{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.Runners as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HU
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=))
import qualified Xmlbf as X
import qualified Xmlbf.XmlHtml as Xx
main :: IO ()
main = Tasty.defaultMainWithIngredients
[ Tasty.consoleTestReporter
, Tasty.listingTests
] tt_main
tt_main :: Tasty.TestTree
tt_main =
-- All of the testcases suffixed "-BAD" below are actually undesired results
-- provided by xmlhtml. They are kept here as an acknowledgement of this
-- known behavior. See https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/issues/35
Tasty.testGroup "main"
[ HU.testCase "1" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "" @?= Right []
, HU.testCase "2-BAD" $ do
-- Leading whitespace droped :(
-- See https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/issues/35
Xx.fromRawXml " " @?= Right []
, HU.testCase "3" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "" @?= Right (X.element "foo" [] [])
, HU.testCase "4" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "" @?= Right (X.element "foo" [] [])
, HU.testCase "5-BAD" $ do
-- Leading whitespace droped :(
-- See https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/issues/35
Xx.fromRawXml " " @?= Right (X.element "foo" [] [])
, HU.testCase "6-BAD" $ do
-- Leading whitespace droped :(
-- See https://github.com/snapframework/xmlhtml/issues/35
Xx.fromRawXml " " @?= Right (X.element "foo" [] [] <> X.text " ")
, HU.testCase "7" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "" @?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "")] [])
, HU.testCase "8" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml ""
@?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "b")] [])
, HU.testCase "9" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml ""
@?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "b"), ("c", "")] [])
, HU.testCase "10" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml ""
@?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "b"), ("c", "d")] [])
, HU.testCase "11" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "bar"
@?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "b")] (X.text "bar"))
, HU.testCase "12" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml ""
@?= Right (X.element "foo" [("a", "b")] (X.element "bar" [] []))
, HU.testCase "13" $ do
HU.assertBool "should not parse"
(isLeft (Xx.fromRawXml ""))
, HU.testCase "14" $ do
HU.assertBool "should not parse"
(isLeft (Xx.fromRawXml ""))
, HU.testCase "15" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "<foo/>" @?= Right (X.text "")
, HU.testCase "16" $ do
Xx.fromRawXml "<" @?= Right (X.text "<")
, HU.testCase "17" $ do
-- Test BOM presence
Xx.fromRawXml "\xEF\xBB\xBF" @?= Xx.fromRawXml ""