module XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Compile
( defaultCompile
, defaultPostCompile
, compileUsingShell
, withFileLock
, withLock
) where
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Process
import Control.Exception.Extensible
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import System.Posix.User
import XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.File
import XMonad.Util.EntryHelper.Util
defaultCompile :: Bool -> IO ExitCode
defaultCompile force = do
b <- isSourceNewer
if force || b
then do
bin <- binPath <$> getXMonadPaths
let cmd = "ghc --make xmonad.hs -i -ilib -fforce-recomp -o " ++ bin
compileUsingShell cmd
else return ExitSuccess
defaultPostCompile :: ExitCode -> IO ()
defaultPostCompile ExitSuccess = return ()
defaultPostCompile st@(ExitFailure _) = do
ghcErr <- readFile =<< getXMonadLog
src <- getXMonadSrc
let msg = unlines $
[ "Error detected while loading xmonad configuration file: " ++ src]
++ lines (if null ghcErr then show st else ghcErr)
++ ["","Please check the file for errors."]
hPutStrLn stderr msg
_ <- forkProcess $ executeFile "xmessage" True ["-default", "okay", msg] Nothing
return ()
compileUsingShell :: String -> IO ExitCode
compileUsingShell cmd = do
dir <- getXMonadDir
compileLogPath <- getXMonadLog
hNullInput <- openFile "/dev/null" ReadMode
hCompileLog <- openFile compileLogPath WriteMode
hSetBuffering hCompileLog NoBuffering
let cp = (shell cmd)
{ cwd = Just dir
, std_in = UseHandle hNullInput
, std_out = UseHandle hCompileLog
, std_err = UseHandle hCompileLog
(_,_,_,ph) <- createProcess cp
waitForProcess ph
withLock :: a -> IO a -> IO a
withLock def action = do
tmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
usr <- getEffectiveUserName
let lockFile = tmpDir </> intercalate "." ["xmonad",usr,"lock"]
withFileLock lockFile def action
withFileLock :: FilePath -> a -> IO a -> IO a
withFileLock fPath def action = do
lock <- doesFileExist fPath
if lock
then skipCompile
else doCompile
skipCompile = do
putStrLn $ "Lock file " ++ fPath ++ " found, aborting ..."
putStrLn "Delete lock file to continue."
return def
doCompile = bracket_ (writeFile fPath "")
(removeFile fPath)
(safeIO def action)