module Test.UrlSpec (spec) where import Test.Syd import Web.View.Types.Url spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Url" $ do describe "parsing" $ do it "scheme and domain" $ do url "" `shouldBe` Url "https://" "" [] [] it "path urls" $ do url "/my/path" `shouldBe` Url "" "" ["my", "path"] [] it "scheme, domain, and path" $ do url "" `shouldBe` Url "http://" "" ["my", "path"] [] it "no slash prefix" $ do url "hello/world" `shouldBe` Url "" "" ["hello", "world"] [] it "query" $ do url "/path?key=value" `shouldBe` Url "" "" ["path"] [("key", Just "value")] describe "render" $ do it "paths" $ do renderUrl (url "/hello/world") `shouldBe` "/hello/world" it "query" $ do renderUrl (url "/path?key=value") `shouldBe` "/path?key=value" it "full" $ do renderUrl (url "") `shouldBe` "" it "empty" $ do renderUrl (Url "" "" [] []) `shouldBe` "/" renderUrl (url "") `shouldBe` "" renderUrl (url "") `shouldBe` ""