{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module      :  Types
Copyright   :  (c) Daan Leijen 2003
License     :  wxWindows

Maintainer  :  wxhaskell-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  portable

Basic types.
module Graphics.UI.WX.Types

    -- * Basic Types

    -- ** Objects
    , ( # ), feed, feed2
    , Object, objectNull, objectIsNull, objectCast, objectIsManaged
    , objectDelete
--    , Managed, managedNull, managedIsNull, managedCast, createManaged, withManaged, managedTouch

    -- ** Identifiers
    , Id, idAny, idCreate

    -- ** Mutable variables
    , Var, varCreate, varGet, varSet, varUpdate, varSwap

    -- ** Bits
    , BitMask(..), mask, (.+.), (.-.), bits, bitsSet

    -- ** Booleans
    , toCBool, fromCBool

    -- ** Misc.
    , Style
    , EventId
    , TreeItem

    -- * Graphical types

    -- ** Colors
    , Color, rgb, colorRGB, colorRed, colorGreen, colorBlue
    , black, darkgrey, dimgrey, mediumgrey, grey, lightgrey, white
    , red, green, blue
    , cyan, magenta, yellow
    -- *** System colors
    , SystemColor(..), colorSystem

    -- ** Font
    , FontStyle(..), FontFamily(..), FontShape(..), FontWeight(..)
    , fontDefault, fontSwiss, fontSmall, fontItalic, fontFixed
    -- ** Brush
    , BrushStyle(..), BrushKind(..)
    , HatchStyle(..)
    , brushDefault
    , brushTransparent
    -- ** Pen
    , PenStyle(..), PenKind(..), CapStyle(..), JoinStyle(..), DashStyle(..)
    , penDefault, penColored, penTransparent
    -- * Geometrical types

    -- ** Points
    , Point, Point2(Point,pointX,pointY), point, pt, pointFromVec, pointFromSize, pointZero, pointNull
    , pointMove, pointMoveBySize, pointAdd, pointSub, pointScale

    -- ** Sizes
    , Size, Size2D(Size,sizeW,sizeH), sz, sizeFromPoint, sizeFromVec, sizeZero, sizeNull, sizeEncloses
    , sizeMin, sizeMax

    -- ** Vectors
    , Vector, Vector2(Vector,vecX,vecY), vector, vec, vecFromPoint, vecFromSize, vecZero, vecNull
    , vecNegate, vecOrtogonal, vecAdd, vecSub, vecScale, vecBetween, vecLength
    , vecLengthDouble

    -- ** Rectangles
    , Rect, Rect2D(Rect,rectLeft,rectTop,rectWidth,rectHeight)
    , rectTopLeft, rectTopRight, rectBottomLeft, rectBottomRight, rectBottom, rectRight
    , rect, rectBetween, rectFromSize, rectZero, rectNull, rectSize, rectIsEmpty
    , rectContains, rectMoveTo, rectFromPoint, rectCentralPoint, rectCentralRect, rectStretchTo
    , rectCentralPointDouble, rectCentralRectDouble
    , rectMove, rectOverlaps, rectsDiff, rectUnion, rectOverlap, rectUnions

    -- * IO Control
    , unitIO, bracket, bracket_, finally, finalize, when

    ) where

import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Types
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Draw
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Events( Orientation(..) )

-- | Inverse application, i.e. @feed x f@ = @f x@.
feed :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
feed x f
  = f x

-- | Composed Inverse application, i.e. @feed2 x y f@ = @f x y@.
feed2 :: a -> b -> (a -> b -> c) -> c
feed2 x y f
  = f x y

-- | Data types that can be represented through a bit mask. Only the @assocBitMask@ method
-- is required for a new instance.
class Eq b => BitMask b where
  -- | Give the association between the constructors and the bits. If a constructor
  -- corresponds to no bits set, it should come as the last element.
  assocBitMask :: [(b,Int)]

  -- | Convert to a bitmask
  toBitMask    :: b -> Int
  -- | Convert from a bitmask
  fromBitMask  :: Int -> b
  -- | Set the correct bits corresponding to a constructor in a mask.
  setBitMask :: b -> Int -> Int

  toBitMask x
    = case lookup x assocBitMask of
        Just m  -> m
        Nothing -> 0

  fromBitMask i
    = walk assocBitMask
      walk []         = error "Graphics.UI.WX.Types.fromBitMask: empty list"
      walk [(x,0)]    = x
      walk ((x,m):xs) | bitsSet m i = x
                      | otherwise   = walk xs

  setBitMask x i
    = i .-. (bits (map snd (assocBitMask::[(b,Int)]))) .+. toBitMask x

-- | Create a bitmask from a list of types.
mask :: BitMask b => [b] -> Int
mask xs
  = foldr (.+.) 0 (map toBitMask xs)