module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request (
, headerLines
, pauseTimeoutKey
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc (yield)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Data.Array ((!))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as SU
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.IORef as I
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.Socket (SockAddr)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Conduit
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ReadInt
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings (Settings, settingsNoParsePath)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout as Timeout
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import Network.Wai.Internal
import Prelude hiding (lines)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Vault.Lazy as Vault
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
maxTotalHeaderLength :: Int
maxTotalHeaderLength = 50 * 1024
recvRequest :: Settings
-> Connection
-> InternalInfo
-> SockAddr
-> Source
-> IO (Request
,Maybe (I.IORef Int)
,IO ByteString)
recvRequest settings conn ii addr src = do
hdrlines <- headerLines src
(method, unparsedPath, path, query, httpversion, hdr) <- parseHeaderLines hdrlines
let idxhdr = indexRequestHeader hdr
expect = idxhdr ! idxExpect
cl = idxhdr ! idxContentLength
te = idxhdr ! idxTransferEncoding
handle100Continue = handleExpect conn httpversion expect
(rbody, remainingRef, bodyLength) <- bodyAndSource src cl te
rbody' <- timeoutBody remainingRef th rbody handle100Continue
rbodyFlush <- timeoutBody remainingRef th rbody (return ())
let req = Request {
requestMethod = method
, httpVersion = httpversion
, pathInfo = H.decodePathSegments path
, rawPathInfo = if settingsNoParsePath settings then unparsedPath else path
, rawQueryString = query
, queryString = H.parseQuery query
, requestHeaders = hdr
, isSecure = False
, remoteHost = addr
, requestBody = rbody'
, vault = Vault.insert pauseTimeoutKey
(Timeout.pause th)
, requestBodyLength = bodyLength
, requestHeaderHost = idxhdr ! idxHost
, requestHeaderRange = idxhdr ! idxRange
return (req, remainingRef, idxhdr, rbodyFlush)
th = threadHandle ii
headerLines :: Source -> IO [ByteString]
headerLines src = do
bs <- readSource src
if S.null bs
then throwIO $ NotEnoughLines []
else push src (THStatus 0 id id) bs
handleExpect :: Connection
-> H.HttpVersion
-> Maybe HeaderValue
-> IO ()
handleExpect conn ver (Just "100-continue") = do
connSendAll conn continue
| ver == H.http11 = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"
| otherwise = "HTTP/1.0 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"
handleExpect _ _ _ = return ()
bodyAndSource :: Source
-> Maybe HeaderValue
-> Maybe HeaderValue
-> IO (IO ByteString
,Maybe (I.IORef Int)
bodyAndSource src cl te
| chunked = do
csrc <- mkCSource src
return (readCSource csrc, Nothing, ChunkedBody)
| otherwise = do
isrc@(ISource _ remaining) <- mkISource src len
return (readISource isrc, Just remaining, bodyLen)
len = toLength cl
bodyLen = KnownLength $ fromIntegral len
chunked = isChunked te
toLength :: Maybe HeaderValue -> Int
toLength Nothing = 0
toLength (Just bs) = readInt bs
isChunked :: Maybe HeaderValue -> Bool
isChunked (Just bs) = CI.foldCase bs == "chunked"
isChunked _ = False
timeoutBody :: Maybe (I.IORef Int)
-> Timeout.Handle
-> IO ByteString
-> IO ()
-> IO (IO ByteString)
timeoutBody remainingRef timeoutHandle rbody handle100Continue = do
isFirstRef <- I.newIORef True
let checkEmpty =
case remainingRef of
Nothing -> return . S.null
Just ref -> \bs -> if S.null bs
then return True
else do
x <- I.readIORef ref
return $! x <= 0
return $ do
isFirst <- I.readIORef isFirstRef
when isFirst $ do
Timeout.resume timeoutHandle
I.writeIORef isFirstRef False
bs <- rbody
isEmpty <- checkEmpty bs
when isEmpty (Timeout.pause timeoutHandle)
return bs
type BSEndo = ByteString -> ByteString
type BSEndoList = [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
data THStatus = THStatus
push :: Source -> THStatus -> ByteString -> IO [ByteString]
push src (THStatus len lines prepend) bs'
| len > maxTotalHeaderLength = throwIO OverLargeHeader
| otherwise = push' mnl
bs = prepend bs'
bsLen = S.length bs
mnl = do
nl <- S.elemIndex 10 bs
if bsLen > nl + 1 then
let c = S.index bs (nl + 1)
b = case nl of
0 -> True
1 -> S.index bs 0 == 13
_ -> False
in Just (nl, not b && (c == 32 || c == 9))
Just (nl, False)
push' :: Maybe (Int, Bool) -> IO [ByteString]
push' Nothing = do
bst <- readSource' src
when (S.null bst) $ throwIO IncompleteHeaders
push src status bst
len' = len + bsLen
prepend' = S.append bs
status = THStatus len' lines prepend'
push' (Just (end, True)) = push src status rest
rest = S.drop (end + 1) bs
prepend' = S.append (SU.unsafeTake (checkCR bs end) bs)
len' = len + end
status = THStatus len' lines prepend'
push' (Just (end, False))
| S.null line = do
when (start < bsLen) $ leftoverSource src (SU.unsafeDrop start bs)
return (lines [])
| otherwise = let len' = len + start
lines' = lines . (line:)
status = THStatus len' lines' id
in if start < bsLen then
let bs'' = SU.unsafeDrop start bs
in push src status bs''
else do
bst <- readSource' src
when (S.null bs) $ throwIO IncompleteHeaders
push src status bst
start = end + 1
line = SU.unsafeTake (checkCR bs end) bs
checkCR :: ByteString -> Int -> Int
checkCR bs pos = if pos > 0 && 13 == S.index bs p then p else pos
!p = pos 1
pauseTimeoutKey :: Vault.Key (IO ())
pauseTimeoutKey = unsafePerformIO Vault.newKey