEnum v
data DisplayAttrSeq
= EnterExitSeq [CapExpression]
| SetState DisplayAttrState
data DisplayAttrState = DisplayAttrState
{ applyStandout :: Bool
, applyUnderline :: Bool
, applyReverseVideo :: Bool
, applyBlink :: Bool
, applyDim :: Bool
, applyBold :: Bool
sgrArgsForState :: DisplayAttrState -> [CapParam]
sgrArgsForState attrState = map (\b -> if b then 1 else 0)
[ applyStandout attrState
, applyUnderline attrState
, applyReverseVideo attrState
, applyBlink attrState
, applyDim attrState
, applyBold attrState
, False
, False
, False
reqDisplayCapSeqFor :: DisplayAttrCaps -> Style -> [StyleStateChange] -> DisplayAttrSeq
reqDisplayCapSeqFor caps s diffs
= case (any noEnterExitCap diffs, isJust $ setAttrStates caps) of
( False, _ ) -> EnterExitSeq $ map enterExitCap diffs
( True, False ) -> EnterExitSeq $ map enterExitCap
$ filter (not . noEnterExitCap) diffs
( True, True ) -> SetState $ stateForStyle s
noEnterExitCap ApplyStandout = isNothing $ enterStandout caps
noEnterExitCap RemoveStandout = isNothing $ exitStandout caps
noEnterExitCap ApplyUnderline = isNothing $ enterUnderline caps
noEnterExitCap RemoveUnderline = isNothing $ exitUnderline caps
noEnterExitCap ApplyReverseVideo = isNothing $ enterReverseVideo caps
noEnterExitCap RemoveReverseVideo = True
noEnterExitCap ApplyBlink = True
noEnterExitCap RemoveBlink = True
noEnterExitCap ApplyDim = isNothing $ enterDimMode caps
noEnterExitCap RemoveDim = True
noEnterExitCap ApplyBold = isNothing $ enterBoldMode caps
noEnterExitCap RemoveBold = True
enterExitCap ApplyStandout = fromJust $ enterStandout caps
enterExitCap RemoveStandout = fromJust $ exitStandout caps
enterExitCap ApplyUnderline = fromJust $ enterUnderline caps
enterExitCap RemoveUnderline = fromJust $ exitUnderline caps
enterExitCap ApplyReverseVideo = fromJust $ enterReverseVideo caps
enterExitCap ApplyDim = fromJust $ enterDimMode caps
enterExitCap ApplyBold = fromJust $ enterBoldMode caps
enterExitCap _ = error "enterExitCap applied to diff that was known not to have one."
stateForStyle :: Style -> DisplayAttrState
stateForStyle s = DisplayAttrState
{ applyStandout = isStyleSet standout
, applyUnderline = isStyleSet underline
, applyReverseVideo = isStyleSet reverseVideo
, applyBlink = isStyleSet blink
, applyDim = isStyleSet dim
, applyBold = isStyleSet bold
where isStyleSet = hasStyle s
styleToApplySeq :: Style -> [StyleStateChange]
styleToApplySeq s = concat
[ applyIfRequired ApplyStandout standout
, applyIfRequired ApplyUnderline underline
, applyIfRequired ApplyReverseVideo reverseVideo
, applyIfRequired ApplyBlink blink
, applyIfRequired ApplyDim dim
, applyIfRequired ApplyBlink bold
applyIfRequired op flag
= if 0 == (flag .&. s)
then []
else [op]
withFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
withFd h f = withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ Handle__{..} -> do
case cast haDevice of
Nothing -> ioError (ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError IllegalOperation
"withFd" (Just h) Nothing)
"handle is not a file descriptor")
Just fd -> f (Fd (fromIntegral (FD.fdFD fd)))
withFd h f =
withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ h_ ->
f (Fd (fromIntegral (haFD h_)))