Getting Started with `webdriver-w3c` ------------------------------------ Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of browser automation with WebDriver and Haskell! This module is a brief tutorial on how we can use use the `webdriver-w3c` library to write Haskell programs that interact with web pages just like a person would. If you need to test a web application, or want to automate some web thing that curl and wget alone can't handle easily, you might find this mildly interesting, maybe. (This text is a literate program, so we have to start with some compiler noises. Nothing to see here!) > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > module Main where > > import Web.Api.WebDriver > import Test.Tasty.WebDriver > > import Test.Tasty > import qualified System.Environment as SE > import Control.Monad > > main :: IO () > main = return () Prerequisites ------------- To follow along, you're going to need a few things. 1. [Stack]( Stack is a build tool for Haskell projects. It compiles our programs, runs tests, processes documentation, generates code coverage reports, and keeps project dependencies under control. 2. A copy of this repository 3. A web browser; this tutorial assumes you're using Firefox. 4. A WebDriver proxy server for your browser. For Firefox this is [geckodriver]( Don't sweat it if you don't know what "WebDriver proxy server" means right now, we'll get to that. Next, start your proxy server. For geckodriver on unix-like OSs, that is done with the `geckodriver &` command. You should see a line that looks something like this: 1521524046173 geckodriver INFO Listening on Leave that program running. Just leave it alone. Finally, in another shell window, navigate to the directory holding this repo and say stack ghci webdriver-w3c:webdriver-w3c-intro Well, don't *say* that, out loud. Type it. :) This might take a while the first time while stack downloads the compiler and libraries it needs. When it finishes, this command opens a Haskell interpreter with `webdriver-w3c` loaded so we can play with it. You'll know everything is okay if you see a line like Ok, one module loaded. followed by a `λ:` prompt. To be sure, try typing in `return` and then hit (enter). If you see this scary error message: :1:1: error: • No instance for (Show (a0 -> m0 a0)) arising from a use of ‘print’ (maybe you haven't applied a function to enough arguments?) • In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it then everything is working great! My First Browser Automation --------------------------- Ok! You've got your WebDriver proxy (geckodriver) running in one terminal window, and ghci running in another. Let's start with a simple example to illustrate what we can do, then explain how it works. Read this code block, even if the syntax is meaningless. > do_a_barrel_roll :: WebDriver IO () > do_a_barrel_roll = do > fullscreenWindow > navigateTo "" > performActions [typeString "do a barrel roll"] > performActions [press EnterKey] > wait 5000000 > return () Without running that code -- and maybe without being proficient in Haskell -- what do you think it does? Now let's run it. In the interpreter, type example1 followed by (enter). You should see a Firefox window open, go fullscreen, and search Google for "do a barrel roll". `example1`, by the way, is this: > example1 :: IO () > example1 = do > execWebDriver defaultWebDriverConfig > (runIsolated defaultFirefoxCapabilities do_a_barrel_roll) > return () Let's break down what just happened. 1. `do_a_barrel_roll` is a *WebDriver session*, expressed in the `WebDriver` DSL. It's a high-level description for a sequence of browser actions: in this case, "make the window full screen", "navigate to", and so on. 2. `runIsolated` takes a WebDriver session and runs it in a fresh browser instance. The parameters of this instance are specified in `defaultFirefoxCapabilities`. 3. `execWebDriver` takes a WebDriver session and carries out the steps, using some options specified in `defaultWebDriverConfig`. You probably also noticed a bunch of noise got printed to your terminal starting with something like this: λ: example1 2018-06-23 15:19:46 Request POST http://localhost:4444/session { "capabilities": { "alwaysMatch": { "browserName": "firefox" } }, "desiredCapabilities": { "browserName": "firefox" } } 2018-06-23 15:19:48 Response { "value": { "sessionId": "383edca7-3054-0544-8c1e-cc64099462de", "capabilities": { "moz:webdriverClick": true, "platformVersion": "17.4.0", "moz:headless": false, "moz:useNonSpecCompliantPointerOrigin": false, "browserVersion": "60.0.2", "rotatable": false, "pageLoadStrategy": "normal", "moz:profile": "/var/folders/td/sxyy9wl919740vddr49g8nth0000gn/T/rust_mozprofile.aleh5JscOwwI", "moz:accessibilityChecks": false, "moz:processID": 88470, "platformName": "darwin", "timeouts": { "implicit": 0, "script": 30000, "pageLoad": 300000 }, "acceptInsecureCerts": false, "browserName": "firefox" } } } This is the log. WebDriver sessions keep track of a bunch of info to help with debugging, like all requests and responses and all raised errors. By default the logs are printed to stderr but this is configurable. So what can you do in a WebDriver session? Not much -- but this is by design. The library includes: * A binding for each endpoint in the WebDriver spec * Some basic functions for reading and writing files, reading and writing at the console, and making arbitrary HTTP requests This plus Haskell's `do` notation make for a tidy EDSL for running browsers. Notably, a `WebDriver` session cannot do arbitrary `IO` by default, and `WebDriver` sessions are pure values. (There is an escape hatch for this restriction.) Behind the Scenes ----------------- WebDriver is an HTTP API for controlling web browsers like a human user would. In principle a browser could implement this API directly. In practice the major browsers have their own internally maintained APIs for automation and use a *proxy server* to translate between WebDriver and their internal API. This is the role geckodriver is playing in our examples so far: deep down, our code is making HTTP requests to geckodriver, and geckodriver is passing these requests on to Firefox. This library is also tested against Chrome via chromedriver. To do that, using `chromedriver`'s default settings, we need to make a couple of adjustments to the examples: replace defaultWebDriverConfig by defaultWebDriverConfig { _env = defaultWDEnv { _remotePort = 9515 , _responseFormat = ChromeFormat } } and replace defaultFirefoxCapabilities by defaultChromeCapabilities (By the way - `defaultWebDriverConfig` has type `WebDriverConfig`, and includes knobs for tweaking almost everything about how our sessions run.) Making Assertions ----------------- It's expected that you're probably interested in using browser automation to run end-to-end tests on some web application -- and `webdriver-w3c` has some extra bits built in to make this simpler. In addition to the usual browser action commands, you can sprinkle your `WebDriver` sessions with *assertions*. Here's an example. > what_page_is_this :: (Monad eff) => WebDriver eff () > what_page_is_this = do > navigateTo "" > title <- getTitle > assertEqual title "Welcome to Lycos!" "Making sure we're at the lycos homepage" > return () Note the signature: `(Monad eff) => WebDriver eff ()` instead of `WebDriver IO ()`. What's happening here is that `WebDriver` is parameterized by the monad that effects (like writing to files and making HTTP requests) take place in. These effects are "run" by an explicit evaluator that, for the default configuration, happens to use `IO`, but both the effect monad and the evaluator are configurable. By swapping out `IO` for another type we can, for example, run our tests against a mock Internet, and swapping out the evaluator we might have a "dry run" evaluator that doesn't actually do anything, but logs what it would have done. It's good practice to make our `WebDriver` code maximally flexible by using an effect parameter like `eff` instead of the concrete `IO` unless there's a good reason not to. Anyway, back to the example. What do you think this code does? Let's try it: type example2 in the interpreter. You should see a browser window open briefly to, with a scary "Invalid Assertion" message in the interpreter. `assertEqual` is the assertion statement: it takes two things (strings in this case) and checks whether they are equal. Shocking, hm? The third argument to `assertEqual` is a *comment*, so we can include some human readable info as to *why* this assertion was made. This is `example2`: > example2 :: IO () > example2 = do > (_, result) <- debugWebDriver defaultWebDriverConfig > (runIsolated defaultFirefoxCapabilities what_page_is_this) > printSummary result > return () Here's what happened: 1. `what_page_is_this` is a WebDriver session, just like `do_a_barrel_roll`, this time including an assertion: that the title of some web page is "Welcome to Lycos!". 2. `runIsolated` runs `what_page_is_this` in a fresh browser instance. 3. `debugWebDriver` works much like `execWebDriver`, except that it collects the results of any assertion statements and summarizes them (this is `result`). 4. `printSummary` takes the assertion results and prints them out all pretty like. So what kinds of assertions can be made? The best place to learn about these is in the generated Haddock documentation. Suites of Tests --------------- Alright. If you're writing e2e tests, you probably want to write a *lot* of e2e tests. In this case, we'd like our tests to be modular, isolated, and well-organized, so that when things go wrong we can quickly diagnose what happened. For this, `webdriver-w3c` integrates with the [tasty]( test framework -- just import `Test.Tasty.WebDriver`. Suppose we've got two WebDriver tests. These are pretty dweeby just for illustration's sake. > back_button :: (Monad eff) => WebDriver eff () > back_button = do > navigateTo "" > navigateTo "" > goBack > title <- getTitle > assertEqual title "Google" "Behavior of 'back' button from WordPress homepage" > return () > > refresh_page :: (Monad eff) => WebDriver eff () > refresh_page = do > navigateTo "" > pageRefresh > title <- getTitle > assertEqual title "Mozilla's Epic HomePage on the Internets" > "Refresh" > return () We can organize them into a hierarchy of tests like so. > test_suite :: TestTree > test_suite = testGroup "All Tests" > [ testCase "Back Button" back_button > , testCase "Refresh" refresh_page > ] Try running the suite with example3 in the interpreter. Here's what `example3` looks like: > example3 :: IO () > example3 = do > SE.setEnv "TASTY_NUM_THREADS" "1" > defaultWebDriverMain > $ localOption (SilentLog) > $ test_suite Here's what happened: 1. `test_suite` is a Tasty tree of individual `WebDriver` test cases. 2. `defaultWebDriverMain` is a Tasty function that runs test trees. In this case we've also used `localOption` to tweak how the tests run -- suppressing the usual session log output. Tasty gave us lots of nice things for free, like pretty printing test results and timings. λ: example3 >>> Deployment environment is DEV >>> Logging with colors All Tests Back Button: OK (7.23s) 1 assertion(s) Refresh: FAIL (4.29s) Invalid Assertion assertion: "Internet for people, not profit \8212 Mozilla" is equal to "Mozilla's Epic HomePage on the Internets" comment: Refresh 1 out of 2 tests failed (11.53s) Other test case constructors and test options are available. For now the best place to see what's possible is the haddock documentation for `Test.Tasty.WebDriver`. The test suite for `webdriver-w3c` itself uses the Tasty integration. There is also a function, `checkWebDriver`, that can be used to build tests with QuickCheck, if you don't find that idea abominable. :) We need more power! ------------------- The vanilla `WebDriver` is designed to help you control a browser with _batteries included_, but it has limitations. It can't possibly anticipate all the different ways you might want to control your tests, and it can't do arbitrary `IO`. But we have a powerful and very general escape hatch: `WebDriver` is a special case of the `WebDriverT` monad transformer. The actual definition of `WebDriver` is type WebDriver eff a = WebDriverT (IdentityT eff) a where `IdentityT` is the _inner monad_ in transformer terms -- actually it's an inner monad transformer, on the effect monad `eff`. By swapping out `IdentityT` for another transformer we can add features specific to our application. Here's a typical example. Say you're testing a site with two deployment tiers -- "test" and "production". For the most part the same test suite should run against both tiers, but there are minor differences. Say the base URLs are slightly different; maybe production lives at `` while test lives at ``. Also while developing a new feature some parts of the test suite should only run on the test tier, maybe controlled by a feature flag. What we need is some extra read-only state to pass around. We can do this with a `ReaderT` transformer. To avoid adding a dependency on a whole transformer library, lets roll our own: > data ReaderT r eff a = ReaderT > { runReaderT :: r -> eff a > } > > instance (Monad eff) => Monad (ReaderT r eff) where > return x = ReaderT $ \_ -> return x > > x >>= f = ReaderT $ \r -> do > a <- runReaderT x r > runReaderT (f a) r > > instance (Monad eff) => Applicative (ReaderT r eff) where > pure = return > (<*>) = ap > > instance (Monad eff) => Functor (ReaderT r eff) where > fmap f x = x >>= (return . f) > > liftReaderT :: (Monad eff) => eff a -> ReaderT r eff a > liftReaderT x = ReaderT $ \_ -> x > > reader :: (Monad eff) => (r -> a) -> ReaderT r eff a > reader f = ReaderT $ \r -> return $ f r Now our actual state might look something like this: > data MyEnv = MyEnv > { tier :: Tier > , featureFlag :: Bool > } > > data Tier = Test | Production > > env :: Tier -> MyEnv > env t = MyEnv > { tier = t > , featureFlag = False > } And we can augment `WebDriverT` with our reader transformer. > type MyWebDriver eff a = WebDriverT (ReaderT MyEnv eff) a Now we can build values in `MyWebDriver` using the same API as before, using the extra features of the inner monad with `liftWebDriverT`. > custom_environment :: (Monad eff) => MyWebDriver eff () > custom_environment = do > theTier <- liftWebDriverT $ reader tier > case theTier of > Test -> navigateTo "" > Production -> navigateTo "" To actually run sessions using our custom monad stack we need to make a few adjustments. First, we use `execWebDriverT` instead of `execWebDriver`. This function takes one extra argument corresponding to `lift` for the inner transformer. Second, we need to supply a function that "runs" the inner transformer (in this case `ReaderT eff a`) to `IO`. > execReaderT :: r -> ReaderT r IO a -> IO a > execReaderT r x = runReaderT x r Running our custom WebDriver monad is then straightforward. > example4 :: Tier -> IO () > example4 t = do > execReaderT (env t) $ > execWebDriverT defaultWebDriverConfig liftReaderT > (runIsolated defaultFirefoxCapabilities custom_environment) > return () Try it out with example4 Test example4 Production We can similarly use a custom inner monad to check assertions and with the tasty integration; there are analogous `debugWebDriverT` and `testCaseT` functions. `ReaderT` is just one option for the inner monad transformer. We could put mutable state, delimited continuations, or even another HTTP API monad in there. Use your imagination! Where to Learn More ------------------- The canonical source is the generated haddock documentation. Until this is uploaded to hackage, the only way to get the docs is to run stack haddock in this directory and point your browser to the local URL that command emits under "Updating Haddock index for local packages and dependencies in..."