module Text.XML.Light.Cursor
( Tag(..), getTag, setTag, fromTag
, Cursor(..), Path
, fromContent
, fromElement
, fromForest
, toForest
, toTree
, parent
, root
, getChild
, firstChild
, lastChild
, left
, right
, nextDF
, findChild
, findLeft
, findRight
, findRec
, isRoot
, isFirst
, isLast
, isLeaf
, isChild
, hasChildren
, getNodeIndex
, setContent
, modifyContent
, modifyContentM
, insertLeft
, insertRight
, insertGoLeft
, insertGoRight
, removeLeft
, removeRight
, removeGoLeft
, removeGoRight
, removeGoUp
) where
import Text.XML.Light.Types
import Data.Maybe(isNothing)
import Control.Monad(mplus)
data Tag = Tag { tagName :: QName
, tagAttribs :: [Attr]
, tagLine :: Maybe Line
} deriving (Show)
getTag :: Element -> Tag
getTag e = Tag { tagName = elName e
, tagAttribs = elAttribs e
, tagLine = elLine e
setTag :: Tag -> Element -> Element
setTag t e = fromTag t (elContent e)
fromTag :: Tag -> [Content] -> Element
fromTag t cs = Element { elName = tagName t
, elAttribs = tagAttribs t
, elLine = tagLine t
, elContent = cs
type Path = [([Content],Tag,[Content])]
data Cursor = Cur
{ current :: Content
, lefts :: [Content]
, rights :: [Content]
, parents :: Path
} deriving (Show)
parent :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
parent loc =
case parents loc of
(pls,v,prs) : ps -> Just
Cur { current = Elem
(fromTag v
(combChildren (lefts loc) (current loc) (rights loc)))
, lefts = pls, rights = prs, parents = ps
[] -> Nothing
root :: Cursor -> Cursor
root loc = maybe loc root (parent loc)
left :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
left loc =
case lefts loc of
t : ts -> Just loc { current = t, lefts = ts
, rights = current loc : rights loc }
[] -> Nothing
right :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
right loc =
case rights loc of
t : ts -> Just loc { current = t, lefts = current loc : lefts loc
, rights = ts }
[] -> Nothing
firstChild :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
firstChild loc =
do (t : ts, ps) <- downParents loc
return Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = ts , parents = ps }
lastChild :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
lastChild loc =
do (ts, ps) <- downParents loc
case reverse ts of
l : ls -> return Cur { current = l, lefts = ls, rights = []
, parents = ps }
[] -> Nothing
findLeft :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
findLeft p loc = do loc1 <- left loc
if p loc1 then return loc1 else findLeft p loc1
findRight :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
findRight p loc = do loc1 <- right loc
if p loc1 then return loc1 else findRight p loc1
findChild :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
findChild p loc =
do loc1 <- firstChild loc
if p loc1 then return loc1 else findRight p loc1
nextDF :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
nextDF c = firstChild c `mplus` up c
where up x = right x `mplus` (up =<< parent x)
findRec :: (Cursor -> Bool) -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
findRec p c = if p c then Just c else findRec p =<< nextDF c
getChild :: Int -> Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
getChild n loc =
do (ts,ps) <- downParents loc
(ls,t,rs) <- splitChildren ts n
return Cur { current = t, lefts = ls, rights = rs, parents = ps }
downParents :: Cursor -> Maybe ([Content], Path)
downParents loc =
case current loc of
Elem e -> Just ( elContent e
, (lefts loc, getTag e, rights loc) : parents loc
_ -> Nothing
fromContent :: Content -> Cursor
fromContent t = Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = [], parents = [] }
fromElement :: Element -> Cursor
fromElement e = fromContent (Elem e)
fromForest :: [Content] -> Maybe Cursor
fromForest (t:ts) = Just Cur { current = t, lefts = [], rights = ts
, parents = [] }
fromForest [] = Nothing
toTree :: Cursor -> Content
toTree loc = current (root loc)
toForest :: Cursor -> [Content]
toForest loc = let r = root loc in combChildren (lefts r) (current r) (rights r)
isRoot :: Cursor -> Bool
isRoot loc = null (parents loc)
isFirst :: Cursor -> Bool
isFirst loc = null (lefts loc)
isLast :: Cursor -> Bool
isLast loc = null (rights loc)
isLeaf :: Cursor -> Bool
isLeaf loc = isNothing (downParents loc)
isChild :: Cursor -> Bool
isChild loc = not (isRoot loc)
getNodeIndex :: Cursor -> Int
getNodeIndex loc = length (lefts loc)
hasChildren :: Cursor -> Bool
hasChildren loc = not (isLeaf loc)
setContent :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor
setContent t loc = loc { current = t }
modifyContent :: (Content -> Content) -> Cursor -> Cursor
modifyContent f loc = setContent (f (current loc)) loc
modifyContentM :: Monad m => (Content -> m Content) -> Cursor -> m Cursor
modifyContentM f loc = do x <- f (current loc)
return (setContent x loc)
insertLeft :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor
insertLeft t loc = loc { lefts = t : lefts loc }
insertRight :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor
insertRight t loc = loc { rights = t : rights loc }
removeLeft :: Cursor -> Maybe (Content,Cursor)
removeLeft loc = case lefts loc of
l : ls -> return (l,loc { lefts = ls })
[] -> Nothing
removeRight :: Cursor -> Maybe (Content,Cursor)
removeRight loc = case rights loc of
l : ls -> return (l,loc { rights = ls })
[] -> Nothing
insertGoLeft :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor
insertGoLeft t loc = loc { current = t, rights = current loc : rights loc }
insertGoRight :: Content -> Cursor -> Cursor
insertGoRight t loc = loc { current = t, lefts = current loc : lefts loc }
removeGoLeft :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
removeGoLeft loc = case lefts loc of
l : ls -> Just loc { current = l, lefts = ls }
[] -> Nothing
removeGoRight :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
removeGoRight loc = case rights loc of
l : ls -> Just loc { current = l, rights = ls }
[] -> Nothing
removeGoUp :: Cursor -> Maybe Cursor
removeGoUp loc =
case parents loc of
(pls,v,prs) : ps -> Just
Cur { current = Elem (fromTag v (reverse (lefts loc) ++ rights loc))
, lefts = pls, rights = prs, parents = ps
[] -> Nothing
splitChildren :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe ([a],a,[a])
splitChildren _ n | n < 0 = Nothing
splitChildren cs pos = loop [] cs pos
where loop acc (x:xs) 0 = Just (acc,x,xs)
loop acc (x:xs) n = loop (x:acc) xs $! n1
loop _ _ _ = Nothing
combChildren :: [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a]
combChildren ls t rs = foldl (flip (:)) (t:rs) ls