{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Wreq -- Copyright : (c) 2014 Bryan O'Sullivan -- -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : bos@serpentine.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC -- -- A library for client-side HTTP requests, focused on ease of use. -- -- When reading the examples in this module, you should assume the -- following environment: -- -- @ -- \-\- Make it easy to write literal 'S.ByteString' and 'Text' values. -- \{\-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#\-\} -- -- \-\- Our handy module. -- import "Network.Wreq" -- -- \-\- Operators such as ('&') and ('.~'). -- import "Control.Lens" -- -- \-\- Conversion of Haskell values to JSON. -- import "Data.Aeson" ('Data.Aeson.toJSON') -- -- \-\- Easy traversal of JSON data. -- import "Data.Aeson.Lens" ('Data.Aeson.Lens.key', 'Data.Aeson.Lens.nth') -- @ -- -- There exist some less frequently used lenses that are not exported -- from this module; these can be found in "Network.Wreq.Lens". module Network.Wreq ( -- * HTTP verbs -- ** Sessions -- $session -- ** GET get , getWith -- ** POST -- $postable , post , postWith -- ** HEAD , head_ , headWith -- ** OPTIONS , options , optionsWith -- ** PUT , put , putWith -- ** DELETE , delete , deleteWith -- ** Custom Method , customMethod , customMethodWith -- ** Custom Payload Method , customPayloadMethod , customPayloadMethodWith -- * Incremental consumption of responses -- ** GET , foldGet , foldGetWith -- * Configuration , Options , defaults , Lens.manager , Lens.header , Lens.param , Lens.redirects , Lens.headers , Lens.params , Lens.cookie , Lens.cookies , Lens.checkResponse -- ** Authentication -- $auth , Auth , AWSAuthVersion(..) , Lens.auth , basicAuth , oauth1Auth , oauth2Bearer , oauth2Token , awsAuth -- ** Proxy settings , Proxy(Proxy) , Lens.proxy , httpProxy -- ** Using a manager with defaults , withManager -- * Payloads for POST and PUT , Payload(..) -- ** URL-encoded form data , FormParam(..) , FormValue -- ** Multipart form data , Form.Part , Lens.partName , Lens.partFileName , Lens.partContentType , Lens.partGetBody -- *** Smart constructors , Form.partBS , Form.partLBS , partText , partString , Form.partFile , Form.partFileSource -- * Responses , Response , Lens.responseBody , Lens.responseHeader , Lens.responseLink , Lens.responseCookie , Lens.responseHeaders , Lens.responseCookieJar , Lens.responseStatus , Lens.Status , Lens.statusCode , Lens.statusMessage -- ** Link headers , Lens.Link , Lens.linkURL , Lens.linkParams -- ** Decoding responses , JSONError(..) , asJSON , asValue -- * Cookies -- $cookielenses , Lens.Cookie , Lens.cookieName , Lens.cookieValue , Lens.cookieExpiryTime , Lens.cookieDomain , Lens.cookiePath -- * Parsing responses , Lens.atto , Lens.atto_ ) where import Control.Lens ((.~), (&)) import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(throwM)) import Data.Aeson (FromJSON) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Proxy(..), Response) import Network.Wreq.Internal import Network.Wreq.Types (Options) import Network.Wreq.Types hiding (Options(..)) import Prelude hiding (head) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as Form import qualified Network.Wreq.Lens as Lens import qualified Network.Wreq.Types as Wreq import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8 -- | Issue a GET request. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --'get' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- >>> r <- get "http://httpbin.org/get" -- >>> r ^. responseStatus . statusCode -- 200 get :: String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) get url = getWith defaults url withManager :: (Options -> IO a) -> IO a withManager act = do mgr <- HTTP.newManager defaultManagerSettings act defaults { Wreq.manager = Right mgr } -- | Issue a GET request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.param' \"foo\" '.~' [\"bar\"] --'getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & param "foo" .~ ["bar"] -- >>> r <- getWith opts "http://httpbin.org/get" -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "url" -- Just (String "http://httpbin.org/get?foo=bar") getWith :: Options -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) getWith opts url = runRead =<< prepareGet opts url -- | Issue a POST request. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --'post' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/post\" ('Aeson.toJSON' [1,2,3]) -- @ -- -- >>> r <- post "http://httpbin.org/post" (toJSON [1,2,3]) -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "json" . nth 2 -- Just (Number 3.0) post :: Postable a => String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) post url payload = postWith defaults url payload -- | Issue a POST request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.param' \"foo\" '.~' [\"bar\"] --'postWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/post\" ('Aeson.toJSON' [1,2,3]) -- @ -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & param "foo" .~ ["bar"] -- >>> r <- postWith opts "http://httpbin.org/post" (toJSON [1,2,3]) -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "url" -- Just (String "http://httpbin.org/post?foo=bar") postWith :: Postable a => Options -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) postWith opts url payload = runRead =<< preparePost opts url payload -- | Issue a HEAD request. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --'head_' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- >>> r <- head_ "http://httpbin.org/get" -- >>> r ^? responseHeader "Content-Type" -- Just "application/json" head_ :: String -> IO (Response ()) head_ = headWith (defaults & Lens.redirects .~ 0) -- | Issue a HEAD request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.param' \"foo\" '.~' [\"bar\"] --'headWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & param "foo" .~ ["bar"] -- >>> r <- headWith opts "http://httpbin.org/get" -- >>> r ^? responseHeader "Connection" -- Just "keep-alive" headWith :: Options -> String -> IO (Response ()) headWith opts url = runIgnore =<< prepareHead opts url -- | Issue a PUT request. put :: Putable a => String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) put url payload = putWith defaults url payload -- | Issue a PUT request, using the supplied 'Options'. putWith :: Putable a => Options -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) putWith opts url payload = runRead =<< preparePut opts url payload -- | Issue an OPTIONS request. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --'options' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- See 'Lens.atto' for a more complex worked example. options :: String -> IO (Response ()) options = optionsWith defaults -- | Issue an OPTIONS request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.param' \"foo\" '.~' [\"bar\"] --'optionsWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ optionsWith :: Options -> String -> IO (Response ()) optionsWith opts url = runIgnore =<< prepareOptions opts url -- | Issue a DELETE request. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --'delete' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/delete\" -- @ -- -- >>> r <- delete "http://httpbin.org/delete" -- >>> r ^. responseStatus . statusCode -- 200 delete :: String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) delete = deleteWith defaults -- | Issue a DELETE request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.redirects' '.~' 0 --'deleteWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/delete\" -- @ -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & redirects .~ 0 -- >>> r <- deleteWith opts "http://httpbin.org/delete" -- >>> r ^. responseStatus . statusCode -- 200 deleteWith :: Options -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) deleteWith opts url = runRead =<< prepareDelete opts url -- | Issue a custom-method request -- -- Example: -- @ -- 'customMethod' \"PATCH\" \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/patch\" -- @ -- -- >>> r <- customMethod "PATCH" "http://httpbin.org/patch" -- >>> r ^. responseStatus . statusCode -- 200 customMethod :: String -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) customMethod method url = customMethodWith method defaults url -- | Issue a custom request method request, using the supplied 'Options'. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.redirects' '.~' 0 --'customMethodWith' \"PATCH\" opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/patch\" -- @ -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & redirects .~ 0 -- >>> r <- customMethodWith "PATCH" opts "http://httpbin.org/patch" -- >>> r ^. responseStatus . statusCode -- 200 customMethodWith :: String -> Options -> String -> IO (Response L.ByteString) customMethodWith method opts url = runRead =<< prepareMethod methodBS opts url where methodBS = BC8.pack method -- | Issue a custom-method request with a payload customPayloadMethod :: Postable a => String -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) customPayloadMethod method url payload = customPayloadMethodWith method defaults url payload -- | Issue a custom-method request with a payload, using the supplied 'Options'. customPayloadMethodWith :: Postable a => String -> Options -> String -> a -> IO (Response L.ByteString) customPayloadMethodWith method opts url payload = runRead =<< preparePayloadMethod methodBS opts url payload where methodBS = BC8.pack method foldGet :: (a -> S.ByteString -> IO a) -> a -> String -> IO a foldGet f z url = foldGetWith defaults f z url foldGetWith :: Options -> (a -> S.ByteString -> IO a) -> a -> String -> IO a foldGetWith opts f z0 url = request return opts url (foldResponseBody f z0) -- | Convert the body of an HTTP response from JSON to a suitable -- Haskell type. -- -- In this example, we use 'asJSON' in the @IO@ monad, where it will -- throw a 'JSONError' exception if conversion to the desired type -- fails. -- -- @ -- \{-\# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric \#-\} --import "GHC.Generics" ('GHC.Generics.Generic') -- -- \{- This Haskell type corresponds to the structure of a -- response body from httpbin.org. -\} -- --data GetBody = GetBody { -- headers :: 'Data.Map.Map' 'Data.Text.Text' 'Data.Text.Text' -- , args :: 'Data.Map.Map' 'Data.Text.Text' 'Data.Text.Text' -- , origin :: 'Data.Text.Text' -- , url :: 'Data.Text.Text' -- } deriving (Show, 'GHC.Generics.Generic') -- -- \-\- Get GHC to derive a 'FromJSON' instance for us. --instance 'FromJSON' GetBody -- -- \{- The fact that we want a GetBody below will be inferred by our -- use of the \"headers\" accessor function. -\} -- --foo = do -- r <- 'asJSON' =<< 'get' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- print (headers (r 'Control.Lens.^.' 'responseBody')) -- @ -- -- If we use 'asJSON' in the 'Either' monad, it will return 'Left' -- with a 'JSONError' payload if conversion fails, and 'Right' with a -- 'Response' whose 'responseBody' is the converted value on success. asJSON :: (MonadThrow m, FromJSON a) => Response L.ByteString -> m (Response a) {-# SPECIALIZE asJSON :: (FromJSON a) => Response L.ByteString -> IO (Response a) #-} {-# SPECIALIZE asJSON :: Response L.ByteString -> IO (Response Aeson.Value) #-} asJSON resp = do let contentType = fst . S.break (==59) . fromMaybe "unknown" . lookup "Content-Type" . HTTP.responseHeaders $ resp unless ("application/json" `S.isPrefixOf` contentType) $ throwM . JSONError $ "content type of response is " ++ show contentType case Aeson.eitherDecode' (HTTP.responseBody resp) of Left err -> throwM (JSONError err) Right val -> return (fmap (const val) resp) -- | Convert the body of an HTTP response from JSON to a 'Value'. -- -- In this example, we use 'asValue' in the @IO@ monad, where it will -- throw a 'JSONError' exception if the conversion to 'Value' fails. -- -- @ --foo = do -- r <- 'asValue' =<< 'get' \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- print (r 'Control.Lens.^?' 'responseBody' . key \"headers\" . key \"User-Agent\") -- @ asValue :: (MonadThrow m) => Response L.ByteString -> m (Response Aeson.Value) {-# SPECIALIZE asValue :: Response L.ByteString -> IO (Response Aeson.Value) #-} asValue = asJSON -- $auth -- -- Do not use HTTP authentication unless you are using TLS encryption. -- These authentication tokens can easily be captured and reused by an -- attacker if transmitted in the clear. -- | Basic authentication. This consists of a plain username and -- password. -- -- Example (note the use of TLS): -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.auth' '?~' 'basicAuth' \"user\" \"pass\" --'getWith' opts \"https:\/\/httpbin.org\/basic-auth\/user\/pass\" -- @ -- -- Note here the use of the 'Control.Lens.?~' setter to turn an 'Auth' -- into a 'Maybe' 'Auth', to make the type of the RHS compatible with -- the 'Lens.auth' lens. -- -- >>> let opts = defaults & auth ?~ basicAuth "user" "pass" -- >>> r <- getWith opts "https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/user/pass" -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "authenticated" -- Just (Bool True) basicAuth :: S.ByteString -- ^ Username. -> S.ByteString -- ^ Password. -> Auth basicAuth = BasicAuth -- | OAuth1 authentication. This consists of a consumer token, -- a consumer secret, a token and a token secret oauth1Auth :: S.ByteString -- ^ Consumer token -> S.ByteString -- ^ Consumer secret -> S.ByteString -- ^ OAuth token -> S.ByteString -- ^ OAuth token secret -> Auth oauth1Auth = OAuth1 -- | An OAuth2 bearer token. This is treated by many services as the -- equivalent of a username and password. -- -- Example (note the use of TLS): -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.auth' '?~' 'oauth2Bearer' \"1234abcd\" --'getWith' opts \"https:\/\/public-api.wordpress.com\/rest\/v1\/me\/\" -- @ oauth2Bearer :: S.ByteString -> Auth oauth2Bearer = OAuth2Bearer -- | A not-quite-standard OAuth2 bearer token (that seems to be used -- only by GitHub). This will be treated by whatever services accept -- it as the equivalent of a username and password. -- -- Example (note the use of TLS): -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.auth' '?~' 'oauth2Token' \"abcd1234\" --'getWith' opts \"https:\/\/api.github.com\/user\" -- @ oauth2Token :: S.ByteString -> Auth oauth2Token = OAuth2Token -- | AWS v4 request signature. -- -- Example (note the use of TLS): -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.auth' '?~' 'awsAuth AWSv4' \"key\" \"secret\" --'getWith' opts \"https:\/\/dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com\" -- @ awsAuth :: AWSAuthVersion -> S.ByteString -> S.ByteString -> Auth awsAuth = AWSAuth -- | Proxy configuration. -- -- Example: -- -- @ --let opts = 'defaults' '&' 'Lens.proxy' '?~' 'httpProxy' \"localhost\" 8000 --'getWith' opts \"http:\/\/httpbin.org\/get\" -- @ -- -- Note here the use of the 'Control.Lens.?~' setter to turn a 'Proxy' -- into a 'Maybe' 'Proxy', to make the type of the RHS compatible with -- the 'Lens.proxy' lens. httpProxy :: S.ByteString -> Int -> Proxy httpProxy = Proxy -- | Make a 'Part' whose content is a strict 'T.Text', encoded as -- UTF-8. -- -- The 'Part' does not have a file name or content type associated -- with it. partText :: Text -- ^ Name of the corresponding \<input\>. -> Text -- ^ The body for this 'Form.Part'. -> Form.Part partText name value = Form.partBS name (encodeUtf8 value) -- | Make a 'Part' whose content is a 'String', encoded as UTF-8. -- -- The 'Part' does not have a file name or content type associated -- with it. partString :: Text -- ^ Name of the corresponding \<input\>. -> String -- ^ The body for this 'Form.Part'. -> Form.Part partString name value = Form.partBS name (encodeUtf8 (T.pack value)) -- $session -- -- The basic HTTP functions ('get', 'post', and so on) in this module -- have a few key drawbacks: -- -- * If several requests go to the same server, there is no reuse of -- TCP connections. -- -- * There is no management of cookies across multiple requests. -- -- This makes these functions inefficient and verbose for many common -- uses. For greater efficiency, use the "Network.Wreq.Session" -- module. -- $cookielenses -- -- These are only the most frequently-used cookie-related lenses. See -- "Network.Wreq.Lens" for the full accounting of them all. -- $postable -- -- The 'Postable' class determines which Haskell types can be used as -- POST payloads. -- -- 'Form.Part' and ['Form.Part'] give a request body with a -- @Content-Type@ of @multipart/form-data@. Constructor functions -- include 'partText' and 'Form.partFile'. -- -- >>> r <- post "http://httpbin.org/post" (partText "hello" "world") -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "form" . key "hello" -- Just (String "world") -- -- ('S.ByteString', 'S.ByteString') and 'FormParam' (and lists of -- each) give a request body with a @Content-Type@ of -- @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@. The easiest way to use this is -- via the (':=') constructor. -- -- >>> r <- post "http://httpbin.org/post" ["num" := 31337, "str" := "foo"] -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "form" . key "num" -- Just (String "31337") -- -- The \"magical\" type conversion on the right-hand side of ':=' -- above is due to the 'FormValue' class. This package provides -- sensible instances for the standard string and number types. -- -- The 'Aeson.Value' type gives a JSON request body with a -- @Content-Type@ of @application/json@. Any instance of -- 'Aeson.ToJSON' can of course be converted to a 'Aeson.Value' using -- 'Aeson.toJSON'. -- -- >>> r <- post "http://httpbin.org/post" (toJSON [1,2,3]) -- >>> r ^? responseBody . key "json" . nth 0 -- Just (Number 1.0) -- $setup -- -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Control.Lens -- >>> import Data.Aeson (toJSON) -- >>> import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, nth) -- >>> import Network.Wreq