{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}

module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIOWithUnmask)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Streaming.Network (HostPreference)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.Socket (SockAddr)
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Timeout
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import System.IO (stderr)
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorType)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import qualified Paths_warp

-- | Various Warp server settings. This is purposely kept as an abstract data
-- type so that new settings can be added without breaking backwards
-- compatibility. In order to create a 'Settings' value, use 'defaultSettings'
-- and the various \'set\' functions to modify individual fields. For example:
-- > setTimeout 20 defaultSettings
data Settings = Settings
    { settingsPort :: Int -- ^ Port to listen on. Default value: 3000
    , settingsHost :: HostPreference -- ^ Default value: HostIPv4
    , settingsOnException :: Maybe Request -> SomeException -> IO () -- ^ What to do with exceptions thrown by either the application or server. Default: ignore server-generated exceptions (see 'InvalidRequest') and print application-generated applications to stderr.
    , settingsOnExceptionResponse :: SomeException -> Response
      -- ^ A function to create `Response` when an exception occurs.
      -- Default: 500, text/plain, \"Something went wrong\"
      -- Since 2.0.3
    , settingsOnOpen :: SockAddr -> IO Bool -- ^ What to do when a connection is open. When 'False' is returned, the connection is closed immediately. Otherwise, the connection is going on. Default: always returns 'True'.
    , settingsOnClose :: SockAddr -> IO ()  -- ^ What to do when a connection is close. Default: do nothing.
    , settingsTimeout :: Int -- ^ Timeout value in seconds. Default value: 30
    , settingsManager :: Maybe Manager -- ^ Use an existing timeout manager instead of spawning a new one. If used, 'settingsTimeout' is ignored. Default is 'Nothing'
    , settingsFdCacheDuration :: Int -- ^ Cache duratoin time of file descriptors in seconds. 0 means that the cache mechanism is not used. Default value: 10
    , settingsBeforeMainLoop :: IO ()
      -- ^ Code to run after the listening socket is ready but before entering
      -- the main event loop. Useful for signaling to tests that they can start
      -- running, or to drop permissions after binding to a restricted port.
      -- Default: do nothing.
      -- Since 1.3.6

    , settingsFork :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
      -- ^ Code to fork a new thread to accept a connection.
      -- This may be useful if you need OS bound threads, or if
      -- you wish to develop an alternative threading model.
      -- Default: void . forkIOWithUnmask
      -- Since 3.0.4

    , settingsNoParsePath :: Bool
      -- ^ Perform no parsing on the rawPathInfo.
      -- This is useful for writing HTTP proxies.
      -- Default: False
      -- Since 2.0.3
    , settingsInstallShutdownHandler :: IO () -> IO ()
    , settingsServerName :: ByteString
      -- ^ Default server name if application does not set one.
      -- Since 3.0.2
    , settingsMaximumBodyFlush :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ See @setMaximumBodyFlush@.
      -- Since 3.0.3
    , settingsProxyProtocol :: ProxyProtocol
      -- ^ Specify usage of the PROXY protocol.
      -- Since 3.0.5.

-- | Specify usage of the PROXY protocol.
data ProxyProtocol = ProxyProtocolNone
                     -- ^ See @setProxyProtocolNone@.
                   | ProxyProtocolRequired
                     -- ^ See @setProxyProtocolRequired@.
                   | ProxyProtocolOptional
                     -- ^ See @setProxyProtocolOptional@.

-- | The default settings for the Warp server. See the individual settings for
-- the default value.
defaultSettings :: Settings
defaultSettings = Settings
    { settingsPort = 3000
    , settingsHost = "*4"
    , settingsOnException = defaultExceptionHandler
    , settingsOnExceptionResponse = defaultExceptionResponse
    , settingsOnOpen = const $ return True
    , settingsOnClose = const $ return ()
    , settingsTimeout = 30
    , settingsManager = Nothing
    , settingsFdCacheDuration = 10
    , settingsBeforeMainLoop = return ()
    , settingsFork = void . forkIOWithUnmask
    , settingsNoParsePath = False
    , settingsInstallShutdownHandler = const $ return ()
    , settingsServerName = S8.pack $ "Warp/" ++ showVersion Paths_warp.version
    , settingsMaximumBodyFlush = Just 8192
    , settingsProxyProtocol = ProxyProtocolNone

-- | Apply the logic provided by 'defaultExceptionHandler' to determine if an
-- exception should be shown or not. The goal is to hide exceptions which occur
-- under the normal course of the web server running.
-- Since 2.1.3
defaultShouldDisplayException :: SomeException -> Bool
defaultShouldDisplayException se
    | Just ThreadKilled <- fromException se = False
    | Just (_ :: InvalidRequest) <- fromException se = False
    | Just (ioeGetErrorType -> et) <- fromException se
        , et == ResourceVanished || et == InvalidArgument = False
    | Just TimeoutThread <- fromException se = False
    | otherwise = True

defaultExceptionHandler :: Maybe Request -> SomeException -> IO ()
defaultExceptionHandler _ e =
    when (defaultShouldDisplayException e)
        $ TIO.hPutStrLn stderr $ T.pack $ show e

defaultExceptionResponse :: SomeException -> Response
defaultExceptionResponse _ = responseLBS H.internalServerError500 [(H.hContentType, "text/plain; charset=utf-8")] "Something went wrong"

-- | Default implementation of 'settingsOnExceptionResponse' for the debugging purpose. 500, text/plain, a showed exception.
exceptionResponseForDebug :: SomeException -> Response
exceptionResponseForDebug e = responseLBS H.internalServerError500 [(H.hContentType, "text/plain; charset=utf-8")] (TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.pack $ "Exception: " ++ show e)

{-# DEPRECATED settingsPort "Use setPort instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsHost "Use setHost instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsOnException "Use setOnException instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsOnExceptionResponse "Use setOnExceptionResponse instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsOnOpen "Use setOnOpen instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsOnClose "Use setOnClose instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsTimeout "Use setTimeout instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsManager "Use setManager instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsFdCacheDuration "Use setFdCacheDuration instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsBeforeMainLoop "Use setBeforeMainLoop instead" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED settingsNoParsePath "Use setNoParsePath instead" #-}