module Text.XML.Unresolved
, readFile
, renderLBS
, parseLBS
, parseLBS_
, parseText
, parseText_
, sinkTextDoc
, sinkDoc
, toEvents
, fromEvents
, renderBuilder
, renderBytes
, renderText
, InvalidEventStream (..)
, P.def
, P.ParseSettings
, P.psDecodeEntities
, P.psRetainNamespaces
, R.RenderSettings
, R.rsPretty
, R.rsNamespaces
) where
import Prelude hiding (writeFile, readFile, FilePath)
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (FilePath, encodeString)
import Data.XML.Types
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Render as R
import qualified Text.XML.Stream.Parse as P
import Text.XML.Stream.Parse (ParseSettings)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import Control.Exception (throw)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, monadThrow, runExceptionT, runResourceT)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Conduit.Lazy (lazyConsume)
readFile :: P.ParseSettings -> FilePath -> IO Document
readFile ps fp = runResourceT $ CB.sourceFile (encodeString fp) $$ sinkDoc ps
sinkDoc :: MonadThrow m
=> P.ParseSettings
-> Consumer ByteString m Document
sinkDoc ps = P.parseBytesPos ps =$= fromEvents
writeFile :: R.RenderSettings -> FilePath -> Document -> IO ()
writeFile rs fp doc =
runResourceT $ renderBytes rs doc $$ CB.sinkFile (encodeString fp)
renderLBS :: R.RenderSettings -> Document -> L.ByteString
renderLBS rs doc =
L.fromChunks $ unsafePerformIO
$ lazyConsume
$ renderBytes rs doc
parseLBS :: P.ParseSettings -> L.ByteString -> Either SomeException Document
parseLBS ps lbs =
runST $ runExceptionT
$ CL.sourceList (L.toChunks lbs) $$ sinkDoc ps
parseLBS_ :: P.ParseSettings -> L.ByteString -> Document
parseLBS_ ps lbs = either throw id $ parseLBS ps lbs
data InvalidEventStream = ContentAfterRoot P.EventPos
| MissingRootElement
| InvalidInlineDoctype P.EventPos
| MissingEndElement Name (Maybe P.EventPos)
| UnterminatedInlineDoctype
deriving Typeable
instance Exception InvalidEventStream
instance Show InvalidEventStream where
show (ContentAfterRoot (pos, e)) = mShowPos pos ++ "Found content after root element: " ++ prettyShowE e
show MissingRootElement = "Missing root element"
show (InvalidInlineDoctype (pos, e)) = mShowPos pos ++ "Invalid content inside doctype: " ++ prettyShowE e
show (MissingEndElement name Nothing) = "Documented ended while expected end element for: " ++ prettyShowName name
show (MissingEndElement name (Just (pos, e))) = mShowPos pos ++ "Expected end element for: " ++ prettyShowName name ++ ", but received: " ++ prettyShowE e
show UnterminatedInlineDoctype = "Unterminated doctype declaration"
mShowPos :: Maybe P.PositionRange -> String
mShowPos Nothing = ""
mShowPos (Just pos) = show pos ++ ": "
prettyShowE :: Event -> String
prettyShowE = show
prettyShowName :: Name -> String
prettyShowName = show
renderBuilder :: Monad m => R.RenderSettings -> Document -> Producer m Builder
renderBuilder rs doc = CL.sourceList (toEvents doc) =$= R.renderBuilder rs
renderBytes rs doc = CL.sourceList (toEvents doc) =$= R.renderBytes rs
renderText rs doc = CL.sourceList (toEvents doc) =$= R.renderText rs
fromEvents :: MonadThrow m => Consumer P.EventPos m Document
fromEvents = do
skip EventBeginDocument
d <- Document <$> goP <*> require goE <*> goM
skip EventEndDocument
y <- CL.head
case y of
Nothing -> return d
Just (_, EventEndDocument) -> lift $ monadThrow MissingRootElement
Just z ->
lift $ monadThrow $ ContentAfterRoot z
skip e = do
x <- CL.peek
when (fmap snd x == Just e) (CL.drop 1)
many f =
go id
go front = do
x <- f
case x of
Nothing -> return $ front []
Just y -> go (front . (:) y)
dropReturn x = CL.drop 1 >> return x
require f = do
x <- f
case x of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
my <- CL.head
case my of
Nothing -> error "Text.XML.Unresolved:impossible"
Just (_, EventEndDocument) -> lift $ monadThrow MissingRootElement
Just y -> lift $ monadThrow $ ContentAfterRoot y
goP = Prologue <$> goM <*> goD <*> goM
goM = many goM'
goM' = do
x <- CL.peek
case x of
Just (_, EventInstruction i) -> dropReturn $ Just $ MiscInstruction i
Just (_, EventComment t) -> dropReturn $ Just $ MiscComment t
Just (_, EventContent (ContentText t))
| T.all isSpace t -> CL.drop 1 >> goM'
_ -> return Nothing
goD = do
x <- CL.peek
case x of
Just (_, EventBeginDoctype name meid) -> do
CL.drop 1
return (Just $ Doctype name meid)
_ -> return Nothing
dropTillDoctype = do
x <- CL.head
case x of
Just (_, EventEndDoctype) -> return ()
Just epos -> lift $ monadThrow $ InvalidInlineDoctype epos
Nothing -> lift $ monadThrow UnterminatedInlineDoctype
goE = do
x <- CL.peek
case x of
Just (_, EventBeginElement n as) -> Just <$> goE' n as
_ -> return Nothing
goE' n as = do
CL.drop 1
ns <- many goN
y <- CL.head
if fmap snd y == Just (EventEndElement n)
then return $ Element n as $ compressNodes ns
else lift $ monadThrow $ MissingEndElement n y
goN = do
x <- CL.peek
case x of
Just (_, EventBeginElement n as) -> (Just . NodeElement) <$> goE' n as
Just (_, EventInstruction i) -> dropReturn $ Just $ NodeInstruction i
Just (_, EventContent c) -> dropReturn $ Just $ NodeContent c
Just (_, EventComment t) -> dropReturn $ Just $ NodeComment t
Just (_, EventCDATA t) -> dropReturn $ Just $ NodeContent $ ContentText t
_ -> return Nothing
toEvents :: Document -> [Event]
toEvents (Document prol root epi) =
(EventBeginDocument :)
. goP prol . goE root . goM epi $ [EventEndDocument]
goP (Prologue before doctype after) =
goM before . maybe id goD doctype . goM after
goM [] = id
goM [x] = (goM' x :)
goM (x:xs) = (goM' x :) . goM xs
goM' (MiscInstruction i) = EventInstruction i
goM' (MiscComment t) = EventComment t
goD (Doctype name meid) =
(:) (EventBeginDoctype name meid)
. (:) EventEndDoctype
goE (Element name as ns) =
(EventBeginElement name as :)
. goN ns
. (EventEndElement name :)
goN [] = id
goN [x] = goN' x
goN (x:xs) = goN' x . goN xs
goN' (NodeElement e) = goE e
goN' (NodeInstruction i) = (EventInstruction i :)
goN' (NodeContent c) = (EventContent c :)
goN' (NodeComment t) = (EventComment t :)
compressNodes :: [Node] -> [Node]
compressNodes [] = []
compressNodes [x] = [x]
compressNodes (NodeContent (ContentText x) : NodeContent (ContentText y) : z) =
compressNodes $ NodeContent (ContentText $ x `T.append` y) : z
compressNodes (x:xs) = x : compressNodes xs
parseText :: ParseSettings -> TL.Text -> Either SomeException Document
parseText ps tl = runST
$ runExceptionT
$ CL.sourceList (TL.toChunks tl)
$$ sinkTextDoc ps
parseText_ :: ParseSettings -> TL.Text -> Document
parseText_ ps = either throw id . parseText ps
sinkTextDoc :: MonadThrow m
=> ParseSettings
-> Consumer Text m Document
sinkTextDoc ps = P.parseTextPos ps =$= fromEvents