# Version - update for GHC 9.6.2 - remove git repository from cabal file - update maintainer email address # Version - update for GHC 9.2.1 - expose X86.Asm module # Version - fix source code formatting # Version 0.4.6 - export more symbols (Csaba Hruska) - add stack.yaml (Matheus Magalhaes de Alcantara) - update for GHC 8.6.5 (Matheus Magalhães de Alcantara) - source code formatting (Matheus Magalhães de Alcantara) # Version 0.4.5 - fix build with newer base # Version 0.4.4 - export some useful data types # Version 0.4.3 - fixes to compile on GHC 7.10 and on Windows (Balázs Kőműves) - utility function to save r12..r15 (Balázs Kőműves) # Version 0.4.2 - fix OSX compilation # Version 0.4.1 - fix a bug which caused segmentation fault if a compiled function was called multiple times # Version 0.4 - rewrite FFI - support calling labels - speed up long code alignments - bugfix: auto size calculation fix # Version 0.3.1 - use multi-byte nop operations for padding - `preBuild` operation (may speed up code generation) - branch-predicition friendlier if-then-else - not-condition pattern: `N` usage example: `j (N E)` which is the same as `j NE` - bugfix: fix if-then-else condition # Version 0.3 - simpler API for label handling (the idea of labels as De-Bruijn indices is abandoned) # Version 0.2 - simpler API for immediate values: `Add ax, 1` - redesigned addressing API: `Add ax (addr $ rax + 4*rdi + 3)` - support near jumps - support automatic decision between short and near jumps (conditional jumps too) - support more registers and instructions: - cmovCC instructions - SSE registers: xmm0 - xmm7 - SSE instructions: movd, movq, movdqa, paddb, paddw, paddd, paddq, psubb, psubw, psubd, psubq, pxor - SSE instructions (partial support): psllw, pslld, psllq, pslldq, psrlw, psrld, psrlq, psrldq, psraw, psraq - bugfixes - throw an error if an immediate value does not fit - fix show instance of shift instructions # Version 0.1.4 - OSX operating system support (Balázs Kőműves) - better show for db - bugfix - save flags in traceReg # Version 0.1.3 - jmpq instruction support (George Stelle) - support near conditional jumps - support automatic decision between short and near conditional jumps for backward references - support alternative condition names - make possible to use labels as relative immediate values (not used yet) - bugfix - fail if a short jump is out of range # Version 0.1.2 - Windows operating system support (Balázs Kőműves) - GHC 7.10 support - TODO.md file added # Version - change dependencies to reflect that the package compiles only with ghc 8 - add 'tested-with: GHC == 8.0.1' to the cabal file # Version 0.1.1 - examples moved into the library - more Haddock comments - add cabal test suit - bugfixes - fix code generation for alignments - smaller code is generated now for 'add rax, 100' and similar instrcutions