-- |
-- Module      : Data.X509.Validation.Signature
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- X.509 Certificate and CRL signature verification
module Data.X509.Validation.Signature
    ( verifySignedSignature
    , verifySignature
    , SignatureVerification(..)
    , SignatureFailure(..)
    ) where

import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 as RSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DSA as DSA
import Crypto.Hash

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.X509
import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.ASN1.Encoding
import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding

-- | A set of possible return from signature verification.
-- When SignatureFailed is return, the signature shouldn't be
-- accepted.
-- Other values are only useful to differentiate the failure
-- reason, but are all equivalent to failure.
data SignatureVerification =
      SignaturePass                    -- ^ verification succeeded
    | SignatureFailed SignatureFailure -- ^ verification failed
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Various failure possible during signature checking
data SignatureFailure =
      SignatureInvalid        -- ^ signature doesn't verify
    | SignaturePubkeyMismatch -- ^ algorithm and public key mismatch, cannot proceed
    | SignatureUnimplemented  -- ^ unimplemented signature algorithm
    deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Verify a Signed object against a specified public key
verifySignedSignature :: (Show a, Eq a, ASN1Object a)
                      => SignedExact a
                      -> PubKey
                      -> SignatureVerification
verifySignedSignature signedObj pubKey =
    verifySignature (signedAlg signed)
                    (getSignedData signedObj)
                    (signedSignature signed)
  where signed = getSigned signedObj

-- | verify signature using parameter
verifySignature :: SignatureALG -- ^ Signature algorithm used
                -> PubKey       -- ^ Public key to use for verify
                -> ByteString   -- ^ Certificate data that need to be verified
                -> ByteString   -- ^ Signature to verify
                -> SignatureVerification
verifySignature (SignatureALG_Unknown _) _ _ _ = SignatureFailed SignatureUnimplemented
verifySignature (SignatureALG hashALG pubkeyALG) pubkey cdata signature
    | pubkeyToAlg pubkey == pubkeyALG = case verifyF pubkey of
                                            Nothing -> SignatureFailed SignatureUnimplemented
                                            Just f  -> if f cdata signature
                                                            then SignaturePass
                                                            else SignatureFailed SignatureInvalid
    | otherwise                       = SignatureFailed SignaturePubkeyMismatch
        verifyF (PubKeyRSA key) = Just $ rsaVerify hashALG key
        verifyF (PubKeyDSA key)
            | hashALG == HashSHA1 = Just $ \a b -> case dsaToSignature a of
                                                    Nothing     -> False
                                                    Just dsaSig -> DSA.verify SHA1 key dsaSig b
            | otherwise           = Nothing
        verifyF _ = Nothing

        dsaToSignature :: ByteString -> Maybe DSA.Signature
        dsaToSignature b =
            case decodeASN1' BER b of
                Left _     -> Nothing
                Right asn1 ->
                    case asn1 of
                        Start Sequence:IntVal r:IntVal s:End Sequence:_ ->
                            Just $ DSA.Signature { DSA.sign_r = r, DSA.sign_s = s }
                        _ ->

        rsaVerify HashMD2    = RSA.verify (Just MD2)
        rsaVerify HashMD5    = RSA.verify (Just MD5)
        rsaVerify HashSHA1   = RSA.verify (Just SHA1)
        rsaVerify HashSHA224 = RSA.verify (Just SHA224)
        rsaVerify HashSHA256 = RSA.verify (Just SHA256)
        rsaVerify HashSHA384 = RSA.verify (Just SHA384)
        rsaVerify HashSHA512 = RSA.verify (Just SHA512)