module Text.XML.Light.Lexer where
import Text.XML.Light.Types
import Data.Char (chr,isSpace)
import Numeric (readHex)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
class XmlSource s where
uncons :: s -> Maybe (Char,s)
instance XmlSource String where
uncons (c:s) = Just (c,s)
uncons "" = Nothing
instance XmlSource S.ByteString where
uncons bs = f `fmap` S.uncons bs
where f (c,s) = (chr (fromEnum c), s)
instance XmlSource L.ByteString where
uncons bs = f `fmap` L.uncons bs
where f (c,s) = (chr (fromEnum c), s)
instance XmlSource TS.Text where
uncons = TS.uncons
instance XmlSource TL.Text where
uncons = TL.uncons
linenumber :: XmlSource s => Integer -> s -> LString
linenumber n s = case uncons s of
Nothing -> []
Just ('\r', s') -> case uncons s' of
Just ('\n',s'') -> next s''
_ -> next s'
Just ('\n', s') -> next s'
Just (c , s') -> (n,c) : linenumber n s'
next s' = n' `seq` ((n,'\n'):linenumber n' s') where n' = n + 1
data Scanner s = Scanner (Maybe (Char,s)) (s -> Maybe (Char,s))
customScanner :: (s -> Maybe (Char,s)) -> s -> Scanner s
customScanner next s = Scanner (next s) next
instance XmlSource (Scanner s) where
uncons (Scanner this next) = do (c,s1) <- this
return (c, Scanner (next s1) next)
type LChar = (Line,Char)
type LString = [LChar]
data Token = TokStart Line QName [Attr] Bool
| TokEnd Line QName
| TokCRef String
| TokText CData
deriving Show
tokens :: XmlSource source => source -> [Token]
tokens = tokens' . linenumber 1
tokens' :: LString -> [Token]
tokens' ((_,'<') : c@(_,'!') : cs) = special c cs
tokens' ((_,'<') : cs) = tag (dropSpace cs)
tokens' [] = []
tokens' cs@((l,_):_) = let (as,bs) = breakn ('<' ==) cs
in map cvt (decode_text as) ++ tokens' bs
where cvt (TxtBit x) = TokText CData { cdLine = Just l
, cdVerbatim = CDataText
, cdData = x
cvt (CRefBit x) = case cref_to_char x of
Just c -> TokText CData { cdLine = Just l
, cdVerbatim = CDataText
, cdData = [c]
Nothing -> TokCRef x
special :: LChar -> LString -> [Token]
special _ ((_,'-') : (_,'-') : cs) = skip cs
where skip ((_,'-') : (_,'-') : (_,'>') : ds) = tokens' ds
skip (_ : ds) = skip ds
skip [] = []
special c ((_,'[') : (_,'C') : (_,'D') : (_,'A') : (_,'T') : (_,'A') : (_,'[')
: cs) =
let (xs,ts) = cdata cs
in TokText CData { cdLine = Just (fst c), cdVerbatim = CDataVerbatim, cdData = xs }
: tokens' ts
where cdata ((_,']') : (_,']') : (_,'>') : ds) = ([],ds)
cdata ((_,d) : ds) = let (xs,ys) = cdata ds in (d:xs,ys)
cdata [] = ([],[])
special c cs =
let (xs,ts) = munch "" 0 cs
in TokText CData { cdLine = Just (fst c)
, cdVerbatim = CDataRaw
, cdData = '<':'!':(reverse xs)
} : tokens' ts
where munch acc nesting ((_,'>') : ds)
| nesting == (0::Int) = ('>':acc,ds)
| otherwise = munch ('>':acc) (nesting1) ds
munch acc nesting ((_,'<') : ds)
= munch ('<':acc) (nesting+1) ds
munch acc n ((_,x) : ds) = munch (x:acc) n ds
munch acc _ [] = (acc,[])
qualName :: LString -> (QName,LString)
qualName xs = let (as,bs) = breakn endName xs
(q,n) = case break (':'==) as of
(q1,_:n1) -> (Just q1, n1)
_ -> (Nothing, as)
in (QName { qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = q, qName = n }, bs)
where endName x = isSpace x || x == '=' || x == '>' || x == '/'
tag :: LString -> [Token]
tag ((p,'/') : cs) = let (n,ds) = qualName (dropSpace cs)
in TokEnd p n : case ds of
(_,'>') : es -> tokens' es
_ -> tokens' ds
tag [] = []
tag cs = let (n,ds) = qualName cs
(as,b,ts) = attribs (dropSpace ds)
in TokStart (fst (head cs)) n as b : ts
attribs :: LString -> ([Attr], Bool, [Token])
attribs cs = case cs of
(_,'>') : ds -> ([], False, tokens' ds)
(_,'/') : ds -> ([], True, case ds of
(_,'>') : es -> tokens' es
_ -> tokens' ds)
(_,'?') : (_,'>') : ds -> ([], True, tokens' ds)
[] -> ([],False,[])
_ -> let (a,cs1) = attrib cs
(as,b,ts) = attribs cs1
in (a:as,b,ts)
attrib :: LString -> (Attr,LString)
attrib cs = let (ks,cs1) = qualName cs
(vs,cs2) = attr_val (dropSpace cs1)
in ((Attr ks (decode_attr vs)),dropSpace cs2)
attr_val :: LString -> (String,LString)
attr_val ((_,'=') : cs) = string (dropSpace cs)
attr_val cs = ("",cs)
dropSpace :: LString -> LString
dropSpace = dropWhile (isSpace . snd)
string :: LString -> (String,LString)
string ((_,'"') : cs) = break' ('"' ==) cs
string ((_,'\'') : cs) = break' ('\'' ==) cs
string cs = breakn eos cs
where eos x = isSpace x || x == '>' || x == '/'
break' :: (a -> Bool) -> [(b,a)] -> ([a],[(b,a)])
break' p xs = let (as,bs) = breakn p xs
in (as, case bs of
[] -> []
_ : cs -> cs)
breakn :: (a -> Bool) -> [(b,a)] -> ([a],[(b,a)])
breakn p l = (map snd as,bs) where (as,bs) = break (p . snd) l
decode_attr :: String -> String
decode_attr cs = concatMap cvt (decode_text cs)
where cvt (TxtBit x) = x
cvt (CRefBit x) = case cref_to_char x of
Just c -> [c]
Nothing -> '&' : x ++ ";"
data Txt = TxtBit String | CRefBit String deriving Show
decode_text :: [Char] -> [Txt]
decode_text xs@('&' : cs) = case break (';' ==) cs of
(as,_:bs) -> CRefBit as : decode_text bs
_ -> [TxtBit xs]
decode_text [] = []
decode_text cs = let (as,bs) = break ('&' ==) cs
in TxtBit as : decode_text bs
cref_to_char :: [Char] -> Maybe Char
cref_to_char cs = case cs of
'#' : ds -> num_esc ds
"lt" -> Just '<'
"gt" -> Just '>'
"amp" -> Just '&'
"apos" -> Just '\''
"quot" -> Just '"'
_ -> Nothing
num_esc :: String -> Maybe Char
num_esc cs = case cs of
'x' : ds -> check (readHex ds)
_ -> check (reads cs)
where check [(n,"")] = cvt_char n
check _ = Nothing
cvt_char :: Int -> Maybe Char
cvt_char x
| fromEnum (minBound :: Char) <= x && x <= fromEnum (maxBound::Char)
= Just (toEnum x)
| otherwise = Nothing