{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- | This module provides functions for accessing the current terminal
-- or a specific terminal device.
-- See also:
-- 1. "Graphics.Vty.Output": This instantiates an abtract interface
-- to the terminal based on the @TERM@ and @COLORTERM@ environment
-- variables.
-- 2. "Graphics.Vty.Output.Interface": Defines the generic interface all
-- terminal modules need to implement.
-- 3. "Graphics.Vty.Output.TerminfoBased": Defines a terminal instance
-- that uses terminfo for all control strings. No attempt is made to
-- change the character set to UTF-8 for these terminals.
-- 4. "Graphics.Vty.Output.XTermColor": This module contains an
-- interface suitable for xterm-like terminals. These are the terminals
-- where @TERM@ begins with @xterm@. This does use terminfo for as many
-- control codes as possible.
module Graphics.Vty.Output
  ( outputForConfig
  , setCursorPos
  , hideCursor
  , showCursor

import Control.Monad (when)

import Graphics.Vty.Config
import Graphics.Vty.Image (regionWidth, regionHeight)
import Graphics.Vty.Output.Interface
import Graphics.Vty.Output.XTermColor as XTermColor
import Graphics.Vty.Output.TerminfoBased as TerminfoBased

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (writeToByteString)

import Control.Monad.Trans

import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

-- | Returns an `Output` for the terminal specified in `Config`.
-- The specific Output implementation used is hidden from the API user.
-- All terminal implementations are assumed to perform more, or less,
-- the same. Currently, all implementations use terminfo for at least
-- some terminal specific information.
-- If a terminal implementation is developed for a terminal without
-- terminfo support then Vty should work as expected on that terminal.
-- Selection of a terminal is done as follows:
--      * If TERM contains "xterm" or "screen", use XTermColor.
--      * otherwise use the TerminfoBased driver.
outputForConfig :: Config -> IO Output
outputForConfig Config{ outputFd = Just fd, termName = Just termName, .. } = do
    t <- if "xterm" `isPrefixOf` termName || "screen" `isPrefixOf` termName
        then XTermColor.reserveTerminal termName fd
        -- Not an xterm-like terminal. try for generic terminfo.
        else TerminfoBased.reserveTerminal termName fd

    case mouseMode of
        Just s -> setMode t Mouse s
        Nothing -> return ()

    case bracketedPasteMode of
        Just s -> setMode t BracketedPaste s
        Nothing -> return ()

    return t
outputForConfig config = (<> config) <$> standardIOConfig >>= outputForConfig

-- | Sets the cursor position to the given output column and row.
-- This is not necessarially the same as the character position with the
-- same coordinates. Characters can be a variable number of columns in
-- width.
-- Currently, the only way to set the cursor position to a given
-- character coordinate is to specify the coordinate in the Picture
-- instance provided to 'outputPicture' or 'refresh'.
setCursorPos :: MonadIO m => Output -> Int -> Int -> m ()
setCursorPos t x y = do
    bounds <- displayBounds t
    when (x >= 0 && x < regionWidth bounds && y >= 0 && y < regionHeight bounds) $ do
        dc <- displayContext t bounds
        liftIO $ outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString $ writeMoveCursor dc x y

-- | Hides the cursor.
hideCursor :: MonadIO m => Output -> m ()
hideCursor t = do
    bounds <- displayBounds t
    dc <- displayContext t bounds
    liftIO $ outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString $ writeHideCursor dc

-- | Shows the cursor.
showCursor :: MonadIO m => Output -> m ()
showCursor t = do
    bounds <- displayBounds t
    dc <- displayContext t bounds
    liftIO $ outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString $ writeShowCursor dc