module Devel.Config
( setConfig
, getPath
, getPkgDb
) where
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Environment (unsetEnv, setEnv, lookupEnv)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import System.FilePath.Posix (pathSeparator)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, getHomeDirectory, doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Info (arch, compilerName, os)
import Devel.Types
setConfig :: IO ()
setConfig = do
(path, pkgDb) <- getConfig
_ <- unsetEnv "PATH"
_ <- unsetEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH"
_ <- setEnv "PATH" path
getConfig :: IO Config
getConfig = do
catch getStackConfig getCabalConfig
getStackConfig :: IO Config
getStackConfig = do
(_, stdout, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "stack" ["path"] ""
parseConfig stdout
parseConfig :: String -> IO Config
parseConfig stdout = do
let outputList = lines stdout
tupleList = map (span (/=':') ) outputList
path = concatMap getPath tupleList
pkgDb = concatMap getPkgDb tupleList
return (path, pkgDb)
getCabalConfig :: IOError -> IO Config
getCabalConfig _ = do
mPath <- lookupEnv "PATH"
mPkgDb <- lookupEnv "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH"
ghcVersion <- catch getGhcVersion getGhcVersionError
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
homeDir <- getHomeDirectory
isSandBoxed <- doesDirectoryExist ".cabal-sandbox"
let compilerVersion' = last $ words ghcVersion
forSandboxPath = arch ++ "-" ++ os ++ "-" ++ compilerName ++ "-" ++ compilerVersion'
forUserPath = arch ++ "-" ++ os ++ "-" ++ compilerVersion'
forGlobalPath = compilerName ++ "-" ++ compilerVersion'
sandboxPkgDb = if isSandBoxed
then cwd ++ (pathSeparator : ".cabal-sandbox")
++ (pathSeparator : forSandboxPath) ++ "-packages.conf.d:"
else ""
userPkgDb = homeDir ++ (pathSeparator: ".ghc") ++ (pathSeparator:forUserPath)
++ (pathSeparator:"package.conf.d:")
globalPkgDb = "/usr/lib/" ++ forGlobalPath ++"/package.conf.d:"
pkgDb' = sandboxPkgDb ++ userPkgDb ++ globalPkgDb
path = case mPath of
Just p -> p
Nothing -> fail "The environment variable PATH isn't set."
pkgDb = case mPkgDb of
Just db -> db
Nothing -> pkgDb'
return (path, pkgDb)
getGhcVersion :: IO String
getGhcVersion = do
(_, stdout, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ghc" ["--version"] ""
return stdout
getGhcVersionError :: IOError -> IO String
getGhcVersionError _ = do
fail $ "Is GHC not in your PATH? "
++ "Because wai-devel can't get the version number from: "
++ "`ghc --version`"
getPath :: (String, String) -> String
getPath (key,value)
| key == "bin-path" = dropWhile (==':') $ filter (/=' ') value
| otherwise = ""
getPkgDb :: (String, String) -> String
getPkgDb (key,value)
| key == "ghc-package-path" = dropWhile (==':') $ filter (/=' ') value
| otherwise = ""