{-# language ApplicativeDo #-} {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# language BlockArguments #-} {-# language FlexibleContexts #-} {-# language NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# language LambdaCase #-} {-# language RecordWildCards #-} -- | This module provides an entry point to the Weeder executable. module Weeder.Main ( main, mainWithConfig, getHieFiles ) where -- async import Control.Concurrent.Async ( async, link, ExceptionInLinkedThread ( ExceptionInLinkedThread ) ) -- base import Control.Exception ( Exception, throwIO, displayException, catches, Handler ( Handler ), SomeException ( SomeException )) import Control.Concurrent ( getChanContents, newChan, writeChan, setNumCapabilities ) import Data.List import Control.Monad ( unless, when ) import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe ( isJust, catMaybes ) import Data.Version ( showVersion ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith ) import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStrLn ) -- toml-reader import qualified TOML -- directory import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) -- filepath import System.FilePath ( isExtSeparator ) -- glob import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as Glob -- ghc import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary ( HieFileResult( HieFileResult, hie_file_result ), readHieFileWithVersion ) import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types ( HieFile( hie_hs_file ), hieVersion ) import GHC.Types.Name.Cache ( initNameCache, NameCache ) -- optparse-applicative import Options.Applicative -- text import qualified Data.Text.IO as T -- weeder import Weeder.Run import Weeder.Config import Paths_weeder (version) -- | Each exception corresponds to an exit code. data WeederException = ExitNoHieFilesFailure | ExitHieVersionFailure FilePath -- ^ Path to HIE file Integer -- ^ HIE file's header version | ExitConfigFailure String -- ^ Error message | ExitWeedsFound deriving Show weederExitCode :: WeederException -> ExitCode weederExitCode = \case ExitWeedsFound -> ExitFailure 228 ExitHieVersionFailure _ _ -> ExitFailure 2 ExitConfigFailure _ -> ExitFailure 3 ExitNoHieFilesFailure -> ExitFailure 4 instance Exception WeederException where displayException = \case ExitNoHieFilesFailure -> noHieFilesFoundMessage ExitHieVersionFailure path v -> hieVersionMismatchMessage path v ExitConfigFailure s -> s ExitWeedsFound -> mempty where noHieFilesFoundMessage = "No HIE files found: check that the directory is correct " <> "and that the -fwrite-ide-info compilation flag is set." hieVersionMismatchMessage path v = unlines [ "incompatible hie file: " <> path , " this version of weeder was compiled with GHC version " <> show hieVersion , " the hie files in this project were generated with GHC version " <> show v , " weeder must be built with the same GHC version" <> " as the project it is used on" ] -- | Convert 'WeederException' to the corresponding 'ExitCode' and emit an error -- message to stderr. -- -- Additionally, unwrap 'ExceptionInLinkedThread' exceptions: this is for -- 'getHieFiles'. handleWeederException :: IO a -> IO a handleWeederException a = catches a handlers where handlers = [ Handler rethrowExits , Handler unwrapLinks ] rethrowExits w = do hPutStrLn stderr (displayException w) exitWith (weederExitCode w) unwrapLinks (ExceptionInLinkedThread _ (SomeException w)) = throwIO w data CLIArguments = CLIArguments { configPath :: FilePath , hieExt :: String , hieDirectories :: [FilePath] , requireHsFiles :: Bool , writeDefaultConfig :: Bool , noDefaultFields :: Bool , capabilities :: Maybe Int } parseCLIArguments :: Parser CLIArguments parseCLIArguments = do configPath <- strOption ( long "config" <> help "A file path for Weeder's configuration." <> value "./weeder.toml" <> metavar "" ) hieExt <- strOption ( long "hie-extension" <> value ".hie" <> help "Extension of HIE files" <> showDefault ) hieDirectories <- many ( strOption ( long "hie-directory" <> help "A directory to look for .hie files in. Maybe specified multiple times. Default ./." ) ) requireHsFiles <- switch ( long "require-hs-files" <> help "Skip stale .hie files with no matching .hs modules" ) writeDefaultConfig <- switch ( long "write-default-config" <> help "Write a default configuration file if the one specified by --config does not exist" ) noDefaultFields <- switch ( long "no-default-fields" <> help "Do not use default field values for missing fields in the configuration." ) capabilities <- nParser <|> jParser pure CLIArguments{..} where jParser = Just <$> option auto ( short 'j' <> value 1 <> help "Number of cores to use." <> showDefault) nParser = flag' Nothing ( short 'N' <> help "Use all available cores." ) -- | Parse command line arguments and into a 'Config' and run 'mainWithConfig'. -- -- Exits with one of the listed Weeder exit codes on failure. main :: IO () main = handleWeederException do CLIArguments{..} <- execParser $ info (parseCLIArguments <**> helper <**> versionP) mempty traverse_ setNumCapabilities capabilities configExists <- doesFileExist configPath unless (writeDefaultConfig ==> configExists) do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Did not find config: wrote default config to " ++ configPath writeFile configPath (configToToml defaultConfig) decodeConfig noDefaultFields configPath >>= either throwConfigError pure >>= mainWithConfig hieExt hieDirectories requireHsFiles where throwConfigError e = throwIO $ ExitConfigFailure (displayException e) decodeConfig noDefaultFields = if noDefaultFields then fmap (TOML.decodeWith decodeNoDefaults) . T.readFile else TOML.decodeFile versionP = infoOption ( "weeder version " <> showVersion version <> "\nhie version " <> show hieVersion ) ( long "version" <> help "Show version" ) -- | Run Weeder in the current working directory with a given 'Config'. -- -- This will recursively find all files with the given extension in the given directories, perform -- analysis, and report all unused definitions according to the 'Config'. -- -- Exits with one of the listed Weeder exit codes on failure. mainWithConfig :: String -> [FilePath] -> Bool -> Config -> IO () mainWithConfig hieExt hieDirectories requireHsFiles weederConfig = handleWeederException do hieFiles <- getHieFiles hieExt hieDirectories requireHsFiles when (null hieFiles) $ throwIO ExitNoHieFilesFailure let (weeds, _) = runWeeder weederConfig hieFiles mapM_ (putStrLn . formatWeed) weeds unless (null weeds) $ throwIO ExitWeedsFound -- | Find and read all .hie files in the given directories according to the given parameters, -- exiting if any are incompatible with the current version of GHC. -- The .hie files are returned as a lazy stream in the form of a list. -- -- Will rethrow exceptions as 'ExceptionInLinkedThread' to the calling thread. getHieFiles :: String -> [FilePath] -> Bool -> IO [HieFile] getHieFiles hieExt hieDirectories requireHsFiles = do let hiePat = "**/*." <> hieExtNoSep hieExtNoSep = if isExtSeparator (head hieExt) then tail hieExt else hieExt hieFilePaths :: [FilePath] <- concat <$> traverse ( getFilesIn hiePat ) ( if null hieDirectories then ["./."] else hieDirectories ) hsFilePaths :: [FilePath] <- if requireHsFiles then getFilesIn "**/*.hs" "./." else pure [] hieFileResultsChan <- newChan nameCache <- initNameCache 'z' [] a <- async $ handleWeederException do readHieFiles nameCache hieFilePaths hieFileResultsChan hsFilePaths writeChan hieFileResultsChan Nothing link a catMaybes . takeWhile isJust <$> getChanContents hieFileResultsChan where readHieFiles nameCache hieFilePaths hieFileResultsChan hsFilePaths = for_ hieFilePaths \hieFilePath -> do hieFileResult <- readCompatibleHieFileOrExit nameCache hieFilePath let hsFileExists = any ( hie_hs_file hieFileResult `isSuffixOf` ) hsFilePaths when (requireHsFiles ==> hsFileExists) $ writeChan hieFileResultsChan (Just hieFileResult) -- | Recursively search for files with the given extension in given directory getFilesIn :: String -- ^ Only files matching this pattern are considered. -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to look in -> IO [FilePath] getFilesIn pat root = do [result] <- Glob.globDir [Glob.compile pat] root pure result -- | Read a .hie file, exiting if it's an incompatible version. readCompatibleHieFileOrExit :: NameCache -> FilePath -> IO HieFile readCompatibleHieFileOrExit nameCache path = do res <- readHieFileWithVersion (\(v, _) -> v == hieVersion) nameCache path case res of Right HieFileResult{ hie_file_result } -> return hie_file_result Left ( v, _ghcVersion ) -> throwIO $ ExitHieVersionFailure path v infixr 5 ==> -- | An infix operator for logical implication (==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool True ==> x = x False ==> _ = True