module Network.Wai.Middleware.Gunzip (gunzip) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Data.IORef
import Network.HTTP.Types (Header, hContentEncoding)
import Network.Wai (Middleware, Request, RequestBodyLength (ChunkedBody))
import Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.Streaming.Zlib as Z
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
gunzip :: Middleware
gunzip app rq k
| isGzip rq = prepare >>= flip app k
| otherwise = app rq k
prepare = do
r <- newIORef []
i <- Z.initInflate (Z.WindowBits 31)
return $ rq { Wai.requestBody = inflate r i
, Wai.requestBodyLength = ChunkedBody
, Wai.requestHeaders = noGzip (Wai.requestHeaders rq)
inflate r i = do
buffered <- readIORef r
case buffered of
[] -> Wai.requestBody rq >>= continue r i
(x:xs) -> writeIORef r xs >> return x
continue r i b =
if S.null b then
return S.empty
else do
f <- toBytes id =<< Z.feedInflate i b
x <- f . (:[]) <$> Z.finishInflate i
case x of
[] -> return S.empty
(y:ys) -> writeIORef r ys >> return y
toBytes front p = p >>= \r -> case r of
Z.PRDone -> return front
Z.PRNext b -> toBytes (front . (:) b) p
Z.PRError e -> throwIO e
isGzip :: Request -> Bool
isGzip = maybe False ("gzip" ==) . lookup hContentEncoding . Wai.requestHeaders
noGzip :: [Header] -> [Header]
noGzip = filter (\(k, v) -> k /= hContentEncoding || v /= "gzip")